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Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 08-01-2015, 08:48 PM

Hogwarts Hero

Student Sign-up
House: (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin)
Blood: (Pure blood, Half blood, Mud blood)
Pet: (Cat, Owl, Toad) [Picture/description/name]
Special Notes/Abilities:

Student Roster

Name: River Blackwood
Age: 11, 1st Year
House: Gryffindor
Blood: Mudblood
Pet: Riffle, a barn owl.
Special Notes/Abilities: Animagus
Animagus Form:

Name: Neville Longbottom
Age: 11, 1st Year
House: Gryffindor
Blood: Pureblood
Pet: Trevor: a toad

Last edited by Silver Storm; 10-30-2015 at 02:42 AM..

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 08-02-2015, 10:36 PM


Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 10-30-2015, 02:39 AM
Name: Neville Longbottom
Age: 11, 1st Year
House: Gryffindor
Blood: Pureblood
Pet: Trevor: a toad.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 10-30-2015, 03:10 AM

River entered King's Cross station and loaded her luggage onto one of the trolleys. Riffle, her barn owl, hooted softly from his cage atop her trunk, as she looked around for platform 9 and 3/4. Not seeing a platform 9 and 3/4's she double checked her ticket. Still says 9 and 3/4, but I don't see it," she mused looking around again. A hand landed on her shoulder and she jumped, jerking her head up to look into the gentle green eyes of her godfather Malcus Renolds.

"I thought you might have trouble finding the platform. I had the dickens of a time my first year." His green eyes twinkled down at her. "You're a smart filly and resourceful filly but I figured I would make this part easier on you. Hogwarts will be wonderful but there will be plenty a trial, especially your first year. Are you sure your up to it lass? Its only been year and a half." His green eyes darkened as they stared into her pale grey ones.

"I can do this Malcus, besides you can't shield me from life forever. Sooner or later I must go out and face the world," she said softly, brushing a strand of white-blond hair back over her shoulder.

Malcus stared into her eyes intently for a few moments before he gave a curt nod. "All right then Little One, follow me." He turned and began striding through the station, pushing her luggage trolley ahead of him. River behind him, letting his tall frame make a path through the crowds for her.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 10-30-2015, 10:08 PM

Neville nervously followed his grandmother she was droning on about how he would do well in hogwarts and how certain she was that he would get top grades because after all he was his father's son. He tried hard to not roll his eye's at the old woman it had been hard growing up with her but she was all he had and despite her nitpicking and backwards compliments he knew she loved him with all her hear. "Now be a good boy and don't let those children scare you after all." she brushed his hair back from the lightening shaped scar you are the chosen one." she smiled then ushered him onto the train handing him Trevor. "Goodbye my dear." she called as he hurried into a compartment on the train.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 11-02-2015, 12:34 AM

River followed her godfather through the barrier and onto platform 9 and 3/4's. She relaxed, having tensed the moment before her brain told her she would connect with the brick wall. Instead she was standing on the platform before a beautiful red and black steam engine. The platform was a cacophony of chattering children and adults, luggage trolleys being unloaded, hooting owls and hissing cats.

"Come on, time to go," Malcus said as the train's shrill whistle cut through the cacophony and the platform exploded into even greater chaos as children raced for the train, followed by the shouted well wishes of their parents. Malcus made River's trunk made it on to the train with the others and then herded her toward the passenger cars.

Malcus hunkered down in front of her. "Remember, if it ever becomes to much or you need anything, I am only an owl away." He hugged her and whispered into her ear, "Be cautious who you tell your secret to, make sure you can trust them with your life."

The whistle sounded its last call and Malcus released her, rising back up to his tower height of 6'4". River smiled up into his green eyes but whirled away quickly as she felt the burn of tears in her's. She rushed to jump onto the train, turning back to wave on final time to her guardian.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-02-2015, 01:46 AM

Neville watched the other students pass his compartment glad that no one decided to stay in his compartment for the ride. He had always suffered from a crippling shyness that his grandmother had been trying to break him off so far nothing had worked. He sighed glancing down at Trevor even the frog who had been his friend for a while seemed to hate him, he just couldn't win.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 11-02-2015, 02:22 AM

River wondered through the train trying to find an empty compartment. All of them were filled with chatting students, either friends made from years of Hogwarts or First year friends excitedly embarking on the journey together. River finally stopped in front of a compartment. It held one lonely looking boy holding a toad. He was maybe a little chubby but he was cute for sure.

River opened the door and poked her head in. "Hey mind if I join you? All the other compartments are full?"

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-03-2015, 02:42 AM

Neville looked up from staring at Trevor then blushed gentle. "S..sure." he stuttered threw the word then blushed more as he shifted uncomfortable feeling his shyness wash over him. He stared at the floor of the compartment hoping that the girl wouldn't think he was weird. "I'm Neville and this is Trevor." the frog looked up seeming like he was asking for help.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 11-04-2015, 01:16 AM

"Thanks," River said stepping into the compartment and putting her owl's cage on the seat across from Neville. "Nice to meet you. My name is River and this is Riffle," she said motioning at the cage.

She smiled down at Trevor, seeing his pleading expression. "He's cute. Can I hold him?" She smiled up at Neville, trying to ease the acute shyness she read on his face.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-04-2015, 02:52 AM

"Sure just hold him tight he likes to try to escape." Neville handed over the frog who looked realized to be away from Neville. "I don't know why he hates me I take good care of him and everything." he sighed then smiled. "Sorry I didn't mean to impose my pet problems on you." he looked at the floor again feeling like an idiot.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 11-04-2015, 03:32 AM

River gently took the toad, running a gentle finger over him lovingly. "Hey no worries. I love animals. They don't judge you or talk about you behind your back or act two-faced. They are honest with what they are feeling if you only know how to read it." She stopped and looked down at the toad, embarrassed now. "Sorry, I probably sound crazy."

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-06-2015, 08:42 PM

'You don't sound crazy but Trevor judges me. I don't know maybe I'm just not a pet person." Neville sighed. "But he's the only family I got besides my grandmother." he shrugged feeling a little jealous that Trevor seemed to like the girl more then him. "Traitor." he muttered turning to look out the window blinking when the sweets train rolled by. "Anything from the trolley?" the old lady pushing it asked. "Nothing for me thanks." Neville smiled.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 11-06-2015, 10:33 PM

River looked at the sweets train, trying to decide what to get. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the money that Malcus had given her for the trip and counted it. 11 sickles; enough to buy some of everything. "I'll take some of everything," she said handing the money to the witch.

The witch smiled kindly at River as she helped unload a pile of goodies into their compartment. With a final smile and a warning not to make themselves sick the witch moved onto the next compartment. River eyed the pile of sweets and then looked across at Neville.

"I don't suppose you would want to help me eat all this," she asked with a sweet smile.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-07-2015, 06:32 PM

"Oh no thank you I really don't want anything. I'm not a big sweets person Grandmother says they give you..." Neville trailed off then with a scowl he grabbed a licorice wand biting into it. "She's not here to see. Please don't say anything if you ever meet her she'll have my head." he grimaced then sat back he wasn't really hungry just wanted to be a little rebellious. 'So are you excited for your first year?"

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 11-09-2015, 01:05 AM

"It will be our secret," River whispered, miming sealing her lips. She gave him a conspiratorial wink, before reaching for a pumpkin pasty. She took a bite and sat back, pondering her answer to Neville's question. "Excited and a little nervous, especially about the sorting ceremony. I mean I have heard all the stories about Slytherin house and the witches and wizards that come out of there. What if I get put in there?"

She finished the pumpkin pasty and picked up a licorice wand. "What about you?"

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-14-2015, 09:41 PM

"I'll be happy if I get put in anything but I think I'll be put in Hufflepuff." Neville could see the look on his grandmothers face if he was put in Hufflepuff and smiled slightly. "Either that or Griffindor I'm not Slytherin or Ravenclaw material."

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 11-15-2015, 04:40 AM

River nodded. "Yeah I don't think I am Slytherin material but I can't help but be a little nervous."

She picked up the package of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and looked inspected them. Were they really every flavour? She wanted to ask Neville but that meant revealing that she was basically a muggle. Malcus had opened her eyes a lot to the magic world but she still felt like a fish out of water.

"Are they really every flavor?" She asked softly, deciding to take the risk. Neville seemed like a sweet guy and people were probably going to find out sooner or later that she was Muggle born. As long as they didn't find out her other secret, she was good.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-20-2015, 12:00 AM

"Unfortunate they are." Neville made a face. "Most of them are good but then you get vomit or rotten eggs and you don't touch them for a while." he chuckled softly then examined the girl a smile on his face. "Be glad you've never tried the ones that are gross."

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 11-25-2015, 01:09 AM

Vomit and rotten eggs? Gross!" She turned the package over in her hand. "I've actually never had them," River said pushing a strand of white blonde hair behind her ear. Afraid she had said to much, she quickly tried to redirect his attention. "You want to try one?" She said with a mischievous smile.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-26-2015, 09:55 PM

"Really?" Neville studied her. "Are you a muggle?" he smiled happily. "What is it like being in the muggle world?" he had grown up in the wizard world and he had always wondered what it would be like to not have magic, to not have so much pressure to get every spell right.

Last edited by finx15; 11-26-2015 at 10:00 PM..

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 11-27-2015, 05:05 AM

"Technically yes and technically no," River answered cautiously, for Malcus had warned her that some wizards were very picky and mean to those with no magical parents and blood line. "I mean no my parents weren't wizards but when they died and Malcus became my Guardian and well more like Godfather. Anyway he is a wizard so I know some of the magic world but I guess still relatively new to it all."

She paused for a moment to see how Neville was going to take it all but he had asked a question and seemed sweet enough. Its okay probably and many ways it to me seems no different than the wizarding life seems to you. Maybe we could exchange notes and questions this year?" She offered tentatively. "If you want."

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 03:17 AM

"You'll get use to it for the most part." Neville smiled at her. "I would like to exchange questions and notes. I'm still knew to the world of spells and there's a bunch of things I don't yet but I'll try my best to answer anything you ask." he shifted. "I can't wait to get there." he blinked. "Should take a while."

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 06:35 PM

"What do you know about Hogwarts?" River asked. "Is it safe? I mean it is this huge secret and then suddenly you are getting a letter from this mysterious place that is far away, out in the middle of nowhere. I mean what if they just kill off or imprison the witches and wizards who aren't the best."

Realizing that she was rambling, River grabbed a Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean and tossed it in her mouth. Its was an attempt to stop herself from rambling but the moment she bit down, she knew it was a bad idea. The most disgusting taste filled her mouth and barely stopped herself from retching. She swallowed the rest of it with out chewing, wanting it out of her mouth, but the taste lingered. "Oh that is gross."

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 12-12-2015, 07:28 PM

Neville smirked a little at the look on her face. "I told you it was every flavor." he popped one into his mouth thinking over her question. "I don't think Hogwarts is anything like that. I grew up in the wizard world and I've know about the school since I was little. It's a mystery to half bloods who's parents never told them and muggle born's who never knew about sorcery or magic."


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