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Old 01-30-2007, 09:04 PM

Are inspiration for Manga, Should Research:

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Manga, literally translated, means "random (or whimsical) pictures". The word first came into common usage in the late 18th century with the publication of such works as Suzuki Kankei's "Mankaku zuihitsu" (1771) and Santo Kyoden's picturebook "Shiji no yukikai" (1798), and in the early 19th century with such works as Aikawa Minwa's "Manga hyakujo" (1814) and the celebrated Hokusai manga containing assorted drawings from the sketchbook of the famous ukiyo-e artist Hokusai.[2] However, giga (literally "funny pictures"), especially chōjū jinbutsu giga (鳥獣人物戯画,, chōjū jinbutsu giga? literally "funny pictures of animals and humans"), drawn in the 12th century by various artists, contain many manga-like qualities such as emphasis on story and simple, artistic lines.
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
In 1938, writer Jerry Siegel and illustrator Joe Shuster, who had previously worked in pulp science fiction magazines, introduced Superman. The character possessed many of the traits that have come to define the superhero: a secret identity, superhuman powers and a colorful costume including a symbol and cape. His name is also the source of the term "superhero," although early comic book heroes were sometimes also called "mystery men" or "masked heroes".
Most Superhero Comics came around the early 1900s[/quote]

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Old 01-30-2007, 09:16 PM

And what point are you trying to prove by quoting wikipedia?
That manga is better than superheroes? hmm?

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Old 01-30-2007, 11:05 PM

No, that Manga came before superhearo comics, teh idea of COMICS originated in manga and japan

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Old 01-31-2007, 05:28 AM

Originally Posted by dragonpaladin
No, that Manga came before superhearo comics, teh idea of COMICS originated in manga and japan
As far as I know, the first Comic, ever considered comic, and what we think of as Manga is comics over in japan, was yellow kid.
I believe what that is wood block printings. other than wikipedia, every book I have read on both Manga and Comics, state that "Yellow Kid" came first as comic.
It is regard on both sides, as American Comics, and that style comic first, and with the style and influence coming from america. Such as the big eye look, and bodies tend to come from old Disney cartoons.

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Old 01-31-2007, 11:51 PM

Yellow Kid
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
The strip was drawn by artist Richard F. Outcault. It first appeared on a few occasions in Truth magazine 1894–1895 in black and white print, but gained immense popularity in New York City in 1895 when it debuted in Joseph Pulitzer's New York World as a black and white cartoon on 17 February 1895 and subsequently as a color cartoon on 5 May 1895. Outcault moved the Yellow Kid to William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal American in 1897. Pulitzer hired George Luks to draw a second version of the strip in the World, and thus the Yellow Kid appeared simultaneously in two competing papers. Both versions ended in 1898.
Manga was much earlier, Still talking about earlier comics?

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
When and where comics originated is another matter of debate, largely dependent on its definition. The majority view, represented by many authors and academic sources, Scott McCloud being the most recent, is that the comic format observes precedents in Egyptian hieroglyphics, Japanese emaki, European stained glass windows, pre-Columbian Central American manuscripts, and the Bayeux Tapestry.
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Emakimono (絵巻物, emakimono?), often simply called emaki (絵巻), is a horizontal, illustrated narrative form created during the 11th to 16th centuries in Japan. Unique to Japan, emakimono combines both text and pictures, and is drawn, painted, or stamped on a hand scroll. They depict battles, romance, religion, folk tales, and stories of the supernatural world. It is seen as the origin of modern Mangas.
There you have it, MANGA IS A BIG PART OF THE ORIGIN OF AMERICAN COMICS, SO RESPECT IT AND THE JAPANESE, and stop saying that superhero comics inspired manga, they might have inspired some mangas, but MANGA collectively was an inspiration for Comics in the US.

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Old 02-01-2007, 06:10 AM

If you read the entry in the comic section, it quotes comics being earlier. if you really want to get down to it, Stained glass windows and Mosaics, which tell storys with pictures. Which is how the christian church influenced the masses and retold stories, which is later which inspires comics, comes far before manga ever did.

Now, i never said superhero comics are what made manga. I said the inspired certain genres in manga, get it right.

Now as i said, other books I have read, not wikipedia that can be changed by people which is why it is not considered valid to use in research, have stated american comics coming first. one of the being "The History of Women in Comics" which does a detailed explanation of women's roles in the comic world, and highly praises Manga for bring women back, also states american comics coming first.

Along with a book simply entitled "Anime" stated the same thing. Read the actual comic section of wikipedia, and that is what it will tell you.

Now I do respect and love Japanese comics, I collect and read them myself. i just dislike, no loathe, seeing "otakus" discredit american comics because manga has to be so much better.

Coldfusion is offline
Old 02-01-2007, 10:29 AM

I think we need a debate forum.

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Old 02-01-2007, 09:43 PM

Originally Posted by AkashaHeartilly
If you read the entry in the comic section, it quotes comics being earlier. if you really want to get down to it, Stained glass windows and Mosaics, which tell storys with pictures. Which is how the christian church influenced the masses and retold stories, which is later which inspires comics, comes far before manga ever did.

Now, i never said superhero comics are what made manga. I said the inspired certain genres in manga, get it right.

Now as i said, other books I have read, not wikipedia that can be changed by people which is why it is not considered valid to use in research, have stated american comics coming first. one of the being "The History of Women in Comics" which does a detailed explanation of women's roles in the comic world, and highly praises Manga for bring women back, also states american comics coming first.

Along with a book simply entitled "Anime" stated the same thing. Read the actual comic section of wikipedia, and that is what it will tell you.

Now I do respect and love Japanese comics, I collect and read them myself. i just dislike, no loathe, seeing "otakus" discredit american comics because manga has to be so much better.
It says Both Those and Emaki and Egyption Hieroglyphys, So it is also Partly Emaki, Which is the origin of Manga, Which Means Manga is the Product of one of the Inspirations to American comics.

Manga came Before American Comics, Im just Stating this, For anyone who thinks it opposite.

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Old 02-03-2007, 07:05 PM

And as I said, only wikipedia states this, never have I seen it said any of the books I have read about manga and comics.

And even if that is true. The style of manga today and that started with Astro Boy, is a rip of american style.

The "manga" that is listed as start of "manga" is not the same style, look, or art. Even just looking it up from other sites, other than wikipedia, will list, manga as we think of it, started after Japan started trading with america and got american comics.

Compare the look of Astro Boy and early Japanese comics, to that of Japanese wood block printing and mang of the 18th/19th century. It is not even in the same foolow, look, style, and storytelling. Manga that is Japanese comics came about from American Comics and style. The story telling that we see in Manga today is from american comics.

Even Osamu Tezuka is quoted as saying inspired and ripped from Disney.

So comic style manga comes from American comics. While yes, techinically manga came somewhat first, it is not even the same thing, style or story telling. That is why even on wikipedia they give credit for today's manga that you read, that are japanese comics, come from and directly inspired by American comics. That if Walt Disney did not make his cartoons and art, then there would not be the Anime and Manga of today.

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Old 02-03-2007, 11:44 PM

God, we are talking about the origin of COMIC STYLE OF PANELS, NOT TEH ORIGIN OF THE ART OF ANIME/MANGA

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Old 02-04-2007, 10:46 AM

No, we still are talking the orgins of Anime/Manga. it came from Disney, simply put.
This is like saying Barque art came before Helenic Greek art. While barque is inspired, and has different orgins than Helenic art, like Manga, Helenic Greek art came first, like Disney.
How can you sit and sa and deny the major influence that created Modern Manga, not 18/19th century manga, which is not even the same style of Manga. This is like saying Warhol is like Michealanglo, while yes, both artit, that have the same type of training and learning from same classical orgins, is not the same.
If Osamu Tezuka, Godfather of Anime and Modern manga, is said to directedly ripped, and disney si what inspired him to make his work, creating Manga/Anime as we know, how can you denny this?
Modern, notice word Modern, let's look at it again, Modern, not classical Manga, is not the same. As said, like Comparing Warhol and Michealanglo. Modern Manga, and 18/19th century Manga not the same thing. The manga you read today and the anime you watch today is because of Disney and American comics. There is no and's, if's, or but's around it. It is simply what is true. The founders of modern of manga even say soo.

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Old 02-04-2007, 07:45 PM

I appreciate what you're trying to say dragonpaladin, japanese prints were much revered by poster artists, and the like, and it was all part of a creative movement at the turn of the century. However, have you ever read an early Japanese comic? They're out there if you look -- there is a heavy dose of western influence there. Just because they needed something to call it doesn't mean it sprung fully formed.

So, delve a little deeper into the actual substance of comic history. There's nothing wrong with trading influences in a creative school of thought.

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Old 02-04-2007, 11:11 PM

[/End Discussion]

Spatterdash is offline
Old 07-23-2007, 08:50 PM

I'm sure Eastern and Western comics have influenced one another, but it seems unfair to suggest that one started off the other. Sequential art has been around since the Ancient Egyptians, for goodness' sake. Many, many cultures have produced some form of art which could be seen as a prototype to comic books.
Manga has its roots in art of the 18th and 19th century. There's been cartoons and comic strips around since at least the 19th century in the West. The two forms probably developed entirely independently, but have been trading ideas since at least the 40s.

Anyway, who cares which came first or which is better? Enjoy what you enjoy, and don't get hung up on proving that your tastes are superior.


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