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Old 03-08-2007, 06:50 AM

This is a topic for the literature I made on and am re-posting here. Once done with that, I'll also post new/old literature of mine as I become unlazy enough to do so. :P Feel free to discuss my work within the topic, compliment/criticize my work, or make suggestions for future works. =^^=


1) Index Post
2) A Menace in the Moonlight
3) Awakening of the Hero
4) Haiku Academy - A Collection of Haiku by Yours Truly
5) Pink Rose

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Old 03-08-2007, 06:53 AM

The man stumbled as he ran from the bellowing beast, tripping and falling onto the colorless ground, riddled as it was with fallen leaves, broken and decaying branches, and moldy, moist grasses. His face hit the ground with a crunch, a small branch lying beneath, casting its vengeance upon his cheeks with a stinging slit of dark red blood to drip from his face. He scurried back up to his feet, the adrenaline rushing through him as his horrified and panicked body races the pursuing creature to safety. His mind would not race as his body had shortly after, as he was caught and pinned to the ground. "Dead..." he thought to himself, the beast's fangs barred to his face in a cunning and victorious grin. In mere moments, the man's screaming would pierce the silence of the woods, the animal tearing into his flesh in a slow, savory pleasure that it had caught fresh meat that night...
The next evening, the beast arose with a loud roar, as it awoke hungry in both belly and mind. Hungry for blood and terror. Hungry for the thrill of another hunt. Rising quickly from its nesting grounds, it dashed through the woods at furious speeds, using its heightened sense of smell to find anything that would provide decent entertainment for the night. Little did he know that he would be in luck - two armored beastmen were in a heated discussion in a small clearing in the middle of its large territory.

"You can't possibly be serious, can you," said one of them in a high-pitched, feminine tone.
"I couldn't be more serious. We lost one more traveller last night. Soon we won't have any business since people will be too fearful of the thing to even attempt the journey," said the other in a low, raspy, masculine voice. "We need to kill this thing tonight, before it can take any more lives."
"I suppose. They are orders from the council, aren't they," the first one replied.
"Indeed. They summoned us from our personal quests just to kill this thing. It must be powerful for them to have called upon legendary warriors such as ourselves."
"Then let's get this over with. If this thing is powerful enough to merit OUR challenge, then it better be worth it or they can find some other powerful warriors to do it." At that, the beast grinned if in such great pleasure at the future demise of these arrogant fools. It quickly and silently moved to a spot a little closer to them, waiting for them to either split, or start down one of the many dark groves in the area. To its amusement, they decided to split up to track it down, so as to lead it to the other when they tracked it down.
He began to follow the one with the female voice first, as it came towards him.
"Such a poor, naive little target," it thought to itself. It made a low growling noise, as if to laugh at the beastwoman's misfortune. That, however, was enough to alarm its presence to her, provoking a cry of surprise from her - an indication of weakness. It used this advantage to leap forth from its camouflage position and tackle her to the ground. As it had with the man the night before, it barred its fangs in a sinister, victorious grin. A grin, however, that was wiped away as she thrust it off her body and into a tree. She quickly flipped up and withdrew a small dagger from her sleeve. She looked into the creature's eyes as she flung the dagger straight at it, travelling lightning speed, where it landed with a resounding thud in the bark of the tree.
"She's dangerous," the beast thought to itself, having just barely dodged her attack and prepared for the most entertaining fight of its life. It growled that menacing, laughable growl, sending shivers up the beastwoman's spine.
"I found it! It's a Death Lyger! Come quick," she called out to her partner, a call that echoed and reverberated against the silent trees of the woods. She readied herself for another pass by the beast, but not quickly enough. It had pounced on her again as she was distracted in calling her partner. It just as quickly sunk its fangs into her throat, ripping out her vital organs, and feasted on her open neck. She had no time to time to feel the pain. Within moments, the lyger had torn off her head by eating away at the neck, causing the rest of the body to go limp.
"I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm-" The beastman shockingly gazed at his partner's limp body and disconnected face. " me now..." his reaction became, as fear began to take over his body, his mind, his emotions. As he began to regain composure, he immediately fled from the scene at a thunderous pace. The lyger pursued the warrior at nearly the same pace. It was now a game of cat and mouse, near literally, as the beastman ran for his life, the lyger hunting for another kill.
"I've faced wretched dragons...horrific demons...even undead sorcerers...but NOTHING compares to THIS foul monstrosity," the beastman screamed to himself. As he rushed through the woods, he found a small, hidden cove underneath a tiny ledge of stones. Figuring it was a place of safety, he quickly jumped in there and drew a dagger - one that was a bit longer and more decorated than the beastwoman's before him. The lyger passed overhead and kept going at top speed. After it had gone clear out of sight, he breathed a sigh of relief. One that was stifled by movement behind him. As his eyes adjusted, he could feel the moist, damp mold beginning to collect on his skin. Before he could realize what was going on, a acidic, burning sensation stung simultaneously along his skin. This shock forced out a scream, which lasted only a few minutes as the gooey mold encased itself around his paralyzed body, its gelatinous form eating away at the very fabrics of not just his sanity, but his life. Within minutes, his life would end. And two more lives would be lost to those of the woods...

-End (Story by Heroman)

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Old 03-08-2007, 07:00 AM

Heroman is different from all the other humanoid robots, reploids, and similar creations he's come across. As opposed to being created entirely from the ground up, he is rather a cyborg - a flesh-and-blood being transformed by cybernetic gear. Unlike cyborgs, though, Heroman's cybernetics aren't permanently ingrained into his body. Instead, it is an armor that can be summoned to him regardless of his location interplanar, interdimensionally, and interuniversally. It can also do a wide variety of other things, such as absorb enemy powers or transform depending on Hero's power levels.
By obtaining highly advanced technological information from Heroman's natural form, Dr. Light was able to program the suit with all sorts of powers and abilities - ranging from auto-transforming upgrade capacitators to the E.T.H.E.R. system - the Eternal Timed Hypertransportation Ethereal Relay, which allows the suit its transportability. Upon finishing the suit, Dr. Light took a DNA sample of the natural form and injected it into the suit, leaving an H-shaped insignia on its heart - the birthmark, and trademark symbol, of the legendary family believed to be deceased with the rest of their kind.
Hero tested the new suit by aiding Mega Man in several missions. This testing proved not only to be successful, but it saved the Blue Bomber's life on a couple of occassions. Though he complained of being restricted in his use of powers, he complemented on its high-grade defense capabilities and the memory-recall utility of the absorbtion power, which expanded the suit's usefulness as he used it over time. Pleased with the final outcome, he gratefully bid Dr. Light and his crew a fond farewell and took off towards the stars...
Several years later, Hero returns to Dr. Light with news that a great evil will be approaching the Eternity, and he'll need a machine to amplify his power so as to take on the evil. Dr. Light said that not even with the technological knowledge he had provided that this wouldn't be possible, but that he could build a machine that slowly gathered and generated mass amounts of stored energy over time while in a state of suspended animation. Hero agreed to this in hopes that the time it took to finish collecting energy wouldn't be too long, as the evil was to be there soon. Dr. Light finished the machine within several days' time and they immediately initiated the program. Hero sulked when the doc noted it would probably take several years to complete, but he figured that the other Guardians would be able to at least hold off until then...
"Spiritual Energy Gathering Anomaly Materializing System (Xperimental) initializing...........all systems a-ok! Program shall complete in.......10.07 years..."

Alone in the Seance Tank, the legendary cyber-noid known as Heroman floated in peaceful slumber among gathering energies. He had been there over a decade while a terrible, gruesome force wreaked havoc on all planes of the Eternity. The Guardians tried to stop it, or at least slow it down, but to little effect - the being simply tossed them aside like paper dolls. The combined force of every known creator in the Eternity even went as merely a prick on its powerful onslaught. It slaughtered every immortal as if a bovine to be dinner, save for the six original Creators of the Eternity. Those creators continued to search for answers...knowing their final Guardian lie resting in a training chamber. They found no way to slow down the mighty will of this terrifying power. It resisted every effort of theirs to banish it, to entrap it within an enclosed dimension, or any other attempt to aggress it on their own. The most they could do was completely enclose their realm, which had thus far succeeded.
The time was quickly approaching. The power was close to Hero's universe, and Hero was close to completing the program. Everyone and everything held their breaths in utmost tension, awaiting only their deaths as the force passed through their territory, or awaiting the arrival of their so-called "savior" - the hero with so much power that it could even challenge the most powerful of evils. The time had finally come...
Slowly, the energies started to concede...all of them being absorbed into the legendary cybernoid's body and armor. At long last...after a period of exactly 10.07 years...the program was complete. A new hero was born...
"Program complete. Running error errors detected in program. Releasing subject from suspended animation..."
The machine made a loud whirring noise as it opened the door, which let out its own gaseous sound. Hero's eyes slowly opened up, adjusting to the age-old surroundings he had not familiarized himself with for over ten years. The lab was in disrepair...signs of Dr. Light's passing - or at least his abandonment of the facility - were obvious. Mega Man was also nowhere to be found. He stepped out from the chamber and nearly collapsed, his legs weary from not being used in so long. After adjusting himself to the new age, memories began flooding to his mind. Memories of why he'd gone into stasis. Memories of what would be happening to him in mere moments...

"So...this is the so-called 'legendary hero' that everyone so fondly spoke of. Looks kinda pathetic to me, really." A quick-witted female voice spoke out.
"Yeah, I guess that would be me. And who might you be, dare I ask?" Hero curiously replied.
"Why, I'm the Destroyer of Eternities. The Hunter of Creators. The Ender of All Existance. I am...Nothing."
"Nothing?! THE Nothing?!?" Hero exclaimed shockingly. The mere mention of the essence's name struck fear in the hearts of even the most powerful of Creators. "But isn't Nothing an all-consuming essence that appears in a form similar to that of a Black Hole, but moves much more rapidly and absorbs everything in sight?"
"If I were to go full-form...yes, that sounds about the right description." The essence cackled out as she felt Hero's shock and sensed the fear and denial in his voice. "However, it gets tiring doing that all the time. I may not use energy, but I'm not some simple thing that eats all the time. I take my time and have a little fun now and then. I sometimes work with my 'significant other' to take out pests that he gets annoyed with or whatever, and in turn he continues to create more things I can feed on. Or at least more things that can create more things upon which I can feed."
A tinge of understanding glanced Hero's eyes. Perhaps Nothing wasn't evil so much as it was just another true essence - completely neutral with no regards to anything or anyone else but those which and who are most important to its survival. He nodded in acknowledgement. "But then...why can't Existance just create an entire dimension for you to feast within and simply create heavily within that?"
"Haha! Poor, poor soul...if only you knew...hahahaha! Where do you think you reside now? Do you honestly believe that there would be one existance for everything to make their own destinies and fates and a seperate one where everything is interfered with by us? Fool! Not only is that unfair and unjust, it is unrighteous! And they call you a 'hero'? Tsk...shows what kind of intelligence they have around here."
"Actually...if everything you ate in that seperate dimension hadn't a soul, would there not be any matter of morality at hand? If no person, no inanimate object...nothing had a soul or spiritual place...would it?"
"Now comes an actual intelligent remark. Maybe there is some real intelligence out there amongst all the creations. First off, no. They wouldn't have any sense of purpose, nor would there be anything for them to look forward to after death. Once consumed, they would be erased. I don't see how that is morally flawed, save for the fact that - like you - they would be working their whole lives for something, only to find out that it was really nothing at all...just like fattening up pigs used for slaughter on your home planet Earth."
"Then how about this - go to Existance with my proposal for this 'private dimension' and if he agrees, then you can leave us be to our own lives with the exception of Existance's calling to take care of nuisances?"
"Well, I believe that you still fail to realize the unfairness of your proposal. Even if there are no moral grounds on which to question your more detailed plan, there are grounds of balanced judgement - of fairness - that shall be considered. Unlike some other Existances and Nothings, we're not cruel and oppressive bending everything to our natural will. We take care of our creations so that - in turn - they will take care of us. An equal exchange."
"I see. Then what can I do to persuade you and Existance to create this alternate dimension?" Hero looked desperate. Nothing pondered the matter several minutes before attempting a reply.
"Return to your natural form. You've amassed plenty of power in that machine that you could easily cross Eternities and confront Existance himself. Approach him with the Cross-Eternal ability, which I will teach you, and propose you become his disciple. Once you've become his disciple, you will learn everything you can from Existance. As soon as you've completed training under him, you will have earned my complete and utter trust. I will allow you to create what you will to feed me, and if it's enough to keep me satisfied, then I shall not even grace other Eternities. in the least bit, and I shall return until I've had my fill. Is that an agreeable compromise?"
"Yes, that sounds completely fair to me. I'll agree to that, knowing that there is quite a possibility that I could fail in keeping you satisfied." Hero looked confident, however. The tone in his voice grew bold and daring, ever his father's son.
"Very well then. Follow me. I shall teach you what you need to know and get you going." Nothing smiled warmly at the cybernoid, who began to transform back to his natural form, walking closer towards her. "Come, Halo...let us begin."

-...To Be Continued... (Story by Heroman)

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Old 03-08-2007, 07:02 AM

The modern twilight's blur
Kunoichi and lover
A sunset's whole kiss

Swords clash in mid-air
Ninja and samurai pass
One who falls alone

Blossoms of cherry
Floating across the pink sky
Forever painting you

Love like water's still
Reflecting those who near it
Never knowing self

A romantic scene
Hot springs and cherry blossoms
A warm, gentle kiss

A kind, gentle voice
Light surrounds me everywhere
Touch of a goddess

-More to come soon... (By Heroman)

(3/9/07 - Added two new haiku.)

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Old 03-08-2007, 07:07 AM

"'Project Rose' is ready to initiate, sir! Shall I start 'er up," the young space commander announced to his superior as he checked all the gauges, specs, and gear to make sure everything was in working condition from the pilot's seat.
"Go ahead, Commander! We haven't a second to lose here! I'll meet you at the docking bay for further instructions! Over and out!" The superior sounded desperate, as if exhausted and fighting a losing battle. If it weren't for the fact that he was, it would've been a more haunting circumstance. This, however, was one of dire attention, of bravery, of those whose experience and reliability would be called upon for the very sake of humanity. Its existance hinged on it.
"Booting engines now, Colonel. ETA one minute, twelve point thirty-eight seconds." The commander started the thrusters of his gargantuan battle android - far bigger than any android previously built and currently still in the testing phases. In fact, this battle was its first test in actual combat, as only simulators and calculated runs had been done before. The commander - a fresh pilot out of the Intergalactic Federation Battle Academy - was chosen to test it due to being the valedictorian of his class, showing prodigal skills in all areas.
''Rose'' swiftly climbed the docking tunnel leading out into the docking bay, where the colonel's battle droid - weathered, worn, and desperately in need of repairs - awaited the experimental warbot. The two faced each other down, their pilots taking good long glances before speaking to each other.

"So what're my orders, sir," the commander firmly asked, anxious to get to the field and test out his new toys' prowess.
"Your orders are to destroy the enemy base, which is approaching Earth from sector Delta-Zeta-33O-R.A.Y. Most of our force has already been annihilated, so you are essentially our last hope, as the proposed power of 'Rose' is supposedly enough to take on half an army. Let's hope it's ready to go!"
"Aye aye, sir! Commander Isahro out!" With that, Commander Isahro threw "Rose" into full-throttle and thrust her outward into the vastness of space, towards the coordinates his superior officer gave him.
"Good luck, Isahro. May all of Earth be with you..."
Several minutes into the flight, the commander found the heat of the battle and met with resistance. "Great," he thought to himself, "a chance to test out 'Rose!'" He flipped some switches and took aim at a group of assailants. As "Rose's" solar gun charged, even he could feel the immense amount of energy pulsating from the weapon, invoking a sense of awe as within moments, the blast disintegrated several fighters and continued on to blow up one of the enemy battleships. After a few seconds of sitting as he came to his senses, Isahro threw his droid into gear and continued to search for the enemy base. Several pursuers and assailants hunted him down, but they each fell to one weapon or another, or lost track due to "Rose's" vastly heightened speed. Eventually, they found the base, which was surprisingly not guarded at all. They got in pretty easily.
Isahro guided "Rose" through the corridors, blasting everything in sight as they burst through at top speed. Only a couple minutes passed before they emerged from the other side, the core destroyed and the base about to explode. Unfortunately, an ambush awaited them outside, leaving very little room for them to escape the blast. The commander maneuvered very carefully as shots belted towards him and "Rose" from every direction, evading as many shots as possible. He had just burst through to the other side of the ambush when the base exploded, sending everything careening some distance away. Isahro took this boost and time to make his way back home, away from the ambush.
Little did he know, however, of the battle still raging. Though it was still one-sided; the enemies had almost entirely decimated the Terran forces. Commander Isahro issued a command to all resisting units:

"All units - retreat and return to base! I repeat: this is Commander Isahro! Retreat and return to base immediately! The enemy base has been destroyed!" As the units began to withdraw, the enemy seized the opportunity to gang up on Isahro and "Rose" - revenge for the destruction of their base. Isahro noticed this on his radar just in time to dodge the initial pair of volleys of attacks. However, the third volley struck "Rose's" shoulder, severely damaging it. "Shoot! I need to get outta here!"
Surrounded on all sides by enemy droids, Commander Isahro had no choice but to test out another of "Rose's" attacks: the 8-Gun Gambit. He quickly initiated the attack, which immediately withdrew tons of solar energy as the shoulder pads opened upwards and revealed eight holes, each taking in the solar power until the pads fully extended, at which point they unleashed eight individual devastating rays of light that sought the enemy pack and destroyed them within seconds. After the assault, Isahro and "Rose" flew slowly towards home, the damage starting to take its toll on the rest of the droid...

-The End (Story by Heroman)


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