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Old 03-31-2007, 07:25 PM

  • Basically, I'm going to use this thread to post my WIP ; Murisaki, Yume's OC for her contest :3

    I do a kind of vector-ish thing, so if it doesn't look like I did it in OpenCanvas, that's why :]

    See next posts for;
    Character Information
    My Progress
    A reminder ! :3

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Old 03-31-2007, 07:26 PM

  • The Character !

    Taken from Peculiar Love Stories Contest ; Second Post )

    Name: Murasaki

    Race: Dragon

    Gender: Male

    Appearant age: 18-19

    Skin tone
    : Pale

    Eye color
    : purple with dragon-like pupils and strange writings in a this:

    Hair: Black with purple highlights

    Body type
    : Thin, but he could never pass as a girl xD. Also, he has a tattoo of kanji 'batsu' <'clan'> on his right wrist. It looks like this: (only the sign, without the circle xD)

    Face: He changes expressions very often, but usually smirks xD. Also, he covers his eyes with a purple blindfold <like on the sample pictures>.

    Clothing: Decorative, but he always wears a kind of pants to his outfits, so no kimonos for him xD xD...well, maybe a hakama, but nothing that looks like a dress/skirt/whatever xD. His clothes are always black-and-purple, and from the style, traditional Korea/China/Japan/Arabia/India, or just something similar, but fantasy-style...

    Weapons: In his dragon form he breathes purple fire

    Personality/attitude: His personality is a bit similar to Mutare's. Very fond of himself, and very selfish...But add to it a big dose of boredom and some regretful thoughts, and you'll get an exploding mix named Murasaki...

    Add-ons in the pic: Bamboos, fans, almost anything oriental, and XXXholic-styled smoke

    Short story summary
    : An old servant of Shavris, who one day just left, and never saw his master again... Maybe one day they'll meet, but Murasaki is sure it was the last time he saw this whiny vampire...
    One day, he heard a calling. A calling which he couldn't resist...which brought him to Hell Or Heaven, the citadell of new dragon Gods. To the place, where Mutare and Reira greet him, and said that he was chosen to become one of them - a new god of the reborned world...

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Old 03-31-2007, 07:27 PM

  • The Works !

    Here's where you can see my progress on this piece :3

    The Beginning;
    ( March 31, 2oo7 )

    Some of the basic features are shown. I don't outline, and I shade minimally. This is basic, but some things will remain the same, while some will be edited or shaded.

    The Beginning V.2;
    ( March 31, 2oo7 )

    I added the bun, and did some work with the hair shadows on the blindfold. I still think that it seems a little off, but maybe I'll fix it later. I also mirrored some of the features on the right side to the left side.

    Taking Shape;
    ( April 1, 2oo7 )

    I don't know how well you can see it, but I did add some highlights to the hair ( maybe I'll have to make them less transparent... x-x; ). I also put a line of light around the hair and bun, but I'm not content with them just yet, because they're too bright, and maybe too fat.

    Some other small things have happened too, but that's it.

    Home Stretch;
    ( April 1, 2oo7 )

    Some additional details were put onto this one... like a nose ( like omgz ), a smirking mouth ( I'm not too sure I pulled off the smirk. It looks more like an innocent smile ), and rosy cheeks. The shadow off the nose looks a little small, so I may change it. Who knows. Now, I've got to ask Yume some questions about it, fix it up depending on her answers, and then it'll be completed ! :3

    The Final Product;
    ( April 2, 2oo7. 12:o8 AM )

    Here's my finished product of Murasaki. I think it came out OK, but for some reason it seems like I didn't commit to detail and shading. Also, notice the thicker horns. At first I didn't notice how thin and feminine they were, and looking at all the other pictures taken on my WIP journey, they look horrible compared to my thicker ones. Thanks for the advice, Yume !

    So... because I don't like shading very much, I went back to my original simple vector plan and took out some layers.

    The Final Product V.2
    ( Also April 2, 2oo7 )

    I like this one a lot more. I'm not one for detail or shading at all, but I know others like that kind of stuff, so I try it as much as I can. I heart this. I'll submit it to the contest later. :3

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Old 03-31-2007, 07:28 PM

  • Help out !

    Have some suggestions ? I'd love to hear them ! Constructive critisism is always welcome :3

    Thankyou for visiting ! :]

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Old 03-31-2007, 08:43 PM

  • Open ! :3

Duskalts is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 11:20 PM

D8 I'm stunned! It takes the form of amazing vector art! I envy your skills.

Now I wish to do fanart.. If that's alright?

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Old 04-02-2007, 02:59 AM

  • Thankyou ! :3

    If you would like to do fan art of Yumehayla's OC Murasaki, I'm sure she'd be fine with that.


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