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shockwavev2 is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 10:02 PM

is there any movies that made you cry?

i dont think i have ever cryed to any films though

Unknown Empress
Emperial is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 10:12 PM

I cry at almost every movie. Even movies that aren't supposed to be sad! I've cried at Star Wars when my favorite characters died!

But I'm a sap. I even cry at -television commercials-. Ever see those credit card commercials with the lost dog trying to get home? Yeah, I cried at those.

Molotov21 is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 10:51 PM

I haven't cried at any movie to date. :3

DJ LAZA is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 11:01 PM

I cry at so many movies it's not even funny. The one that started it all was actually Beauty and the Beast. I never cried until I was watching it one time a few years ago and then the ending made me cry so much. Now I get all emotional during movies... I take after my mom. I used to laugh at her when she cried during movies but now I'm crying along with her :lol:

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Tamerthanthou is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 11:02 PM

I cried at "A Walk To Remember", but that's it.

Lyra Coulter
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:52 PM

Haha, yeah, I cry at a lot of movies too.
Star Wars Episode III made me cry too! When Anikan got all was sad.
And I also cried a bunch when I saw Troy. Like when Hector died.
And yeah, I cry at like everything...

Zurie is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 12:13 AM

  • Oh, I cry frequently depending on the movie.

    I cried at Man on the Moon because I didn't know a thing about Andy Kaufman(sp?) before watching it.

    I cried at Freak the Mighty because it was a well made movie that was meant to wretch your emotions. It was such a beautiful and sad story.

    I cried at All Dogs Go To Heaven because Charlie had developed into such a nice guy without noticing it after sneaking his way back to life. Poor Anne Marie, losing a best friend like that.

    I cried at the Disney version of Tarzan when Tarzan had decided to leave his foster mother to go to the human world to be with Jane.

    I even cried at [scrubs] when Dr. Cox's best friend/Jordan's brother died of Leukemia. Just goes to show that only knowing a character for a half hour or so can make you care.

    A lot of it depends on the stories and the actors chosen to portray the roles. It also heavily depends on how stable your emotions are before you even sit down to watch the movie/show. So many variables, but that rationalization is coming from someone that cries way to easily when prompted.

Tatiana Celeste
Tatiana Celeste is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 01:16 AM

I dunno why but I can always seem to find one reason to cry or get choked up or teary eyed over a movie, any movie even if its just some dumb fluff piece.

Granted I can cry at commercials too so there ya go :roll:

movies that I out right sob at? Most recent for me is LOTR: Return of the King

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Old 04-12-2007, 01:30 AM

I've cried at several movies, usually though I'm the stoic - lets get a move on with the storyline type.

The most recent though was The Guardian.

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Old 04-12-2007, 02:28 AM

ummm Pokemon xD

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Old 04-12-2007, 02:29 AM

I cry like a baby every time I watch The Notebook.
So sad.

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Old 04-12-2007, 04:00 AM

Stranger Than Fiction made me cry. ;_;

Like a baby. I am serious, I almost left the theatre crying.

Victor Von Doom
Victor Von Doom is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 05:28 AM

I'll cry when it's a really well-done emotional movie/episode. A few off the top of me gulliver:


American Beauty: The end where Lester is recounting his life in black and white and Spacey's narration is so ... transcendant. "You will someday."

Cyrano de Bergerac: The whole final scene

The Mighty: The scene where Max runs barefoot across town and breaks into the "labratory" where they were going to help Kevin ... and finds out its only a laundry room.

Man on the Moon: Andy's funeral and then when they have the bookend with Tony singing on stage and the camera pans over to the audience ... and Bob is standing there, grinning and teary eyed. The perfect note to end the movie.

Spirited Away: Started bawling in the theatre when Chihiro makes Haku remember his name and then again when she had to leave.

The Shawshank Redemption: The end, with the rain washing down. 'nuff said.

The Princess Bride: When Inigo kills Rugen. "I want my father back, you son of a bitch." Everytime.

Cowboy Bebop: The whole of "The Real Folk Blues Pt. 2". Even though I still say he probably survived, the emotion in the episode was ... permeating. Also, the end of "Hard Luck Woman" where Ed and Ein say goodbye.

[Scrubs]: Several episodes. The early one where J.D. deals with death for the first time with that "neat" old woman who chooses to die rather than go on dialysis.

The one with the heart transplant paitent who dies in her bed waiting for a heart and her "death" is a big musical number of "Waiting for My Life to Begin" and then Cox freaks out when he can't save her and asks J.D. if he'll be all right. And J.D. just keeps looking at her and goes "...yeah." with a tear in his eye.

And of course Ben. His character made me completely reevaluate Brendan Fraser as an actor. The first time I saw that episode, even though I knew what was coming, I bawled for about an hour afterward. Very powerful.

Futurama: Two episodes -- "The Luck of the Fryish", with Fry trying to reclaim his lucky seven leaf clover from his copycat brother Yancey. And then he thinks that Yancey took his name after Fry disappeared, only to find out that he named his firstborn after him. And then there's that clip of Yancey saying how his misses Fry everyday. So well done. I just wished they hadn't ended the episode with "Don't You Forget About Me". Kinda took away from the whole episode.

And "Jurassic Bark". Good ol' Seymour. It was just a plain great episode all the way through ("PROFESSOR! LAVA!!! HOT!!!!!!"), but seeing Seymour's devotion to that big loveable goof Fry is touching. Fry, by the way, may be the greatest idiot ever ... "I'm having one of those ... whaddyacall'ems. A headache. With pictures." "An idea?" "Yeah, that's it!"

Tianfu is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 05:44 AM

Man, I have no resistance whatsoever to sad movies. Most recently, Bridge to Terabithia and Reign on Me both had me sobbing in the theater. I own Return to Me, have seen it dozens of times, and yet it still makes me cry every darn time I watch it. There's something about the sound of men sobbing that just gets me.

icyMOTHA is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 06:12 AM

Return to Me always gets me. ;________; <3
I love that movie, but when she starts to cry near the end, that just makes my heart break.
Even my Grampa gets choked up. It's his favourite movie. He's seen it countless times, and everytime we watch it, we both sit there and cry. ;___;


That and in You've Got Mail, when she closed her shop and she reminisces about her and her mother twirling before she leaves. That makes me cry too. D:

ToriKat is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 06:25 AM

  • I can't think right now so I'll probably post again, but two movies that really got to me included Forrest Gump and Pan's Labyrinth. There's just so much going on in Forrest Gump that was unfair and heartbreaking. The end of Pan's Labyrinth...gosh...I won't spoil it. ^^;

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electric.disco is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 07:00 AM

Seriously I'm like that too guys!
I cry at commercials and movies, tv shows, sentimental words written on the side of dog food... damn it's just not funny.

I'm a walking salt water factory.

Doofus Soda
Doofus Soda is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 07:02 AM

  • I'm a sucker for sad movies. I always almost cry. xD

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Old 04-12-2007, 11:22 AM

I cry at movies all the time. I'm a sucker for sad movies.

The Notebook, Somewhere in Time, A Walk To Remember, The Shawshank Redemption...... If it's a tearjerker, I'll watch it everytime. We won't even get into the old kid movies, I cried like baby when I was younger at The Fox and the Hound and Bambi. Probably still would... that's why I don't watch them :lol:

dorellana is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by Sythea
I cry like a baby every time I watch The Notebook.
So sad.
ditto o.o that movie was sad ;O;

Yumi Mei Flower
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Old 04-12-2007, 06:11 PM

I Cry like a freakin' baby to the movie Pan's Labyrinth

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mesic is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 06:37 PM

Aw, I cried at "Pan's Labyrinth", too! My boyfriend was trying to convince me it was a happy ending, but I couldn't stop leaking at the eyes.
I also cried so hard at the end of "The Jacket", even though I overall thought it wasn't that great of a movie. Everyone else who watched it apparently thought it was a happy ending, but apparently I'm a pessimist and thought the worst of it.
Of course, it didn't help that my ex-fiance recommended this movie to me by saying "It reminds me of you and I". x3

Speaking of Kiera Knightley, "Domino" still makes me cry in places.
Yeah, I'm an emotional git. I'm really good at hiding my wibbles, though!

The first movie I remember crying at was "Oliver and Company", the Disney flick about the cute little kitten. My mom took me to that movie in theaters when I was about four... and I bawled through the opening sequence.
I feel so bad (and kind of stupid) about that now... heh.

Aliena is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 06:52 PM

Mesic - lol!! I remember crying at the opening sequence of Oliver & Company when I saw it in the theatres too!

There are a few movies that make me cry.


1. Field of Dreams - two parts - first, when young Doc Brown has to make the decision to step over the line and give up his youth and baseball dreams to become the old man again in order to save Kevin Costner's life and then again at the end when Kevin Costner asks his dad if he wants to play catch. I always cry at this movie!

2. Click - When Adam Sandler learns of his father's death and he rewinds to his last moment with him and it's a horrible moment and his Dad says, "I love you, Son," and then turns away with the saddest look on his face. And then Adam Sandler keeps rewinding to the "I love you, Son" part over and over. I think I was bawling like a blubbering idiot at that point!

3. Frequency - one of my favorite movies ever and for some reason, while it's not such a tear-jerker, there were so many moments in there where I'd feel my eyes well up. Probably because of the whole father-son thing.

Come to think of it, it looks like most of the movies I cry in deal with the relationship between a parent and child!

4. King Kong - BEAUTIFUL movie!! Seeing King Kong so despondent at the end when he's chained up and then the brief interlude in the park on the frozen ice and then at the end on top of the building...this movie was very emotional!

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ROSIE is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 08:20 PM

I also cry watching almost anything :cry: ..............!!!!

The movie I cried the most
was Probably " Loving Annabelle

dimiix is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 10:58 PM

make me watch moulin rouge and i'll cry a river :oops:


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