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Tet Anon
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Old 05-27-2007, 01:59 AM

No Longer Desired - please lock-

Last edited by Tet Anon; 01-05-2012 at 11:50 AM.. Reason: no longer desired, wanting to lock.

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Old 05-27-2007, 02:03 AM

No longer desired please lock.

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Old 05-27-2007, 02:08 AM

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Old 05-27-2007, 02:14 AM

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Old 05-27-2007, 02:17 AM

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Old 05-27-2007, 02:19 AM

remove please

Last edited by Tet Anon; 01-05-2012 at 11:51 AM..

Tet Anon
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Old 05-28-2007, 05:30 AM

((Alright this is not the longest post I've ever done, but I figured it was enough to give you a general proof that I could hold my own. I can provide the 'introduction start' of my rp that this came from as well if need be.))

Lucik's small feet had always carried him quickly. This day was no different in that matter at least. Having overheard his father's plans to bring people from another world to Ashiro had excited Lucik's curiosity to say the least. Lucik was quick on his feet and nearly seemed as if his feet never hit the ground as he ran. The mage in the distance was quick, Lucik had to keep up, but out of sight at the very same time. He'd followed one of the mages sent to do the summoning ritual that he heard his father speaking of and kept close behind him. Out of sight, but never out of range.

Lucik was a royal, not just any royal, the prince. The prince of Ashiro and as such he should have never been outside the gates of the palace let alone the city. Lucik could not help himself however. That was one of the reasons Lucik had wandered out to the Soaco forest where the mage was working to call upon those he was to bring forth as others did elsewhere. They'd spread the mages out, one by one, as to keep as low a profile as possible.

Lucik had not changed clothes, yet he'd remembered to grab the very weapon to which he was accustomed. Just in case those he pulled through during the ritual where hostile. Lucik wondered where the people where going to come from. Who they would be. What other world the mages could have possibly managed to reach. Either way he would wait and he waited. Those large kimono-like robes draped over his body didn't do well to hide himself. It was lucky he was usually quite good at hiding himself from the sight of others. His unusually short stature and slender form giving him ease with such things.

Lucik's leaf-green eyes stared out toward the mage in the distance as his dark hair flowed very slightly in the breeze. He waited, anticipating what the first of those from the other world would appear to be. Wondering if they would be anything at all like him or of something his eyes had never before seen. Half-elven and foolishly young there wasn't a single thought in his mind that they could ever be of any danger to him.

Rin Namami
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Old 05-28-2007, 02:28 PM

The woods behind the apartment complex were always short. The trees and shrubs only lasted a few feet short of a mile. From where it ended an iron fence prohibited anyone from jumping into the man-made, cement ditch that carried water from one end of the city block to a local retention pond. Being rather short, the one who traversed the wooded area frequently would always imagine walking further and seeing nothing but trees. She had tried imagining what it was like to be lost with excitement, but did her best to not get lost.

“Hello?” her voice was a little scratchy because of the cold, biting weather of the Autumn season. She sighed, having thought she heard bells and a child’s laughter. The wind dies down but then grows back instantly from a different direction. “Hello?” the teenage girl tries to get an answer again as the laughter continues softly. She wraps her arms around herself to try and rid her bare arms and belly of the cold. The fence was not there, where she remembered it had always been, and neither was the trench. She looks up from her feet to see that the trees are endless.

There was no way the small wodded area behind the apartments had expanded in a single night. Out of mere impulse, she sprints forward to see if she had made a mistake of where the fence was. After a few minutes she stops. There is a light mist covering the ground. As she stands there, she could feel the mist crawling up her legs like many fingers. It is hard for her to move; the fingers have become hands which hold her down against her will. There is the fleeting moment when she decides to call for help, but as the mist swarms over her she finds her throat too dry to even whimper.

She decides not to fight against it, not wanting to know if it will only make things worse, and close her eyes tightly with her hands clutching arms. For a few minutes there is no sound. She hears the heartbeat of either herself or something else. Does she dare open her eyes? When she does, there is not but darkness. She closes them and then opens them again. There stands a door before her, a thin glow of light surrounding it to make it stand out in the darkness.

She steps forward to read a writing that appears letter by letter as if someone were writing it at a steady pace so it would be easy for her to read. There is nothing she can think of to say to the choice of words being written and read, and so she reaches forward and opens the door. A long hallway opens up to her. Half of it is englufed in darkness while a single spot, spotlighting herself and a pillar which holds a hammer free for the taking, is lit clear as day. A wave of chills and goosebumps crawl from the tip of her toes to the top of her head when a voice echoes through the darkness.

The otherwise heavy-looking hammer is really quite light. She looks around and sees others. When she speaks to question them about where they were, her voice is cast as nothing but a whisper as quiet as the wind. With the hammer in hand, she travels downthe hallway, which is illuminated by now, until she reaches an other door leading to an other room. This room is filled with animals in glass cages. They resemble the displays she enjoyed viewing when visiting the museum as a child.

The animals were not moving. She approached a cheetah and pressed her face to the glass. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be nothing but a stuffed animal. She stood up and stepped back to examine the rest of the displays from where she stood. At the other end of the room she saw birds. One caught her eye because it was moving. It was moving! The calls it was making should have made the other animals move about, but they stood as stil as rocks. She appraoched the bird, a red-crowned crane, and recognized it from stories of Chinese folklore.

Without taking second thoughts, she swung the hammer at the glass case. She thought that it would have died there if she had not come sooner; or perhaps turn out like the others. In a rampage, the crane knocks her down. The girl cries out in pain as she scratches her elbows against the floor. She can only react enough to move her head and watch as the crane swoops around and dive-bombs into her. She puts an arm in front of her face to protect herself, but finds the impact to be lighter than a feather. She stands up with a slight wobble. The sensation of tiny needles poking her washes over her and lasts but only a minute exactly.

There was a mirror positioned above the glass enclosure she had not seen before. She gazes upon her reflection, aweing at the soft earthy glow, now surrounding her body, which had surrounded the crane. Once the glow disappears, she decides that she had landed in a world similar to Alice’s. Though the book had a lot more scenes falsely accused to be drug-influenced, Alice in Wonderland was nothing like the place she was in. The girl makes a run for the door at the end of the hallway, but stops before emerging to read the sign. “Ashiro,” she reads aloud the name. “Ashiro?”

When she opens the door, a gust of wind pushes her into the bright light. “Ow!” she feels the ground upon impact with her bottom. When she opens her eyes, she sees trees. Am I back home? Was that all a dream? she thinks to herself as she looks around her. Something is different. The girl looks up and chokes back a loud scream. Instead, she jumps up and almost stumbles on a rock as she backs up. A person in what she could make out to be robes worn by mages stood before her. “Ah!” she fell back on her bottom after taking another step back. The whole trip seemed to make her legs all jelly-like.
:hug: Searching for Role-plays!
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Member Since Apr '07 :yumeh1:

Cheshire Cat
Tac Erihsehc
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Old 05-28-2007, 05:34 PM

A gray cat slowly walked along the forest floor, breathing in the brisk, Autumn air. The ground was littered with pine needles at this part of the forest and their scent had invaded the air. The cat smiled, and though normally cats don't smile this isn't a normal cat. This cat is the Cheshire Cat. The cat purred as it curled up around a tree and made its way to the top. Jumping from tree to tree silently as if it had no weight at all, the Cheshire cat made its way through forest until it was near the edge where the forest ended and the city started, or vice versa depending on where you are. The Cheshire Cat stood on a branch of a tree. The tree, by the way, is a tree in the famed Soaco Forest.
Below,a boy of about sixteen or so stood watching another man, apparently a mage, conjure some spell. what's this? Thought The Cheshire Cat. It silently leapt to a lower branch for a better look (for we all know cats haven't the best eyes) The cat recognized the child instantly. Why, dear me, this is the prince, what is he doing all the way out here? What if someone happened to come by and attack him or something of the sort.Maybe Cheshire will leave. Cheshire doesn't care much for nobles Suddenly a girl, seemingly from out of nowhere popped into forest below. The cat tensed up, its fur on edge and its back arched, but the reaction was only from surprise. The cat calmed itself and tried to get a look at the girl. She had reddish hair and a piercing on her bellybutton, which was exposed due to her odd clothing. She must not be from around here. She seemed shaky I wonder what all this is about. The cat's already wide grin somehow managed to grow wider. This is getting interesting, perhaps Cheshire will stay a little longer. Maybe Cheshire will even join in on the fun if Cheshire wishes The mischievous cat laughed a raspy laugh to himself and layed down on the branch.

Tet Anon
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Old 05-28-2007, 08:29 PM

The mage worked his magic, an elegant preformance, lights of elements and the glow of it all lighting the forest area where they where. Lucik's eyes stared upon the scene in absolute awe. The barrier between the worlds opening as the girl would come through. The mage would close the barrier behind her and then he would bow. In a language that the girl would not understand he spoke 'Welcome to Ashiro.' However, upon realizing that he'd forgotten about the language barrier. he held up a finger "Ah" he gestured for her to hold on one moment before he dug in his bag for a smaller bag.

From the smaller bag, once found, he would take a very small magic orb. It was no bigger than a pea yet held power within it beyond it's size. The mage would hold it in his hand and he would carefully approch the girl. His robes would flow around him in a pool of fabric as he sat down upon the ground before her so she would fear no threat of him. His ankle length silver hair was odd appearing upon his dark clothed figured. As well as the very faint symbols marked upon his flesh by birth. He held the orb out to the girl then motioned with his finger to it before he pointed to her mouth. Gesturing for her to swallow it. Hoping that she would understand.

Lucik stood in complete awe still, but for moments after the girl had appeared only. He had not noticed the appearance of the ceshire cat above. Nor had he ever seen it in person. He'd heard stories of it, but never had he encountered it on his own. Lucik's metal fans where folded closed in his hands as he leaned into the tree. Keeping his spell for as long as he could. "A girl.." he whispered to himself. He moved from that tree to another closer. In attempt to get a better look at the woman.

Lucik heard the rustling in the tree above him and his eyes darted upward. his eyes stared above focusing his sight trying to see what it was that he'd heard.

Cheshire Cat
Tac Erihsehc
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Old 05-28-2007, 08:56 PM

The Cheshire Cat was watching intently what was happening below, however it couldn't see the girl and the mage from its view point. Curse my bad eyes. The Cat leapt to another branch but miscalculated and slipped a little upon landing, the branch shook and the prince looked up. Dammit, i guess that's my cue The Cheshire Cat curled down around the tree until it was on the closest branch to the bottom where it curled up around the branch (if i didn't mention before, The Cheshire Cat can twist and turn around things as if it were merely cloth.) "Why hello there, I am the Cheshire Cat, the Cheshire Cat I am. Oh and i do believe I know who you are. You're the prince, half elf half human. I learned of you in the dreams of the city folk. So easily entered, the minds of the ignorant." Said the Cheshire Cat in a smooth voice. The cat faded away as it talked until it was but a mouth. Then the mouth disappeared. Seconds later the Cheshire Cat reappeared on the ground this time with the mouth first then the eyes, then the stripes and then the fur. "Nice to make your acquaintance."

Rin Namami
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Old 05-28-2007, 09:21 PM

She held her tongue as she took in the appearance of the mage. When he spoke in his native tongue, she was baffled at what he was trying to say. Her heartbeat quickened and yet she stayed calm where some may react with a scream. After reading a lot of fictional books, she figured that it would be rather embarrasing. This mage made no action and had no air of hostility; nonetheless, she stayed on the ground where she had fallen.

When he took out the glowing item, the muscles in her arms and fingers tensed a bit. She pulled her legs closer to herself as the mage walked toward her. Though his towering figure and dark robe gave of the appearance of someone she should stay away from, his movements still held no threat. The girl was side-tracked by the markings covering his skin. Were they tattoos? They sure looked like them, but nothing like the ones she had viewed in detail at home. In thinking the word, she touched her own placed just above her skirt on her back.

Once he displayed the smaller-than-a-pea item to her, she opened her mouth. “You expect me to eat that?” she asked, an Irish accent laced lightly into her voice. She understood without him having to point to his mouth that it was an object to consume. Her actions were delayed with hesitance. It could be poisoned or it could curse her, or it could do something for a good purpose. She turned her head to one way, looking to the trees and behind them to more trees, and then to the other. She looked up at the sky: sure enough it was the same as the sky back home. Perhaps this was a dream? She could go along with it until she woke up on the floor of the wooded area behind the apartments.

The girl nodded to herself and looked back at the mage. Her eyes trailed down to the tiny orb in his hands. She sat up properly and reached for it. When she had it in the palm of her own hand, she hesitated. Staring at it, she was going over her options in her head. Without making the mage wait any longer, he was probably getting impatient with her by now, she put it in her mouth and swallowed. She made a face as if it were sour, but that was not exactly the case. “Would have been better to swallow it with a glass of water,” she mumbled.

A hiccup escape her lips and she felt her ears pop. There was no change in altitude, so what cause them to pop? She stood up, wobbling once more, and gained her balance. “Where are we?” she asked the mage, knowing the thing she just swallowed must be something like a way to understand his alien tongue. Upon hearing other noises and voices, she turned her head toward the direction she believed they came from.

Tet Anon
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Old 05-28-2007, 09:55 PM

The mage could see the confusion in the young woman's face. The fear and confusion in her eyes was as clear to him as if it where written on paper in his hands. His hand held out to her, again gesturing to the item, but in a way that seemed even less hostile than before. It was his duty to bring those from the other world to this. His duty amongst the other mages selected to preform this task. He could not fail.

When finally the woman took the item he did notice how she tensed to the taking of the item. He wondered if it was because she was afraid of what the item was or him. He noticed her stares but he could not tell at what she looked. Was he really that odd that he'd inspire such confusion? He laughed a little to himself as he held out his hand a little higher .

He nodded to her , it was frustrating, not being able to communicate with someone properly. He pointed to the pea-sized orb and then to his mouth in gesture once more. His fingers curled at his mouth then he gestured outward as he moved his lips. Trying to explain the best he could that it would help her speak and understand the language he spoke.

When finally she began to reach for it the mage would sigh a little in relief that he was finally going to be able to speak to her in a way she could understand. If all else failed he'd have to cast a spell on himself to speak her language if she did not. As she took the orb and swallowed it. The orb could, for a few moments, be seen bursting in a glow within her throat. Painlessly of course, but she could probaly feel the sensation. The mage grinned then when the woman spoke and he understood her. "Ah!~ Finally. " he stated with a smile. The girl would now be able to understand him as he spoke. "See, no harm done. You will now be able to understand the people that speak the language of Ashiro." he stated with a soft smile. "Welcome to Ashiro. My name is Nahkiga. I am the colorless mage of Ashiro City. " he stated calmly. "please excuse me for forgetting your glass of water." he stated bowing his head sliglhtly.

He stood up as the girl had but with more ease "We are in the forest of Soaco to the west of Ashiro City. In the world of Ashiro." he told her as he smiled. "Do not be afraid. The City is close and the people are busy going about their lives. I will ask you to tell noone of where you come. If anyone asks, you are from out of town. You must meet with the Royals in the city, but first we will have to dress you in something... A little more." he stated as he summoned a cloak and he held it out to her. "here you are. " He stated calmly as he offered the robes.

"Ch..Cheshire cat!" he shouted. Then covering his mouth with both his hands Lucik looked to the cat as it appeared and vanished then he made a sound "shh be quiet. I don't care if you know know of who I am. Be silent else the mage will hear you." he stated waving his hands at the Cheshire cat. His hair swaying with his over dramatic hand motions. The delicate fabric of his robes swaying as he did as well. His spell had worn off and how he was as apparent as either of the other two where. Shaking his hands towards the feline in a 'shoo' gesture. However intrigued that he was to find the cheshire cat was real. He knew he would get in trouble if he was discovered.

"Your Magesty!" the mages voice echoed out. Lucik's flailing at the cat stopping midway and he let out a heavy breath. "great" Lucik muttered before he turned looking towards the mage as he stood tall. The mage spoke again.

"Your Magesty, " Nahkiga stated as he lowered to his knees bowing towards the prince "What are you doing out side the castle gates? Sir your father would have my head if he knew you'd followed me out here!"

Lucik made a disgusted face "Do not bow Nahkiga! I do not wish to be known out here!" he stated as he opened one of the fans he caried and drew it in a half circle before him and a blue mist of glow surrounded him and disappeared just as quickly. His clothing had changed to more mage appearing clothing. A vest over a white shirt with a coat that buttoned only at the top and a pair of pants that matched the coat as well as shoes to go along with it. He winked slightly to the mage "So get up off the ground before you give me away Nahkiga. Most have never seen me in person so i'd like it to remain that way." he stated as he brushed his hair behind his pointed ears and pulled on the elder mage's arm.

Nahkiga lifted to his feet and he glared slightly "Prince Lucik, if your father finds out.... " Nahkiga began before Lucik had interupted "Don't worry about my father.. " he walked over to the girl from the other world as he tucked his fans into his waistband and he reached out touching her cheek "she's really real! An alien! How cool~" he stated looking her over as he poked at her in different area's "what's she called?" he asked not realizing that the girl could understand him at the moment.

Rin Namami
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Old 05-28-2007, 11:00 PM

“Ashiro?” she echoed the name the mage had introduced. She looked around once more, not shy to show her curiousity now that things seemed to be all right. Colourless mage? Where the hell am I? she thought, paying little attention to most of what he was saying. Ahisro, was it? She turned around on the spot to get an other look around as the mage spoke. When her visual curiousity was satisfied, she faced the mage and placed her full attention on him.

Soaco, hm? she was pondering the given names in her head quietly so most of her attention was still on the mage. Nahkiga. I wonder if others’ names are as strange? But I should be one to talk, mine is just as strange. She blinked when the robes were offered to her. Without questioning why, as it was apparent, she needed to change, she took them and placed them on over her clothing. Maybe I will find time to properly change later. She touched the fabric of the robes, aweing over its colour and texture. Though the fabric appeared thick, it was rather breathable and she could move with ease.

Upon hearing the first cry, the girl turned her head. She stood still as her eyes fell upon to figures: a boy and a cat. The way the mage had addressed the boy caused her curiousity to rise again. A prince? she looked over him briefly. Her attention was forced to a rather dull tree. She walked toward it a few steps and then stopped. The glow of his magick caught her eye and she was intrigued. Now why couldn’t that Nahkiga guy do that to me? she looked at her own robes and pinched them. Would’ve been easier and quicker.

“Hey!” she put a hand on her cheek. “D-don’t touch me! Hey!” She turned around as the prince walked around her to try and prevent him from touching her, but he seemed to manage to touch her in just about every possible area above the waist and on her legs. “How rude!” she slammed her foot down and felt the need to slap him. “Don’t speak of me as if I was a thing, and I am certainly not an alien! I am a human being and my name is Calcephony!” Her cheeks were slightly pink after the prince poked her in different areas.

Maybe I should slap him! she thought. “For a prince you sure are rude!” she exclaimed. Calcephony crossed her arms over her chest and stepped back from Lucik to put a space between him and her. She looked at Nahkiga with a softer expression. “I am sorry, but I wish to go home,” she said in a proper voice. “I don’t know why I was summoned to this place - Ashiro, was it? – and I don’t think I want to find out why.” Though she said this, her curiousity told her to stay and check out the alien world.

Cheshire Cat
Tac Erihsehc
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Old 05-29-2007, 01:06 AM

The Cheshire Cat walked up to the girl, looking back at the prince with a mischievous grin and introduced itself. "Hello, why today must be a day for introductions. I am known as the Cheshire Cat, Visitor of dreams, Cat of Guidance, Voyager of Realms et cetera et cetera, whatever. You can just call me Cheshire. You know, Cheshire thinks Cheshire went to your world once, heh heh. Cheshire likes this one more. Just give it a chance." Then the cat crawls up the girl's arm to whisper in her ear, weightless. "Don't mind the prince, he's just a little, oh, there must be a kinder word than arrogant... bah, never mind. Just try not to mind him, it's not everyday someone pops in from another world." The cat goes back to the ground. "Well, you shouldn't base an entire world off of a couple people. At least check out the city." The cat walks away but turns its head for a second back to the trio. "see you later." with that the Cheshire Cat slowly fades away as it did previously, starting with the fur and ending with the mouth. Now where will Cheshire go? Maybe around the city... thought the cat as it lingered in the nothingness of teleportation.

Tet Anon
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Old 05-29-2007, 04:29 AM

"Yes, Ashiro is the name of the world I have brought you to. This world that is. The cities have their own names which you will learn of soon enough." he added. The forest that the woman looked at as she turned was filled with tall trees, plants, animals, flowers and rocks. All the things that would be found in any normal forest only on a larger, more elegant seeming scale. Some of those things seemed more than what they appeared to be as well.

He smiled to her and he nodded his head a little. She looked well in those clothing. As if she belonged to that world since birth however only the few there to witness would know that she was not. The mage kept an eye out, looking around, as the forces of the darkness could be anywhere and these things where best left unknown to them. As the great chaos that was coming upon the world of Ashiro was still yet unknown.

The mage looked to the girl as she stared to the prince and he almost laughed aloud. "I should have thought of that. " he stated aloud as he watched the girl examine her own clothing after seeing the princes magic preformed upon himself. Nahkiga shook his head slightly. The prince had always been a show off.

Lucik jumped a little startled by her shoulding "what.... it speaks our language!" he stated looking to the mage then back to the girl. "oh haha. sorry ! " he stated as he took his hand back. "A human! ohhh. Well that certainly explains everything. So you're from the other world huh?" he stated as he looked her over with prying eyes. He noticed the pink upon her cheek and he couldn't help but to laugh "oh my I made the Alien girl blush!" he paused then "Calcephony? What a strange name! And hard to say! how about... Cal! yes that would suit you well!"

He looked to her giving a huff slightly "excuse you! You should watch how you talk to me! " he shouted at her. Lucik laughed a little "What a brat and a waste of time! You should have picked a nicer girl and a cuter one at that Nahkiga!" he teased as he stuck his tongue out at the girl childishly.

Nahkiga made a sound "Your magesty... Lady Calcephony.. Please.. " he stated letting out a heavy sigh. "Prince Lucik has always been a bit... free spirited." he stated with a nervous laugh. "I'm sorry Lady Calcephony, but i'm afraid that I myself cannot send you back. There is a way but to get to that way i'm afraid I do not know. I am only ordered to bring you here. The rest will be told by the king. " he nodded slightly "Yes, but there is no other way m'lady. The fate of our world may very well rest in the hands of you and the others like you. " he stated calmly. "please try to understand." Nahkiga explained.

Lucik gave a rather childish sigh, "well this is boring. I'm going to go hunt down the red mage. Surely he'll bring forth someone better."

Nahkiga grasped Lucik by the wrist "Forgive me Prince Lucik, but if I do not return you to the palace then it will be my head. You understand." he stated as a black glow surrounded his hand and the prince's eyes went wide as he shouted "Nahkiga wait!" he really hated when Nahkiga did this. His knees went weak and he dropped to them falling unconcious. "Sleep well for now my prince. I will take you home soon." he stated as he lifted the smaller framed boy into his arms.

"I must return to the palace now. You may stay here if you refuse to follow your destiny. However, the way to your own world lies within the information our King can provide you. So if you intend on returning to your home. I suggest you follow me as well. And do not worry. he is fine. he just sleeps for now. " he added.

The mage looked to the Cheshire cat then "I don't know what you're up to , but do try your best to behave. Oh, and if you do not mind, would you keep an eye out in the future for the prince. He tends to like to wander off from the palace. You will be rewarded if you report his location to me, should you see him wandering about, of course.

is Long

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Old 05-29-2007, 09:24 AM

Kallisandra was terrified, one moment she was running from her brother’s blind rage the next she was falling into the body of an empty, long forgotten well. There was no time to scream out for help, who would listen anyways? She was the middle, “nothing special”, child, and she was too far away from the house for anyone to hear her, too far to be saved in time. The fall seemed like forever, and for a moment Kalli thought of Alice’s wonderland.

When she should have hit the bottom she found herself in a dark room with a corridor and a glint of light at the end of it. She spoke out loud, partly to calm herself, and partly to know she wasn’t dead. “To think, a grown woman like me running from her brother. I could have simply called the guards to protect me, or even grabbed my fencing gear. But here I am….. not at the bottom of a well…. Where am I?”

She walked down the hall towards the dim glimmer at the end, the shape of a door quickly formed. With out hesitation she instinctly grabbed for a handle and pulled open the door. The room on the other side was nearly blindingly bright. Glass encased animals and a pillar in the middle with a simple hammer.

Kallisandra took some time to look around, all of the animals seemed to be frozen in place. The pillar looked unassuming, as did the hammer. A glimmer of movement caught her eye and she followed it to an angry, yet regal looking bird. Running back to fetch the hammer, she tripped over something metallic, it clanged as it was flung behind her. Her rapier, she couldn’t believe things now, not that she really could before, but she knew she left this in her room. She tied the silken scarf around her waist and took the hammer. The glass shattered and tinkled as it hit the floor; the bird seemed to bow and then took off, straight at her. She closed her eyes, and when nothing hit her she opened them and found that she was not where she should have been.

Cheshire Cat
Tac Erihsehc
Cheshire Cat is offline
Old 05-29-2007, 09:37 AM

The Cheshire Cat thought about the colorless mage's concluding words before he (the cat) left. I suppose it's like a game of hide and seek where I'm always the seeker. Yes Cheshire will seek. For now, Cheshire will follow the girl. The cat went back to the part of the forest where the girl was but went into the trees again and stayed to where it only consisted of its mouth and its eyes. The cat faded to fullness so it had its ears and could hear. Below, the girl was still there talking with the mage, prince in his arms. This time Cheshire will stay silent, no trips. See mage? I'm already doing my job, watching the prince.[/i]

Rin Namami
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Old 05-29-2007, 01:41 PM

A talking cat?! she looked at the creature as if she had never seen it before and yet believing that she had. She nods once, knowing that her guess of the rest of the world was based on the appearance of the two before her, just as the Cheshire Cat had said. With Nahkiga’s reply to her thought, she blinked out of her thoughts. In this strange world, it probably would be no mistake there was bound to be at least one person who could read an other’s thoughts, especially one knowledgeable in magicks.

Calcephony growled under her breath, and her hands clenched in to fists. The prince sure was more than arrogant. Loud, was definitely another word for him. “C-Cal?” she was rather upset with the nickname Lucik had given her, but even more upset that he had called her an ‘it’ if even for that last moment. “Brat?! A brat?!” she rolled up one of the sleeves of her robes, preparing to slap or punch him if needed at any moment. “I’m not the brat here! You should certainly watch how you talk to me!” Calcephony let go of her sleeve and let it cover her arm again.

Her face reddened in both embarrassment and anger. God, he has no manners at all! she thought in rage. Though she gave a second thought about Lucik’s actions, she actually raised her hand this time to slap him. When the mage spoke, she collected herself and put her hand down. Again, she gave Nahkiga a more respected and kind look than she had the prince. No other way, huh? Calcephony sighed and looked at the ground as if she were giving up on something.

For a moment she actually pitied the prince as he fell unconscious. Calcephony inched back a little, awed and yet scared of the mage’s magick. She gazed around and came up with the conclusion which she guessed the mage and others like him had hoped for. She put either hand in the loose sleeves of her robes with a sigh. “I will follow,” Calcephony answered. Sleeping and quiet, she thought, thankful that she would not have to put up with the prince’s mouth anymore for the time being. Not wanting to get lost, she stayed close to Nahkiga, and kept an eye open for anything strange; the mage had been looking around earlier as if something ominous was expected to approach.

Cheshire Cat
Tac Erihsehc
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Old 05-29-2007, 08:06 PM

The odd trio started walking into the city. Back and forth Cheshire goes go, how bothersome The gray cat continued secretly behind the three humans. Cheshire feels idle. Cheshire doesn't like being idle. Soon they were coming to the upper class part of the city of Ashiro. The cat leapt from roof top to roof top keeping the Mage and the girl in sight, making sure to knock down a few weather vanes and making loose shingles fall down causing random distress in the streets. The cat laughed to itself again in its raspy voice. The result which could almost be mistaken for coughing.

purplejesseh is offline
Old 05-29-2007, 10:00 PM

  • Aura ventured into the Soaca forest which was close to the forest of illusions. She hid and blended in with the background after she saw any signs of life. She knew she would receive another lecture if she was found here.

    She gasped, "Is that a human?!" She has heard all about humans and how different they are, yet she never saw one in person. Strangely, the human looked similar to her. She was given new clothing to wear. If Aura didn't see her earlier, she may not have known she was from a different world. She looked at who the human was talking to. A mage was carrying a sleeping boy in his arm. Aura couldn't distinguish who the boy was, nor could she hear their conversation.

    She looked up at the sky, predicting the time. She figured it was still bright enough to research on humans for a bit. She pulled out an old book and turned to an empty page. She started sketching very quickly the human that she just saw and finished after a few minutes. She eyed the mage and the boy, trying to get a closer look. "That's the prince!" she whispered, slapping her hand onto her mouth hoping no one heard her. None of them seemed to notice so Aura flipped the page and began sketching the half-elf boy. She was half-way in her drawing when they started walk. Wait, she thought. She flew to a higher altitude to finish her drawing, unaware of how high and where she was flying.

is Long

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Old 05-29-2007, 10:17 PM

Kallisandra started to walk but her legs felt unsteady and threatened to collapse under her. She took the small break to compose her self; this was not the lands around her family’s home nor was it anyplace she had been before. Trees were thin, as if she were on the edge of a plain. There were thicker forests behind her, but she knew that boars roamed the woods near home, so no telling what lived in this forest.

Her body fatigued with whatever had happened back there, began to drift off and her mind slipped into sleep. Kalli pinched herself awake and her hand dropped to her waist to untie her sword. She decided that the forest, although unknown, was probably safer than the open expanse. Standing up, blood rushed to her head and made her feel light headed, a few wobbly steps guided her into the shadows of the forest.

Starving Artist
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Old 05-30-2007, 03:02 AM

Iris was of the desert, she had lived there her whole life; in a broken world with the wastelands as her home. She had stepped into the darkness, thinking it to be a spiritual vision granted upon her by the gods; yet as the door opened into this world the sensation did not go away. She did not feel any different, as if she had been sleeping... and this world was not her own. The tanned woman stepped tentatively through the portal and touched one foot down on the spongy earth. She gasped as it gave way beneath her, very different from the shifting sands and the hard rock she knew so well.

Placing the foot more firmly on the ground, Iris stepped through with her other leg. She didn't know where she was or what had happened but the air here smelled so fresh, and was so heavy... so full of life. It was almost suffocating. But she reveled in it, breathed it in and closed her eyes, sticking her arms out to the side. Kneeling down, she leaned over and placed her hands in the grass, clutching the cool vegetation in her palms. Exhaling, she opened her eyes again and looked up only to find a woman and man dressed in robes coming her way. The man was carrying a younger male in his arms.

Iris' heart started to race as she peered around, trying to determine where a good hiding spot could be. Oh, this is all so foreign, she thought as her eyes darted about, Where will they not know of my presence? Her time was running out, they were coming closer. Her head hurt, trying to process everything that had happened, this new world... she stood.

The woman spread her feet apart, standing tall and proud in the middle of the trees, looking very out of place with her tanned skin, sun-bleached hair, tattoos and designed-scars. Her dress looked very tribal, a crude cloth top and loincloth to match, smoothed animal hide hooking on to the loincloth and wrapping around her waist in a skirt that covered her posterior. Her amber eyes were stoic and she held her head high as she drew her twin butterfly blades. She came from a land of turmoil, a land of war; what's to say this land was any different. She did not hold herself in an aggressive stance, instead she appeared quite regal. She sat and waited, with her heart racing, for the trio to approach her.

Tet Anon
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Old 05-30-2007, 03:12 AM

((Ahh you got me. *edits post a bit to accomidate the newer addition*))

Nahkiga was amused by the way the girl seemed to react to the cheshire cat. However, it was expected. He had not many times seen the Cheshire cat himself. Though he knew of it's existance. He looked to the woman breifly before he watched the whereabouts of that cheshire cat. Then his eyes would look between th pair that had not met as grandly as he'd hoped for.

He made a sound "Ah! Do please forgive the prince's harsh words! i'm afraid he doesn't meet with many peple outside the palace. Let alone this world. " Nahkiga made a sound and he bowed his head slightly letting out a sharp breath. Much like a babysitter when the children they are paid to watch start fighting. "please please Lady Calcephony Prince lucik!" he had shouted wishing for them to calm down.

It was true, the prince was arrogant, and not used to having to watch his manners. Let alone use them outside of royal events. He was spoiled more so than most prince where. "i'm very sorry for his magesty's rude behavior m'lady. He can be... a bit of a handful.. from time to time." he stated a bit embarassed for the royal family with the way the prince had behaved. "And in town. I must ask that you keep your arguing with him visibly to a minimum. It is against the law here to act out against a member of the royal family and the king does his best to be fair to all people within the world of Ashiro when it comes to laws. " he stated sighing heavily "even I've wished to smack the prince around sometimes, but i'm afraid that if I had. I would face punishment. "

Nahkiga's smile would only grow as the woman agreed to follow "Thank you for being understanding Lady Calcephony. It is difficult for me to explain some things. So the king of Ashiro will do better to explain where things stand and more detail to how you are to get home. You will meet with him and the high mage as soon as a few others arrive." he stated quietly. Lucik remaining unconcious in his arms. Nahkiga smiled as he spoke again "Prince Lucik hates when I do this to him, because he cannot fight back in his sleep. The king has permissed this magick to be cast upon him and this alone. The King knows of his son's troublesome ways, but i'm afraid the people of Ashiro do not in great number know. he is a half breed so the people already have their bias. If they where to learn of his disobedient ways. They would label him as far worse than he really is." he added.

Ahead of them, as he walked , he noticed another new face. It was easy by the way the woman stood, and the way that she seemd afraid, that she was as well not of this world. "Ah.. I pulled two through.." he stated allowed as he stopped breifly. He raised his hand and summoned more Ashiro appearing clothes over the girl's body. Then he motioned for her to follow along. "Give this to her, my hands are a bit full, please." he stated as he handed another small orb like the one that he'd given Calcephony. He motioned for the girl to follow as well as he lead them to the city.

The mage grew slightly annoyed as they walked to the city. Through the streets they went and the sounds of the things falling from the roof was starting to bother him. " Cheshire cat, please do keep your destruction to a minimum." he stated sighing heavily he's such an imp. he thought to himself as they walked to the crystal bridge that led across a silver river surrounding the castle. The crystal walkway glittered and shone as they stepped upon it. The guards at the gateway stopping them upon reaching the gates. "She is a guest and is requested by the King himself. Please stand down." he stated as he nodded his head. The guards moved aside laughing a little to themselves at sight of the unconcious prince. The pathway turned into ground of multiple colors. the grounds there seemed to have gems of all shades within the earth as if it was once the mining ground of such gems. The palace itself seemed crystal upon the exterior but as they where granted passage through the golden gates of the entryway it fell to look more elegant and ancient within. The floors of marble, pillars that rose as high as one could see, and the carpet of course that was of blood red tone that lead all the way to the doors of the throne room. Several gold trimmed doors to the left and right as well as staircases remained closed.

However, the doors ahead of them would open and from a distance the empty thrones could be seen. And the King and Queen where summoned from their chambers as Nahkiga stepped up and placed the sleeping prince upon the smaller of the three thrones.

They where all completely unaware of the faerie woman that had been watching them the entire time of summoning. However, there was one who did notice her. A small child like boy who was wandering through. Though he'd not seen the others he'd noticed the Faerie woman hiding and then noticed her following some people. He hadn't heard her shout from where he was hiding in the trees but he didn't really mind either. his bright green eyes and short ear-length green hair bouncing as he stood up from where he was. his pointed ears and small stature gave away what he was. He was the youth of eleves. one of the child like elves that lived within the soaco forest. As the faerie flew by he shouted "HEY!!! stop following people!! It's not nice to follow people!" he shouted.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the forest. (Near the character Kal)

The mage of fire panted heavily as she ran down the the paths "oh no oh no oh no!! i didn't think my aim was that bad!" she'd shouted, having miscaculated where the human girl from the other world was to have landed. The one that she had summoned was her responsibility and it wasn't good that she'd already lost her. Her long red hair bound up in a ponytail still reached to her waist and her brown eyes held fire within themselves. She ran down the forest paths then let out a heavy breath upon spotting the girl. "There you are!" she shouted as she ran towards her. The fire red wings the mage held where folded back along her spine. She knelt giving out a heavy breath then dug through her bag grabbing a small pea-sized orb holding it out to the girl gently as if she where some sort of child that she had to becareful with. She knew the girl couldn't understand anything she said without it, but perhaps she should have tried to explain better what it did.

Rin Namami
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Old 05-30-2007, 07:01 PM

“Half-breed?” she asked. “You mean, though he is a prince, the people to not accept him as much as they would if he were not half-breed?” Calcephony looked ahead to whom Nahkiga spoke of. She took the item which she called ‘the pill’ and approached the other girl. “Uhm… here,” she held it out to her. “Sorry, but we don’t have anything to wash it down with, but it’ll help you to understand them.” Calcephony looked over the girl’s appearance with envy. Here skin was beautiful, and no matter how hard Calcephony tried, she could not get it as tan.

Not wanting to get lost, she took the girl (Iris I am assuming) by the wrist gently and brought her along. Part of the reason to drag her along was that she did not seem of this world either, and it was a little uncomfortable to Calcephony to be the only girl in any group consisting of more than one man.

Calcephony gasped as a roof tile had almost landed on her. She had to skip forward to evade it, and managed to avoid the others that fell down. That cat’s crazy, she decided. When they approached the bridge, Calcephony had to stop to look at it. She put a foot forward and was in awe as each of her steps seemed to make the spot beneath each foot glow. What is this place? she had to ask herself again. Goosebumps crawled up and down her skin as the guards stopped them. She part of herself behind Nahkiga, and almost bumped into him when she turned around to look at one of the guards as they walked by.

Again, she was taken-a-back by the vast display of the grounds. Calcephony could only swear to herself that she was in some child’s faerie tale dream. Maybe I am, she thought while paused to examine the many gems in the ground. When Nahkiga was far enough away, she hurried to catch up to him on her tip-toes so attention would not be drawn to her. “It’s very… shiny, this place,” she did not mean to say that out loud, but it had managed to slip out.

She stood back where the steps to the three thrones began and kept her attention in front of her. What am I supposed to do? she thought. Calcephony put her hands together and tilted her head down a bit to loosen herself up so as not to seem too tight and nervous. What am I supposed to say? I’ve never met any royalty before, she looked up a bit to glare at the prince, Except him.


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