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suppi is offline
Old 08-12-2007, 03:03 AM

Yupp, Millennium Snow. ^^ It's also known as A Thousand Years of Snow or Sennen no Yuki. x] So, has anyone read this manga before? It's a really cute one. :3 There are only 2 volumes though, I believe..and no anime. ><; I wish there was an anime version of it.

Anyway, here's a summary from Anime News Network.

Chiyuki is a high school student living with a heart disease that threatens to take her life at any moment. One night, she meets Touya, a vampire with the opposite problem; he will live for about a thousand years. It's customary for a vampire of Touya's age to choose a human partner, one who will allow him to drink her blood and who will also share his life span. Considering long life to be more of a curse than a blessing, Touya refuses to bind a person to him by drinking their blood. Chiyuki, not wanting Touya to be so alone, makes it her goal to convince him to make her his partner for a thousand years.
Discuss anything related to this manga. ^^
And by the way, it's from the same creator of Ouran High School Host Club. >w<

Here's an image of the second volume.

xuvrette is offline
Old 08-12-2007, 04:20 AM

I haven't read this before and the story REALLY attracts my attention! and the creator of Ouran too! Should be having nice art work.

the sypnosis looks so sweet. Though, I actually would think long life is not a blessing but death is not a bless either.

suppi is offline
Old 08-14-2007, 06:45 PM

Yeahh, it's a really great manga. :3 I think the art is a bit older than Ouran's, but it's still awesome as ever. xD

That's true...but they can't help it right? ^^;; That's why you have to read to understand... :3

life in red and black
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life in red and black is offline
Old 08-14-2007, 08:19 PM

I read a preview chapter on Shojo Beat. >.< really sweet story.

One girl who faces a life of always knowing she has limited time... One vampire who faces a life of thousand years...


MiroshaxKerry is offline
Old 08-14-2007, 08:43 PM

i came into this thread and saw the picture and tohught WOAH O__O thats the same creter as Ouran isent it?

then looked abuve and saw you said it was written by the same mangaka, man thoses guys look like Tamaki and Kyouya so much O__O goes to show what the mangaka like her boys to look like ne?

its funny really... i brought this manga today called ''Me and my brothers'' one boy looks llike Kyouya and somewhat acts like him to (a nice version of him anyway, the smart and mature qualitys.)

and thats not it a quite guy in there is called Takeshi to and a brother that looks and acts like Kyou from Furuba to (not Ouran related but hey its still funny... especially since both Ouran and Furuba have the same kind of madness and make me laugh the same way etc.)

sorry happy ranted on ^^;

anyways i will be sure to check this manga out! i will recommend it to my friend to.

(edit): two volumes out already? oh dear GOD please tell me its old before Ouran >.<;; she aint even finished Ouran yet and if it isent then i pray it wont hold her back on the Ouran manga to because i want a second series to Ouran asap.

suppi is offline
Old 08-14-2007, 09:10 PM

life; It really is...when I finished reading it, it didn't seem like the story was over though.. D:

kerry; Yeah, the characters look really a like...but the black haired guy has a WAY different personality from Kyoya. :lol: The blonde guy isn't much different from Tamaki though.. o:

Ooh, that sounds pretty interesting. :]]

Yeah, two volumes.. it was created before Ouran though.. I think those are the only ones.. it's a pretty short manga.. ^^;;


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