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~loves~alot_1121 is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 06:13 PM

about: witches figuring out how to use there powers

Setting:there will be many settings

People you can be: Witches,Wizards,or Warlocks

Name:Bella-Rose(or just bell,bella)

About:Bella-rose is a shy girl.She is really curious about being a witch.Although she is quiet and shy she still is naughty and gets herself in lots of trouble.She is at a young age to be witch.She doesnt have a family or anyone to watch her so she still doesn't know the rights and the wrongs.Bella-rose is hoping to find a friend to watch her.
Pets: a small friendly green dragon that is often not with bella most of the times

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BeMyAngelAmigari is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 03:22 AM

(Hies! Can I Join?)

Name: Ameagari
Age: 15
Race: Witch
Peronality: Carefree, Energetic, And random. She often finds that she's talking to herself. Ameagari loves singing and dancing. She easily warms up to people. At certain times she is serious when a friend is hurt.
Pets: A silver kitten which shifts shape to many other animals. His name is Yukiro.

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Geneveve is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 03:54 AM

Hello! May I join?
*is forming her character just incase she can join*

grebac is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 05:47 AM

Hi Can I Join?

Name: Tina
Age: 16
Race: Witch
Peronality: Is Caring, Nice, Shy, Funny And Loves To Watch Basically any type of Anime.

Garnet Phoenix
Garnet Phoenix is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 05:48 AM

(May I join?)

Name: Garnet
Age: 20
Race: Witch

Personality: She can be shy at first, but after she gets to know a person, she's fun to be around. Her powers are strong, but she knows that she needs more training. She doesn't like her friends to feel sad for any reason and will try to make them laugh. Her friends are her family, and will protect them what ever the cost. She lived a sad life as a child and ran away from home when she turned thirteen, the day she realized that she was a witch.
Pets: She has a black cat that she rescued from a stray dog's attack. And she has a motherless baby owl that she found in the forest. The cat's name is Tynan, and the owl is Persephone.

grebac is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 06:02 AM

*lays In A Tree And Stares At The Moon*

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Gwinivere is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 06:09 PM

Name: Heluma Astairn
Age: 16
Race: Witch

Personality: Heluma is calm, and can often be more than excited, no matter how hard she tries to calm down. If she finds a good enough book to read, she usually reads it at night, when everyone is asleep for hours at a time.
Pets: None

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3m0grrl is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 08:15 PM

Name:Yorunori Tonai
Powers:Has a mini friend,candy,fire,sound manipulation
Little sidekick:
Sidekick's name:Heetteri

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~loves~alot_1121 is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 11:10 PM

Belle-rose was wondering around town.She spotted a man and used her magic and turned him into a clown."My jobs done." she whispered to herself.

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3m0grrl is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 11:17 PM

Yori then appears on her broom and Heetteri throws a cupcake at the guy and Yori says,"Now,your job is done."

Garnet Phoenix
Garnet Phoenix is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 02:49 AM

Garnet walked out of the inn she was staying in and looked around at the empty square. Well, not really empty, she noticed two girls playing around with one of the village folk. She smiled and shook her head. She then heard a meow from behind and saw her cat walk up from behind and look up at her. "Didn't I tell you to stay with Persephone?" the cat only meowed and looked up at the window where her room for the night was.

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3m0grrl is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 03:00 AM

"Oh,I don't think a clown is good for him how about a dog?"Waves hand around and chanted,"Oh,those clothes are really tacky,now turn into a dog that's really kacky."Then two orbs on her jacket shoot a beam that hits the man and it turns him into a dog.Then she says,"Hey,you might want to put your cat away,or that dog will chase her."

Garnet Phoenix
Garnet Phoenix is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 02:24 PM

Garnet looked up to see a dog where a man used to stand. From behind her, she could hear Tynan hissing at the dog. She turned around and opened the door to the inn. "Now go inside and stay with Persephone, please." The cat gave the dog another hiss before he ran inside. She closed the door and looked up at the witch who spoke to her. "Thank you for the warning. But I think that the dog is more preoccupied with that cupcake your companion threw at him" She pointed at the dog licking up the last bit of crumbs and cream from its face and from the ground.

Titenya is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 04:11 PM

Are you still acepting aplications?

Name:Phedre, or Phe for short (pronounced fay-dra and Fay)
Race:Wizard - In magical circles a whitch or wizard can be male or female, it all depends on what you study and what you beleive in.
appearance: (i don't have a referance pic, so i'll use my avatar untill i can get one)
Long siver hair, with dark grey eyes. Her skin was slighly tanned from being outdoors alot. When she's not wearing her Sea flue rirual robes, she can bee seen wearing jeans.
About: Being of magical blood, Phe was always expected to do something great when she was young. When she showed no signs of any outward ablilites when she was a child, her father gave up on her and turned to more apt aprentices. Her mother encraged her to keep learning, untill one day Phe decided to go off on her own and leave home to discover her magic as she went through the world.
Powers - Healing skills, mostly with herbs but some innate magic, when she's really angy she can cause things to levitate as well.

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~loves~alot_1121 is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 04:33 PM

Bell looked at the dog and said "Hmm,I don't think a dog best fits you." she pulled out her wand and said "A dog is to lazy,so how would you like to be a daisy." She looked at the daisy and walked off.

Titenya is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 05:03 PM

(sorry bout that was afk)

Wlaking up the road that lead to the inn, Phe heard a comotion. She watched as a dog got turned into a flower

"What was that?" she aked herself aloud. She was king of scared of these girls, but decided to keep going and introduce herself, maybe she had jsut caught them at a bad time.

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BeMyAngelAmigari is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 09:55 PM

Ameagari strolled down the street quietly, Ruffling her long dark hair, her blue eyes shimmered in the sunlight. two small figures, A blue pixie and a yellow pixie hovered around her. She laughed lightly, Fixing her hat and spoke to the pixies. "Kakata...." She said to the yellow one, "Kurotsu..." She then muttered to the blue one. "Sheesh, Will you guys stop messing with me?" She asked, Petting the silver kitten in her arms. "Exspecially you Kakata.... I'm not in the mood to listen to you talking about how cute the squirrels are..." She said, Sighing "At least Yukiro keeps quiet..."

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3m0grrl is offline
Old 10-16-2007, 01:00 AM

"Ooh that was a better idea than mine!!"

Titenya is offline
Old 10-16-2007, 01:44 PM

Phe watched the others for another moment then continued closer

"Greetings all, how are you on this fine day?"

pompon-chan is offline
Old 10-16-2007, 04:12 PM

Personality:Laura is a very forgetful, laid back girl.She has spent most of her life traveling around the country collecting rare items for her potions that she sells to rare treasure collecters.She is with no doubt very naive and always looks at the bright side.She is makes friends with every person she meets and the only people that hate her are the people who dont like her optimistic personality.
Pets:mole rat(vegi)

Garnet Phoenix
Garnet Phoenix is offline
Old 10-16-2007, 09:21 PM

She looked up as she saw the new comer walk up to the two girls who were having fun changing the villager. She decided to walk up to the others, as well as get a closer look at what kind of flower the man was turned into. "Poor guy, let's hope no one plucks him from the ground..." Garnet looked up at the silver haired woman and smiled "I'm doing well. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Garnet. And what might your names be?" she looked at the other girls when she asked her question.

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Gwinivere is offline
Old 10-16-2007, 09:45 PM

Heluma sat there in the forest, her eyes glinting as they gazed down at the earth`s skin. She was listening for something-anything. Nothing. Aggrivatted she jumped from the tree to practice something else, which worked. When she landed fire lined around her feet. She smiled but then flinched and crushed the fire. Heluma often felt as if she were being punished when she felt this pain.

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BeMyAngelAmigari is offline
Old 10-16-2007, 10:43 PM

Ameagari sighed and adjusted her hat quietly "Kurotsu! Get back here!" She exclaimed as the blue pixie went off to mess with some guy's head by pretending to be his conscience.

On her way over she accidentally ran into Phedre. "EEP!! I'm sorry! Really Sorry!" She exclaimed frantically as Kakata flew after Kurotsu. Ameagari bit her lip, Continuously apologizing. "Sorry Sorry!"

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3m0grrl is offline
Old 10-16-2007, 11:20 PM

"Hehe I'm good you?And do you want some candy?"

pompon-chan is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 02:19 PM

Laura pushed and pulled as she tried to get through the busy croud.It was sales season and every village was bumming with traders, travels and just normal people who have come to enjoy the after dark activities and food.

With out thinking for a second Laura ran into the closses inn.She stould there trying to catch her breath for a second and finally stretched out and looked around.To her surprise there was a table full of witches , she examened them with her eyes and noticed a flower and started laughing.*now thats what I call fine magic*she thought to herself as laughing.Excited to meet these fine witches Laura dashed out after them.

"Hi there I'm Laura what are your names?"


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