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Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 06:38 AM

What was your favorite thing about the event?
Win any contests?
Earn any prizes?
Caught a few ghosts, or snagged some art?
Were you a top Candy collector?

Take a moment to reflect on all the fun you had this Halloween.
Happy Halloween Menewsha!

Let's see if I can start this off....
I earned 100g in a contest thread, talked to more of the users, I caught a green ghost in a fish bowl x'3
And I had fun the whole time.
I can't wait for the next event, and I hope Mene doesn't go offline on the last day of that one.
Get better Mene -sticks on giant boobootape-

Box Of Bullets
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Old 11-04-2007, 06:44 AM

Hehehe fave part of Halloween
in general or on Mene? Cause...
I wasn't here for Halloween. xD
I did like the items and the
fun I had talking to people in
the process of getting them. >>;

Other then that. Was my babys
first Halloween! And her first
piece of candy. Yayyy! xD She
is like hooked on Tootsie pops now...

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 11-04-2007, 06:44 AM

My favorite thing about the event.... was the release of some really spiffy items. XD Loads of them!! And they all are awesome items too!!!

No, I didn't win any contests. XD But I didn't enter any either, that I recall. (Who knows what I did at six in the morning, though.)

I don't believe I earned any prizes. XD If I have, no one let me know. LOL.

I caught ghosts in the form of the ghost kitties...? And I found every item through the bobbing NPC ghosts...? XD

I bought some really really cute avatar art in Miyu's 24 Art Sale thread - check them out!!! :D

I earned a load of candies, yes! Is there a list of top collectors somewhere? XD

*takes a moment to reflect*

Happy Halloween to you as well. XD

DarkMelancholy is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 06:45 AM

I loved this event. It was my first event on Menewsha. ^^

Sadly, no. I didn't win any contest, though, I did find
a ghost. But it was already found. xD

Another no. I wasn't one of the top candy collector.
But it was fun, though. So, I don't think it really
matter how much candy one got. xD

The items are so adorable! The creators did an
excellent job. o^-^o

Sarcasm Machine
Aeschylus is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 06:47 AM

What was your favorite thing about the event? I very much liked the threads in the Halloween forums.
Win any contests? No I did not.
Earn any prizes? No again. T_T
Caught a few ghosts, or snagged some art? I got a candy bar, but I did not get any art. Orz
Were you a top Candy collector? No, I only got 21 candies through out the whole event.

Box Of Bullets
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Old 11-04-2007, 06:48 AM

Oh and of course!


Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 06:50 AM

I take it back!

I did play in Aero's contest thread where we were meant to list our Menewsha staffly types. I earned ten gold for knowing "Chunsa-Chan" was one of the staff. XDD


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leasfy is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 06:51 AM

The event attracts me so much xD
its fun fun xd
i got cool wardrobe, talk with new people and hang out with others

PixelBabii is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 06:53 AM

My favorite thing about the event
was definitely the items. I didn't win
any contests, but I sure did come close to.
I didn't earn any prizes either. As a matter
of fact, I caught all the ghosts. I have many
items. I didn't get any art but I requested for
a free one. And yes I was a top candy collector.
I caught many candies.


Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 06:55 AM

Originally Posted by â—• w â—•
What was your favorite thing about the event? I very much liked the threads in the Halloween forums.
Win any contests? No I did not.
Earn any prizes? No again. T_T
Caught a few ghosts, or snagged some art? I got a candy bar, but I did not get any art. Orz
Were you a top Candy collector? No, I only got 21 candies through out the whole event.
I love your username!
What symbols are the eyes?
That's too clever.

I feel like doing some art.
I've got to go to sleep now (it's already Sunday x'P)
but I'll be back tomorrow.
Keep sharing, Ciao for now.

Aylar is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 07:01 AM

What I enjoyed the most was the increased amount of people on the site. I loved talking to a lot of the people. I'm new and it often seems when I am able to get on, not many other people are. I love the items but I enjoyed talking to people so much more.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 07:35 AM

Happy Halloween

@ Popcorn - I'll get your free art from the draw the avatar above you thread as soon as I get it done.

mewmew07 is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 08:25 AM

I had fun with this event. I collected all of the items. Except for the cat ears and tail, which I am working on. (Though Mene being offline set me back a whole lot.) I got some free art things during the event. Three people drew my avatar and one person was letting people take free lilipops that she draw, like one with a bat on it, one with a ghost, one with a pumpkin, etc. Also, I have talked to many people about what they did on Halloween and what's their favorite things about it adn what candy they enjoy eating.

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Kalium is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 10:28 AM

Oh, what else can I say, happy Halloween for you too.

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Old 11-04-2007, 02:37 PM

What was your favorite thing about the event?
By far the items we get and collecting candies! It's so much fun and the items are so gorgeous! I love them.

Win any contests?
Not yet but I've bot some free art so I'm happy!

Earn any prizes?
Just the free items and the other things!

Caught a few ghosts, or snagged some art?
I got some art and I have only gotten some ghosts. I'm trying to get them all!

Were you a top Candy collector?
No. I would never have that much time to get too many! XD.

Courage is the Magic that turns ...

Anglie is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 03:11 PM

Happy (Late) Halloween to you too

What was your favorite thing about the event? The clues and looking for the items
Win any contests? No I haven't, but I wish I did
Earn any prizes? Unless you count the clues and candies, none T_T
Caught a few ghosts, or snagged some art? Nope, nada. I haven't really had the time.
Were you a top Candy collector? Nope... As soon as I got my candy, I spent it on items XD


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