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MelonFairy is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 09:58 PM

:3 This will be a Private Roleplay between Melonfairy and Usuri. Please don't post.

This Roleplay is based off of a comic idea of Usuri's. Please do not steal, copy, redistribute, alter, or etc any portion of this project. Thank you.

Usuri is offline
Old 02-15-2008, 06:34 AM


The year is 2790. The world has changed in such a way that you’d never believe it unless you saw it with your own eyes. Earth has been split into three main sectors. The first sector, Ehrua, is the ‘Utopia’ for man. People do not fight, steal, or hurt each other in anyway. People are always polite and kind. At least, on the surface they are. No one is ever out of line because they know what will happen to them, exile.

I live in an age where children are not children anymore. They have taken over and by that I mean the G-exP. They are the perfect children; created in pods to be beautiful, smart, and obedient. They never cry, and always smile. A child who will never break a mother’s heart by getting mixed up with the wrong kind of people, people like me, vigilantes.

Us vigilantes live in the second sector. We are the Resistance. We are the hated and the feared. We are the peoples hope. There are about one thousand of us. The majority of the Resistance lives in sector two, Jyoh, the rest are scattered amongst what is left of the world.

The third sector is just known as sector three. It is a barren wasteland. Barely any people live there. Nothing grows there either. It was once just as fertile and utilizable as the other two sectors but when the Great Famine ravaged the land, people were scared and ended up taking arms to protect what little food they had. That was the beginning of The Campaigns. People were scared and wanted a new government, one that could protect them and provide for them. The people of the world turned to one man, the man who now controls all of Ehrua. He pulled together an army to overthrow the government. The people thought of him as a hero, their savior. Little did they know, this would cost them one third of the population of the world and sector three. The damages of the war wiped out all that stood on the face of sector three.

One out of every three people died in the Great War. ‘He’ won; justice lost. ‘He’ created a new world for mankind. One in which there was no poverty or famine. One in which all feared him and his power. One in which people had no choices in life.

History likes to repeat itself, disguised as another, but in the end, it’s always the same. Right now we’re on the verge of going to war. The Ehruian government wants to expunge out all factors that may harm their precious society, the Resistance being the main target. They think after they get rid of us, they won’t have any problems because they can easily get rid of the exiled, but that’s where they are wrong. The exiled are supposedly the sick, lame, or weak, but amongst them are also the smart, capable, and righteous.

My name is Kana. I was born a prototype to the G-exP alongside my twin sister Faye. I have not seen her or my family in ten years. I once lived happily with my family in Ehrua, naïve and unknowing of what was really going one, but one day the head genetic engineer was murdered and security and surveillance increased. My father could not continue to pretend that we did not exist. One day, ‘He' found out about us. Even as leader of our nation, he didn’t have much insight into how far the prototypes of the new generation have come. Eventually, he ordered father to get rid of all 10 of the prototype children because we not perfect enough. Distraught by the command, she tried to smuggle us out. Very few of us made it out alive. The only two first-generation G-exP to make it out were me and a boy, Kalim. His father, a genetic engineer and one of my father’s co-workers, took us to sector two. They two of them, my father and Pop, as we call him, contrived the plan for escape when they heard about the plan to expunge all prototypes. They were worried and decided to help us escape to sector 2. They make plans for everything including a place to stay and what to do for food.

Unfortunately when the time came to execute the plan, we were caught. Government border guards shot down most of the other prototypes. Pop was leading us so he made it out along with me and Kalim. The three of us followed the rest of the plan and made it down to sector three without a problem, but we were so scared. Pop didn’t know what would happen to Father and the prototypes that didn’t get shot.

I was eight when that happened. I cried that whole day. I didn’t understand what was happening. How was I supposed to know that the point of my existence was to become the basis of a plan to create a new world order? How was I supposed to understand that at birth my body was infused with things I still can’t even begin to comprehend, to make my body into a weapon? How was I supposed to know that my birth really had no meaning but to signify the end to humanity as we knew it? Eventually I just stopped thinking about it all together.

I am eighteen this year. Pop says that I’ll finally be able to ascend to the position of commander of the Alpha Squadron. I now command over 500 members of the Resistance. I’ve been training for this day for five years now and I’ve finally made it. I know what to do so I’m not the least bit worried about it. What I am worried about it a mission to escort a very important spy from Ehrua to the Resistance command center. If everything goes well, then we’ll have a good deal of information about the plans that the Ehruian government is making. If we could get this information, we would have the upper hand. I’m personally taking a small troop of five of my best soldiers with me. We cannot afford to let the spy get captured because that could turn the tables on the underground war. Right now, it may seem as if there are only a few skirmishes along the border of the Ehrua, but we all know that sooner or later, the day for war will finally come.

I’m not afraid of losing my life in the effort. What I’m afraid of is losing to the power of the Ehruian government. I know what they are doing is wrong. Though the burden of the future of mankind is great, I will not buckle underneath the weight because I know that as long as there are people that are willing to take up arms underneath a good cause I will have the strength to continue. I know that as long as there is even one person at my side, I will have the strength to continue unto death and that is how I wish it...


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