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Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 05:29 PM

Currently accepting applications!

~Plot: The Earth is a gorgeous gem that an alien species called The Veremites desire. Their home planet, Vere, has been devastated by plague and famine for the last hundred years, so the Veremites are running out of resources and their species is ultimately starving to death... So one day they took to their space ships and flew across the universe in search of a better planet to call their home. Alas, they found Earth and discovered that it had the same structure as Vere, so they could easily breathe and grow crops on this planet.... The only problem was, Earth is already inhabited by the humans. The Veremites face two strategical ideas, whether to battle and ultimately conquer the humans or to befriend the humans and later conquer them. The end results is the same, but how they go about conquering the humans is up to the Veremites! Now, the Universal battle has begun. Who shall win, humans or Veremites? It is still undecided!

Fortunately for the humans, theres another alien force, called The Numes. Now, The Numes have been friends with the Earthlings for 2,000 yrs, so if the humans ask the Numes will come and help them against the Veremites. The only problem is that the Veremites have one of the most powerful military known to the universe... It will be a great struggle, but with the help of the Numes the humans might succeed. Humans do NOT want to be enslaved to the Veremites.

1. Humans
2. The Veremites (invading alien species)
2. The Numes (alien species that helps the humans)

Both Alien species look like humans so that they can blend in with humans, if need be.

Last edited by Thoth Star; 05-11-2008 at 07:36 PM..

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 05:30 PM

reserved 1


I would like to join the RP!
~User Name: Thoth Star
~Name of Character: Rose Keiko Green
~Characters age: 17
~Species: Human

Has blond hair, blue eyes, 5'4", and is very attractive.
~Personal Characteristics: Rebellious, confident, aggressive; ect.
~Biography: An orphan, her parents abandoned her in front of a Catholic church when she was 2 yrs old, so she's had a tough life. Since she was 13 (so for four years) she has been a model for fashion magazines to be able to live on her own, because she doesn't like the Catholic church nor does she like being bossed around by nuns. When she discovers that aliens might be coming to attack Earth she gets prepared to fight back! She's not the kind of girl to let aliens do whatever they want and she refuses to be enslaved to anyone!
~Other: She loves guns, chocolate, and her cat Momo.

Text color- Blue


I would like to join the RP!
User Name: Shinigami2
Name of Character: Shinigami (shinn) Rose
Characters age: 18
Species (Human, Veremite, Nume): Human
Appearance (Picture & Description preferred):Link to picture
Personal Characteristics: shy but rather hyper, she loves to run around causing trouble
Biography: Shinn isn't quick to believe anything she sees. She was abondoned at the young age of 5 and has been protecting her beliefs since then. Shinn has been trying to find Numes friend Hikaru.
Other: She is overly hyper and loves to be over worked and to dress up.


I would like to join the RP!
~User Name: anthony996
~Name of Character: Ty
~Characters age: 23
~Species (Human, Veremite, Nume): Human
~Appearance (Picture & Description preferred):

(hes human, just with a couple extras!)
~Personal Characteristics: Grown a pair of wings and demon horns at birth
~Biography:was born to a human who slept with a demon. Ty tries his hardest at everything. So he jumped into the military and is currently figthing the Veremite
~Other: Very smart at gun fights and all ways perrverted:D

Last edited by Thoth Star; 05-12-2008 at 12:28 AM..

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 05:31 PM

reserved 2

~The Veremites:

I would like to join the RP!
~User Name: Thoth Star
~Name of Character: Jeriko Vere Lolith XII
~Characters age: 20
~Species: Veremite
Has black hair, gold eyes, is 6'0" and is very athletic.
~Personal Characteristics: Confident, egotistical, proud, rude, greedy and is very competitive.
~Biography: He's royalty, in fact, he's a Veremite Prince. His father is the King of the Veremites and has declared war on Earth. His mother is quiet and hates war, but she has no say in politics. Jeriko was told by his father, Jeriko Vere Lolith XI, to conquer planet Earth and the humans in the name of Vere and being the 'good son' that Jeriko is he said that he would. Jeriko is the main leader of the Veremite forces, but he hasn't decided whether to outright conquer the humans through strength or to befriend the humans and enslave them cleverly. He has two younger sisters, but they're too young to help in conquering Earth.
~Other: He's obsessed with mangos and thinks they're the BEST food in the universe, which is another personal reason he wants to claim Earth for the Veremites. His parents want him to get married after he conquers Earth, but there's no one he likes and he finds the Veremites unattractive. He's gifted at sword fighting!

Text color- red.


I would like to join the RP!
~User Name: Yume_no_Yume
~Name of Character: Myse Xaus
~Characters age: 18
~Species: Veremite
~Appearance: Myse is around 5'10, fairly short in her family's eyes, for they are all at least six foot. Her pale blue eyes contrast drastically with her pitch black hair, which hangs down to her mid back, although the front is cut short so it frames her face. She isn't as curvy as she desires to be, though she does have a slight hourglass figure. Because of her position, she has some freedom in how she dresses, although the skeleton of the uniform must be there. She tends to wear a tank top under the otherwise revealing shirt the female officers need to wear, which has a deep v-neck and opens above the bellybutton.
~Personal Characteristics: She tends to be very aloof and very into her job, not wanting to falter and be a dissapointment to her parents. She tends to be blatantly honest, quick to voice her opinion on the question or problem at hand.
~Biography: Myse was born into a higher class family on Vere, but her family did not appreciate her much because of her stature and shape. She studied and trained very hard and her family was very surprised when she was made a prominent general in the forces that were being sent to Earth. Even more surprised when, she, their daughter who they never thought would amount to anything, became an adviser to the prince.
~Other: She looks upon the prince with slight disgust because of his personality. She is very intelligent, as well as excellent with most weapons.


I would like to join the RP!
~User Name: Alexander Linden
~Name of Character: Xellios Arturo Von Silvia
~Character's age: 23
~Species: Veremite
~Appearance (Picture & Description preferred): Picture link
Xel is tall, standing at about 6'4" with a fairly athletic build. He has almost chin-length jet black hair, and glowing green eyes.
~Personal Characteristics: Outwardly, Xel seems to be rather cold and unemotional. He is fairly stoic around most people, not letting anything show, and not talking all that much for that matter (unless of course given the proper conversation, though being the personal body-guard to the prince himself he knows when to talk and when not to.) It goes without saying that Xel is completely loyal to the prince.
~Biography: At a young age, Xel was taught to fight. He is prominent with the use of a sword, and is usually seen with his sword strapped to his side. He grew up alongside the prince, his family being a noble family close to that of the royal family themselves. It was quite an honor to be taken on as the prince's personal bodyguard at the age of 16. Xel follows the prince where ever he goes, into battle, and across the universe to where they plan to take over the little blue planet.
Xel is very much in love with Jeriko.

Last edited by Thoth Star; 06-01-2008 at 10:19 PM..

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 05:31 PM

reserved 3

~The Numes:

I would like to join the RP!
~User Name: Thoth Star
~Name of Character: Torrence Queu Numefly
~Characters age: 16
~Species: Nume

Has white hair, gray eyes, 5'6" and can run very fast!
~Personal Characteristics: When first meeting someone is shy. He tends to be cute and act like a cat, does not like to fight, neutral behavior, curious, adventurous, friendly, and can befriend almost anyone.
~Biography: His mother died when giving birth to him, but his father still lives and he's a Nume General. Torrence is an only child, so he gets lonely sometimes, cause his father is always working. With his friendly attitude he makes friends quickly. One day he heard his father would be leaving for Earth and being the curious, cat-like person that he is, he snuck on the ship in hopes of meeting a human being! He brought Alfred along with him.
~Other: He loves snakes, his pet snake is called Alfred and he can't go anywhere without him! He loves to make friends and he also loves shiny objects, like gold and silver.

Text color- green.


I would like to join the RP!
User Name:shinigami2
Name of Character: Hikaru Misaki
Characters age: 17
Species (Human, Veremite, Nume): Nume
Appearance (Picture & Description preferred):
Personal Characteristics: usually bubbly and very friendly. Hyper, engertic. Cheerful and protective.
Biography: Hikaru does not know much about herself she only knows she was taken in by the numes but she's from the planet of Vere. She has been learning about her past but yet not much has been discovered.
Other: She has a major crush on the veremites prince Jeriko.


~User Name: Yume_no_Yume
~Name of Character: Etara Delok
~Characters age: 16
~Species: Nume
~Appearance: Etara
Etara's dark hair and dark eyes are something she has alway treasured, for her family has only light hair and light eyes. She is short, around 5'3" but she doesn't let it bother her.
~Personal Characteristics: Very bubbly, she could chatter away with a fencepost for hours. She is very in your face, not being shy about sticking her face close to another's. Etara is also very nosy, there isn't much business she doesn't want to know about.
~Biography: The Deloks are a middle class Nume family, although they are perfectly content with that, their fourth daughter has higher aspirations. Etara is constantly getting in trouble for finding some way to find out things she isn't supposed to. One of those times was when she decided to stowaway on a military ship bound for Earth.
~Other: She enjoys doing her hair different ways, and is never without hair gel.


I would like to join the RP!
~User Name: dragoness129
~Name of Character: Yumi Akuma
~Characters age: 18
~Species: Nume
~Personal Characteristics: Sweet and happy, a bit clutsy and guillable
~Biography: Yumi grew up on Earth. Her parents lived in peace with the humans and told her what she was when she was very little. She considers Earth her home, but would like to visit her species' planet one day down the road.
~Other: Likes using guns more than swords. She learned to shoot when she was just 6 years old. She also learned sword fighting at that age.

Last edited by Thoth Star; 05-15-2008 at 03:32 AM..

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 05:32 PM

reserved 4

Application Code:

I would like to join the RP!
~User Name:
~Name of Character:
~Characters age:
~Species (Human, Veremite, Nume):
~Appearance (Picture & Description preferred):
~Personal Characteristics:

Last edited by Thoth Star; 05-11-2008 at 06:26 PM..

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 05:34 PM

reserved 5

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 05:49 PM

reserved 6

Let the Battle Begin~

((RP is now OPEN, so anyone can apply!))

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 06:39 PM

(( hell ya!

I would like to join the RP!
User Name: Shinigami2
Name of Character: Shinigami (shinn) Rose
Characters age: 18
Species (Human, Veremite, Nume): Human
Appearance (Picture & Description preferred): Shinn
Personal Characteristics: shy but rather hyper, she loves to run around causing trouble
Biography: Shinn isn't quick to believe anything she sees. She was abondoned at the young age of 5 and has been protecting her beliefs since then. Shinn has been trying to find Numes friend Hikaru.
Other: She is overly hyper and loves to be over worked and to dress up.

I would like to join the RP!
User Name:shinigami2
Name of Character: Hikaru Misaki
Characters age: 17
Species (Human, Veremite, Nume): Nume
Appearance (Picture & Description preferred): Hikaru
Personal Characteristics: usually bubbly and very friendly. Hyper, engertic. Cheerful and protective.
Biography: Hikaru does not know much about herself she only knows she was taken in by the numes but she's from the planet of Vere. She has been learning about her past but yet not much has been discovered.
Other: She has a major crush on the veremites prince Jeriko. ))

Last edited by shinigami2; 05-11-2008 at 06:55 PM..

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 06:51 PM

((Yay, thanks for joining, Shin! When I put up your character profile, do you mind if I make your first pic into a link cause its really big? Wow, I love your characters! They're so cute. <3))

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shinigami2 is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 06:53 PM

((No problem sure I'll fix the first into a linkie for ya!
Awwww thanks I thought they were cute! I'll be back later I'm going to go eat!))

Last edited by shinigami2; 05-11-2008 at 06:57 PM..

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 06:56 PM

((Thanks! *huggles Shin* :3 Ok, now I think we have enough characters to start, but I don't know how to start... XD))

Jeriko paced back and forth on the space ship, biting his lip... 'What to do? What to do?' kept repeating in his mind. So, he decided to call his father... When his father's looming face popped up on the computer monitor he inwardly shuddered with hate, "Hello, King Lolith!" He bowed low to show his respect, even though he secretly despised his father. "Yes, Jeriko?" His father asked. Jeriko sighed. "Should I conquer immediately or befriend the Earthlings?" For a moment the father seemed indecisive, then, "I gave this decision to you, Jeriko, therefore its you must decide! Do NOT let me down!" And than the screen went blank. "Damn!" Jeriko shouted and stomped his feet.

Last edited by Thoth Star; 05-11-2008 at 07:02 PM..

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 07:01 PM

(( *huggles* okay I'll start then))

Shinn blinked waking up to the sound of gunfire as she always has. Shinn sighed getting dressed and heading downstairs to check out what the new fight was about. Her jade eyes exploring the area around herself.

Hikaru looked around the building she had to go find her adoptive family and tell her she was going to find a friend. She found her mother " I'm going to earth, my friends need my help!"
Her mother nodded " make sure to find Shinn while your there!" Hikaru nodded then disappeared.

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 07:11 PM

((Thanks, Shin. I wrote some background story for Jeriko, but it doesn't tie in well with the story....))

Rose danced around her apartment, kissing her brand new guns! One was gold handled and the other was ivory. God, did she love guns! Her cat Momo meowed by her feet, "Yes, yes, I know, dear Momo!" And than Rose put a bowl of tuna fish on the floor for Momo. "Now, I must prepare for the upcoming battle..." She turned on the television to watch the news and saw a gun battle... "Oh no, I've already missed the beginning of the fight! This won't do!" So, Rose walked into her room and begun to pack a light bag of clothes, ammunition and food for her cat.

Torrence had climbed into a box that was filled with potatoes. 'This is a great hiding place,' he thought and chuckled to himself. Than, he petted his snake, Alfred. "Are you excited, Al? I am!" He knew his father would be furious with his rebellious behavior, because he had never gone against his father's wishes in the past, but if his dad was ready to fight, so was he!

Suddenly, he heard footsteps and his entire body froze and he put his index finger in front of Alfred's closed lips, "Shhhhhh..." He began to shake like a leaf at the thought that it was his father... 'I can't be discovered,' he thought....

Last edited by Thoth Star; 05-11-2008 at 07:17 PM..

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 08:55 PM

Shinn blinked surprised to see and gun fight outside She sighed but then was caught by surprise when Hikaru appeared behind her. Steeping softly Hikaru smiled "ahhh you caught me." Hikaru smiled Looking around "earth seems to have become an interesting place has it not Shinn?"
Shinn blinked realising that Hikaru had indeed been researching where she came from but she smiled knowing about her crush. Hikaru's face lit up bright red as she caught Shinn's thought. Shinn smiled "yeah things have changed, let's go outside to the place on earth that hasn't changed since you were here last"

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 09:14 PM

Fortunately, the footsteps seemed to move away from his location. Tor audibly sighed. "Numi (The Nume version of God) is with us today, my friend!" He said to his pet snake. As he was preparing to climb out of the box, everything began to shake. 'Whats happening,' he thought, but than the movement stopped. A voice spoke over the intercom, "Landed safely! Everyone gather at 01 room and disperse accordingly." "Yay," Tor shouted! "We're on Earth, Alfred! I'm sooo excited!" He leaped out of the box, with Alfred wrapped around his neck and than he quietly walked towards a door that said EXIT and pushed on the door... Out it popped and a staircase descended, so Torrence walked down it cautiously.

Jeriko sat, lounging in his leather chair, watching on a big screen all the chaos happening on Earth. His space ship was hovering over Earth, but his father had earlier called and told him to land. 'I suppose it can't be helped... I can't openly rebel against my father yet,' he thought. And than he pushed a button for the loudspeaker and grabbed the mic, "This is Prince Jeriko speaking! We shall land on Earth in 10 minutes and counting. Military personnel must prepare themselves and wait at the loading docks. All military personnel must leave immediately, just in case the humans are waiting for us and than set up a perimeter around the ship. Generals, get your officials ready! NOW!" He let go of the intercom button. "I hate my job!" Jeriko said angrily. Than he heard the countdown in session, as the ship counted every minute down over the intercom. Jeriko sighed and walked to his personal room to gather his belongings.

Last edited by Thoth Star; 05-11-2008 at 09:19 PM..

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shinigami2 is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 09:44 PM

Shinn blinked hiding behind Hikaru " I stand corrected there are more aliens, I wonder where they are from." Shinn voice sound terrified.

Hikaru could understand the girls fear after all that she's been through. Hikaru smiled softly " I'd like to go meet them." Hikaru stepped out of the shadows towards the boy.

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 10:34 PM

Now, that Rose had everything packed, she put Momo in her kitty bag. Momo stuck her head out of the hole in the bag and meowed angrily. "I know, Momo, but this is the fastest way to get around. You walk too slow!" She left her apartment and was walking down the street when she heard a loud alarm going off. 'What the-' but than she looked up and saw it... It was a huge Veremite ship and it looked like it was preparing to land in the park where she used to walk her cat. "Oh crap!" Rose said and ran towards the park. 'They're landing sooner than I thought! Better get the guns ready!' She thought.

Tor was shocked to find two young girls not far away from the Nume spaceship. They were watching him... One of the girls he recognized as a fellow Nume though, so he knew there wasn't any danger. "Uuuum, hello! I'm Torrence." Than he noticed the girl hiding behind the other girl. "Hey, there's no reason to be afraid of me. I'm from Nume... I'm only here cause I wanted to meet a human."

Last edited by Thoth Star; 05-11-2008 at 10:36 PM..

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shinigami2 is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 10:44 PM

Shinn smiled "oh your friendly like Hikaru okay then" Shinn responsed walking slowly from behind Hikaru and smiled shyly. "well I'm human!" Shee added laughing quietly

Hikaru smiled "Ahh a fellow Nume, nice to meet you my name is Hikaru. Torrence are there others with you?"

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 11:09 PM

Torrence's eyes widened in shock. 'Oh my god, a human!' he thought excitedly and than blushed... He looked down at his feet, shyly, "Uh, hi! Whats your name?" Tor asked Shinn.

He looked over at Hikaru. "Hello, Hikaru! I'm by myself, but my dad is in the ship over there..." Torrence pointed to a ship a mile behind him. "The main Nume militants are in that ship... I'm guessing they're here to meet the human's military and than come up with a plan to battle the Veremites. I've heard some really scary stories about the Veremites... They sound scary!"

\ (•◡•) /
Yume_no_Yume is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 11:18 PM

Myse, having been in her room, looking over some maps of the Earth for the hundredth time, nearly fell out of her chair as the Prince shouted 'now' loudly. Standing up, she decided to first go to the Prince's quarters to see if something was wrong, for he usually shouted more in his commands. Her long, tailed overcoat swished as she quickly walked to his quarters, rapping quickly on the door. "Prince Jeriko? General Myse Xaus...asking...oh, just let me in," she called, not wanting to say outright that she was worried about him.

Etara squeezed herself out from her hiding spot; the foot of space between some cargo and the hull wall. She stretched herself, patting her un-gelled hair absentmindedly. She saw a white head going down some stairs to the right of where she was, and she crept up and peeked around the door.

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 11:22 PM

Jeriko sighed when he heard General Myse's voice. "Yes, you may come in!" He sat down in his leather chair again and lounged comfortably. His voice sounded stressed, he realized that, but couldn't help it... This was the first time he had commanded an attack and Jeriko was worried that the humans would put up a strong counter-attack. At least Myse was there to help him, he trusted her judgment and ability to strategically plan attacks.

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 11:23 PM

Shinn smiled shyly looking at him blushing she replied " My name is Shinn, Shinn Rose." Shinn blushed looking to her side to look at Hikaru wondering about what he had said about the Veremites whatever they were.

Hikaru sighed "I guessed that your father may have been here." Hikaru paused a moment to look up into the partly cloudy sky, looking back to Torrence she smiled " I've heard a lot about them myself hence why I came here to see what's really going on".

\ (•◡•) /
Yume_no_Yume is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 11:29 PM

Walking at a brisk pace, she stopped a few paces away from his chair, bowing. "I know that this may seem...odd, coming from me," she said, as she straightened up. "Are you alright, your majesty? You seem...more stressed than you usually are. I mean, you hardly yelled at all today, hardly made any comments about anything!"

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 11:30 PM

((Oh my god, Shin look at my pretty new art! Squishy made it! XD))

"Nice to meet you, Shinn!" He put out his hand, copying a human gesture he had seen his father use once when he greeted other humans to planet Nume.

"Yes, I think you're right, Hikaru... Oh, are you in the military?"

Like usual, it seemed like Myse could read him like a book. "Yes, its just father just called me on the computer and he... is as controlling as ever, but I'm sure we will succeed... I've heard that humans are primitive savages. We can mow them over and enslave the rest with much ease." He said, lifting his chin and pretending to be confident, even though he felt nauseous. "Now, Myse, what is your plan of attack? We shall be landing soon and I think we should use our laser guns to blow up any large mobiles, but after that, what direction should we head.?"

Last edited by Thoth Star; 05-11-2008 at 11:35 PM..

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 11:37 PM

((o.o it's lovely!))

Shinn smiled at the human gesture and felt at ease now that something she knew well came into play. Shinn shook Torrence's hand smiling " nice to meet you as well" She responsed to him her natural cheerfulness leaking into her voice now.

Hikaru sighed "damn you caught me that's not fair, yes I am in the military I came here undergoing research when I ran into my friend Shinn here she is trying to explain the situation here to me." Hikaru motioned to Shinn for a brief moment " But still there is much more to learn!"


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