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Pudin Puddy
Pudin Puddy is offline
Old 06-22-2008, 02:34 AM



"Dude, The party's about to start, hurry up!" Joe pushed Sam out of bed.
Sam moaned in reply, He really, really, didn't want to go to no damn party in the middle of the night. Those parties usually consisted of crack-headed whores and gangsters who always gambled and picked fights with one another. It really wasn't his thing.
"Fuck off, Joe.. I'm not goin' to no party.." Mumbled Sam fron underneath his pillow.
Sam heard Joe sigh and nudge him once again. "Look, man, everyone there needs you. You know you're their 'supplier!'." Joe made quotation marks with his hands once he said 'supplier', "C'mon!" He nudged him again.

"Look, Man, I'm not going to the party, I don't care if they need me or not. No is a No." And with that, he threw the covers over his tired body, dismissing the conversation.
Joe paced back and forth across Sam's room. "Okay, Okay, You may not be going to the party, but...but...You'll still supply me, right? I'll tell everybody you..Need to spend a night with your girlfriend if you supply me, okay?" He had a hint of panic in his voice.
Sam groaned. "Whatever, okay, I'll supply you if you can do that for me man, okay? Just let me get some fucking rest."

Joe nodded. "Okay, Let me have it now. I need it now!" his voice was rising.

Before Joe can get anymore nuts than he was already acting, Sam dragged himself up and opened his closet. After what seemed forever, Sam pulled out a brown bag and tossed a small ziploc bag from the borwn bag to Joe.

"Oh, god, man! Thank you! Thank you! I'll pay you back, man! I-I will!" Joe rushed out of the room immediately.
"You're fucked up, Joe.." Sam grumbled and fell back onto his bed.


"Wake up, you pig! You have to take me to dancing classes!" The following morning, Chelsea, Sam's little sister, shook him out of bed.
"Fuck you, Chel...I hardly had any damn sleep.." All Chelsea could see is Sam's dirty blonde hair scattered in every direction, for his head was pressed against the pillow.

"Wake up! Mom's gonna beat your ass once she finds out your not gonna take me!" She screamed in his ear, jumping up and down.
Sam pushed Chelsea roughly and sat up, holding one ear. "You little bitch!..." He grumbled, his eyes fierce. Sam quickly got up and rushed into the bathroom before Chelsea could react by doing something utterly retarded.

Chelsea just smiled at her victory. "Thanks bro!"

The car ride to her dancing classes was filled with piercing silence. Sam didn't feel like talking to his annoying sister, for what she did earlier was making him hold grudges. He held the steering wheel in a tight grip.

Chelsea just leaned back into the leather seat and pushed her hand down into her bag. "Ey, want a smoke?" She asked as she pulled out a pack of Camel Cigarettes.

Sam glanced at her, then back at the road. "Never knew you started smoking."

"Nah, just holding it for my boyfriend."
"You got a new one?"
"Yeah, the last one was a real bitch. Cheated on me, Y'know."

Sam chuckled. "No surprise, Chel. Had it comin' at ya."

Chelsea took out a lighter and lit a cigarette. "Whatever. I never whored around when I was with him, I thought we had something, y'know? But I guess not." She handed him the cigarrette.

Sam grinned. "Sure, but what about the other guys? Those just don't count anymore?"

Chelsea grumbled. "Whatever! I don't see you with anyone yet! Where are all the ladies, bro?" Sam could now tell she was pissed.
"Look, Chel. Calm down I'm just trying to help is all." Sam shrugged, accepting the cigarette and pushing it between his lips.

Chelsea closed her purse and took off her seatbelt, as they had just arrived. "Whatever,"she got out the car,"Tell Mom that my teacher is awaiting the check from last month. She's overdue!" Chelsea yelled over the strong winds, wrapping her cream white fur coat around her body.

Sam waved her away. "Yeah, yeah. Close the door, Chel."

Chelsea slammed the door and walked away and into the brick building labeled "Ruby's Dance House."

Last edited by Pudin Puddy; 09-05-2008 at 09:23 PM..

Pudin Puddy
Pudin Puddy is offline
Old 06-22-2008, 07:37 PM


Sam arrived at his school finally after a long drive.
School was pretty far from where he dropped his sister off from. A bunch of 10th, 11th, and 12th graders stood outside of the school doors, talking. Almost most of them wore heavy coats and mittens, for it was getting colder everyday.

Sam parked in a parking lot nearest to the school and stepped out. Once he crushed the cigarette under his foot, he spotted his small group of friends, two guys and a girl. He opened up his light coat and took it off. Even though it was cold, he wanted to look different like it was summertime. Usually he makes it look like a habit because it attracts girls. Not like he wanted female attention, but he just wanted to look popular.

And it was working.

"Sam! Over here!" The girl from his group was waving her hands high over her head to catch his attention. Her deep, brown eyes twinkled and her butt-low black hair swished from side-to-side. The other two guys stuffed their hands in his pockets and looked in the direction the girl was waving her hands.

Sam waved slowly and made his way over to the small group near the school doors. "Hey, guys. Sorry I couldn't make it to the party."

"Dude, the party was fucked up anyway. A lot of crack-headed whores. None of them the least bit attractive." One of his brown-headed friends replied, shrugging.
Joe just met the girls brown eyes. "Ey, Nia, wanna go to the club tonight? It's beer for only a dollar night."

The brown-eyed girl known as Nia rolled her eyes. "They're just probably giving away their cheap beer. Everyone knows that. I'm not going. Not tonight," She turned and met Sam's light blue eyes,"Want to go with us to the clubs on Saturday night? It'll be fun."

Sam shrugged. "I don't know. I need to help Mom with some chores. She's been really busy lately."
Joe punched his arm. "Dude! When are you going to leave your Mom's house? She's killing you!"

Nia nodded in response. Sam just shrugged. "When I get the money to afford my own place for a few years," He looked at Joe,"And I don't know when that is."

Nia lightly tugged on his sleeves. "You can stay at my place. I'm the only one there." She smiled at him.

Sam shrugged twice and looked the other way. "I-I can't. Mom needs me right now. Dad left Y'know?" Before his friends could persuade him more, he entered school, leaving them behind.


Sam reached his destination and sighed. "I can't believe I'm doing this.." He whispered to himself.
The place was a brick house-looking place on the outside, but inside was a bar filled of guys, looking for other guys to spend a night with. Sam sometimes felt at home there. Unlike at school, where the kids would beat your ass for even hinting that you're gay.

Sam stumbled inside, the bell ringing as the door hit it. Guys of all ages besides under the age of 17 were everywhere. When you're not at the bar area, they're sofa's and tables around the corners. A hallway across from the front door lead to some rooms where most guys "hung out."
Sam wanted to turn right around and leave before he saw some beautiful guy his age sitting on a stool near the bar. A drink was held firmly in his hand, but he didn't seem drunk. His hair reached his shoulders and was the color of a clean carpet from a new house. His eyes were so blue they almost seemed white. He was smiling and having small conversation with the bartender.

Sam walked over to the bar and sat near the tan-haired boy. Exactly 2 seats near him. The blue confused eyes met Sam's in one quick glance. Sam quickly looked away, fearing he would get lost in the beautiful stare.

The bartender stared at Sam before walking away to another awaiting man.

"Hi, I'm Josh." Came a innocent voice. At first Sam denied that the boy was talking to him, but Sam finally looked in his direction, meeting the cold eyes again.

Josh smiled at him. "What's your name?"

Sam felt like running as fast as he could out of the bar and falling onto the ground. How could he talk to him without blushing or stuttering? How?

Sam flipped his hair back and made a small smile. "Hey, Josh," He held his hand out to him,"I'm Sam."

Josh smiled back, revealing his perfectly white teeth. "Nice name, Sam. It's way better than Josh." Josh rolled his eyes once he spat out his name as he shook his hand.

Sam shook his head. "No, No. I like your name. It fits you."

The blue-eyed boy chuckled and looked ahead. "You're just saying that just to be nice. We both know it sucks." He took a sip of his beer.

Sam looked ahead also. "No, I mean it," He looked at Josh,"With a beautiful face like that it makes the name sound sexy."

Josh's face immediately reddened. "Th-Thank you." He met Sam's eyes.

The stare felt like it lasted 5 minutes. Sam couldn't stop staring, but he felt like he had to because it made him look like a total perv.

Sam was the first to break the stare. Josh also looked away, studying the bubbles in his beverage like it was something so beautiful you couldn't look away.

"I know it's kind of weird to ask someone all of a sudden, but can you help me unpack some boxes at my house? I just moved into my own apartment and I didn't fully unpack yet." Josh looked at Sam again.

A light bulb went off in Sam's head. It's like he's asking Sam to screw him. Sam returned the stare. "Sure, I'll help."

"Th-Thank you!"

Last edited by Pudin Puddy; 06-22-2008 at 10:47 PM..

Pudin Puddy
Pudin Puddy is offline
Old 06-22-2008, 11:06 PM


The apartment was a small, comfy looking one.
Once Sam entered the apartment, Josh locked the door behind them. Brown boxes were in some corners, ready to be unpacked.
"So, where do we start?" Sam looked around with his hands against his hips.

Josh walked into a bedroom. "This way."

Sam hesitated, thinking of all possibilities, then rushed up into the room behind Josh. The room was a medium-sized room. There was a queen-sized bed, the top leaning against the north wall. A dresser was on the east wall with some pictures of him and obviously his family members. Some boxes were settled on the bed and some next to the dressers.

"The bookshelf is in the living room. I need that moved into this room and pushed against this wall,"He motioned to the south wall,"And those boxes are filled with the books to be put on it." Josh put his hand under his own chin, as if thinking.

"Okay, I'll get the bookshelf for you."
"I'll help you."
"It's okay, I can do it."
"Are you sure?"

"Of course." Sam left the bedroom back into the living room. The bookshelf was indeed in the living room. It was resting against the couch. Sam stretched his arms before picking up the top part of the brown bookshelf and dragged it into the bedroom. He tried his best to make it look like it was the easiest thing he's done.

"There ya go. Should I help put the books in?" Sam asked after putting the bookshelf in the designated position.
Josh smiled at him. "No it's okay. I just needed help with the bookshelf. Sorry for dragging you all the way here."

Sam looked confused. "Are you sure? I really could help."

Josh rested the palm of his hand onto Sam's cheek. "You can help by keeping me company for a night?" It was more of a question than a statement.

Sam tried his best to keep his cool composure. He rested his hand on top of Josh's hand. "Sure. Of course."

The two boys ended up on the bed, pushing the boxes off as they fell down. Sam hovered over him, one leg between his legs, one out. He entwined both of their hands together and lightly kissed down Josh's neck.

"S-Sam..!" Josh whispered.
Josh wrapped his hands around Sam's neck. "Thank you.."

Sam grinned at him. "Your welcome."

There was no need for words after that.



Sam woke up feeling like shit. The all-nighter killed his sleep and now this. Sam sat up bare-chested and with a sleeping boy next to him. Sam decided to wait until Josh woke up before leaving, for he didn't want to look like a sex-crazy whore by leaving right after all of that.
He fished through his jean pockets and pulled out his black razor phone. He noticed he had 2 missed calls. It was from Nia twice.
"Ug..What does she want?.." Sam asked himself and the phone.

"What does who want?.." Came the sweet and innocent voice again.

Sam kind of jumped before looking next to him. Blue eyes met Sam's just like last night, yet it wasn't in ecstasy.

"Oh, just my friend," He put his phone back in his jean pockets,"Good Morning."

Josh smiled a tired, weak smile. "Good morning." Josh sat up. Then he glanced at the clock, then moaned. "Damn it. I have school today. Don't you?" He stared in Sam's direction.

"Yea, I do. I need to get there. Thanks for having me here, but we still didn't get the books done. Should I come back after school to help out again?"

"That would be great, thank you!" Josh got up and rushed into the bathroom. He didn't want Sam to see his naked body, even though Sam had seen it last night.

Sam put on his shirt and walked into the living room. The room was the same as last night, except the bookshelf was missing from the couch. Josh walked into the living room with decent clothes on once Sam sat down onto the couch.

"Ready to go?"

Josh nodded and opened the front door. "See you!" He threw Sam his keys and walked out.

Last edited by Pudin Puddy; 09-05-2008 at 10:26 PM..

Pudin Puddy
Pudin Puddy is offline
Old 06-23-2008, 03:05 AM


Sam arrived at school after about 30 minutes.
Everybody, as usual, was with their small groups in front of school. His group was where they always were, by the school doors.

Nia waved Sam over, her face not as happy as usual.

"What?" Sam walked over, his hands in his pockets and coatless as usual.

"What happened last night? I called you twice! We wanted to hang out last night!" Nia glared at him.
Joe nodded and glared at him too.

Sam shrugged. "I had..Stuff to do. I didn't see the missed calls until this morning."

Nia rolled her eyes. "Sure. And now what 'stuff' is that?"

Sam walked into school. "I don't want to talk about it." he threw over his shoulder before dissapearing around the corner.

"I can't believe him! He ditched us!" Nia shouted and stomped away.


"Here's the 800 bucks I owed you, man." Joe handed Sam a wad of cash.

They were sitting onto Sam's bedroom floor. "Thanks man. Finally you paid it all off." Sam stuffed the cash in his jeans pocket.

"Yeah, I know. Sorry 'bout the wait. My stupid sis keeps asking for money." Joe placed his hands back into his lap.

Sam looked up at him, meeting Joe's gray eyes. "You give your sister money?," Sam rolled his eyes,"You're such a gay."

Joe snorted and picked up a deck of cards and began to shuffle them. "I'm a gay?..." Sam's blue eyes widened as he stared confused in Joe's.

Joe had a I-know-something-you-don't grin. "Yeah, man. I saw you enter that gay bar near the City last night. Nia and I were on our way to the city when I saw you. You're lucky Nia didn't."

The blond boy got up and pushed his fingers through his tangles. "Get out, Joe."

It was Joe's turn to stare confused into Sam's blue eyes. "Psh..What did you say to me?," Joe got up and stared dead into Sam's eyes, "I'm the one who knows your little secret and you telling me to get out?"

Sam glared at him. "What're you getting at!?Don't tell me your going to tell Nia..!" his voice was dark and threatening. Joe laughed his deep, dorky laugh.

"Not only Nia, my friend. The whole school..unless.." Joe placed his hand under his own chin, as if thinking deeply about something.

Sam pulled his blond hair in frustration. "What do you want from me, man?"

Joe grinned in victory. "I want...A blowjob. Get on your knees, fag."

Sam tried his best not to look into Joe's eyes in fear of beating him the fuck up. He walked in circles looking at the ceiling, pulling his tangled golden brown locks.

Joe carefully watched his every move. "Well..?", he grinned, "time is money."

"Is this all you want?"


"What do you mean 'maybe'?!"

"Okay, okay. Yes it is the only thing I want."

Sam stared long and hard at Joe, easily detecting the fib he just told but, decided to pretend to believe it, in fear of Joe losing patience and telling everyone.

He had no choice.

Sam got onto his knees in front of Joe.

He had no choice.

He slowly began undoing the belt.

He had no choice.

Sam pulled down Joe's silver zipper, his blue boxers now peeking out.

He had no choice.

"Hurry up."


Last edited by Pudin Puddy; 09-05-2008 at 10:26 PM..

Pudin Puddy
Pudin Puddy is offline
Old 09-05-2008, 10:47 PM


Nia waited impatiently at the school doors.
"Where's Sam, Joe?" Nia calm brown eyes looked in Joe's direction. Joe buttoned up his leather coat, for the wind was blowing hard that morning.

"I don't know. He's probably playing hooky." He quickly answered. The truth was, that day they got farther than just the blowjob because Joe threatened him he'd tell everyone if they didn't have sex.

Joe shivered from the cold and from being so tired. They probably stayed up until 4 A.M. Joe woke up at 5 and left Sam in his bed. Sam looked so screwed up. He actually felt a hint of remorse for him but, it immediately got swallowed up by selfishness.

"I hate when he does that!" Nia stomped her black Ralph Lauren boots on the hard concrete. "The day when I really need to talk to him.." she shivered from the cold and hugged herself in a lame attempt to keep warm.

Joe just shrugged and sat down on a nearby bench pretending to listen to her complaining.

"My god! I'm just going to call his stupid, lazy ass." Nia fished out her hot pink Razor phone from her leather bag and opened it. She had 2 missed calls. Nia blinked slowly twice.

"Sam called twice and I missed it?... Damn it!" She immediately called Sam's phone.

"Sam? Hey, what's up. You called?" She said once Sam picked up the phone. All Joe could hear was tired mummering on the other side of the line.

"Your car broke down?...Oh....Okay...Alright, so see you tomorrow?....Alright...Bye."

Joe knew immediately Sam spat up some lying shit for an excuse not to come to school because of his aching back but, didn't say anything. He didn't get all he wanted yet..

Nia dropped her phone back into her bag. "He can't make it today, his c-"

"I heard. Let's go." Joe got up and shifted tiredly into the school.

Nia rolled her eyes. "What's up with guys nowadays?.."


Sam slowly sat up rubbing his tired, red eyes. It's been evident that he's been crying the night before. Everything looked so dark in his view, so quiet..The eerie silence kind of frightened the blonde boy. Nothing has ever been silent in his world. Something was always happening...Always..

He cleared his throat. "Chelsea?.." he said. His voice sounded so weird to him! So..out of place. Like a small voice in the dark knowing it'll always be alone.

Sam got up, ignoring the throbbing pain in his back. Holy shit it hurt like hell. Sam grunted in pain and sat down back onto the bed. He can't go to school like this. Thank god for that lame excuse he gave Nia.

Nia's voice is so innocent. Just like Josh. JOSH!

Sam almost panicked at the thought. He had to help him with the bookshelf yesterday! The blonde ran to his dresser and pulled open his underwear drawer. After fishing through it which seemed like forever he found the key Josh tossed to him that day.

Completely forgetting he was in agonizing pain, he through on a black hoodie and jeans.

He dashed out the front door, passing Chelsea on the way.

"Brother!," she yelled after him, "You have to take me to dancing classes!!"

"Fuck off, Chel!" Sam through over his shoulder as he jumped into the car.

As he left the driveway he saw Chelsea jumping crazily up and down. "Stupid bitch.."


Josh felt ditched. He never felt as sad as he usually was when other guys he spent a night with ditched him. It was strange..

The tan-haired boy lied onto his back facing the wall above him. The bookshelf was pretty much complete, as he did a lot himself. He was hoping Sam would show up, but that's what you expect with gay whores.

Josh sat up. I shouldn't be so trusting...

They're all the same. All gays. They can't have a relationship. They just need sex..

Angrier thoughts flew in and out of his thoughts for 20 minutes until a tired banging at the door seeped through the walls. Josh stared at his room door.

Do I really feel like opening the door right now?

He didn't have to, for the door opened immediately after the banging. Josh jumped in surprise once he heard the creaking of his front door opening.

Only Sam had his keys..Sam!

Josh jumped up and dashed out his room, looking for the intruder. Sam stood nearby, red eyes, holding his back in pain.

"H-Hey Josh.." Sam muttered, pain evident in his voice.

"Where were you yesterday?" Josh held back his anger. He needed an explanation first before shouting at him.

"I-I-" Sam wondered if he should really tell him about the situation. Sam kept from staring into Josh's piercing blue eyes.

"Okay, fine. I got raped, okay?"

"You got raped?" Josh had a tint of disbelief in his voice as he crossed his arms. "You must have a better excuse than that."

"No, really, Josh. I got raped." Sam still kept from staring into the cold eyes.

Josh turned around, no longer facing Sam. "Get out."

"Eh? But Josh!-"

"GET OUT!" Josh turned to face him, his gentle face now in pure anger.

Sam jumped back a bit, surprised at the sudden outburst. "Please, Josh let me ex-"

"You don't get it do you?..", Josh's eyes swelled up with tears, "Out. Now!"

Sam couldn't fight anymore. Too much shit was being thrown at him at once. "Fine. I'm out." As he turned to leave, he stared into the icy eyes once more, dropped the key, and left the small apartment.

Last edited by Pudin Puddy; 09-09-2008 at 11:06 AM..

Pudin Puddy
Pudin Puddy is offline
Old 09-09-2008, 11:21 AM


"I've been wanting to talk to you.." Sam's Mom was at hs bedroom door.
Sam pulled the pillow over his head. "What is there to talk about, Mom?.." His voice was tired and worn-out.

His Mom stared at the closed white door ahead of her. "Well..I've been wanting to move.."
Sam sat up. "B-but..?" He stopped himself mid-sentence. Moving doesn't seem so bad at the moment. It actually sounded pretty good. To start a new life..New beginnings..It was actually pretty great!
His Mom stepped back from the door one step. "B-But I...have to leave one of you here. In California."

Sam got up from his bed. "What?! Why?" He ran to open his bedroom door.

"Because..I'm running out of money, dear. I can no longer afford to take care of both of you for any longer. Debts are due, your father left, all of that. You're almost 18, Sam. You're going to have to live with your Father. He can afford you."

Sam pulled his hair like once before. "M-Mom..I don't want to live with Father..I-I can't!"
Sam's Mom coughed loudly before speaking. "Honey, stop only thinking about yourself. You'll have to leave Saturday, so start packing."

"Mom B-"

"START PACKING!" and with that, his Mom went down the stairs.

"Haha!" Chelsea called from down the stairs.

"FUCK YOU!" Sam slammed the door shut. "Fuck this..Fuck it all!" Sam rummaged through his drawers and threw clothes out onto the ground. He couldn't stand it anymore. Joe blackmailing him, Nia hating him, Josh also hating him, and now living with his crazy Father. What else could go wrong? What els-

Sam spotted the brown bag lying on the bottom of his underwear drawer. Joe loved this thing, said it made him feel happy..Good..
Sam slowly picked up the brown bag and opened it.

What am I thinking?

He picked up a ziploc bag filled with a white substance.

Do I really want to do this?

He opened the ziploc bag and took some of the white powder out and into his hands.

Is this the road I choose?

He sniffed as much as he could and dropped the rest back into the bag.

After a few moments he felt light-headed. The world around his spun and spun and spun. He had a clouded vision. He felt like he could touch the sky.

"Oh god oh god oh god.." Sam fell backwards onto his clothes he threw out.

"Oh god.."



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