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ethan b63
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ethan b63 is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by Zail
Welcome to The Onsen! Your credentials look very good so I shall put you on the payroll as another hostess/assistant. You may start your duties immediately however you see fit.

is this topic at all about gaia

Zail is offline
Old 10-18-2007, 02:44 AM

((Only in that it fictionally offers services to users just arriving from gaia, who would still consider themselves 'gaians' but come to Menewsha to 'relax and get away from Gaia'.))

Zail is offline
Old 10-18-2007, 02:46 AM

Zail woke up with a yawn and a cough and sat up in her bed slowly.

"Mmmmm, that smells good! I am hungry!" She said in a raspy voice. "Thank you so much Chiyo-chan!"

She sipped the soup slowly, making appreciative noises and clearly enjoying the meal.

` v - c h a n n.
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Old 10-18-2007, 10:00 AM

":] You're welcome Zail! Ah, would you like something warm to drink? Like tea or water? Oh! I heard warm water mixed with lemon juice and honey's pretty good for sore throat. :3 Would you like some of that Zail?"

((Woot. FREE gold. :3 Haha, I guess there won't be a rollback after all! Hurray!))

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Old 10-18-2007, 10:06 AM

A young lady looks at the Onsen with much curiosity, "What is this?" She's never seen an Onsen in real life, only in books and commercials on televison. "Hello?" She calls out, "Is anyone there?"

[[EDIT: I read the whole thing so I didnt miss anything XD. Ahahaha. I feel weird and dumb for not seeing that. XP. Anyways... Hello to anyone who is in this thread.]]

` v - c h a n n.
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Old 10-18-2007, 10:30 AM

"Ah! Zail I hear someone outside! I'll be back soon!"

Chiyo rushes out to greet the young lady.

"Hello! Welcome to the Onsen! I'm Chiyo! How may I help you? :]"

(( Haha, I tend to do that too. > 3 < I get what yo umean. :] Sorry for the late reply by the way.))

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Old 10-18-2007, 10:43 AM

The young lady looks at her 'greeter' [[Is that even a word? XP]] with a slight smile, "Yo. Name's Ruikia." She bows slightly to Chiyo, "I'm a Gaian who's traveled very far." She sighs slightly and laughs, "You probally hear that alot from other people." She steps into the Onsen and looks around in amazement as she saw the beauty of the place. "Wow..." She whispers, "Nice place..." Ruikia turns around quickly, "Who's the owner?"

[[Thats alright. XP. Ahahah. Anyways. How are you?]]

` v - c h a n n.
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Old 10-18-2007, 10:55 AM

Chiyo smiled politely and bowed at Ruikia.

":] That's a very nice name Ruikia. Haha, to tell you the truth, I'm a Gaian too!"

Chiyo followed Ruikia into the onsen. Chiyo begins speaking in a gentle and polite voice.

"Ah, Zail-sann is the owner. She's not feeling very well right now so she might not be around here much. :] Hehe, I think you would love it the onsenn even more if you take a dip in it Ruikia! Would you like to give it a try?"

[[ :] I'm good. How about you? ]]

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Old 10-18-2007, 11:02 AM

"Ohh!" Ruikia said with a smile, "Another fellow Gaian! And thanks for the compliment." Ruikia hasnt met another Gaian in the longest time ever, she never knew that Gaians would travel to this side of the world. "Yes." Ruikia said in response to Chiyo's request about dipping into the Onsen, "I would love too. It sounds very refreshing. Would you like to acompany me, please?" She looks at her with her shiny, blue eyes, "I feel weird, because this is my fisrt time in an Onsen." Ruikia takes a step back and rubs the back of her head, "And can you give my compliments to the owner here?"

[[Same here. Sooo... Your also a Gaian? Cool. So am I! I think that the MCs this year are actually decent. They revived the Grunny, which is by the way so adorable, and also made a counter part of the Elegant Veil. Gaia is improving... XD]]

` v - c h a n n.
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Old 10-18-2007, 11:09 AM

" :] No need to thank me! I'm just stating the facts. ^ - ^ Yeah sure! I haven't been in the springs yet today! Please come this way, I'll show you to the change room! Kehe, I certainly will do that, :] I'm sure she would love to hear that people are enjoy the onsen."

Chiyo gestured Ruikia in the direction of the change room.

((Haha. Yeah! I wasn't on gaia for the grunny events. ^ - ^ It's so cute though! I really want it too. ; A ; Most of this month's MC is pretty awesome, :/ Dont' really know about the vampire stuff. Haha, yeah. :] Bleh, I don't know why but I'm not enjoying Gaia as much now, I guess I'm still really use to the old layout. ^ - ^ ; ; ))

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Old 10-18-2007, 11:18 AM

Ruikia smiles as she follows Chiyo into the changing rooms, "Now what do I do?" She asked with curiosity, "Do I just take off my cloths and get into the spring?"

[[I wasnt in Gaia for the Grunny events too, all I know is that the Grunny Bunny (hehe, it rhymes!), was the spread of the zombie disease or something... XP thats all I know. Also, compared to last months, this month is the best, so far in my opinion. XD.

I still enjoy Gaia and all, only because I like to dress up my pixily Avatar and quest for some pixils XD. Thats it. My quest this time to to looks like a NINJA. XD]]

` v - c h a n n.
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Old 10-18-2007, 11:42 AM

"Here's the changing room. :] Well, kinda, just add in a quick shower before the getting in the onsenn part, it'll help your skin absorb the good substances in the water, ;] Kehe, when you're finish your skin will be very smooth! Since it's the first time you're going to be in a onsenn I suggest that you don't go in for too long, :] If you feel dizzy let me know I'll get you some water, you might be dehydrated."

Chiyo walks towards a cupboard and comes back to Ruikia with a yukata.

"Here you go, :] You can wear this for now. It'll be easy to get in and out off when you go into the water!"

Chiyo carefully hands Ruikia the folded yukata and begins to change into one herself.

((Edit: Haha, yeah I agree to. > 3 < The machine thing was pretty er. weird? :3 But I did like the wings thing.

Haha. Apparently you can get ninja items from the new battle system coming up. ^ - ^ I'm looking forward to that.))

Zail is offline
Old 10-18-2007, 01:54 PM

"Just the soup is fine. Thank you!" Zail said happily, slurping away as Chiyo left to greet the new visitor. Pretty soon she had finished and fallen asleep again.

((Will be out of town for the next three days! Talk to you all on Monday. =3))

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Old 10-19-2007, 09:04 AM

Originally Posted by ` v - c h a n n.
"Here's the changing room. :] Well, kinda, just add in a quick shower before the getting in the onsenn part, it'll help your skin absorb the good substances in the water, ;] Kehe, when you're finish your skin will be very smooth! Since it's the first time you're going to be in a onsenn I suggest that you don't go in for too long, :] If you feel dizzy let me know I'll get you some water, you might be dehydrated."

Chiyo walks towards a cupboard and comes back to Ruikia with a yukata.

"Here you go, :] You can wear this for now. It'll be easy to get in and out off when you go into the water!"

Chiyo carefully hands Ruikia the folded yukata and begins to change into one herself.

((Edit: Haha, yeah I agree to. > 3 < The machine thing was pretty er. weird? :3 But I did like the wings thing.

Haha. Apparently you can get ninja items from the new battle system coming up. ^ - ^ I'm looking forward to that.))
Ruikia starts to change into the yukata that Chiyo gave her, "Okay. I'll just take a quick shower and then meet you in the spa area." She smiles at Chiyo and gets into the shower.

[[AHHH. The battle system. I cant wait too. Gaia is going to be so huge after the release of that battle system. I can just tell. XP. Its too bad that they dont have any NINJA theamed clothing here.]]

` v - c h a n n.
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Old 10-19-2007, 11:31 AM

((@ Zail. :]Okay~ See yaa! Get well soon!))

":] I think I'm just gonna rinse myself too. If I'm done before you I'll meet you there then. "

Chiyo takes off her yukata and took a quick rinse and put on the yukata.

"Heyy Ruikia! I'm going to head towards the Spa area now!"

When Chiyo arrived at the onsen, she took off her yukata and folded it.

"Hmm. I'll just put it here"

Chiyo carefully place the folded yukata on one of the benches. She then slowly enters the warm water.

"~ . ~ Ooh. It's so nice...I can stay here alllll day. "

(( Yeah. :/ But I think Gaia's going to be like Ragnarok after that... > 3 < I mean, Ragnarok IS older...I think. Haha. Yeah, but there's the steel ninja headband thing..but it cost so much. > 3 <))

` v - c h a n n.
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Old 10-26-2007, 10:59 AM

(( Ah. I'm not gonna be here for a couple of week thanks to my PC. ; A ; It decided to stop working, it might be a while till I get it fixed so I might not be on for a while. > 3 < Sorry))

Zail is offline
Old 10-27-2007, 08:13 AM

Thanks for letting me know! =3

I am also getting really busy and haven't been able to get on as much, so responses and posts will be slower for a while.


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