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SporknSpok is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 01:56 AM

Jenna frowned and turned, following him at a distances only suitable for hearing and speaking."Maybe it's stupid, but SHE wanted to do this. I'm just her appointed guardian for the trip. I have to take responsibility for anything that happens to her. And I have to protect her at all costs." Jenna knew all about Fumiko's parents and she refused to let Fumiko feel at all alone in this endeavor, nor did she have any intention of letting any obligation of hers fall through since she was 16 herself and told that she was OBLIGATED to take over the mafia her parents ran, and probably still did.

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Old 02-28-2009, 03:40 AM

((wow, you guys been busy.))

Fumiko just turned the page of her book, ignoring Aoen when he sat at her table, seeming to just appear out of thin air. He just moved the cover of her book to see what she was reading. "You could have just asked" She asked jerking the book away from his hand. "Like you would answer." He replied knowing how she got when she wanted something. "By the way, your baby sitter is here." He said mockingly as she glared darkly. "She isn't my baby sitter." She huffed as a reply, Aoen just smiled from that reply she gave.

Dead Account Holder
SporknSpok is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 04:03 AM

((Heh, sorry about that xD))

Jenna was just between hearing distances of Fumiko and the guy warning her to leave. She hesitated, she wanted to know why this kid was so...vehement on forcing them out, did she really look that weak? But then she wanted to know what she'd missed with Fumiko's research. "Urgh. Fumiko's your responsibility!" She grouched to herself turning back to the library, gasping softly upon the sight of Aoen. 'Good god, this place is going to turn me EIGHTY!' she thought to herself as her mouth twisted.

King of Bedlam
Fame = Demise
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Old 03-02-2009, 01:09 AM

[sorry about not responding sooner, i was at a party yesterday.... and today i haven't been feeling to good XD]

Martin overheard their conversation echoing down the empty hallway even from this position, he could sense that Aeon had come closer, he was near Fumiko, so he quickly changed into his human form so Aeon did not have access to his heart. Martin was silent for the moment, simply leaning in and seeing if he couldn't get any information.... It was all he could do now.

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Old 03-02-2009, 06:13 AM

(( It's okay, I haven't been on much either. ))

Aoen nodded towards Jenna. "Why do you do this Fumiko? You know how the humans are towards your kind." She just glared at him. "Why do you care what I do with humans. I rather be with them and have a stake drove through my heart then be a hermit like you." She replied sharply, he had kept it a secret about the inn to himself. Knowing how she would act, he bit his tongue and looked away from her.

Dead Account Holder
SporknSpok is offline
Old 03-02-2009, 12:39 PM

Jenna walked over to Fumiko and placed a hand on her shoulder. "How's it going?" She looked down at the book and read the title of it in the pages. "Hmm..." Her eyes narrowed for a second before looking up at the person siting before them, Aoen.

"Are you bothering my student?" She teased, she needed to knock off a little of the serious reactions to everything. Things were WAY too hectic here, and she wasn't one for conflict, glancing at Link as she thought about that. 'Still a bastard...'

King of Bedlam
Fame = Demise
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Old 03-03-2009, 03:04 AM

[*reads and waits for a moment he can jump in*]

The Hero of Time has left for ww...
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Old 03-03-2009, 03:06 AM

((*Joins Battle in waiting for the right moment too*))

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Old 03-03-2009, 08:54 AM

Both Aoen and Fumiko looked at Jenna. "Only when I can." Aoen replied eying Jenna. "Well at least this one has a small bite." He said directed towards Fumiko, all the other humans she came back with weren't much fun. "Aoen." She replied warningly, he had a knack for torturing humans and she knew that but what the others knew about him.

Dead Account Holder
SporknSpok is offline
Old 03-03-2009, 01:23 PM

"So does she." Jenna patted her shoulder. "Any idea where that class of students went that we were supposed to meet here?" She asked a little distantly to Fumiko. She really didn't care, the only reason she was here was to harrass the shit out of the other teacher and to take care of Fumiko. Though, she seemed to be handling herself.

"So you're Aoen?" She asked, hiding the shock of that very well. She couldn't let anyone see her fear, or shock, that would ruin things. She'd become susceptible to her heart if she let anything surprise her at this point. She'd had years of training to control her emotions, what was the effect of releasing them at this point?


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