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The Colors of a Dae
secretdae007 is offline
Old 06-26-2009, 08:21 PM

Sounds like a challenging week ahead. xD Thank you. <3

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 06-26-2009, 09:33 PM

Name: Inga Erika/Rainy

Chosen Reading: Fortune/Inspiration & Guidance/Seven Days (Last is not a must)

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Old 06-27-2009, 12:57 PM

Rainy, for you I will provide all three! <3

Fashionably Late

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Ivvy is offline
Old 06-27-2009, 01:02 PM

Um Um Um Kulti can I gets reading from you todayz?

Name: Ivvy

Chosen Reading: Fortune & Inspiration and Guidance (pweez)

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 06-27-2009, 02:05 PM

Thank you in advance, Kultura-luff-sama (lol)!!! *hugs*

Last edited by sadrain; 06-27-2009 at 02:06 PM.. Reason: code

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Kultura is offline
Old 06-27-2009, 03:11 PM

Rainy- you chose the following to be read for you... Fortune/Inspiration & Guidance/Seven Days

Fortune - The King of Wands was selected for you.

Focus: A very ambitious period. Self confidence and leadership ability will come naturally. New partnerships are indicated and people of influence that can help you, will.
Romance: Problems in the past may have caused you to shut down emotionally but not letting on to what's really going on inside will make the pressure build. Loosen up, love is everywhere... you just have to let it in. A new relationship or a positive change in an existing one is about to be established. A marriage proposal could also be indicated.
Career & finances: Your greatest success will come through new ventures and in your ability to get you concepts across to others. Business and finance will take first place and improve, ideas for self promotion will begin to formulate and orders or calls for work will increase.
Health: Tension headaches or problems with your lower back are likely. A new treatment, diet or exercise regime, may be implemented.
Family & friends: There could be concern over a health problem or the sale of a home or property. A friend from the past is going to call -someone you recently thought of- and you will make a new friend who could become a very significant part of your life.

I consulted the Magician for Inspiration and Guidance. Here is my reading;
Don't let your desire colour what is. Refuse to accept less than what is correct in people or to settle for what is "so-so. A sow's ear dressed up to look like a silk purse is still a sow's ear.

And the seven cards chosen for each day are:

Saturday - Eight of Wands - Advancement, movement and travel for work or pleasure is indicated and an aura of romance will prevail. If a significant love affair doesn't begin, you'll at least be charmed by an admirer or two.

Sunday - The Devil - Problems could multiply today and your perception may be clouded. Don't forge ahead blindly. Slow down, plan carefully, and proceed with caution.

Monday - Six of Swords - Opinions, evaluations and problems related to work or relationships will take the fore. You will do some rethinking but in the end, will decide to pass on, withdraw from or sever a connection or partnership.

Tuesday - Ace of Cups - Creative, inspired or innovative ideas will meet with success and a heartfelt desire will be realized. Illumination and/or an unexpected blessing could come through a chance meeting or disclosure.

Wednesday - Ten of Wands - In business or material affairs, wait until the proper action becomes evident. Until then, persevere or finish what you started. In matters of the heart, don't waste time on an impossible relationship.

Thursday - Three of Wands - Successful conclusions will be reached and apprehension will dissolve. Trust that your ideas can be realized and expect the best.

Friday - The Hierophant - You will be prevented from moving forward or advancing at this time by the powers that be.
Ivvy, I will do your readings shortly <3
EDIT: Here we go :]

Ivvy, you decided you wanted to know your future, plus seek inspiration and guidance.

For your furture, the Queen of Swords was chosen. Here is your reading;

Time frame: August 23 - September 22 (Virgo) Focus: The past will be gone and the future will look uncertain, but you'll be trying to "keep the faith" in spite of it all. Analysis, technical training or electronic devices could take on more significance.
Romance: You will be alone or separated from the one you love, and feeling an emptiness nothing seems to fill. Learning to find satisfaction in things you can do on your own will alleviate much of your sorrow.
Career & finances: Waiting for something to develop. Projects may be difficult to launch and health problems could impede progress. Payments will probably be late and/or a financial agreement might not be honored.
Health: Having trouble carrying out plans but managing to press on and push though it.
Family & friends: You might get sad or upsetting news. A loved one could suffer a loss. May be feeling alone even when you're not.

The reading from the Magician for your inspiration and guidance is as follows;

Things are going to work out better than you anticipated, and an unexpected twist of fate will be a turning point for you in the attainment of your goal.

Last edited by Kultura; 06-27-2009 at 03:23 PM..

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 06-27-2009, 03:50 PM

Name: Shinigami2 or Sabrina in real life ^^

Chosen Reading: Seven days/ guidance

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 06-27-2009, 04:31 PM

Freaky amazing. o.o All that you said could actually come true/is coming true. Even the romance part in twisted way. 8D

*bows down* You're best fortune teller I know. DDD: I mean, I don't really believe it much, especially considering how far we are, but, seriously, you keep getting it right. Impressive!! <3

Cloudwalker is offline
Old 06-27-2009, 04:56 PM

Name: Cloudwalker

Chosen Reading: Future and guidance

Shimawa_zen is offline
Old 06-27-2009, 05:28 PM

Thank you very much for your excellent reading. You are very talented! If it isn't too much trouble, may I have a second type of reading as well?

Name: Shimawa_zen

Chosen Reading: Inspiration and Guidance

Thulhu is offline
Old 06-27-2009, 07:11 PM

Name: thulhu

Chosen Reading: Seven Days

It sounds exciting!!

Fashionably Late

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Ivvy is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 03:25 AM

Thank you Kulti.. funny thing is I just got a tablet so I am all over the electronic right >.<

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Kultura is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 02:20 PM

Woo! Yay Ivvy :]

Alright,I'll get all these cleared up now then I can go for epic cycle of epicness!

Shinigami2 - Seven days/ guidance
Cloudwalker - Future and Guidance
Shimawa_zen - Inspiration/ Guidance
Tulhu- Seven Days

Shinigami2 - You chose to have your seven day forecast read. The cards chosen for you by the spirits are:

Sunday - Nine of Cups - What you want will be realized, but only after you thought it wouldn't be, and the form or way in which it will be fulfilled will probably change. Withhold judgment and don't make premature evaluations.

Monday - Four of Wands - Actions will be taken to correct for losses or mistakes and instead of quitting, you will be participating even more with the knowledge that the Universe does know what it's doing.

Tuesday - The Sun - Nothing will be clear or resolved at this point, and business mergers or personal unions will not come to pass or work out as you had envisioned. Keep an open mind and the truth shall set you free.

Wednesday - Nine of Pentacles - An offer of employment, financial assistance or support could come your way. Eliminate weak points and promote yourself, your business and social activities. In matters of the heart, you need to make the first move.

Thursday - Three of Pentacles - Meetings, unions and activities geared toward the future, will be in focus. Success is assured so don't be reticent when it comes to accepting new opportunities or pushing yourself or your ideas.

Friday - Ace of Cups - Creative, inspired or innovative ideas will meet with success and a heartfelt desire will be realized. Illumination and/or an unexpected blessing could come through a chance meeting or disclosure.

Saturday - The Hermit - You will accomplish most of your goals and emerge into a new plateau of potentiality, yet this is only the first step of your unfoldment and there's much more ahead to be achieved.

And for your inspiration and guidance, I consulted the Magician.
This is my reading;

Your relationships are a direct reflection of your relationship with yourself, or the way you view your relationship with God. If you want your relationships to improve, you must first improve your relationship with yourself.
Cloudwalker - For your future, the card drawn is the Tower

My reading is as follows;
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing Focus: Overthrow of existing conditions. Unanticipated disruption and misfortune. Strange occurrences and bizarre happenings. Try to remain calm in the face of challenge and what is right, essential or meaningful will be preserved.
Romance: Probable separation or divorce. Lies, infidelity or abandonment causing an irreparable loss of faith or trust.
Career & finances: Feeling like you made a mistake but you might not have. New opportunities, recognition or improved conditions can be expected in the not too distant future.
Health: Money coming from an accident or injury. Medical expenses may be high. Needing to take a respite before commencing any new ventures.
Family & friends: A relative could be worried about a possible court action. Disheartening news may come from a friend.

And for guidance, I read from the Magician.
In time you will intuitively sort things out and come to the conclusion that it's better to not give problems any more thought or attention, and to relax and start enjoying yourself.
Shimawa_zen - I consulted the Magician card for inspiration for you;

A feeling of emptiness is sometimes necessary. A cup that is already full has no room for more. There are times when earthly desires must be sacrificed in order to make room for a Divine plan.
thulhu - For each of the next seven days, the following cards were chosen for you by the spirits;

Sunday - Two of Cups - Good news, upliftment and joy can be expected today. Luck will be with you in gaining the support of others and in friendships or passions beginning or renewing.

Monday - Queen of Cups - You're going to have invisible help in your work or affairs but agents or go-betweens may prove to be disappointing. Use your charm and you'll attract gifts, favors, romance and advantages.

Tuesday - Three of Pentacles - Meetings, unions and activities geared toward the future, will be in focus. Success is assured so don't be reticent when it comes to accepting new opportunities or pushing yourself or your ideas.

Wednesday - Nine of Cups - What you want will be realized, but only after you thought it wouldn't be, and the form or way in which it will be fulfilled will probably change. Withhold judgment and don't make premature evaluations.

Thursday - Knight of Wands - You could be at a crossroad concerning your business, love life or living quarters. Don't try to assess situations and effect solutions in advance. The time will come when you'll know what is true or what to do.

Friday - Ace of Wands - Do something different, and be alert or receptive to new ideas. Act on the alternatives that will be presented. A new start or way of life will be realized soon.

Saturday - Four of Wands - Actions will be taken to correct for losses or mistakes and instead of quitting, you will be participating even more with the knowledge that the Universe does know what it's doing.

Last edited by Kultura; 06-28-2009 at 02:31 PM..

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 02:53 PM

omg kultura that is actually happening to me! O_O oh snap!

Cloudwalker is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 05:36 PM

Thank you Kultura. :D
The career one is happening/seems to be happening now. And my mom is worried about a court date that's coming up, you're right on. I'm a little worried about the focus part though ^_^;; Guess I'll have to see what comes along.

What you see is temporal, and wh...
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BinaFydan is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 08:12 PM

Name: Bina Fydan

Chosen Reading: The Future/Seven Days

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Old 06-28-2009, 08:46 PM

@ everyone, you're welcome :)

Bina, I'll do that now ;)

Bina Fydan... For your future, the spirits chose the Eight of Swords...;
Focus: Withdrawal, "endarkenment" or deadlock. Others seem to have the upper hand. Try to remember that every experience has a positive end in view and no matter how great the problems may seem, they can still be overcome. New freedom will be found through the resolving of restrictive conditions, or getting out of an oppressive commitment.
Feeling boxed in but you are actually being spiritually protected so you won't be diverted from your higher purposes. Regeneration through a different environment or person is predicted.

Career & finances: Wanting to get out of an oppressive situation or change your line of work. May be worried that financial resources are dwindling, but a new venture, purchase order or business opportunity will come right to your door.
Health: Be very cautious; accidents abound. Driving could be hazardous. Use care around sharp objects or electrical gadgets.
Family & friends: Some family members will be immensely enjoyable but others, a burden. Choose your friends wisely and learn to be more discriminating.

And for your seven days, the cards chosen were

Sunday - Eight of Wands - Advancement, movement and travel for work or pleasure is indicated and an aura of romance will prevail. If a significant love affair doesn't begin, you'll at least be charmed by an admirer or two.

Monday - Knight of Cups - Good friends, social invitations and opportunities to advance will be highlighted. Accept invitations, take that trip you were thinking about and don't be surprised if someone flirts with you!

Tuesday - Page of Cups - You'll succeed in work that's done behind the scenes, self-help areas or finishing what others start, but don't bite off more than you can chew in your passion to go forward or you'll find things hard to swallow.

Wednesday - Six of Cups - You could be feeling a little nostalgic as you look back on the past and the way things were... try to remember that happiness can come from many sources whether it's one you've named or not.

Thursday - Two of Swords - Some success will be attained but some obstacles will still remain. Allow others to help you and don't be afraid to take a chance.

Friday - Queen of Wands - Family matters, get-togethers or love affairs will take center stage. A call from a sweetheart, a check that really was in the mail or a sudden surge in business, could come as a much welcomed surprise.

Saturday - Six of Pentacles - Someone may give you a gift or a token of love or money could come in a letter. Your affairs will still be unsettled but you'll move into a happier atmosphere. Be willing to defer instant gratification.

Last edited by Kultura; 06-28-2009 at 08:51 PM..

What you see is temporal, and wh...
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BinaFydan is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 09:30 PM

Lol, rather interesting.. yet general. I get the point though. Lol, thank you for doing so!

Cloudwalker is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 11:19 PM

Since the event has ended, are we still able to ask for another reading?

Shimawa_zen is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 11:49 PM

Thanks again! Like I said in my last post, you are really talented. Your fortunes sound like you could be spying on us - seriously you are that right on. I hope you offer fortunes again in the future. :yumeh:

ghostPastry is offline
Old 06-29-2009, 01:44 AM

Name: Anna/briannamal

Chosen Reading: Inspiration and Guidance

It was so hard to choose! <3


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