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The Colors of a Dae
secretdae007 is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by Lura Crane View Post
*drops in to add an entry* owo

Link for actual size

And I'm working on a different version to render the snake even more.
Here's just the tiny part that I've done so far. XD;
Wow, that's pretty awesome. ^_^

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 08:18 PM

Wow. That sounds like a really cool contest.
I wish I had been here for more of the event to give it a try. :(

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 06-28-2009, 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
Wow. That sounds like a really cool contest.
I wish I had been here for more of the event to give it a try. :(
You can still enter. xD It's not ending immediately.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 08:20 PM

Yeah, but it would probably take me awhile to get the art actually done up

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 06-28-2009, 08:44 PM

How long do you think it would take?

High fives are pretty great!
Jennifer is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 08:53 PM

:O I love Luras entry!

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 09:06 PM

Hmm. I'm not sure.
Would depend on what I decided to do and if I wanted to include a character.

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 06-28-2009, 09:27 PM

Hey Jenny! :B

May I peek at some examples of your work, Suona? I may be willing to comission or whatever it's called.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 09:29 PM

lol I dont have any examples really.
I just thought it would be fun to try to do.
And i'm not completely use to my drawing tablet, since my laptop broke and I haven't been able to use it for months and I ended up losing the hang of it.

Although, I actually just bought a book on human anatomy yesterday that I plan on using to work on my art more.

Gamer Chick
Hyda is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 09:31 PM

Heya Ivvy, sorry I didn't reply earlier.. I'm actually sick. And running a fever. )':

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 06-29-2009, 01:41 AM

So I opened a new thread in the art contests to continue this past the event. :B

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 06-29-2009, 01:54 AM

Oh cool. :D

I may have to end up trying for it then.

*Hime* is offline
Old 06-29-2009, 01:57 AM

So I can enter with less crappy art hopefully! :)

Vixen with a Vendetta
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Old 06-29-2009, 02:00 AM

Yep yep, there's no limit to the entries and I haven't decided on an end date. I'm not in a hurry either.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 06-29-2009, 02:01 AM

Well thats cool. :)
Thank you.

Lura Crane
Lura Crane is offline
Old 06-29-2009, 03:44 AM

Thank you~ I'm glad my entry is liked. ^O^


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