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Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 07-06-2009, 03:54 AM

Hey, guys! You're all looking totally fab today! ;)

You must be looking for some information about the Art Shops and what goes on around here.
I stopped by Town Hall last weekend and chatted up a cute intern to gather up some of the more subtle rules
and laws that Menewsha has about running Art Shops. It was such a sacrifice, let me tell you!
I totally got his number, too.

If you have a question that isn't answered here or needs extra clarification, please let me know
by posting in the Help Desk Forum.
A staff member will respond to your thread and
get back to me so I can update this beasty!

Alright! Here we go!
*clears throat*

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 11-18-2016 at 03:57 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 07-06-2009, 04:00 AM

Which forum area should my shop go?
There are many types of services users have made available on Menewsha. Here's a general guide of where you can find certain types of commissions or start your own shop.

Art Shops Main Forum: If you plan to buy or sell custom commission art (digital or traditional media) with a set amount of slots for a bribe or set price.

Art Auctions: If you plan to buy or sell custom art of any genre that will be bid on by users. Threads may be used one time or repeatedly depending on the thread operator's wishes.

Art Requests: If you are seeking artists to draw your requests, please post your requests here. Multiple threads are allowed, as long as each thread is for a unique request.

Art Contests: If you are planning to host or participate in an art contest with prizes.

Art Freebies: If you are looking to create or receive custom art for free.

Breedable/Changing Pets: If you are planning to buy or sell pets that evolve or can be bred with other pets to create new offspring, this is where to go.

Pricing/Assistance: If you are planning on opening a shop and would like to price your wares or you are recruiting for a group auction, please go to this area.

What forms of payment can I accept for my art here on Menewsha?
Currently, it is against the rules to accept any other payment other than Menewsha gold currency and/or Menewsha items for services users provide on the site.

You may not accept:
  • Real life currency, items, or favors
  • Any other online currency or items from any other site than (such as Gaia, et al)
What's acceptable for me to commission here on Menewsha?
You are allowed to request:
  • Art of your menewsha/other site avatars
  • Art of your original or roleplay characters
  • Fanart of established characters
  • Banners and other graphics for menewsha related use (signatures, shops, hangout threads, etc.)

You are not allowed to request:
  • Banners and other graphics for commercial sites

How do I send gold through a trade?

Answer is large and image extensive, please click to expand.X

First, start a trade by clicking the Trade link on the top navigation bar.

On your trade index, type in the username of the user you want to trade with.

Select a single item and make sure it has a check mark on the top right of the item box. It really doesn't matter which item you choose. Click Start Trade after you are done.

In the next window, enter the amount of gold you wish to add to the trade. Make sure it says add in the dropdown box beside it. Press the Add button. Alternately, if you wish to remove an amount of gold from the trade, enter the amount you wish to remove, click the dropdown menu and choose subtract.

Next, click the big X by the item you've added. This will remove the item from the trade.

Your trade should look something like this if you've done the previous steps. Item free and loaded with gold.

One your trade partner adds items or send your art, accept the trade if everything looks correct.

Congratulations! You have just sent gold through a trade.

How do I send gold through a donation?

Answer is large and image extensive, please click to expand.X

When an artist asks for payment by donation or you're feeling generous, you can use the donation link underneath the user's avatar to send gold (and gold only).
In the "Amount" area, designate the amount of gold you'd like to send, leave a message if you'd like to, and hit the "Send Donation" button.

What programs are available for artists?
Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Photoshop is an all in one digital art suite that includes tools for both creating art digitally and enhancing/cleaning up traditional media art digitally. The newest version costs approx. $700US.

GIMP - The GIMP is an all in one digital art suite that includes tools for both creating art digitally and enhancing/cleaning up traditional media art digitally. It is free.

Microsoft Paint - Microsoft Paint is a simple digital art program that comes free with Microsoft operating systems.

Corel Painter - Corel Painter is a digital illustration suite that caters to the creation of digital art. Its price range is around $399US.

Open Canvas - Open Canvas is a digital illustration suite that caters to the creation of digital art. Its price range is generally around $60US to $80US(dependent on Yen to Dollar conversion).

How do I save online art to my computer?
On the Windows platform, right click the image and use the "Save Image as..." option. A pop-up box will appear and ask where you'd like the image to be stored on your computer and also allow you to change the name of the image file (if desired).

On Macs, press the Ctrl key + mouse click to find the "Save Image as..." option.
How do I upload art to display or send to my customers?

Answer is cut behind here, please click to expand.X

Firstly, your image must be in a web-friendly format such as jpeg, gif, png, etc., otherwise, it may not display on your browser.

Next, you'll need a host for your image. Menewsha does offer a small amount of image hosting through your albums (found in your profile). Many users also use Photobucket, Tinypic, and Imageshack or their own webhosting (among other places available).

Once you have your file ready for upload, depending on the service you choose to host it, there will an upload box available. They look like this:

Click "Browse." Find the image file on your computer hard-drive, and press "Open."

The path to your image file should be in the Browse field box. When done, use the "Upload Pictures" button to begin transferring the file to the online server.

If every uploads correctly, you're done! Viola!

If something does go wrong, it could be one of many issues:
  • File Size (kb)
  • Image Resolution Size (px)
  • File Type (jpg, gif, png, etc.)
  • File Corruption
  • Internal Host Error
  • Internet Connection Issues

I'm a traditional artist (pencil/ink/paint/crayon/marker/etc.). How do I get my paper artwork onto my computer?
The absolutely best method to transfer your work onto your computer is by a scanner. If you do not own a scanner, the second best alternative is a digital camera. The problem with using a digital camera is that distortion from the angle of the shot and the light source(s) in the area may cause color and shape shifts in your final digital image.
What is Gross Misrepresentation and is it allowed?
A "gross misrepresentation", in this sense, is when a sample provided in a shop or auction is far higher in quality than what the artist produces to the commissioner. It is not allowed since it is deception.

If you think that an artist is using gross misrepresentation , please use the (!) button (report button) at the bottom right of the post with the sample. Please also provide a link to the finished work. It will be left to the staff's discretion to determine if it is true.
I have a friend who is an artist who does not have an account on Menewsha. Can a friend/sibling/other individual host an art shop/auction/freebie thread for an artist who is not on the site?
No. All artists/service providing users must have an account on Menewsha to do business here.

In the case of group auctions/shops, it is alright for only one or more artists in the group to host the thread but, again, all artists participating must have a Menewsha account.
I own or am part of the staff of another similar website to Menewsha. Can I use Menewsha to advertise or hire pixelists/artists/staff for my site? Can I use Menewsha to gain critique of my site, site features, or images?
Please do not. This is terrible etiquette and depending on how you phrase or approach things, may possibly be punishable with an infraction.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 11-18-2016 at 04:02 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 07-06-2009, 04:21 AM

What is Tracing? Eyeballing? Filtering?
Tracing is when an person lays a sheet of paper over a pre-existing artwork and copies the linework onto the top, clean sheet of paper. This can also be achieved digitally by layers in some art programs. This produces an almost exact copy of the original artwork.

Eyeballing is when an artist visually tries to copy one image, by freehand, onto a clean sheet of paper or digital layer while looking at another work. The offender does not trace over the lines but creates lines by visually judging the placement of the lines. The final product looks incredibly similar to the original artwork but may contain some altered strokes from the artist's interpretation and/or inexperience.

Filtering is taking an image and using a filter through a graphics program to change it or add an effect.

These methods were developed to be used as training and exercise tools for blossoming artists. They do help in developing and understanding visual information and applying it to paper but they shouldn't become the only method an artist uses to create a work.
What is Art Theft?
Art Theft is the false claim of copyright and/or creation of any image (paintings, illustrations, photographs, etc.). It is possible to infringe on another's copyright by selling or claiming false creation over a piece of art.
Why is it unfair to sell traced, eyeballed, or stolen art?
Menewsha holds hard work and fair play in the highest regard. For anyone to profit from any other person's hard work, creativity, and vision without proper consent is unethical and illegal. Even if you recreate someone's work through eyeballing or tracing, you are still taking the line, shape, and form which another artist painstakingly developed with their own talent, experience, and hard work. For another person to trace or eyeball a work in a few minutes what may have taken hours, days, or weeks for someone to create is unfair to the original artist.

The only exception to this rule is when you hold the copyright over an image you trace or eyeball. For instance, if you take a photo of a flower and then trace or eyeball it-- this is acceptable. Since you hold the copyright of the image, you hold the copyright of any derivative work based from that image material.

Of course, if you take a photograph of another artist's work and then try to trace or eyeball from that work, it is theft. You still do not hold the copyright of that image and cannot reproduce it.

As the Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines,states:
A derivative work created with the permission of the original copyright holder is itself copyrightable. Created without permission, it can be considered infrigement.
How do I properly credit an artist or group?
Generally, its best to credit the artist with their name and a link to their gallery. Some artists have specific instructions for crediting them and its best to read or ask them what their usage policies are. Place this somewhere in your shop or auction thread, on the first page, where it can be easily read and visible by users who will be purchasing from you.
What if I do not know who the artist is, can't find them, or cannot communicate with them due to different languages?
Then it is best you do not use the image.
What are my legal rights as an artist?

As an artist, you always maintain the right to your artwork unless you give it away.

For more information on the technical legalities of copyright, please check these following links:

U.S. Copyright

U.S. Copyright Office
What do I do if someone has stolen my art on Menewsha?
On the post that has the offending entry, use the (!) button at the bottom right. This will create a report. Please provide evidence that you are the creator of the work- the best way is to have a timestamped art piece available in an online gallery such as Deviantart (or similar site). If you cannot provide a third party timestamp or timeframe to the work, please provide a link to the original work. At this point, it will be left up to the discretion of the staff to judge. Help us to help you.
Can I sell fanart on Menewsha of copyrighted characters?
Yes, you may but please try to cater towards avatar and original characters more. You'll find a larger market in those genres.
What do I do if I recognize art that is traced, eyeballed, or stolen for sale or used as a preview?
If you find that a user is selling or using traced, eyeballed, or stolen art as a sample for their shop or as a commission, please use the (!) button to report the post where the possible theft is at. If available, please add a link to the original artwork or other evidence of the theft so that we may verify your claim efficiently. If you cannot find a link, the staff will then try to verify your claim and it may take time to resolve. You will not be contacted by staff about the status of your report unless we need more information.
What will happen if I am caught selling traced, eyeballed, or stolen art?
Depending on the severity of the case, your account will either acquire a 500 point permanent, non-expiring infraction or an instant ban. As a reminder, at 1,000 points, your account is automatically banned.
Can I use a Photoshop filter on images I've found to alter them and sell them?
If you did not create the image, you cannot use a filter and sell them. By using a filter, it is especially obvious that you are possibly trying to mask this. It is considered art theft by claiming ownership of an image you minimally altered but did not create- especially if you are not intending to credit or ask permission of the original artist.
I've seen avatar edits for sale. Isn't that stealing?
If you see Menewsha bases used in an avatar edit, where areas are changed or animated, and credit is given to the Menewsha site, then it is permissible. The edit must alter the base enough that it justifies its sale to users-- incredibly minor edits may be subject to approval of staff. If you aren't contacted, you're probably okay.
I make thread banners and graphics. What is fair to use and sell?
When possible, use as many images, graphics, and tools that you have created yourself. If you do intend on using other people's images, graphics, art, tools, etc., its best to contact them and ask permission. There are some cases where the tool, graphic, etc. is copyright free and/or the creator expresses permission to use for commercial use. As long as you have their expressed consent and can document that you've gained it, then it is permissible.
I make pixel dolls/animals/food/etc. What is fair to use and sell?
Any doll base that is created by another artist with their expressed permission to alter and sell their work is alright.

If you are using a base from another source without their permission, it is theft.

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 07-06-2009, 04:25 AM

Artist and Customer Etiquette

  • Please cancel trades or return gold/items if you cannot complete a commission. If you do not and the user reports you, it is considered scamming and is punishable with a 250 point permanent infraction. As a reminder, your account is permanently banned at 1000 points.
  • Try to give your commissioners a time frame for when to expect their art. If you cannot, be upfront and please keep them updated. They'll love you dearly.
  • Please be courteous and refrain from constantly contacting the artist for information or updates on your commission. It is reasonable to contact them weekly or longer but not daily.
  • If your artist is taking longer than a reasonable amount of time and not responding to messages, contact an online moderator. Remember, art can take days to weeks to complete!
  • Be considerate and do not order art if you do not have the gold/items to pay for it. If you cannot pay, it is considered scamming and is punishable with a 250 point permanent infraction. As a reminder, your account is permanently banned at 1000 points.
  • Artists always retain the right to deny a request for any reason.

Last edited by Li Mei; 07-06-2009 at 04:27 AM..


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