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I'm a little teapot short and st...
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Old 06-11-2009, 04:55 PM

Evelyn continued drawing Erica and smiled when she entered the room, her portrait taking better form as she had a model to work with. Erica's features came more into focus in the drawinf as Evelyn progressed, smiling to her Mistress every so often. After being brought the blank pad of paper, she looked up and smiled widely, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, thank you, Mistress." Evelyn held up the portrait. "For you, Miss."

Kande914 is offline
Old 06-11-2009, 05:55 PM

Erica looked over at Evelyn and noticed she was drawing something, she kept looking up at her smiling.. what was she doing? Just when Erica was about to sit down, Evelyn handed her something. It looked beautiful "wow drew this? this is outstanding.." She said as she looked more at the drawing, her eyes looked beautiful. She smiled and hugged the girl "thank you sweetie.." She said with a grin.

Yep, I don't believe in any reli...
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Old 06-12-2009, 03:28 AM

((Bah, stupid writer's block... :stare: I've been trying to write something for a while, but I couldn't come up with anything. Sorry about that. :sweat:))

Once Zoey got on the horse, they both left the manor behind. The horse was fast and James could feel the cold wind on his face. They would probably reach the nearby town well before sunset, but James had things to take care of before night. He wanted to make sure he had all the goods he needed before his caravan left town the next day.

I'm a little teapot short and st...
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Old 06-12-2009, 03:43 AM

Evelyn warmly returned the hug, smiling sweetly. "I couldn't make it much better looking.. There's not much to add to how pretty you are, Miss Erica." She smiled and sat back a bit, crossing her long ivory legs. After looking thoughtful for a moment, Evelyn spoke again to Erica. "So, Miss Erica.. Are you much of an artist, yourself?" she was curious, as most folk would just keep sketchbooks lying around, handmade, at that.

Kande914 is offline
Old 06-12-2009, 02:52 PM

Zoey looked at him, happily holding on, she loved horses. Never happier that she had tied her hair before they got on, the cool wind was blowing in her hair. Happy as ever to see the sites, the beautiful trees, bushes, things she couldn't ever see from the cell. Wondering what he had planned for her, she held on, the horse seemed to go faster. Secretly, she was both excited and scared about this new adventure, she could heal him and herself, so there really was nothing to fear.. except fear itself..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

Erica looked at her, blushing, she had no idea how to respond to that. Watching her sit down, she smiled at her, nodding to her question. "You remember the blue door you past going to the bathroom... that is my art room.." she said quietly standing up. Suddenly someone was at the door. Walking to go get it, it was a very handsome man, around Evelyn's age. Erica smiled leading him inside "we can talk art some other time. this here is Jim.." Introducing them, she knew Evelyn had brought up the boy subject, so she thought it wise to let her have time with a close friend of hers.

Last edited by Kande914; 06-12-2009 at 03:09 PM..

I'm a little teapot short and st...
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Old 06-12-2009, 08:43 PM

Evelyn shivered when the man entered, and her eyes turned a deep, fiery red, the cheer instantly draining. She despised men with a passion stronger than her hatred for slavery, or bees. When she was kidnapped those years ago, such horrible beasts had so brutally raped her, never again would she feel respect or admiration towards the male gender. Her tone flat and dry, she hissed, "Hello, Jim," her eyes never leaving the floor in front of the sofa.

Kande914 is offline
Old 06-13-2009, 01:27 AM

Erica watched Evelyn freak out, her aura was completely different. Her eyes turned red, Erica didn't think about how a man would effect her. She whispered something to the man and he left with a bow. Erica slowly walked over to her, her hands in the air, raised in defense. "I am so sorry Evelyn.. I had no idea.. he wont come here again.." She had to make this right again.

I'm a little teapot short and st...
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Old 06-13-2009, 02:55 AM

Evelyn glared at the man and returned to her normal state when he exited. "Oh.. It's not that bad, Miss Erica. He can be here.. I'm just not going to speak with him." Evelyn's tone was almost haughty now, as she spoke of her hate for the male gender. "Men are below me."

Kande914 is offline
Old 06-13-2009, 06:50 PM

Erica put her hands down. "no, its alright.. I wont have any men here when you are home.." She said with a smile. "lets try and think happy thoughts alright... would you be happy if I told you that tomorrow we are going to the vineyard? and.... its all run by other woman? There are no guys allowed, only in the shop to buy some wine, but we will be far from that.." She was hoping she would like the vineyard idea. She didn't want her to be upset.

I'm a little teapot short and st...
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Old 06-14-2009, 05:45 PM

Evelyn crossed her legs and heaved an exasparated sigh. 'This woman is so nice.. It's a little overbearing, really..' She thought to herself, shaking out her hair. To humour her, she smiled sweetly and lit up her eyes, perking up at the vineyard idea. "That would be lovely, Miss Erica!" The enthusiasm wasn't completely staged, as Evelyn would really enjoy making her own special bottle of wine. She'd also enjoy meeting the family of her Mistress.

Kande914 is offline
Old 06-14-2009, 05:57 PM

Erica looked at her, her happiness seemed a bit fake, but she would go along with it. "are you tired sweetie? It is getting late.." she said looking over at the clock. It was already 2am. Tomorrow would be a great day, she would make sure of it.

(sorry for the short post..)

Yep, I don't believe in any reli...
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Old 06-16-2009, 03:16 AM

After a few hours of non-stop traveling, the two finally reached the town of Norminster where he had left his caravan. The houses looked quite old, but they were still in good shape and a few of them were being renovated. The town was also covered in snow, though it was currently sunny and no clouds were in the sky. Slowing down a little, James headed toward the entrance. "My caravan should be waiting near the entrance, so it shouldn't take too long to find it."

Kande914 is offline
Old 06-16-2009, 05:31 AM

Zoey held on as they rode along to the next town. She loved looking at the different scenery. When they arrived she smiled, excited to get off the horse. Her back was sore and she wanted to stretch. She loved horses but not for hours on end. She was happy to be able to ride on something else. "okay Master James.." she replied as they slowed down.

Last edited by Kande914; 06-16-2009 at 06:01 AM..

I'm a little teapot short and st...
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Old 06-16-2009, 05:48 PM

Evelyn looked up at the clock and sighed. It was getting very late, and she should probably get some sleep. Oh, a real bed for once.. That would probably be the best thing about this woman buying her. Evelyn missed beds. She smiled more genuinely this time, and nodded in agreement. "Yeah.. It is quite late, and we don't want to be tired for the vineyard tomorrow, Mistress Erica." Standing, Evelyn dusted off her clothes as a form of habit and walked towards the hallway. Poking her head into a guest bedroom, she asked, "This one, right?" Very unsure of wither she should just sleep on the sofa or not. It felt so wrong taking all of these liberties from someone who had purchased her.

Kande914 is offline
Old 06-21-2009, 04:35 AM

(wow.. I am real sorry..I completely spaced out..)

Erica smiled at her softly and nodded her head "yes, that is your room now.." she said quietly. This poor girl, she was so polite and yet, so traumatized, having to ask to sleep in a bed.. how awful is that. Erica hoped that tomorrow she would have a fun day at the vineyard. Maybe meeting some other people her age would be nice to her. The hardest thing would be convincing her, she wasn't a slave.

I'm a little teapot short and st...
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:18 PM

Evelyn thanked Erica and smiled sweetly, bowing. "Thank you, Miss Erica.. Pleasant dreams." She bid her mistress goodnight and slipped quietly into her room. Picking out a small nightgown from the dresser, she slid out of the dress and into it, curling up under the nice warm blanket. Smiling, she thought ' this might not be so bad after all' as she slipped into a ddeep, dreamless sleep.

Kande914 is offline
Old 06-22-2009, 07:58 PM

Erica watched her go and sighed softly, she went to her room and took a quick shower. Changing into her nightgown, laying in bed, she really hoped that Evelyn has a good time at the vineyard. She wanted to make sure she was always happy. After setting her pillows right, she soon fell asleep.

Yep, I don't believe in any reli...
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Old 06-24-2009, 02:12 PM

((Sorry I've been gone for so long, my computer broke and it might take some time to fix. I'd write something right now, but I'm borrowing a relative's computer and there's no telling how much time I have left... :stare: Sorry.))

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Old 06-30-2009, 04:35 AM

Ivy sat alone in her cage, her green eyes narrowing in a glare at every passing person. Licking her lips, she pushed back her long, red hair and began to fiddle with the lock. How had she gotten here? It didn't seem like it had been long since she had been walking home in the dark town. Letting out a sigh, she closed her eyes and began to hum a soft song to calm her anger down. Her songs were magical that came from her elven father.

The notes were beautiful and held images once heard. Smiling at the memories of her home land, Ivy opened her green eyes and began to work on the lock once more. She would get out of her and go back home to the magical lands.

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Old 07-13-2009, 01:09 AM

Originally Posted by Kande914 View Post
Erica watched her go and sighed softly, she went to her room and took a quick shower. Changing into her nightgown, laying in bed, she really hoped that Evelyn has a good time at the vineyard. She wanted to make sure she was always happy. After setting her pillows right, she soon fell asleep..
anyone still here?

Yep, I don't believe in any reli...
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Old 07-13-2009, 01:30 AM

James advanced a bit further into the town and turned left on a nearby street. He spotted the familliar caravan in front of a nearby inn. "There it is. My crew is probably waiting inside." He quickly got off the horse and then extended his hand to help Zoey. He was eager to get inside and see all the familiar faces, including his younger brother, Edward.

Kande914 is offline
Old 07-13-2009, 02:29 AM

Zoey smiled at him as they slowed down near the inn. Not that she minded being outside, but the horse was getting old. It was making her back hurt a little bit. "your crew?" she asked curiously. She watched him get off as she took his hand getting off the horse after him. "thank you Master" she said sweetly. Looking to the inn, it looks so much more comfortable then the slave shop. She was so curious about his crew but knew she should not ask any questions. She followed him inside happily.

Last edited by Kande914; 07-21-2009 at 04:29 PM..


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