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Aisteach is offline
Old 07-14-2009, 08:56 AM

Do you prefer original plot or fan based?

Strip or comic book format?

Grey scale or full color?

Realistic, Cartoony, Manga-esque, Sprite, or Other? Which of these do you love/hate most?

Favorite genre? Least favorite?

Would you prefer if a person updated every once in a while with a bunch of new material, or updated often with some material each time?

Even if the scheme of the webcomic's hosting site is terrible/sloppy, would you still read the webcomic if it had good writing?

Favorite type of characters? Least favorite?

Do you care if the creators of a webcomic provide any extras like free avatars, wallpapers, or the like?

... Any other thoughts on webcomics?

I'm not doing this as research for a project of my own - I'm just curious about the opinions of others. If anyone gets any use out of this, 'tis good.

Please remember to wrap quote tags around spoon questions!

Last edited by Snowberry; 07-22-2009 at 03:26 AM.. Reason: staff note


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Iro is offline
Old 07-14-2009, 02:45 PM

Interesting questions you have here.

Personally, I prefer a mix of original and fan-based plot. If my interpretation of what you mean by 'fan-based' is right (fan-service, I take it?), inserting bits and pieces of them throughout an original story is what I find I usually like. Although, if you were to compare a totally original plot and a completely fan-based plot, I would greatly lean towards the work with an original plot.

This is another one which doesn't matter to me so long as the execution is good. I find strips more suitable for humour, satire, direct to the point and just generally slap-in-the-face stories (iow: stand alones, one-shots). For a lengthy or developing stories, I would prefer reading in comic book format. Having it in strip cuts down the feel of actually reading a slowly developing story, if you get what I mean.

Ahah. I know for a fact that many people dislike reading comics using sprites and some webcomic hosting sites even disallow comics of this sort. However, there was a Guilty Gear webcomic I've read once which utilised in-game sprites (as well as in-game sprites from other games and self-improvision on the sprites panels) which I was really hooked on to because of good execution and amusing story and when someone attempted to draw a fanpage for the webcomic, it just didn't didn't feel the same although the art was good.
(Unfortunately, the webcomic was taken down already some years back due to the reason stated in the first sentence of this paragraph. :/ )
As for the actual question, I don't particularly have a preference of style so long as the story and drawing are good/decent. What I couldn't stand are those half-assed (pardon my french) plots and art (no offense intended), which could kill the mood of reading.

My favourite genres would have to be adventure, mystery and fantasy. I don't particularly have a least favourite genre, but comics with lengthy walls of text tend to be a turn off to me, something found often in mystery and sci-fi comics (even if I really like the mystery genre, those walls of text can still make me lose my reading mood at times).

I would prefer that it was updated often with some material each time. However, if he artist could work much better within a longer time period, I wouldn't mind the wait. :yes:

Yes, I would. Back then, many webcomic sites used to have terrible and eye-sore for layouts, but I learned to ignore them and concentrate only on the comic pages.

Type of characters? I like a variety of them. It actually depends on how the writer/artist develop the characters. The character may be a terrible person, but if the character development is done well, I could grow to like them. What I really can't stand, however, are characters which are useless from A to Z of the story (i.e. - cry often, chicken out the rest of the way, needs others to ALWAYS save their asses, gets into trouble 300% of the time even when not called for, stubborn in all the wrong ways -as in, lesson not learned-, etc.etc. I think you get the picture). It actually takes a LOT for me to hate a character, one who succeeded the fastest was Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket when I was watching the anime. Some years later, I read the manga and the character development for her was very much better than the anime, and I grew to tolerate her from then on.

Although I am indifferent to this question, I would mind extras like wallpapers or winamp skins and others. xD

If I have any further thoughts, I'll come back with it. I think I spewed out most of it already. Unless you wish that I go on a long rant about my favourite types of characters, which I believe I have about at least 5 types, actually. :lol:

Dessin is offline
Old 07-20-2009, 06:13 AM

Original plot or fan based?
IMO, fan-based plots don't seem to turn out very well, and I usually lose interest as the plot turns to focus on fanboy/girl pairings and random yaoi kawaii filler panels. I'd say go for original plot, and by original I mean ORIGINAL, not another generic tween vampire/demon/femboy/cat-eared people comedic romance shpeal, no matter how amazing your art is.
Strip or comic book format?
I love both! But if you don't have a lot of time on your hands, I'd suggest doing strips instead of full pages.

Grey scale or full color?
Again- I love both! I also find that webcomics done in sepia have a sort of an original flair to them. However, I will tell you that grey scale (particularly just black&white) burns the eyes after a few minutes due to high contrast. ('' x///3//x')

Realistic, Cartoony, Manga-esque, Sprite, or Other?
Most manga-style webcomics out there are poorly drawn with even more poorly created characters and plot- usually some anime fan who decided to pick up the pencil after watching Bleach to let out their creativity, so I stay away from webmangas. Sprite webcomics are particularly funny for some reason, and I adore comic book styles. (I personally dislike extremely realistically drawn webcomics because while reading I feel terrible that such talent is going to waste without any real profit! ('' >///w//<) )
Favorite genre? Least favorite?
Nothing deters me like a fantasy super adventure with an elven/dwarven/human-with-a-dark-past cast befitting a badly directed version of LotR. I dislike the whole magicalpowersness because it's generally abused in plots. (I.E. The main character has unlimited magical powers just because of chance and can kill anything.) My favorite genre, on the other hand, has got to be simply this: originality. Anything original, anything new! Let loose that imagination to the farthest peak, and I promise you that people'll love where it takes them.
Update every once in a while with a lot or update often with some?
It depends on what you consider "in a while" and "often". IMO "in a while" is several months and "often" is biweekly to a month. I suggest update as often as you can without having to work like a dog.
Even if the scheme of the webcomic's hosting site is terrible/sloppy, would you still read the webcomic if it had good writing?
Good writing and good art.
Favorite type of characters? Least favorite?
Least favorite are the infamous mary-sues and gary-stus!~ Google "Mary Sue Litmus Test" to take a test on whether your characters are mary-sues or not- it's a very helpful tool and I've heard that many famous authors have also taken it. I also dislike the generic big-breasted no-brains French/American blonde that happens to do something useful plotwise despite the fact that they could be doing something else for much more profit and later develops a crush on the stoic main character although at the beginning they didn't care at all or were too stupid to think for themselves. It kills plots when you try to include someone just for the sake of having someone pretty on the team. My favorite kind of characters are the- literally -helpful ones: generally quiet and socially inadequate to counteract their compassion, usually seen as supporting characters to the more openly friendly main character in webcomics.

Do you care if the creators of a webcomic provide any extras like free avatars, wallpapers, or the like?
Not really, though it's very nice and hard-working of you if you go that far!

Last edited by Snowberry; 07-20-2009 at 10:53 PM.. Reason: quote tags

cookie_munsta is offline
Old 07-21-2009, 09:53 PM

Do you prefer original plot or fan based?
well i like both alot and is hard to decide. but fan based are usually you can tell aren't proffesionally good. but there just fan based. i like origninal plots alot better because there someones ideas and not just some fans idea to make fun of it or whatever.
Strip or comic book format?
to me it doesnt matter at all. either is find anytime, anywhere.
Grey scale or full color?
grey scale because the ones in full color have this wierd type of paper and i just dislike it so much (hate is a strong word so i perfere not to use it). full color is good thought when i wonder what there hair/clothes are really colored as. otherwise i might think its somthing else then if they have a show and i watch it i feel kinda stupid. haha.
Realistic, Cartoony, Manga-esque, Sprite, or Other? Which of these do you love/hate most?
well i just like manga thats either romance or the undead or comedy or science fictiony. well i like alot of them. but realistic without romance (romance that includes some sort of violence) is just really boring to me.
Favorite genre? Least favorite?
i dont really have one exactly.
Would you prefer if a person updated every once in a while with a bunch of new material, or updated often with some material each time?
well i like it when there are no updates the best but i would have to say often with some material each time. its so i dont get sucked into the computor and then get yelled at. it keeps me in the manga/comic by thinking about what is to happen next.
Even if the scheme of the webcomic's hosting site is terrible/sloppy, would you still read the webcomic if it had good writing?
probably not because i would most likley get confussed and get frusturasted with it that i wouldnt read it or be interested in reading anymore.
Favorite type of characters? Least favorite?
nope i like all.
Do you care if the creators of a webcomic provide any extras like free avatars, wallpapers, or the like? i dont care if they do but i probably wont get them.

... Any other thoughts on webcomics?

Last edited by Snowberry; 07-22-2009 at 03:24 AM.. Reason: quote tags

13th is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 02:40 PM

I prefer a plot

And book format

Gray scale or full color depends on if it's good made or not

I like manga/realistic, I hate if it's bad made "manga" or realistic with too much wrinkles and the lips are oversized or so

Fav genre: Horror/fantasy
Least fav genre: Over dramatical romance or cliché

I prefer if it was updated often

If I really liked the comic, the site wouldn't really matter, but I'd of course prefer a good site

Fav type of char: Anything exciting that haven't been seen before
Least fav type of char: The "normal" one who doesn't really have a personality

I like extras, so put in all the "free avatars, wallpapers, or the like" in that you want ^^

Remember: Do your best at the drawings, and PLEASE don't use real, unedited photos!

Last edited by 13th; 08-02-2009 at 02:41 PM.. Reason: spelling

Promised Penguin
Promised Penguin is offline
Old 08-08-2009, 04:30 AM

Do you prefer original plot or fan based?
I usually enjoy the well-developed original plots myself. Everything tends to all go together better that way. Although I can enjoy a fan based comic with a good plot. If somebody has put time and thought into their fan comic and made a story of their own, I'll read it.

Strip or comic book format?
Unless I'm reading the newspaper, I prefer full page comic book format.

Grey scale or full color?
I can go either way on this one. There is not exactly a preference of one over the other. Now where I do love a splash of color in my reading experience, good work with ink and/or tones is always very impressive.

Realistic, Cartoony, Manga-esque, Sprite, or Other? Which of these do you love/hate most?
I never enjoy sprite comics. I haven't given many the chance, I'll admit. As an artist though, I think I could never fully enjoy a sprite comic. Now, when I say this I am referring to the people that will take sprites they have found online and use them. For those that completely make their own sprites, my props go to them.
As far as realistic goes, I've never actually read a comic in this style so I'm not quite sure. Although I know I prefer manga-esque. The otaku in me calls. I've been hooked on it since my preteen years and I've stayed hooked on the style. The beautiful details that many mangakas put into their works inspires me each time.

Favorite genre? Least favorite?
My favorite, without a doubt, is romance/shoujo. I'm a true romantic at heart and am..well frankly addicted to the genre. I also enjoy mystery a lot along with fantasy. I don't usually like any sports related ones. There are exceptions though. Also if it's a pointless story with no real purpose you proboly wouldn't find me reading it.

Would you prefer if a person updated every once in a while with a bunch of new material, or updated often with some material each time?
I prefer those that update often. For example maybe a new page every week or so. I wouldn't mind the other though.

Even if the scheme of the webcomic's hosting site is terrible/sloppy, would you still read the webcomic if it had good writing?
Yes, I would. My mommy taught me not to judge a book by its cover :]

Favorite type of characters? Least favorite?
I don't believe I have one of these. I have noticed that I tend to favor the males with the attitudes and soft spots. Who doesn't love those?

Do you care if the creators of a webcomic provide any extras like free avatars, wallpapers, or the like?
It doesn't matter to me, but they're always a nice touch :yes:

Moscow is offline
Old 08-08-2009, 05:40 PM

I prefer an original plot. There's a lot more you can do with it than fan based where you are generally limited to what it's based on. Although original plots should be unique and not the usual things that everyone else does. Or at the very least, put some sort of spin on that.

Comic or strip. Either has their good points. If the point of the comic is to get out witty one lingers, comic strips are perfect for that. If you have an ongoing plot, a Comic book format is probably better suited for that. I have a mix of both that I watch everyday.

Either. Some comics pull gray-scale off very well, while some are wonderful in color. Of course, there are also the comics that do both. Weekdays are grey-scale and weekends are color. There is also at least one webcomic that is mostly grey-scale, except for certain things like eyes, the main characters hair, and ties.

I'm good with almost all drawing styles. They lend interesting interpretation into the story and comic in general, depending on the artist's style. The only one I really can't stand and won't read is sprite comics.

I don't really have a favorite genre. I'll read anything as long as the plot is interesting and the artwork is decent.

I like when updates are fairly regular. That way I at least know that the comic isn't dead or that the artist hasn't given up on the comic. When they are super irregular, like only updating once every few months, you just never know if you'll be getting more comic pages. And when they go a long time without updating, I have to reread all of the comic to make sure I remember everything.

I don't really like it when the webhosting site is bleh. It can be very distracting. I usually don't judge though and if the comic is good enough, I'll keep reading.

My favorite characters are smart-alecks. They just amuse me. I really can't stand super girly girl characters though. Generally they are over the top and exaggerated. Girls don't really act that way in real life, why make them act that way in your webcomic?

I'm mostly reading for the story and the art, so I never really look at any of the extras they add to their page. I'll look if they have character bios, but generally that's it. I don't like random characters on my computer backgrounds anyway. x'D

Javert is offline
Old 08-19-2009, 11:14 AM

Do you prefer original plot or fan based?
I do like both forms of webcomics, but I think in the end, I prefer originals. While I love reading original stories based in the world of a series I really like, I also love seeing what kinds of original characters, and stories, people can come up with. :).

Strip or comic book format?
Comic book format. I'm not too fond of strip format. ^^;.

Grey scale or full color?
Either. Full color artwork can look wonderful, but if done right, grey scale can look just as beautiful.

Realistic, Cartoony, Manga-esque, Sprite, or Other? Which of these do you love/hate most?
Manga-esque is my favorite style, followed by cartoony. :). I'm not too fond of sprite comics, though- they require little to no effort to make, and get more readers than comics that people draw by hand.

Favorite genre? Least favorite?
I love fantasy, romance, and comedy webcomics. I don't really hate any genres- if a comic is good, I'll overlook what genre it's placed under.

Would you prefer if a person updated every once in a while with a bunch of new material, or updated often with some material each time?
I don't have a preference. If a person's busy, they're busy- I think it's best to let the artist work at their own pace rather than try to rush their comic.

Even if the scheme of the webcomic's hosting site is terrible/sloppy, would you still read the webcomic if it had good writing?
Of course. A website is only a place that hosts a comic, and shouldn't determine whether or not I read a comic. If I had to, I'd save the pages and read them on my computer.

Favorite type of characters? Least favorite?
Um.. I don't really know. ^^;. And I hate Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus.

Do you care if the creators of a webcomic provide any extras like free avatars, wallpapers, or the like?
No- they're a nice thing to have, but I don't think they should be forced to include them on their site.

Hyena is offline
Old 08-20-2009, 02:17 PM

I'm a webcomic artist. ^^ -sheepish little grin-

I personally think that a person's style should reflect the feel of the comic. If the style of the writing is serious, then I have a better time reading it if the style of the art has a serious feel to it (more like Marvel or DC: with thick lines, heavy shading, somewhat realistic.) Its a purely psychological thing, I suppose. I'm less likely to take a sprite comic with a serious plot seriously, and I'm less likely to find a realistically-drawn comic funny.

I don't like fan comics aside from short little aside references (VG Cats, for example). It takes a lot of courage to post your own story: they're fragile little things, you know...

Strip format has its purposes, but in my opinion it doesn't carry well for much that has an ongoing plot, aside from things like Peanuts, where the plot is secondary to the humor. There are exceptions to every rule, though.

Color and black/white are inconsequential. I started in black and white and then gradually went from limited color scheme to full range color. It depends on what's available (you have to remember that comic artists have budgets, too.)

Hell yeah, I would read a comic if the hosting site wasn't great. Some artists can't afford a separate site for their work. And archiving systems are a bit difficult to hassle with if you're not familiar with coding.

I don't have a favorite genre, but I tend to stay away from things involving vampires. They're just... ugh, there are so many of them... and I stay away from a lot of things that don't have any humor in them. They just don't capture my interest.

Aaaaand that's my little spiel.

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fuyumi_saito is offline
Old 08-20-2009, 03:45 PM

1. I really prefer original plot..but some fan base stuff can be pretty decent, depending on the plot the person has and the art work.

2. I like comic book format personally..

3. Grayscale is more preferable, so much color..I'm just not used to a lot of color honestly.

4. I prefer mangaish style..

5. I would say that romantic comedy is my favorite, least favorite is hardcore action with no plot.

6. Every once awhile with a lot of's easier for me to catch up that way.. I'm so far behind as it is right now T_T'

6. No...I wouldn't

7. I like complex characters who have a lot of twists and turns and who you can like relate to.. I hate predictable characters who fit way too much into stereotypes.

8.No I don't really care about stuff like that..

I think webcomics are a great way to showcase your stuff, depending on where you post, you can really get your stuff out there you know?

Raystea is offline
Old 09-01-2009, 11:53 AM

Do you prefer original plot or fan based?
I always prefer original plot. I find it much more interesting and, well, original. >u< It shows what ideas you have as a person and opens up your webcomic to a much wider audience.

Strip or comic book format?
Both can be equally appealing, but if you're aiming to have a story-based comic, with a flowing plot, a "comic book" layout would be more appealing in my opinion. Strip comics are good for "cute", comedy based comics, I often find.

Grey scale or full color?
This totally depends. Both are appealing, and I often find, as a traditional artist that it would waste ink to colour all of my pages. If you are working with digital media, though, I'd say go for it if you wish. It can help comics come to life, although I personally find greyscale and toning just as lovely to see.

Realistic, Cartoony, Manga-esque, Sprite, or Other? Which of these do you love/hate most?
I usually read Manga-esque comics, but no matter what art style a comic is in, if the story line is good and the characters appealing, it can gain a lot of fans.
I often stay away from sprite comics though, to be honest. This is totally up to your personal tastes.

Favorite genre? Least favorite?
I'm going to have to be a cliché girly girl and say Romance. This is shortly followed by drama, horror and comedy.
I don't really have a least favourite, but personally I'm not a big fan of "RPG" based fantasy comics.

Would you prefer if a person updated every once in a while with a bunch of new material, or updated often with some material each time?
I again find this up to the reader. I personally find it more pleasant for the comic to be updated with some material more often, as this format is much easier to take in and read.

Even if the scheme of the webcomic's hosting site is terrible/sloppy, would you still read the webcomic if it had good writing?
If my browser would let me, yes.

Favorite type of characters? Least favorite?
Strong, independant females are my favourite, as I hate it when women are shown as weak and dependant. Of course they are always exceptions.
My least is probably mentioned above. :sweat:

Do you care if the creators of a webcomic provide any extras like free avatars, wallpapers, or the like?
I don't care, but I think this is a lovely idea! I do hope if you make a webcomic, you decide to do this. It just seems nice.

Megan_24 is offline
Old 09-01-2009, 01:57 PM

I perfer manga and grey because I'm just that kinda person.

Claudia is offline
Old 09-02-2009, 01:02 PM

#1 I'd go with fan based, but is it legal?.

#2 Either way sounds good.

#3 Colored.

#4 I can enjoy almost any style.

#5 I was getting tired of the furry based ones as they seemed overdone.

#6 I 'd prefer less updates. I'd not going to check back for little updates because I have so many webpages to check.

#7 It depends, if the webpage is difficult to access, I probably wouldn't bother. If the layout is just plain bad/sloppy etc and the comic is good, I'd still come.

#8 I can enjoy a variety.

#9 I think it's a nice bonus if I already like the comic. I used someone avatars from a comic on a forum. It was a comic about fish and I used it on an aquarium fish forum so it fit.

I hope this helps and good luck if you decide to make a web comic. Wouldn't mind dabbling down that path myself.

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Oakkri is offline
Old 09-03-2009, 08:48 PM

Do you prefer original plot or fan based?
Original plot. It's just more interesting that way, although there's a view fan-based comics I read.

Strip or comic book format?
Comic book.

Grey scale or full color?
Full colour, it just seems better that way.

Realistic, Cartoony, Manga-esque, Sprite, or Other? Which of these do you love/hate most?
I love cartoony and Manga the most. I really don't know about realistic, and I hate sprite.

Favorite genre? Least favorite?
Favorite is comedy. My least favorite is horror
Would you prefer if a person updated every once in a while with a bunch of new material, or updated often with some material each time?
Updated often with some material. Better than waiting forever, I then to litterally forget about it.

Even if the scheme of the webcomic's hosting site is terrible/sloppy, would you still read the webcomic if it had good writing?
No. Probably not, it just drags my attention to it, and annoys me to no end.

Favorite type of characters? Least favorite?
My favorite type of characters vary on the plot. Though the people who get in the way too much make me never read any sort of book by that person again. That's why I quit reading my formerly favorite book ever, Midnighters, I hated Jessica.

Do you care if the creators of a webcomic provide any extras like free avatars, wallpapers, or the like?
Not really, but I do like wallpapers, I tend to flaunt my wallpapers to everyone.

Last edited by Iro; 09-06-2009 at 09:28 AM..


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