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Titenya is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 02:42 PM

She smiled softly at the girls chacing the pixies.

"I don't mind at all, I know they can be quite a hand full. "

She turned her head tword the girl who offered some candy.

"Hmm, generally don't eat too many sweets, but I think if you can spare a peice we may be able to use it to calm the pixies down for a little, that way we can all catch out breath and get to know eachother."

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BeMyAngelAmigari is offline
Old 10-19-2007, 01:49 AM

Ameagari nodded quietly, "Yeah..... Kurotsu... The blue one loves to mess with people...." She said softly, "And Kakata is hyper and it takes forever to catch her..." She said and sighed, Then looked down at the kitten in her arms. "Yukiro... Try to get Kakata.... And Kurotsu loves candy.... That might work...." Ameagari said as Yukiro hopped out of her arms and started chasing Kakata around like chasing a butterfly.

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Gwinivere is offline
Old 10-19-2007, 03:24 AM

Heluma walked slowly and gracefully across the earth's surface before she reached the edge of the forest. It was nice out. Her eyes wandered the sky for signs of something to excite her because she was calm; however she knew that something would come to excite her sooner or later. Heluma found herself wandering the streets alone, blending in with this scene far too much.

Titenya is offline
Old 10-19-2007, 02:58 PM

She placed the peice of candy in Ameagari's hand, and stepped back so as not to scare the little pixie.

"My grandmother had a few pixies, and I always had to chase after them when they got loose."

She smiled at the little kitten stalking the other pixie.

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BeMyAngelAmigari is offline
Old 10-19-2007, 11:51 PM

Ameagari smiled at Phedre,"Thanks" She grinned, taking hold of the piece of candy. "Kurotsu.... I have candy for you" She said in a sort of kind, Hypnotizing voice. the pixie slowly drifted toward her and she smiled. dangling the candy in front of her

Yukiro quietly prowled toward Kakata slowly, sort of planning what to do.

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Gwinivere is offline
Old 10-20-2007, 01:04 AM

Heluma walked past the inn and stopped, looking in the window only to smile momentarily. There was more than one presence in there that she enjoyed. They were new energies; to her at least. Heluma moved her gaze to the ground quickly after she realised that she'd been staring for a few moments already. Laughing at herself she continued moving.

Titenya is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 04:44 PM

Phe watched the Kitten, she smiled again knowing how much fun it was having.

"I've always wanted a familiar, but my talents have not led me to one yet. Hopefully one day I will find one who is called down the same path as me. Ahh, but to have Pixies and a Kitten, you are one lucky little witch."

ooc: I'm a little upset about them moving us to horror... this is a fantasy RP not a horror one...

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3m0grrl is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 05:25 AM

Yori's orbs glow and fire candy goes directly into her mouth and she says,"Hehe well I quite frankly like candy and Heetteri LOVES all baked goods once she sees it she just goes berserk."a few seconds pass and Yori's head catches on fire and she says,"YUM!!I love these fire candies the fire tastes so sweet!!"She starts to see that people are staring at her and she says,"Uh,is something wrong?If your wondering about my head it doesn't hurt at all,and it's just my fire candy.Fire candy emits a nonharmful of fire on your head and it tastes SUPER yummy!!"

Titenya is offline
Old 10-24-2007, 01:27 PM

Phe laughed "I'll take your word for it. I get a feeling that us all meeting here must be some work of fate. Where have you all ocme from, and where are you going?"

The Lost Girl
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Old 10-27-2007, 10:28 PM

Name: Kristen or Kris
About: She can't remember most of her past and often keeps to herself.
Personality: She is a very kind person but doesn't tolerate rudeness.
Pet: She always has her kitten, Storm, close by usually on her shoulder.

Kristen walked down the road with Storm following close by her. She to a deep breath of the cool night air and sighed. A little girl ran by her and tripped. Kristen walked over to her and helped her up. "Are you okay? Here you can have my cookie." The little girl smiled and thanked than kept on going down the road.

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Gwinivere is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 04:23 AM

She shivered. Heluma had been sitting on the ground for more than half an hour at least; unless the moon was simply playing tricks on her. It wasn't time to go home-not just yet, and so she waited for a sign which came moments after. A noise, about a block away. Heluma stayed seated, not wanting to scare the girl she'd just heard. Or maybe it was more than one? She couldn't tell just yet because the signal was a little confusing.

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3m0grrl is offline
Old 11-08-2007, 02:14 AM

"Uh I came from Lumonia it's a place near the moon you really can't miss it,it's pink and blue and yellow yup it's a place for witches with the power of candy.And if your lucky you'll get a different power.And I really don't know where I'm going I just follow where my little buddy tells me to go."

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Livia is offline
Old 11-09-2007, 09:19 PM

( Can I pop in and join to? ^-^))

The Lost Girl
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Old 11-09-2007, 09:54 PM

Kris walked along the lonely road, with Strom asleep in her arms, till she came to her house. It was a very gloomy looking house but she love it. It had many secret passage ways that she used to play in. Storm jumped out of her arms and into the animal door that was beside the normal door.

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~loves~alot_1121 is offline
Old 01-21-2008, 02:42 AM

Bella gazed at the sky and noticed it was about to rain.She started saying a spell."There are drips of rain in the sky so lets make that rain go bye." The next thing ya know it was sunny and warm.Bella skipped threw the grass thinking of more spells.She noticed some pixies in the sky and she decided to do a spell on them."Pixies are very small but lets make some go tall."She noticed the two pixies getting longer.She smiled and started skipping again.

anthony996 is offline
Old 01-27-2008, 10:05 PM

(ooc:if your still accepting)
Name: Ty Willowwind
Race: A Wiccan Witch
Appearence:My Avatar
Bio:This young wiccan is half naked so he feels more in tune with nature. He is a master a divination.
Pets:A small golden Cat named Leo

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kaykaykayleigh is offline
Old 01-30-2008, 02:26 PM

Hi I think I would like to roleplay also so here it goes.

Name; Ling :o
Age:13 :oops:
Race:Witch/humain 8)

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Nina is offline
Old 01-30-2008, 04:29 PM

Appearence:((What she looks like))
((Her other clothing. But she likes to change her appearence into this one.))
Bio:She had no one in her life tile she met other people like her. She is at the age of mariage.
Other: Her sister Mina
Pets: His name is Moin.

belleia is offline
Old 02-22-2008, 12:19 AM

((may i join?))

Indy Lyon
Indy Lyon is offline
Old 09-26-2008, 01:21 PM

Can I join?

Name: Erin Skylark
Age: 17
Race: Witch
Normal: Brown hair blue eyes and slender appearance
Personality: quiet, bookworm has learnt very good spells as a result. Loves making her friends laugh and smile. Isn't considered talented by family but takes it and loves doing magick in secret.

xX-WHATTAHW-Xx is offline
Old 09-12-2009, 12:47 PM

You know, most witches are not women.

Xlyo is offline
Old 09-13-2009, 10:25 PM

Name: Crystal
Age: 12
Race: Witch
About: Crystal is a patient girl. But sometimes when she can't do a spell she gets in a rage. Crystal goes to the Witch Night Magic School on Wednesdays, Sundays and Saturdays. Usually she loves to play pranks with her magic. Ever since she was 9 (when she figured she was a witch) she was very curious about her witch magic.

While Crystal is on her magic broomstick she spotted a clown, that was trying to entertain kids.
"That isn't so funny clown." she thought to herself. Then said the spell "Will the ol' boring clown vanish in sight,but come back in 5 seconds. Witchamaroo!

Hehe! Then Crystal saw a little Angel Puff. "Oh that's soo cute! That should be me pet!" "Here puffy puffy..." Then the Angel Puff came to her and said in a cute voice "Hooray! I have been looking for an owner for a looong time. What shall you name me?" Crystal replied "Well....I know! Angelic! Come on Angelic let's go home."

Last edited by fiarra; 09-17-2009 at 05:09 AM..


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