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shadow-universe is offline
Old 08-21-2009, 02:32 PM


1. follow the rules of menewsha
2.Dont be rude, and criticise other roleplayers.
3.You may have 1-3 caracter
4.Recpect me and other. ^__^
5.Enjoy yourselves!

Character Info:

Race: (demon,vampire,ghost,reaper,werewolf,shinigami,wit ch, human, etc)


Its a dark and rainy night.
You are far away from your home and the wind is blowing in your face.You freeze and you see a big old house.Because you are tired and cold you open the doors and get inside.But the doors close and you cant get out anymore.

shadow-universe is offline
Old 08-21-2009, 02:36 PM

Age:103 (she died when she was 16)
Personality:She is good in her heart but loves it to see people die.
Weapon:She is her own weapon
Appearance:[IMG]*gOKq5sZ5vJphnw50EbY7AQC9eD uEnYijatGNCXGqEp2kGliSPyIwyrOsN/anime_vampire.jpg[/IMG]

I posses your kookies keebler el...
♥Martyr♥ is offline
Old 08-29-2009, 10:54 PM

Owner: ♥Martyr♥
Name: Adyson
Age: 16
Race: Human
Personality: Talkative, Doesn't get frightened easily unless you tell her it's supposed to be scary, sometimes annoying
Weapon: Words and fists, crying and innocence.
Gender: Girl

Last edited by ♥Martyr♥; 08-29-2009 at 10:57 PM..

Dead Account Holder
Ayamiko13 is offline
Old 08-30-2009, 02:45 AM

Owner: Ayamiko13
Name: Arisu Nagasawa
Age: Looks about seventeen
Race: Angel disguised as a human
Personality: Arisu is usually a very quiet girl so no one really knows much about her. She keeps to herself and seems pretty shy. But when someone approches Arisu, she is always friendly. AShe likes to help other people and will usually go out of her way to do a favor for someone. Arisu likes meeting new people and making friends but she is usually too shy to introduce herself to others so she doesn't have a lot of friends. Besides that, her mix-matched eyes usually unnerve others and make her rather odd and unpopular with most people.
Weapon: Arisu isn't a fighter. No one knows it but she has healing powers and can create force field barriers and shields to protect herself and others.
Gender: Female
Background: A very mysterious girl. Arisu lives on her own and has never meantioned any sort of family. Being a girl with no connections, Arisu travels a lot and doesn't usually stay in one place for more than a year at a time. There is very little information on her past and where she's from.

shadow-universe is offline
Old 08-30-2009, 01:36 PM

Well....Okay its open nOW

Kuyichi is offline
Old 08-30-2009, 01:54 PM

Race: vampire
Weapon:deadly eyes.

Last edited by Kuyichi; 08-30-2009 at 01:57 PM..

Kuyichi is offline
Old 08-30-2009, 02:50 PM

Amona walked slowly around."Its very quiet here", she said.and laughed.
I need blood.I want blood,she thought.
Amona walked toward the door and tried to open it.
"Damn!",she shouted."I cant get out of here.Hmm....I should look for a window."
She looked around the place and after a while she found a window.
"Its to high,I cant reach them.Why the hell are the windows so high up?"
She followed the stairs and got to a big room.There was a big bed in the middle of the room.
The room was very dark but moonlight came out of a little window.It was too small,so Amona couldnt get out of the house.
She streched herself and fell on the bed."oh goood....Im so I must stay in here.But howd I get inside here?I cant get out anymore so somebody must open the door from outside.I just must wait.I think Ill sleep a little bit."
Amona yawned and fell quickly asleep.

shadow-universe is offline
Old 08-30-2009, 03:14 PM

Aigis sat in her room.Then she heard the door downstairs open and close."Who came in this house?",she thought."Now there is anotherone who wont get out of here."She stood up and listend. There,somebody shouted."thats a female voice",Aigis mumbeled.She opened the door and stuck her face out of the room.
She saw a woman walking up the stairs that was looking for something.
"Maybe a window.You are wasting your time.You cant get out of this horrible house,never.Untill another person opens the door.Then we can get out.",Aigis thought.
The woman opened a door right next to Aigis and then she closed it again.
Aigis walked slowly and quietly out.She tricked towards the door and looked through the keyhole.

Dead Account Holder
Ayamiko13 is offline
Old 08-31-2009, 01:55 AM

Arisu had been traveling for a few days now. Though for the past several hours, she has been travelling on foot. It was getting late and the weather looked as if it were about to rain. Arisu needed to find shealter as soon as she could. But she was completely lost and saw no sign of people. Until she came across a very large, old, seeminly deserted mansion. Arisu was used to staying in abandoned buildings so she happilly let herself inside. "Now..." she whispers to herself in the quiet of the large house. "let's find a place to sleep for the night." That said, Arisu begins to wander the first floor, looking for a place to make herself comfortable 'til morning.

diamond princess ashley
the girl you see in your dreams
diamond princess ashley is offline
Old 08-31-2009, 06:25 PM

Owner: diamond princess ashley
Name: melody
Race: human
Personality: kind stuborn hyper
Weapon:anything she can get her hands on
Gender: female
Background:melody was driving along to a party she heard about from a friend when her car stoped and she had to get out and walk. she found a small house and hoped they had a phone she could call and get a taxi and a towtruck but found out she soon got in over her head ((wil go into more detail in first post))

melody was sitting alone in her room painting her toes when she got the call "yo mell i got a party we can go to you doing anything." the person on the line was micheal her best friend since they were kids "micheal im just here wishing you would call and here you are so weres the party at im dying to do something." micheal gave her the directions and melody quickly put on her favorite party outfit and got in the car and drove. the directions led her to a part were she has never been before "damn i hope their is something for me to drink im dying." she put in her favoire cd and started singing to it when suddenly the car makes the worse noise possible "damn damn damn." she got out of the car and looked under the hood not sure what she was looking for she was kinda hoping to see something that just stuck out or something not turned all the way but no nothing "well great just great i so dont need this today." she looked around not a house in sight "well the party cant be far now mabye i can use the phone their and get a towtruck." she started walking at the side of the road it was dark already and melody hated being alone outside at night it made her fell vunerable. she walked for three miles when she saw a house "oh thank god mabye they have a phone." she ran to the house and knocked on the door hoping for a anwser she was getting quite cold and wanted just to go inside. after not getting a responce from the knocking she tried the door it quietly opened "hello anyone here?" walking in she looked around when suddenly the door slamed shut on her "this doesnt look good." she sighed "hello anyone" no anwser "earth calling all ghost and goblins of this place anwser me damnit i just need the phone."

shadow-universe is offline
Old 08-31-2009, 06:34 PM

Aigis laughed gentely as she saw the girl sleep.
She wanted to wait till she wakes up and walked down again.
Suddenly she smeeled something."What is that smell?",she asked herself and breethed.
"hmmm...its human blood.Thank god I can eat.Where is that human?"
She licked her lips and began to search for the human.

diamond princess ashley
the girl you see in your dreams
diamond princess ashley is offline
Old 08-31-2009, 06:41 PM

melody sat down on the closest thing she could a old end table "i hate this first im going to be late to the party second my piece of crap car finally died third and most important i have no freaking idea were the hell i am and fourth it seems im talking to myself great just great girl you have just lost it." she held her head in her hands and sighed she thought the place was empty so she knew she was stuck here "well mabye i can go back to the car and wait somebody from the party is bound to see me and help." she got up and tried the door "what the hell." trying it again she placed her foot on the wall as she pulled trying to get it open the both feet on the wall "damit i dont need this im already loosing my ever loving mind for crying out loud open." she gave up and fell to the ground with a thud "ouch that hurt note to self never do that again and never go into creepy old buildings without a axe to get out."

shadow-universe is offline
Old 08-31-2009, 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by diamond princess ashley View Post
melody sat down on the closest thing she could a old end table "i hate this first im going to be late to the party second my piece of crap car finally died third and most important i have no freaking idea were the hell i am and fourth it seems im talking to myself great just great girl you have just lost it." she held her head in her hands and sighed she thought the place was empty so she knew she was stuck here "well mabye i can go back to the car and wait somebody from the party is bound to see me and help." she got up and tried the door "what the hell." trying it again she placed her foot on the wall as she pulled trying to get it open the both feet on the wall "damit i dont need this im already loosing my ever loving mind for crying out loud open." she gave up and fell to the ground with a thud "ouch that hurt note to self never do that again and never go into creepy old buildings without a axe to get out."
Aigis heared a loud noise in the hall.She walked quickly toward the door and then she saw it.
The human!With a "devilish" smile she tricked to the girl infront f the big housedoor."Are you also lost?",she asked gently and stopped.
"You will never get out of here,you know that?Poor you,you wont see the world outside again."

diamond princess ashley
the girl you see in your dreams
diamond princess ashley is offline
Old 08-31-2009, 07:39 PM

melody was alittle surprised to see someone else "you will see i will get out if i have burn this placce down i have survived the sive minute sale with nine bags in hand i can survive this." she grabed for the door one more time it still wouldnt move "why arent you trying to get out like i am your stuck to arent you."

Dead Account Holder
Ayamiko13 is offline
Old 08-31-2009, 07:45 PM

Arisu heard some noise coming from the hall where she had recently entered herself. She quietly walks back to the entrance to the mansion to see a girl laying on the floor in front of the door and yet another standing behind her. Arisu gasps wondering if she had walked into someone's house. As slowly as she could, Arisu turns around and starts sneaking away to try and leave before either girl saw her and called the cops on her for breaking and entering.

diamond princess ashley
the girl you see in your dreams
diamond princess ashley is offline
Old 08-31-2009, 11:44 PM

"i want the hell out of here." melody kicked the door again and again she wasnt going to give up until she was succefull in her mission to get outside "i dont care if i have to stand by my car for a week im getting out of here." she made herself tired and sat back down on the table and looked at the girl "so why arent you trying to get out we both are stuck in this house its not like you can get out whenever you please can you."

redanime90 is offline
Old 09-01-2009, 08:31 PM

sweet kind sometimes gets mad but fair alot
a year ago she went to this house she was there all night she met a boy that helped her leave she never saw him again now she thinks its happen again
she wears black and have red hair she looks like a doll

Chime is offline
Old 09-03-2009, 07:49 PM

A young girl by the age of 7 walked in grasping tightly onto her teddybear
"H-Hello, Is there anyone here!"
She tripped over a crooked piece of wood and trips "Ouch" she said wining

redanime90 is offline
Old 09-03-2009, 10:49 PM

she finds a small little girl crying "are you alright little one she smiles at her"

\ (•◡•) /
Drakken is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 04:37 PM

Owner: Drakken
Name: Darkstalker
Age: 15,000
Race: One of the first. The inspiration for dragons
Weapon: Claws,Teeth,Horns
Gender: Male
Background:Darkstalker's kind were a race known as "The night walkers." While man was still young, the night walkers ruled the underworld. Then the creatures known as vampires and werewolves began to appear, and Darkstalker and his kind were pushed into the shadows by the new competion. But over the years Darkstalker has been biding his time, waiting for the the right oppertunity to strike, and reclaim control of the underworld for his fellow night walkers. Darkstalker loves to feed on werewolves and humans, but vampires are a creature for which he has respect for. At first glance, Darkstalker may remind you of a dragon. This is under standible, as night walers and dragons are related.


Darkstalker appears from behind the little girl. "She's just upset that she lost her teddy bear" he says. Darkstalker gives the bear to the little girl."There you go, little one" he says"you dropped this down the road."

Last edited by Rosebleed; 10-13-2009 at 11:01 AM..


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