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We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 01-23-2010, 11:01 PM

The days in the hospital had been long. Kira spent most of the long hours peering over at her clock, and when she was finally allowed to go home, she was extremely happy. Throat Cancer had taken a serious toll on the young girl, who was only about 17. And with her and her boyfriend breaking up during Chemo, things had been extremely rough for her. She knew her life would never be normal again, as she probably would not completely recover, but at least of the time being, she could get out of the hospital and back to somewhat of a normal teenage life.

The smell of Lavender greeted her as her parents wheeled her into her bed room. Everything was untouched. Her bed was still neatly made, her curtains were pulled back. Her room felt warm. It wasn't until a second glance she spotted it. On her bed, sat a brand new laptop. With excitement, wheeled over to her bed, and took the laptop out of the box. Kira's parents left her alone in her room, giving her some time to adjust, and to have some privacy answering her emails and what not.

Turning on the laptop, she quickly got to checking her emails and her Facebook. So much had happened. She replied quickly to all over her emails, and then chatted with her friends for a bit. One email stuck out to her. Her best friend had joined an Role Playing website it seemed, and had invited her to join. Why not, she thought to herself.

Going to the website, she made an account for herself. When it came to picking a user name, she paused for a moment. Pandora. With that, she hit the enter button. Excitedly, she explored the site. She added her friend (who' user name was Zenak), then went back to playing a few game so she could get some clothes. Once dressed in very cheap clothing, she looked over the Role Playing forums. She thought about it for a moment, then decided on posting an add.

Hey there everyone! My name is Pandora! I am new to this site, and I was wondering if anyone would like to Role Play with me. I am looking for someone who can play as a guy. I basically want a romance RP. Nothing special really, just please be literate. I am behind on my MSN lingo. She smiled, and hit enter. Now all she could do was wait and see if anyone would reply.

Last edited by Kiako; 01-24-2010 at 12:03 AM..

The Official Genie.
Trin is offline
Old 01-23-2010, 11:36 PM

Adjusting the straps to his backpack, Addison made his way up the busy street. Keeping his eyes down to the concrete beneath him he walked at a rather un-even pace. He just came from his local dealers house. Addison had done the man many a favor, and he just got a huge pay-load all in drugs. He had quite a few selections, things he could smoke, shoot, sniff, and swallow.

The stress from his daily life had dragged him down into the dumps. He was clean a few years ago. Longer then he could honestly recall. The last time he had been clean... his family was happy and together. Now that his father had left for another woman and her dirty family, his mom turned to drugs, and no it was his turn to dip into the darker side of life.

Most days he was left in the solitude of his room. It blocked out most of the sounds his mother produced. Some times, it was her screaming from her deteriorating hole filled mind, or the noises of a strange man in the house. His moms strangled noises of mock pleasure, or the mans grunts of another hole filled. It was these things that set him off into his life of depression and the feeling of not meaning much to anyone.

Quickly rounding the corner to his shit in the wall apartment, he put his ear up to the door. His mom was home, but not with a man. Fumbling with the key, he unlocked the door, before quietly entering. His mom was huddled up in the corner to their pathetic excuse for a living room. Shaking. She had just shot up with her dose of cocaine, and had no clue anyone had entered. Shaking his head, he locked the door back, and made his way to his room.

Entering, he sat at his computer desk. Turning on his old desktop, he pulled a large bag of weed out of his bag, he grinned when he seen that the man had already cut up and thinned out his green. Quickly fixing himself a blunt, he rolled a pretty fat one before going onto a roleplay site. If his life couldn't be nice and sunny, he could damn sure pretend it was, and maybe make someone else had a good time imagining things with him.

It wasn't long before he came across a roleplayers wanted request. Clicking on it, he eyed the girls specifications. They were doable.

I wouldn't mind roleplaying with you at all. I am a guy, so playing one isn't too hard for me to pull off :]. Taking another strong hit, he blinked before typing again. I am very literate, and I can post as much as you want me to. Hope your interested. This girl seemed like she would be able to be pretty decent at playing out things, despite her short and simple request.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 01-24-2010, 12:12 AM

Using her external hard drive, she moved her music and her pictures to her new computer. She moved over to the desk, and hooked her Laptop up to her new speaker system. She smiled, browsing her library for the first time in what seemed like years. She grinned, putting on one of her favourite songs. as the first few lines began to play, she started to sing quietly. Her throat was still very sore from having the cancer, but the doctors told her that soon enough it should start to feel better. After a while, she went back to the Role Playing site.

1 New Personal Message... awesome! She was excited now. Someone had actually responded. She wasn't really expecting it. She read over his message and was delighted. He seemed nice enough, from what little he wrote. She then quickly wrote him a small reply.

Sounds awesome! I am super excited. What would you like the RP to be about? Or would you just like to have one guy and one girl have them fall in love, or what not. Let me know! We can have an actual plot or just wing it, I don't mind!

Not really sure what else to write, she sent her message just as is. She hoped he would not mind, she was just completely over joyed, and was too excited to think of something else. She knew a lot of girls who enjoyed Role Playing, but this would be the first guy she ever met who enjoyed it as well. Role Playing with him would definitely be interesting and very different from what she was used to.

After a little bit of time, her parents came upstairs and helped her down to the living room. Both of them talked about having an elevator installed, so that it would be easier for their daughter to move around. Of course it would cost a fortune, but with the amount of money in their bank accounts, they could afford it. Kira didn't particularly like the idea. She had throat cancer, and she would soon be strong enough to move without the wheelchair. She protested, but once she started coughing, her parents told her not to talk. She hated that they were babying her. She felt spoiled, and did not like it.

The Official Genie.
Trin is offline
Old 01-24-2010, 01:21 AM

Addison reclined back in his chair with an exhalation of cool breath. He was bored just waiting for that girl to respond, and taking another hit, he closed his eyes and relaxed. He thought of his daily troubles, his school (or lack of it in his life), and girls.
When was the last time I had a girl? His thoughts were mainly focused on this solitary fact. Of course, Addison had many girls in the past, but not so much now. It appeared as drugs was his main lady these days.

Blowing out some smoke, he righted his chair and intently peered at the computer screen. He clicked around for a while, before opening a game of spider solitaire. He would often play a game, and then quit when it didn't go his way. Needless to say, he half played three games and then quit them all. Addison looked down at his blunt with distaste. He hadn't taken that many hits, but the blunt was almost out. The few hits he took were the hits that counted and reduced his blunt.

Rolling and lighting another one, he heard a click on his computer. Assuming the girl had replied, he opened the window and began reading her reply. He was only halfway done before his mom started the wailing. "Shit." Addison muttered under his breath before walking over to the wall that connected his room to the other. Banging hard on the wall with his fist he screamed profanities at the woman. "Shut up! If we get evicted, then where would we be you crazy coot!", was just one of the words that came out of his mouth. Good enough, the woman shut her mouth, and she could be heard scuttling probably looking for her next fix.

Going back to his computer, he finally got to read her reply. It was nice to see someone so optimistic about roleplaying, especially with him. I don't really mind our plot, but... I would thoroughly enjoy some nice romance. You can throw in some fantasy as well if you like. In truth, he did want some fantasy, but the romance is what he truly craved right now. He took a strong hit before stuffing that one out of existence. Placing it back on the desk, he looked at what other drugs he had.

Finding some unknown pills, he took them out of the classic orange bottle, and chewed two up. He would need alot more then what he had smoked and chewed up to get him going. He did have a decent feeling going on and Addison decided to stop here. Glancing at the blunt, he tried to re-light it, and once it caught he hurriedly smoked it up. He wanted to not be distracted when they started to roleplay with each other.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 01-24-2010, 05:25 AM

Kira went and sat back down on her computer. When she opened it, she was delighted to find a new Private Message from him. She read it over carefully, then went quickly away at replying. She paused though, trying to think up a plot for them. Perhaps Beauty and the beast... She smiled. It was her favourite movie after all. She hoped he might like the idea.

Bonjour! ^.^

I was thinking about a plot, and I came up with an idea that I hope you will like. Perhaps a romance similar to Beauty and the Beast? Like, you could be a werewolf prince, which would give you a fantasy aspect, and I could be a maiden held prisoner or something. I don't know, let me know what you think, okay?"

Kira smiled at her note. She laughed, only after she sent it realizing that she had slipped some French into it. She did not overly mind however, seeing as it was her first language. She hoped he would not mind though. She sat back and waited for his response, lighting some incense. The smell was soft and relaxing, but the smoke made her throat hurt more. She did not want to alarm her parents however, so she kept all of her coughing down to a minimum. She then wanted to try something.

Carefully, she pushed away from the desk. She moved her legs off of the wheel chair platform. Slowly, she started to put some pressure down onto them. They felt very weak, but for a moment they were able to take some of her wait. Not wanting to chance a fall, she slid back down into her seat, very proud of herself. Things were certainly starting to look up. She then went back to her computer and waited for his reply.

The Official Genie.
Trin is offline
Old 01-24-2010, 07:39 AM

Addison sighed. He really needed to clean up his act if he ever wanted to do something with himself. He knew that if his mom was still together with his dad, and she wasn't dabbling in drugs, they would all be disappointed with him. Who gave a care anyways? he thought to himself bitterly. It was clear he was on his own, and he didn't care about much anymore.

Reading her reply, he thought about a response to her reply to him and a part of him wanted to laugh. He hadn't heard the term Beauty and the Beast in a long time, and on the inside it somewhat excited him to be offered to play a plot based off of something like that. Rubbing his runny nose, Addison coughed once again and this time lit a cigarette. He never really liked smoking cigarettes and he only did it when he was bored, and under the influence of weed. Everyone knew they went together the best even though it was bad for you.

Flicking the ashes off of his cigarette, he typed back in a rather timely manner. I think that will make a decent plot. Is there any specific time you would rather play? Like Medieval, modern, or something like that?I have a character that would perfectly fit the werewolf you want. I never use him though, so this should be interesting. Hit clicked the send reply button before kicking back from his chair and plopping back onto his bed. Even though he noticed he left his cigarette on his desk and it was still lit, he didn't even care. He almost wanted his house to burn down with him in it. Nothing mattered to him anymore.

All of his friends didn't care that he existed once he started doing drugs, and Add was ok with it. He just deemed them un worthy to hang out with him and he told them all to screw themselves. They all left him after that, and then his drug abuse worsened. He didn't care though. Drugs should kill you sooner... that's what he wanted anyways. He though that if you were meant to die then you were going to sooner or later. It was just a fact of life.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 01-24-2010, 07:50 AM

Kira sat back in her chair. She felt more alive now then she had in a long time. It was almost summer time, which meant that she would be graduating from high school soon and passing into CEGEP. It also meant prom. She paused for a moment, thinking about the prom. Her plan when she started the year was to go with her ex, David, but that seemed so far away now. He had left her just before chemo had started. He felt horrible when he found out she had cancer, but she was okay with if. In Kira's mind, she did not want him to be in torturous pain should something happen to her. But now that she was better, she felt very alone without him.

This role play would probably do her some good. Perhaps she could make a new friend. Now that she was out of chemo, she felt like she had so much to live for. She wanted to see the world. Being faced with imminent death has a way of changing a person. He looked back over to her computer. Boy, he sure is quick at replying she thought to herself when she saw, once again, the 1 New Personal Message icon.

She quickly went to reading over his message. She was thrilled that he liked the idea of Beauty and The Beast. she quickly wrot him a new reply:


Alright. I was thinking Medieval. I think it might be more appropriate. Would you like to start the RP or should I?

She hit the send button, then sat back in her chair, coughing softly, holding onto her throat.

The Official Genie.
Trin is offline
Old 01-24-2010, 09:22 AM

Hearing a noise from his computer, Addison thought about getting up, but decided against it. For now, he just wanted to lay down. Closing his eyes, he faded off into a vivid dream. It was filled with dragons, and ponies, and plenty of nice things like that. He woke up not to shortly after, shaking his head with disgust. He always hated the dreams that followed after a weed and pills combo. They were always filled with little girly things fit for a six year old.

Getting up off of his bed, he read the girls reply. Who should start the thread? He didn't mind starting threads, but he thought that he would make the girl start the thread for this one. Medieval would be alot more appropriate. And you can start the thread if you want to. :] Addison thought to add a smilie for added charm.

Hitting send, he rose from his chair and went to his dresser in search for more comfortable clothing. Changing to sweatpants and a white t-shirt, he looked at himself in the mirror. Nothing spectacular. He walked back to his chair, before getting in it and reclining all the way back in wait for a reply.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 01-24-2010, 09:36 AM

Kira smiled. She opened up a new tab, then began to type away at making a thread.

Long ago, in a far away land, laid a beautiful castle. Although this Castle's appearance was awe-inspiring from the outside, the inside had long since lost the charm of hospitality, and had become a gruesome sight. Many of the painting had been torn, and the statues had long since crumbled. But one young girl remained there, trapped in servitude to a master who has equally as monstrous as the castle she now resided in.

The young girl had soft brown curly hair, with big bright blue eyes that shown like the see. Her name was Kiba, named after her great grand father who was said to have been part wolf himself; seeing at the word Kiba means fang. She was a pretty girl, and stood only at about 5'4. She worked by day most of the time, cooking and serving her master. She resented him, but pitied him at the same time. She longed to be free of this castle, but had no idea where she would go once she left. Her master had taken care of her, and she felt indebted to him.

Tonight would be different from other nights. He had rescued her the night before from an almost certain death, and tonight she was to have dinner with him for the first time. She was hoping that tonight he might open up to the girl a bit. She wished to know what exactly he did with his nights.

She giggled slightly every once and a while whilst writing her forum post. The thought of role playing again thrilled and excited the girl, and she almost felt overwhelmed by the emotions. She might actually become friends with this man. She was very very very happy.

The Official Genie.
Trin is offline
Old 01-27-2010, 04:09 AM

Hearing that all too familiar sound of having an update, Addison came from his reclined position and had a look of genuine interest in his face. Thoroughly happy with her posting length, Addison decided to jump right into thing without hesitation.

A perfect sphere of a glass orb hurled itself into a surrounding wall. It shattered into many pieces that varied in size and shape. The area that the glass shattered on had a eerie shade of misty ambiance left where the glass had shattered. A snarl could be heard from a darker corner of the room, and tiny skittering objects were called from seemingly no where, into existence.

"The masters mad again..." was heard from many different corners in the room that went from extremely high pitched and mousy sounding to lower deeper tones. Another rumbling growl resounded, before yet another stray object was thrown into the same wall. A little vase came into the dim lighting of the room before speaking."Everything will be fine master. She will love you...", the object spoke to the dark mass.

"Then why,"The man spoke briskly, and he had a dangerous tone about his voice. "Do you trail off when you speak about it!" Two more objects were thrust into the wall, and this time they were a clock and a teacup. Both of these objects couldn't escape his fury, and so they shattered instantly upon impact. The vase visibly winced, and so did everyone else in the room except for him.

Walking into the pale lighting of the room, a rather monstrous man appeared. He had to be at least six feet five inches tall, and the man was very muscular, but his body frame was that of a man who was meant to be lithe. This meant that although he was in good shape, he wasn't a huge as a man could become. His physique was clearly visible through the red tux he had on, and his face was also contorted into a look of clear rage. Steel blue eyes had looked at every object that was in his room, just challenging some one to step to him out of line. He kept his hair very long, and it was a inhuman shade of black. As of now, it was tied back into a low pony tail with a red tie. Lord Edward was clearly lost in his thoughts before his body tensed up. He was meant to have dinner with this woman, on a night where he should be well off on his on. Cursing his luck, he decided not to cancel things, for he trusted himself in his ability to withstand many things. He wasn't very worried about it, but there was still the fact that he thought to be worried.

Addison was fairly happy with his post, and clicking send, he hoped the girl was happy with it as well.


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