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unseenchii is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 02:20 PM

I re-visited one forum that gave meaning to my internet life 2-4 years ago. I was browsing some topics and found out a very interesting one - about internet addiction.

I'd like to quote some interesting views/opinions:

"Many of these people are lonely, have never felt like they belonged,"

"People get a sense of belonging. In some cases, it provides the only friends they interact with."

"These people crave the constant stimulation of fast-paced video games and interactive social networks."

"People with depression, anger issues, or social problems turn to the Internet as therapy. They can take on an avatar or a different identity, and can contact other people with the same problems and social inadequacies; they don't have to function in conventional social ways."

"The Internet provides an escape from reality and everyday problems just like alcohol or drugs. Some argue that the interaction with other people on the Internet fills a social void. People can assume new identities; others interact with that identity and the person may assume these on-line relationships are the same as the real thing. It becomes a problem when people become so engrossed and enmeshed in on-line activities, and their "other" lives to the point of neglecting their health, relationships, jobs, and other responsibilities."

"Rather than craving the game itself, they crave the interaction they get in the game so rather than going out and having a real life social interaction, they’re having social interactions with other people on a game."

"From a social or interpersonal standpoint, there may be familial factors prompting use of the Internet. For example, a person might "surf the Web" to escape family conflict. Another possibility is that social or peer dynamics might prompt excessive Internet use. Some affected persons may lack the social skills that would enable them to meet people in person rather than online. Peer behavior might also encourage Internet use if one's friends are using it. Modeling may play a role—users can witness and experience how others engage in Internet use and then replicate that behavior. One symptom of Internet addiction is excessive time devoted to Internet use. A person might have difficulty cutting down on his or her online time even when they are threatened with poor grades or loss of a job. There have been cases reported of college students failing courses because they would not take time off from Internet use to attend classes. Other symptoms of addiction may include lack of sleep, fatigue , declining grades or poor job performance, apathy , and racing thoughts. There may also be a decreased investment in social relationships and activities. A person may lie about how much time was spent online or deny that they have a problem. They may be irritable when offline, or angry toward anyone who questions their time on the Internet.

Psychological and physical symptoms of internet addiction include the following:
• Inability to stop the activity
• Neglect of family and friends
• Lying to employers and family about activities
• Problems with school or job
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Dry eyes
• Failure to attend to personal hygiene
• Sleep disturbances or changes in sleep patterns

From a social standpoint, it seems that they are pointing out that most people who are addicted to the internet are those who have social interaction issues in real life and to those who would like to escape reality.

I'm just wondering... What are your views/opinions about this? Do you somehow agree with this? Are you guilty with this?

Well, I am guilty... (was guilty)... And that was last 2-4 years ago where my life was just inside the internet world. I played online games like there was no tomorrow and was an active member of 3 forums. And yeah, it was because I have social interaction issues in real life and would like to escape that reality. The sweet cyber world was my answer that time.

I was very guilty with this:

"Rather than craving the game itself, they crave the interaction they get in the game so rather than going out and having a real life social interaction, they’re having social interactions with other people on a game."
"Psychological and physical symptoms of internet addiction include the following:
• Inability to stop the activity - You bet... I was really addicted!
• Neglect of family and friends - I'd rather play than join them
• Problems with school or job - I didn't work at all for almost 2 years
• Sleep disturbances or changes in sleep - My online time was 8pm - 10am

What about you guys?.....

The Real Nikki
One more time to Pretend.
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Old 03-08-2010, 05:25 PM

I read a lot of what you said, and I agree with some stuff.

I got over my addiction to the internet the only way that my parents know how: get rid of the cable at home. This was when I was around fourteen. I made myself into a totally different person online. I had friends and even a fake love that I made up with this girl. The dollieden(the site I was in ove with) was the only thing I looked forward to in the day. I'd skip homework and hanging out at the mall to just talk to these people who for all I know were as fake as me.

It was fun, but it's sick to think about now. I'm nineteen now and I realize how sick and twisted the internet is now. I try to avoid it, but here I am.

It's something to do, you know?

cashuea is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 06:04 PM

I am guilty of this as well. Still am at times. Its just... i can be who i actually wish i was on here, instead of the loser i am in real life. not trying to sound emo here, but it does fill a purpose. I do have a job and i do spend time with my family so it is not like i need a strightjacket but yea... i just feel that the internet understands me better than anyone else.

Liquid Diamond
Ich bin die morgen stern!
Liquid Diamond is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 06:31 PM

This is incredibly interesting, and I'm very glad you brought it up, Chii (can I call you that? :XD)

I believe internet addiction (whether it be games, porn, sites, ANYTHING) is a VERY overlooked problem in society today, and I only hope it becomes more recognized. After all, every generation has its pitfall, and I believe the internet is becoming ours. My boyfriend use to be addicted, because it was his only social outlet (with Warcraft). It's a huge problem.. to build up who you are as this high and mighty person, when in real life (where it matters), you're just curled up with machines and you're a ghost. People should make more of an effort to become who they want to be in real life, even if it's harder. I don't CARE if you're shy.. it's something you need to get over.
Perhaps the internet has become a defense mechanism for self loathing to some, and to others its just an easy way out. They don't understand the effect and even if you try telling them, they won't understand (maybe they will.. years later). There have even been cases of SUICIDE over several online games.. how can you help a person who -thinks- they're happy? How can you prevent that?
Thankfully, my boyfriend no longer has that problem. Both he and I do go online a lot, but for me, it doesn't affect anything in my real life. I have plenty of friends, my school work is going well, and my sleep is fine. As far as I'm concerned, it's something to do when I'm bored. Its a hobby.. which is what I think it needs to be.
Then again, who's to say its not a dangerous lifestyle that you can CHOOSE to live? People who do drugs and live that life... it's not good for their health, but they seem content. I suppose perhaps it's all about perspective.. but IN PERSONAL OPINION (not a fact!!)... People who abuse the internet (and there is a fine line between enjoyment and one's entire life) really need to take a step back before the wires wrap around their brains harder.
You are everything on here.. but in real life.. where it MATTERS... you're a shell.

Sorry.. touchy subject so I thought I'd just offer my opinion :yes:

Pixel Cafe
^ ,^
Pixel Cafe is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 06:55 PM

"Rather than craving the game itself, they crave the interaction they get in the game so rather than going out and having a real life social interaction, they’re having social interactions with other people on a game."
Oh god I feel oh so guilty i'm speechless

Dead Account Holder
Noelmule is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 06:57 PM


I used to play WoW 10+ hours a day on raid days for my guild.

And yes, I craved the attention and the interaction with friends online who I was lacking irl.

Liquid Diamond
Ich bin die morgen stern!
Liquid Diamond is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by Noelmule View Post

I used to play WoW 10+ hours a day on raid days for my guild.

And yes, I craved the attention and the interaction with friends online who I was lacking irl.
To be totally honest, WoW is structured to trick you into playing way more hours than anyone should.
It's just how it's made.

Dead Account Holder
Fashion is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 07:01 PM

Not guilty.

I just go on the internets to browse clothes, watch movies/series, chat with friends and look up information about stuff that interests me.

I come on Menewsha because I think these avatars are really cute.

I have an active social life and don't spend that much time online at all. I guess that's why i've never made any friends on the internet, I don't look for social contact online because I don't lack any in Real Life.

Dead Account Holder
Noelmule is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by Liquid Diamond View Post
To be totally honest, WoW is structured to trick you into playing way more hours than anyone should.
It's just how it's made.
Yes. Very correct. WoW is a grinding system that combines fun with a tedious nature that basically keeps you coming back for more. I know, I know very well. I was so hardcore in playing it, I actually camped for the legendary Time-Lost Proto-Drake (people who KNOW WoW know what I'm talking about) This was an NPC that spawned once every 4 days (on average) for 15 minutes. It spawned completely at random based off of a spawn time of another extremely rare npc. Essentially I spent over 300 hours of my life over the course of 3-4 months camping in a certain area hunting for this insanely rare NPC. (It was SO worth it because it drops a mount-version of itself, which VERY few people have) but also just a tribute to the utterly insane addictive nature of the gameplay.

Liquid Diamond
Ich bin die morgen stern!
Liquid Diamond is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 07:07 PM

I know what you're talking about.. I played to, but I was a casual... my boyfriend camped the Drake for MONTHS... fyi. Thank GOD he doesn't play anymore >< Do you know how bad he was? He compared me to this other girl he raided with CONSTANTLY, because they could talk about WoW together for hours... he eventually cheated on me with her, too. Yea.. psychologically damaging much?
All because she was a better gamer.

But yea, it's really bad if you're in a hardcore raiding guild.. not only do you have the game pushing you to play for hours, but your fellow peers are too. Its really tough shit :x

Last edited by Liquid Diamond; 03-08-2010 at 07:09 PM..

blankgirl is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 07:08 PM

(not to the wow convo but just in genreal internet addiction)...i think i can relate. I am somewhat of a recluse in real life. There is nothing wrong with me, im just not outgoing and im shy. I never grew up with the internet though (my parents only let me do internet for prodjects, and I dont watch tv either) so I wanst addicted to it. They totaly stomped that out. But i do feal that i have social interaction problems... I dont trust people and I prefer the internet because its easier to talk to people here.

I think my extremely sheltered life leads to my social problems. I not comfortable around people. And I never can talk about anything interesting. I have no tv or music knowledge. I used to work at a movie theater and it was so much easier to talk to people about movies; that they were pretty much the basis of my i do not work there and I feal so out of the loop because of it. (i cant afford to go eather)
I get on more than i used to, now that I have internet free of parental restictions. Its just something i do beacuse Im bored. I know I could to more fufilling things like hang out but i dont trust people and i dont have money to spend to go out. (this normaly happens, we go to eat-i bring my own food and water, we go to stores-i dont buy anything but others do) so its realy not fun. Yeah i like going out i just dont like reling on others to get me there and back and i cant walk myself becuase of the neighborhood im in.

Dead Account Holder
Noelmule is offline
Old 03-08-2010, 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by Liquid Diamond View Post
I know what you're talking about.. I played to, but I was a casual... my boyfriend camped the Drake for MONTHS... fyi. Thank GOD he doesn't play anymore >< Do you know how bad he was? He compared me to this other girl he raided with CONSTANTLY, because they could talk about WoW together for hours... he eventually cheated on me with her, too. Yea.. psychologically damaging much?
All because she was a better gamer.

But yea, it's really bad if you're in a hardcore raiding guild.. not only do you have the game pushing you to play for hours, but your fellow peers are too. Its really tough shit :x

I was a member of "Steamy Romance Novel" the 2nd best guild on Detheroc. I was their top Healadin, and one of their best healers, which placed me at the top ranks of the entire server. We would raid Sunday-Thursday for an average of 4 hours a night (when we had content to farm) and 5+ hours a night when we were on progression fights.

I was there when we did the server first Professor Putricide, (the 1st wing boss of Icecrown Citadel) we spent HOURS on him and before that, we spent HOURS on him in the 10 man version of the encounter. It was an absolute blast, alot of fun with a feeling of accomplishment, but it was really time consuming. My boyfriend would go to work, and come home that night and I still would be playing. It was bad.

Beyond constantly raiding, I was very popular within my guild for running instances, both old and new. I grinded for a Phoenix Hatchling, at least once a day I would grind for a White Hawkstrider, then I would go and participate in battlegrounds for 2-3 hours with guildmates (generally late night) and get to bed around 3-4 AM.

This part disgusts me...

But I have been playing since September of 2008. In that year and a half period, I have logged over 240 DAYS of gameplay on Aracela alone. It disgusting.

making people wonder 'wtf?' sinc...
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AkihitoKage is offline
Old 03-09-2010, 12:06 AM

Urgh, totally guilty of internet addiction XP

• Inability to stop the activity (I go mental if I haven't got the internet)
• Neglect of family and friends (Eh, not so much, I don't have close friends anyway)
• Lying to employers and family about activities (Never XD They know I'm addicted)
• Problems with school or job (Gotta say I'm falling behind A LOT in class XP)
• Carpal tunnel syndrome (Nope)
• Dry eyes (... Oddly enough yes o.o)
• Failure to attend to personal hygiene (... Ok I'll admit I don't shower as much as I should)
• Sleep disturbances or changes in sleep patterns (I've always been a nocturnal person though, but that might be 'cause of the computer)

With the amount of things these days that use the internet, from schools to buisnesses, it's kinda hard not to get addicted in some way. Pretty much everything uses it in some shape or form so it's not like you can just go cold-turkey and stop using the internet. It's as big a part of modern-day society as a car or a fridge.

Straw Hat Crew
unseenchii is offline
Old 03-09-2010, 03:00 AM

Originally Posted by The Real Nikki View Post
I read a lot of what you said, and I agree with some stuff.

I got over my addiction to the internet the only way that my parents know how: get rid of the cable at home. This was when I was around fourteen. I made myself into a totally different person online. I had friends and even a fake love that I made up with this girl. The dollieden(the site I was in ove with) was the only thing I looked forward to in the day. I'd skip homework and hanging out at the mall to just talk to these people who for all I know were as fake as me.

It was fun, but it's sick to think about now. I'm nineteen now and I realize how sick and twisted the internet is now. I try to avoid it, but here I am.

It's something to do, you know?
I was the same as you. I created a "fake me" online. I was like a perfect person and yeah got a fake love also. I'd skip all activities in real life just to be with my "friends" online. Yeah, it was fun... more than fun.. it was like an amazing experience to have those people praising me for how cool and good I was. Like you, I also have a realization point. And like you, I'm am still here right now. But I guess, there's nothing wrong if you continue to hang around online as long as you know your limits. If you know the difference between the cyber world and reality, then you should be fine.

Originally Posted by cashuea View Post
I am guilty of this as well. Still am at times. Its just... i can be who i actually wish i was on here, instead of the loser i am in real life. not trying to sound emo here, but it does fill a purpose. I do have a job and i do spend time with my family so it is not like i need a strightjacket but yea... i just feel that the internet understands me better than anyone else
Exactly. Those people chose to be in the cyber world because they can be who they want. I had the same feeling that's why I chose to escaped reality. Those people living in the cyber world failed to realized that they are the real loser. It took a long time for me to realized that, but I'm glad I did. In reality, you can really work your way up to be the person you really want to be.

Originally Posted by Liquid Diamond View Post
This is incredibly interesting, and I'm very glad you brought it up, Chii (can I call you that? :XD)

I believe internet addiction (whether it be games, porn, sites, ANYTHING) is a VERY overlooked problem in society today, and I only hope it becomes more recognized. After all, every generation has its pitfall, and I believe the internet is becoming ours. My boyfriend use to be addicted, because it was his only social outlet (with Warcraft). It's a huge problem.. to build up who you are as this high and mighty person, when in real life (where it matters), you're just curled up with machines and you're a ghost. People should make more of an effort to become who they want to be in real life, even if it's harder. I don't CARE if you're shy.. it's something you need to get over.
Perhaps the internet has become a defense mechanism for self loathing to some, and to others its just an easy way out. They don't understand the effect and even if you try telling them, they won't understand (maybe they will.. years later). There have even been cases of SUICIDE over several online games.. how can you help a person who -thinks- they're happy? How can you prevent that?
Thankfully, my boyfriend no longer has that problem. Both he and I do go online a lot, but for me, it doesn't affect anything in my real life. I have plenty of friends, my school work is going well, and my sleep is fine. As far as I'm concerned, it's something to do when I'm bored. Its a hobby.. which is what I think it needs to be.
Then again, who's to say its not a dangerous lifestyle that you can CHOOSE to live? People who do drugs and live that life... it's not good for their health, but they seem content. I suppose perhaps it's all about perspective.. but IN PERSONAL OPINION (not a fact!!)... People who abuse the internet (and there is a fine line between enjoyment and one's entire life) really need to take a step back before the wires wrap around their brains harder.
You are everything on here.. but in real life.. where it MATTERS... you're a shell.

Sorry.. touchy subject so I thought I'd just offer my opinion :yes:
Hey Thanks... I've been craving for some interesting topics and had a hard time finding one so I thought of just creating one. And yeah, please call me Chii! ^_^

I totally agree with everything that you said. This problem has really been overlooked. Your boyfriend and I were quite on the same boat when I was a total slave of the internet before. I needed a social outlet and loved the idea of being the high and mighty person. I used up all my savings then when I found my piggy bank empty, that's where I started to realized that what I was doing was something a loser would do. Thankfully, I totally got over with my addiction and with my stupid way of thinking. I got a job and was able to come out from my shell. I have lots of friends and my social life, love life, and career are doing good. I'm happy for your boyfriend as well. Like you, I consider this whole stuff as my hobby. I love forums because I love to read/share ideas with other people and sometimes I play online games just to kill time if I have nothing else to do when I'm at home. ^_^

Originally Posted by unforeseenbeauty View Post
Oh god I feel oh so guilty i'm speechless
Uh-huh.. That's exactly the thing I was so guilty about.

Originally Posted by Noelmule View Post

I used to play WoW 10+ hours a day on raid days for my guild.

And yes, I craved the attention and the interaction with friends online who I was lacking irl.
Same thing... I got addicted with MapleStory and my playing time was to spend time with my guild. And yeah, I was exactly on the same boat as you... The attention and interaction that I was getting with my friends online was extraordinary. And I didn't have that kind of experience in real life.

Originally Posted by Fashion View Post
Not guilty.

I just go on the internets to browse clothes, watch movies/series, chat with friends and look up information about stuff that interests me.

I come on Menewsha because I think these avatars are really cute.

I have an active social life and don't spend that much time online at all. I guess that's why i've never made any friends on the internet, I don't look for social contact online because I don't lack any in Real Life.
Very Nice... That is exactly how I feel right now. ^_^

Originally Posted by blankgirl View Post
(not to the wow convo but just in genreal internet addiction)...i think i can relate. I am somewhat of a recluse in real life. There is nothing wrong with me, im just not outgoing and im shy. I never grew up with the internet though (my parents only let me do internet for prodjects, and I dont watch tv either) so I wanst addicted to it. They totaly stomped that out. But i do feal that i have social interaction problems... I dont trust people and I prefer the internet because its easier to talk to people here.

I think my extremely sheltered life leads to my social problems. I not comfortable around people. And I never can talk about anything interesting. I have no tv or music knowledge. I used to work at a movie theater and it was so much easier to talk to people about movies; that they were pretty much the basis of my i do not work there and I feal so out of the loop because of it. (i cant afford to go eather)
I get on more than i used to, now that I have internet free of parental restictions. Its just something i do beacuse Im bored. I know I could to more fufilling things like hang out but i dont trust people and i dont have money to spend to go out. (this normaly happens, we go to eat-i bring my own food and water, we go to stores-i dont buy anything but others do) so its realy not fun. Yeah i like going out i just dont like reling on others to get me there and back and i cant walk myself becuase of the neighborhood im in.
Hi... I understand where you're coming from because I felt the same way before way back when I was in high school. The people around me were so blessed with a lot of money and I felt like I don't belong so I started having social problems. Take it slowly... Find someone who has the same interests as you... Start through that... Please keep in mind that the cyber world will only be a sweet place at first. In the long run, it will haunt you and will make you a total loser. Face reality, take it slowly... In time, if you really want to, you can find a way how to get over with your social issues.

Originally Posted by AkihitoKage View Post
Urgh, totally guilty of internet addiction XP

• Inability to stop the activity (I go mental if I haven't got the internet)
• Neglect of family and friends (Eh, not so much, I don't have close friends anyway)
• Lying to employers and family about activities (Never XD They know I'm addicted)
• Problems with school or job (Gotta say I'm falling behind A LOT in class XP)
• Carpal tunnel syndrome (Nope)
• Dry eyes (... Oddly enough yes o.o)
• Failure to attend to personal hygiene (... Ok I'll admit I don't shower as much as I should)
• Sleep disturbances or changes in sleep patterns (I've always been a nocturnal person though, but that might be 'cause of the computer)

With the amount of things these days that use the internet, from schools to buisnesses, it's kinda hard not to get addicted in some way. Pretty much everything uses it in some shape or form so it's not like you can just go cold-turkey and stop using the internet. It's as big a part of modern-day society as a car or a fridge.
I believe that we can really control addiction if we really want to. Moderation is the key. And like what I said in my previous post, I believe that if you know the difference between the cyber world and reality, you should be fine.

Snort Like A Pig
Stay fine.
Snort Like A Pig is offline
Old 03-09-2010, 04:24 AM

Uh, can't say I've got social interaction issues buttt... the games are fun! :D But I swear I'm not addicted. Lol. Not guiltyyy.

EmbracedInChains is offline
Old 03-09-2010, 04:30 AM

Yeah... I'm rather addicted. I have nothing better to do at the moment anyway. All my friends are in school, I can't get a job due to to economy (who wants to hire a 19 year old female who has only one other job experience, and as a summer camp counselor anyway?), my husband is in the army and deployed to Afghanistan until July, and I am not fond of physical activity in the least. Honestly, what else IS there to do for someone like me? Not much until I move further south when my husband gets back. Until then, I'm living with my aunt. While living with her I'm either in the living room watching tv with her, on the computer, out with my aunt on errends and grocery shopping, or occasionally out with my friends.

Straw Hat Crew
unseenchii is offline
Old 03-09-2010, 12:10 PM

@ Snort Like A Pig
Yeah, the games are fun. But it's a good thing that you're not addicted or at least not guilty to the stuffs that were mentioned.

@ EmbracedInChains
Well.. I guess it can't be helped if you have nothing else to do. But I think if you have a clear understanding between the difference of the cyber world and reality and you don't cross the lines, then you should be fine.


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