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Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 04-15-2010, 02:07 PM

After the great war between angels and demons, that lasted for 200 years, the human world has been left in a state of chaos. Now a group of four angels and four demons have band together to try to bring balance back to the human world. Some of these angels and demons don't get along and others are treading on dangerous territory because love between angels and demons is forbidden.

Link to the OOC - BBR & VampirePrincess 1x1 OOC

Last edited by blueblackrose; 04-15-2010 at 02:09 PM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 04-15-2010, 02:08 PM

My Characters

Age: Appears to be 18 (true age unknown)
Race: Angel
Element: Fire
Power/skill: Fire abilities
Appearance: Dorcas is 5'8" with long crimson hair that she keeps tied back. Her eyes are golden with specks of red and orange and her wings are black with crimson tips. She normally wears a white and black dress with black gloves. The dress has slits on both sides that come almost all the way up to her waist. She wears knee high boots with straps around the ankles of them.
Personality: People see Dorcas as a loner and a bitter person. She doesn't trust people easily, but she is very loyal to her friends. Beneath her tough exterior she truly is a kind and caring person.
Bio: Dorcas was one of many angels who fought in the great war. It saddened her to see the devastation cased to the human world during the war. She had been appointed to become an archangel, but she didn’t want that. Instead she asked God to let her go to Earth and try to bring back order to his children who still lived there. God was pleased to hear her request and granted it, allowing her to choose who she wanted to go along with her.
Other: After working with demons Dorcas is starting to change her mind about all of them being truly heartless. She thinks she might even be falling in love.

: Appears to be 21 (true age unknown)
Race: Angel
Element: Earth
Power/skill: Earth abilities
Appearance: Ciaran is 6'4" with long silver gray hair that he keeps tied back. His eyes are silver with specks of blue and teal and his wings are silver with black tips. Normally he wears a white and blue long sleeved tunic over blue pants. The tunic is detailed with designs in lilac and teal thread. His shoes look more like slippers.
Personality: People see Ciaran as a gentleman. He’s polite and kind to almost everyone. He’s very protective of his friends.
Bio: Ciaran is an archangel. He fought alongside Dorcas and they formed a sort of bond. Ciaran thinks of Dorcas as the sister he never had. He’d do anything to protect her or help her out. So naturally when she asked him to join her in her quest to help restore order to Earth he didn’t hesitate to say yes.
Other: Ciaran doesn’t trust the demons much. He thinks that they are really up to no good.

Age: Appears to be 20 (true age unknown)
Race: Demon
Element: Air
Power/skill: Wind abilities
Appearance: Alemi is 6'6" with messy mid-length black hair. His eyes are crimson with specks of black and sliver and his wings are crimson with black tips. Normally he wears a crimson and black leather trench coat over a black t-shirt and black pants. He wears knee high boots with straps on them.
Personality: People see Alemi as a loner and a punk. They think he has a bad attitude and is probably a criminal. Alemi just likes to keep to himself. He rarely talks to anyone. Though this doesn’t change the fact that he’d fight to the end for one of his friends.
Bio: Alemi fought in the great war. At first he enjoyed seeing the world in chaos, but after a while it didn’t seem right. Yes the world was now in chaos, but the balance wasn’t returning. The humans hadn’t really done anything to deserve to live in a world of total chaos. Someone needed to set things right. So Alemi along with a few other demons went again Lucifer and traveled to the human world. The planned to help restore some of the balance to it.
Other: Alemi was seen as known to be a fearsome enemy during the war. He had fought against Dorcas and Ciaran before. He enjoyed fighting Dorcas for more then one reason.

Age: Appears to be 15 (true age unknown)
Race: Demon
Element: Water
Water abilities
Appearance: Lilith is 5'4" with black hair that reaches to about the middle of her back. She usually keeps her hair tied up in two huge pigtails with purple ribbons. Her eyes are green with specks of blue and brown and her wings are black with dark purple tips. Normally she wears a deep purple, almost black, strapless dress over black tights with black lacey sleeves. She also wears high heel laced up boots that come up to about her mid-shin.
Personality: People see Lilith as hyper and mischievous. She is naturally curious about things. She tends to get hyper from time to time, but she’s actually a shy person when you first meet her.
Bio: Lilith is one of Alemi‘s best friends. She is like the little sister he never had. He‘d do anything for her. Lilith decided it would be fun to go to the human world. It had to beat the boring things that were going on in Hell. So she tagged along.
Other: Lilith would do anything for Alemi. She isn’t sure, but she thinks that Alemi might be in love with someone.

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VampirePrincess is offline
Old 04-26-2010, 01:53 PM

Appears 17 (True age unknown)
Race: Angel
Element: Water
Power/Skill: Water abilities
Appearance: Kairi is 5’7” with long brown hair with a reddish tint that she keeps down. Her eyes are chocolate brown with specks of gold. She has white wings with blue tips. (Picture for her outfit…
Personality: Usually happy. She’s kind and cheerful and tries hard to not let the bad things get to her.
Bio: Kairi is an angel with healing abilities. She worked hard during the Great War. She wasn’t able to save everyone unfortunately. The destruction of humans bothered her, so she asked if she could go down to Earth to help any way she can. Her request was granted and she went with her brother.
Other: Kairi never hated the demons. She just hated their choices. She’s happy to be friends with some of them.

Appears 22 (True age unknown)
Race: Angel
Element: Air
Power/Skill: Air Abilities
Appearance: Dean is 6’3” with long blonde hair. Unlike his sister, he keeps it tied back. His eyes are blue with specks of black. His wings are black with white tips. (Picture for outfit
Personality: Quiet and keeps to himself. He’s protective of his sister and will protect her from anything he thinks will hurt her.
Bio: Dean is and archangel. He fought hard during the war. In-between fights, he’d help bring the wounded to his sister. Since he wasn’t going to let Kairi go to Earth on her own, he got permission to go with her. She didn’t look too thrilled at the idea, but he knew she was happy.
Other: After spending time with the demons, he’s starting trust them. But he still thinks they’d turn on him in a second’s notice.

Appears 20 (True age unknown)
Race: Demon
Element: Fire
Power/Skill: Fire abilities
Appearance: Short black hair that spikes up in the back. He had red eyes with specks of black. His wings are black with silver tips. (Picture for outfit
Personality: Superior. He thinks he’s better than everyone else and loves proving it.
Bio: Jerek enjoyed fighting in the war. There was nothing he’d rather do. But as the fighting continued, he grew bored. This opened his eyes to what was really going on. He was one of the demons who went against Lucifer.
Other: Even though he’s fighting with the angels, doesn’t mean he likes them. If he had his way, all the angels would die.

Appears 16 (True age unknown)
Race: Demon
Element: Earth
Power/Skill: Earth abilities
Appearance: Sadie is 5’5” with jet black hair that goes down to mid-back. She has piercing green eyes with specks of black. Her wings are brown with white tips. (Picture for outfit
Personality: Sadie can be childish sometimes. She loves pulling pranks on anybody. Even though the pranks aren’t very good, it still makes her laugh. When she’s not amusing herself, Sadie has a terrible temper. She’d snap on the smallest things. But she’d forget why she was mad 5 minutes later.
Bio: Sadie doesn’t care much about the war. She couldn’t care less on who won or lost, just as long as she didn’t get hurt. She is the daughter of the devil and couldn’t wait to defy him. So she joined Jerek and went to Earth with him.
Other: After spending time on Earth, Sadie realizes the angels aren’t’ so bad. She doesn’t see why her father hates them so much.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 04-26-2010, 06:36 PM

They were standing on the outskirts of New York City. The sky was dark from the smoke raising. The city has been halfway destroyed because of the humans fighting over resources and even over little things, like who's going to be the one to buy the last doll on the shelf so their kid would have a new toy. It truly was a sad sight to see buildings crumbing or blackened from soot. There were random fires here and there causing a chorus of rescue worker alarms and sirens to fill the air. Among the crumbling buildings, fires and the buildings that still stood there were people wandering the street. Most of these people were homeless and had no where to go. They needed help and most likely wouldn't receive any.

Dorcas really hadn't expected anyone to come with her to Earth. Most of the others had laughed at her when she asked to go to Earth to restore order to the world. She was glad that Ciaran had stood by her. They had always been good friends. When she found out that Kaira and Dean were also coming along she was delighted. "Thank you for joining me Kaira and Dean. This really means a lot."

"How terrible. It's hard to believe that things have gotten so far out of control." Ciaran looked around at the devastated city. He felt sad and angered all at the same time. How could they have let things go this far. In his mind all of this had happened because of Lucifer and the demons. He had to blame them because he couldn’t bring himself to blame himself or the other angels and he would never blame God. God wasn’t to blame for this.

((I’ll bring Alemi and Lilith in in my next post))

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VampirePrincess is offline
Old 05-03-2010, 01:59 PM

"It's no problem. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing." Kairi said. She scanned the surrounding areas. The destruction made her feel terrible. She looked up at the sky and took a deep breath. "It looks like we have a lot of work to do here." she said, smiling at her brother. Dean sighed and nodded.

"The question is where should we start." Dean said, crossing his arms. He glanced at Ciaran. "And should we split up, or stay in a group?" He was too thrilled about the idea of working with the demons. But he'd put up with it if it means saving Earth. He knew Kairi wouldn't complain, so he shouldn't either.

Kairi looked at the others. "That's a good point. Should we wait til the others get here before we decide anything?" she asked, putting her hands behind her back. Dean nodded. "Yeah. That'd be for the best, I think." he said.


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