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Old 06-01-2010, 05:49 PM

@ Alchemist of Anarchy: That's why I also need to get a kindle or nook. My parents are also fed up with my collection... ^^;

@ Vye: Have you read any of Kelley Armstrong's works? I admit I got suckered into her books through her new young adult series but all of her books are wonderful and difficult to put down once you start reading them. <3

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Old 06-01-2010, 05:52 PM

@GoCloud!: It use to be a card game. And soon they came out with a books about the creatures, and characters. You should give it a look. :D

@The Real Nikki: Burnings?

@atkdid: Oh it seems like all the movies I've watched that the books are better, but I guess I should have seen that coming. xD So that's two books I should read that were made into movies I've seen.

Did you know they're planning on making a movie? Anyways it's hard for me, I want her to end up with Peeta....a lot....I mean he's so pure...and I don't know he's amazing. I feel really bad for both the guys to tell you the truth....but I do see Gale more as....a really good friend than a lover. It's just so hard. I've been in a love triangle before...and I feel both parties. xD As bad as that sounds.

If you liked The Hunger Games, you may like The City Of Bones. *Nod*

@Alchemist of Anarchy: Haha....that's kind of comical no? My parents want me to get rid of all my books....they say "You've read it once already you don't need it anymore." and I freak out saying they are the love of my life....and they give up arguing. xD

@Kearin: Oh I just gotten into Bitten by her, so far it's really great I'm really addicted.

Alchemist of Anarchy
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Old 06-01-2010, 06:11 PM

I've tried before to get rid of books that I didn't absolutely love... but then again I love them all. But there are some I love more than others (shhh don't tell the others!)

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Old 06-01-2010, 06:13 PM

@Vye oh really? I had no idea! Oh I hope it'll be a good movie! :eager: I want her to be with Peeta cause he just seems...I dunno, into her more maybe? Gale seems like he'd be content to just be her friend but with Peeta, it just seems like he would have a harder time with that. I can't see Peeta being her friend still if she decided to be with Gale, but Gale would be her friend if she was with Peeta! :yes:

@Alchemist of Anarchy my mother just got a nook and she really likes it! It makes me want one more :lol:

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Old 06-01-2010, 06:15 PM

Book burning.. it was a joke. .__.

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Old 06-01-2010, 06:18 PM

Sorry. > _ >" Now I feel bad.

I have to go for a couple of hours. But don't be afraid to talk, and suggest anymore books. I feel like drawing each of all all reading book. Ha....what an interesting picture that would be.

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Old 06-01-2010, 06:22 PM

Haha I think it'd be a pretty swell picture! I've got to poof off as well, to do some gardening

Alchemist of Anarchy
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Old 06-01-2010, 06:38 PM

I finally got my sprocket hammer set for being an engineer but now I've fallen in love with the saboteur wrench. If anyone has a spare I have so many seeds that I'd be willing to trade a sprocket wrench for any of the event rares (I can build any of them)

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Old 06-01-2010, 07:13 PM

I dunno if it's been mentioned, probably not..., but if you like dragons, wizards, and life altering battles between good and evil with a lot of humor and fun stuff thrown in for good measure, I'd suggest the Dragon Keeper Series by Donita K. Paul. She's a brilliant author who has a way of taking you into her world without forcing you to believe everything that you read. You want to read more because it's good, not because you're left hanging and wanting more.

Its about a girl who finds a minor dragon egg while in slavery (not about race, please don't think that) to a village of 'little people' and is sent to the Crystal City to learn how to raise her new dragon. She meets friends along the way and is swept up in a quest to save a special egg from an evil sorcerer before he can use the egg (and kill the dragon within) for world domination (and other devious things).

I read the first book and as soon as I was done, I went out and bought the other four in the series. Each of the books follows her as she grows up and grows into the woman she needs to become to help her friends save the world she loves.

Also in with the 'magical' genre, there's the Alosha Trilogy by Christopher Pike, about a girl who finds out that faeries and dragons are real simply by being in the wrong place at the right time (or the right place at the wrong time...) and gets tossed in the mix of a war between the Brown (human) realm and the Green (Magical) realm.

If aliens are of your interest, I would recommend the Becoming Alien Series by Rebecca Ore. Three books (I think, I can't find them all right off, as they're between 2 book shelves) that follow the life of a boy named Tom Red-Clay as he tries to help a stranded alien that crashed in his backyard in rural Virginia. Failing in his attempts, the alien's caretakers kidnap Tom Red-Clay and enter him into their intergalactic academy, slowly turning him alien in the process.

Excellent series, definitely worth the read, again and again.

If cat lore is something that might interest you, Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams could prove to be an interesting read. Tailchaser, who is a stray/wild cat, is on a quest to find his missing fela (female friend), whom he'd hoped to sing the song of courtship to, but had gone missing suddenly. In his quest, he ends up tangled in a plot for cruel and ancient cats of the dark depths of the earth in their goal to rid the world of the light so they can return to the surface once more. Tailchaser makes friends and loses friends along the way.

I'm sure I'll remember another series or two that I've read so many times I don't have to look at them for the synapses anymore, but it will probably happen only after I post this...

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Old 06-01-2010, 07:20 PM

Uglies Series
The Rangers Apprentice
13 reasons why
Those are some of the better books I've read. Crank is about a girl who starts doing meth, it has a really good story and a good lesson. The Uglies series is about a world that is peaceful but you get surgeries that make you a "bubblehead" The rangers apprentice is about a boy named will who wants to be a knight except he is accepted as an apprentice to a ranger and goes on adventures and stuff. Epic is about a world ruled by video games.

These are my favorite books out of the ones I've read. I like fantasy and Sci-Fi a lot

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Old 06-01-2010, 07:46 PM

None of the books I recommended are geared for a specific audience. They can be enjoyed by adults as well as teenagers. Don't be thrown off by the author names (like C. Pike). They have some adult level humor (not necessarily dirty, but something an adult would find funny) as well as young adult humor. They are fun all around, and geared toward anyone who happens to like that specific genre.

Just thought I'd mention that, so that it's not misunderstood that I'm recommending kids books. If they're for any specific age group, I'd say high school/college ages.

Edit: I should mention that the level is of reading difficulty, not content rating. They are not rated for Young Adult, though swearing does still tend to happen. I actually don't know what their ratings are...

Last edited by WolfeBayne; 06-01-2010 at 07:53 PM..

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Old 06-02-2010, 01:53 AM

Ha, those are quite a selection.

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Old 06-02-2010, 03:48 AM

@ Vye: Glad you're enjoying Bitten. The second book, Stolen, was the one that really hooked me into the adult series. Currently reading Personal Demon, but chances are that tonight I'll finish it and move on to Living with the Dead. ^-^

I really like your thread, later tonight I plan to take notes on some of the books that were recommended (I have read a few already mentioned though. Like City of Bones, Twilight & Tamora Pierce's books). I had been thinking about going back through the Dragonriders of Pern series again, but I might pick up some new books instead. <3

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Old 06-02-2010, 02:14 PM

@Kearin: That sounds exciting. I'm always happiest when reading a good book. And I bet a few others are like that as well. What did you think of The City Of Bones? I love how many people actually stayed and recommended other books, and talked. It's nice. ^^

There's a few books that been recommended that I really want to get before I read anything else. Oh and you know what's a really nice book? Tuesdays with Morrie.

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Old 06-02-2010, 03:32 PM

hmm my net just died well my laptop so i can only be online during the day time while my mom is at work so i read two series one is on vampires i read 3 out of the series called the house of night series by pc cast and her daughter and the other series is his dark materials series which has the golden compass the subtle knife and the amber spy glass by phillip pullman now i sugesst on the first book dont get the movie version of the book its way differnt then the real version

Gaba Kawa
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Old 06-02-2010, 07:19 PM

Anything with Vampires Vye! I know you love them. ^_^ You should read Get Fangs, or even some manga like Vampire Knight, and Vampire Kisses.

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Old 06-02-2010, 07:22 PM

@Dark_Maiden_Queen: I've never really gotten into the house of night. I bought the first book, and found it hard to get through the first couple of chapters. But thank you for the suggestion. I do however love the dark material series.

@Gaba Kawa: Lol I know I know you want me to read more vampire stuff. I've read all the ones that you suggested. Though I haven't yet read the sequel of Got Fangs yet. I should really do so.

Gaba Kawa
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Old 06-03-2010, 01:59 AM

Well the sequel is alright but not as good as the first, but you should still read it Vyyyyyyyyye. : 3

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Old 06-03-2010, 06:40 PM

If you like magic in a modern, feels like it could almost be real setting, I would recomend the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. The main character is Harry Dresden, the only wizard listed in the Chicago yellow pages. It's alot of fun, and but it also explores morality in a subtle and complex way.

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Old 06-03-2010, 06:55 PM

Vye - I highly reccomend Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

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Old 06-04-2010, 04:58 PM

@numerica: Sounds....intriguing, there's so many books that been recommended that I have no idea which ones to get first.

@Ristame: Brave new world? I've never heard of it. What's it about?

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Old 06-04-2010, 06:55 PM

Hi hi's again Vye~
I also recommend A Brave New World. It's on most high school summer reading lists, so it's pretty easy to find. It's about cloning, social reform and breaking free of society's conditioning. It's very interesting if rather... outdated due to when it was written.
I really loved it, although I'll admit it's been about 8 years since I read it. ^^;

I keep lurking in your thread to see all the recommendations. I'm really interested in a few books now, I don't know how I'll narrow down my choices either. xD

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Old 06-04-2010, 07:24 PM

I'm reading Fast Food Nation right's really interesting so far.
The amount of corporate evil is a bit overwhelming though.



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