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Old 06-01-2010, 04:33 PM

*sobs and clings to the corners of the thread* Don't make me leeeeave!!!!!!!!!! Meanie. :P

Lilith W
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Old 06-01-2010, 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by Chexala View Post
I LOVE the Darkangel Trilogy! I found in randomly in the library back in middle school because I was looking for Tamora Pierce books, and I've been hooked on them every since. I've been rereading them lately because I've finally gotten around to getting my own copies. It's been a while, so it's almost like reading them for the first time, since I've been noticing all these new details in them. I hadn't realized just how much those books had influenced me, but now I can see echos of that world in my own writing.

It seems to be such an obscure trilogy though, which makes me really sad; used bookstores almost never have them, and even Powells only had the first two, and I've never met anyone else who's even heard of them until I tell them about it.
I love this series too. And I actually found it the same way though in high school. Everyday after school I had to go to the library and wait a few hours before anyone could pick me up. I was working my way through the "Young Adult" section and one day I came apon the Darkangel Trilogy. The version they had happened to be an out of print version that had all three books in one.
And I fell in love with it. It is sad that it is a harder series to find.

Originally Posted by fiarra View Post
I loved Tamora Pierce's books when I was younger! My sister has all of them now, but every so often I'll pick one up for a quick read. :)

Speaking of quick reads, I read The Hunger Games last night (as in.... I picked it up and 4 hours later I realized it was over lol). Excellent book. I will be looking for the 2nd next time I am at the store.

And now I will sit and be ashamed that I have not read any of the books that have been featured on page 1 of the thread.
I'm a fan of Tamora Pierce's books too. I started reading them when I was in 5th grade (got a few free at book faires) and then started buying them. And even though I am now 21 years old I still buy each new one that comes out because I want to have all of her books. They are still great for a real quick read.

I was told The Hunger Games are really good books. I should read them.


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Old 06-01-2010, 05:47 PM

Sheesh, I keep getting distracted from my reading list for this year. All this talk of Tamora Pierce is making me want to reread her stuff, and there have been a lot of other good suggestions in this thread too. Plus, I'm visiting my mom right now, and she listens to audiobooks all the time, so I'm copying a lot of them to try out too. I gotta focus! (Not that it really matters which 100 books I read, but still, haha.)

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Old 06-01-2010, 09:38 PM

I know I've read *something* by Tamora Pierce, I just can't remember what it was. Hmm.

I just looked her up in wiki, and nothing still looks right, oh well. But I am really interested in the comic she wrote in 2006, with the David Mack cover, that looks great.


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Old 06-02-2010, 08:12 PM

New science fiction novel of the day!

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin.

Has anyone else read it?
I've often heard it compared to Ayn Rand's Anthem. The two share a lot of common themes.

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Old 06-02-2010, 08:37 PM

@Knerd -- No, but I see a Russian name, so it has to be good. =D (slightly biased. D=)


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Old 06-02-2010, 09:51 PM

Mmmhmm, I love me some Russian literature. :heart:


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Old 06-05-2010, 05:24 AM

Just finished reading American Gods (by Neil Gaiman) and started the sequel Anansi Boys.

American Gods was really funny, and I liked it a lot, and Anansi Boys is shaping up to be quite as funny as well. Neil Gaiman is good fun.

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Old 06-05-2010, 11:09 PM

Just finished Skin Trade by Laurell K. Hamilton. I simply could not put it down, haha. Although the way she dealt with Marmee Noir was really lame. It was building up to be this sexy battle of epic proportions... And then somebody drops a bomb on her, and that's it? Like, seriously? Dx


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