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Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 06-30-2010, 04:02 AM

"Aww really?Well you can think of me as a sister,or a daughter or really whatever you would like.Im actually use to being treated like a pet.Its not as bad as being a sex toy."Kairen giggled."After the you have anything to eat?Im getting a bit hungry."Kairen said blushing a bit.She was embarrassed to admit she was quite hungry.

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Klaw is offline
Old 07-01-2010, 12:34 AM

"I think roommate or friend would work better." She giggled, grabbing her bottle of shampoo and diving into the water to get her hair wet before beginning to wash it. "Of course, I can get something for you to eat, I was going to do that anyway.As long as you aren't disturbed by seeing me sipping on a blood bag like one of those fakey fruit drink pouches like caprisun or whatever.."

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 07-01-2010, 12:40 AM

"I don't mind.I rather think thats cute as odd as that may sound."Kairen said with a chuckle."A roomate sounds good i wonder why i didn't think of that."Kairen said with a chuckle and going under water getting her hair wetter than it was.Once she surfaced she then waited till Bailey was done with the shampoo so she could use it.

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Klaw is offline
Old 07-01-2010, 12:46 AM

Bailey handed over the shampoo bottle and rinsed out her hair, before putting in some conditioner into it..and by some I mean a LOT, long hair and all. "Aw, glad you don't think it's creepy, I'm always so self concious about it..And yet I wear shirts that reveal my shoulders, I know, I'm contradicting myself but oh well..I hate turtlenecks with a passion.I tried that for a while last fall to hide the scar and it felt like I was being strangled by a pillow CONSTANTLY."

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 07-01-2010, 12:49 AM

Kairen took the shampoo and put some into her hair then began rinsing her hair before putting conditoner in it."really?I actually wear knitted turtle necks sweaters those make me feel less like im a real cat oddly.I actually just love wearing clothes."Kairen said with a chuckle.

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Klaw is offline
Old 07-01-2010, 02:32 AM

"I've never cared for them..Luckily if I wear a t-shirt it covers it, at least the crazy bitch--excuse my french-- was nice enough to bite low enough that I could hide it." Bailey said, grabbing her body wash and one of those shower poof things and beginning to scrub down her body, lifting her legs out of the wate and cutely wigging her toes when she got to that part.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 07-04-2010, 08:43 PM

"Its alright.Do you know why she turned you if i may ask."Kairen asked wondering if she did know the answer.Kairen giggled when Bailey wiggled her toes.She thought it was super cute."When you wiggle your toes its so cute."Kairen said with a smile.

{sorry for the short typing couldn't think of anything else T^T}

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Klaw is offline
Old 07-04-2010, 09:00 PM

"There's not much to it..She was hungry, bloodlust took over and I was the closest person to her..She could have told me and asked and I probably would have said yes because I loved her, but no." Bailey sighed, and lightly blushed when Kairen commented on her toes. "Ah, thanks..I haven't been called cute in a long time." She laughed lightly. "Can you srub my back now? It's the only part left that needs cleaned." She said, turning around in the tub, which forced her to stand for just a moment.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 07-04-2010, 09:16 PM

"Im sorry that she did that to you.Your a very sweet person.I wouldn't do anything to such a sweet girl unless i asked for.Before my mother died she had taught me to never to anything to a person i cared or loved unless i asked them and see if it was alright too."Kairen said to bailey."Sure thing."She said with a smile as Kairen began scrubbing her back.Bailey's back looked very smooth.Kairen wanted to touch her back but Kairen resist temptation.

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Klaw is offline
Old 07-04-2010, 09:29 PM

"Ah, you're good at that..I haven't had my back scrubbed in a while, so it's like a really good massage..Just be careful around the scar on my shoulder, it's fairly healed but it's still sensitive." Bailey said, relaxing under Kairen's touch. "It's real nice, having a cute sweet girl like you as a new friend and as a roommate.Gets kind of lonely, y'know?"

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 07-04-2010, 09:37 PM

Kairen smiled and was very careful by Bailey's scar."Your very sweet.Im glad to be your friend and your roomate.I know how lonely it gets.I was an alley cat for most of my life after my mother died.I was never in my human form often mostly in my cat form."Kairen said with a giggle."I got free food a lot since i looked very cute.I also did a lot of acting like i was going to pass out.Though a girl has to do that so she wouldn't die from starvation."

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Klaw is offline
Old 07-04-2010, 09:43 PM

"That was clever of you to do..If you feel bad about lying to people by doing that, then you can just think that if you hadn't, you would be doing that without having to act.I feel sorry for you, such a sweet thing living on the street for so long.." Bailey said, making a cute pout-like frown. "Ah well..You're safe now at least. Heat--or AC, in summer--, food, new clothes..I'll make sure you're happy." She smiled. "And you don't have to do anything if you don't want to, I simply want to put some light back into a girl's life."

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 07-04-2010, 10:04 PM

Kairen smiled."I have you to thank for taking me in.If it wern't for you i would still be on the streets and i could've gotten raped by those gross men that made all these bruises and cuts on my body."Kairen said talking calmly."I have you to thank for the most part."Kairen's cuts were mostly where her birthmarks were so it was hard to see them unless you looked at her birthmarks very closely.

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Klaw is offline
Old 07-04-2010, 10:18 PM

"It's no problem, really.I would have felt bad if I had left you there, or something like that..Or left you with someone I knew, even.I have a friend who's a doctor, but I don't think his marble collection is al together if ou get what I'm saying, you know, lost his marbles.Kinda fucked up in the head. He wouldn't hurt anyone though..Just trying to cure death as if it's a disease..While using himself as the guinea pig.." She cleared her throat. "I would not have lef toyu with him. his brother maybe, still not quite right in the head but better than Eugen.."

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 07-04-2010, 10:36 PM

"A lot of people would feel bad.Though most people just walk bye and let terrible things happen.Those kind of people i can't stand."Kairen said sort of in an angered kind of tone.Kairen giggled."I know what you mean.Well im glad i get to stay with such a nice girl."Kairen said with a cheerful smile as she continued scrubbing Bailey's back gently.

Dead Account Holder
Klaw is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 03:45 AM

"Some people walk by and feel bad, it's like walking past a homeless person with a change cup--well, kind of is exactly like that but still--you want to give them money but that little evil voice in your head screams that they'll just spend it on alcohol or drugs, but you never know, that beggar you see every day might just be trying to scrape by enough to get food or to be bale to save up and have a home again..You just never know." She sighed. "It's sad that with all teh great things the human race is done we still can't keep people in homes, not just drug addicts and crap like that but honest to god hard working people who get screwed over by something stupid..Anyway..I'm just glad I can help just one person.That helps my consience very much." She giggled.

Now, I forgot to mention them when she originally turned around, but she had two semi-large tattoos on her back, semi-large in comparison to some of her others, but tehy were small in comparison to what some people got on theri backs. They were two small, rather cartoon-like but somehow realistic simotaneously..bat wings.Brown with thick black outlines, like something out of a comic book.


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