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Oh, oh, `corcaroli~ you know it,...
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Old 07-28-2010, 10:35 PM

Just for reference, I would consider a tween 10- to 12-years-old.

With the semi-recent Jessi Slaughter incident, I kind of want to see what other people think about the whole issue as well as the idea of adolescents/tweens using the Internet in general.

I mean when I was 11 years old, I was on the Internet, sure. But I was on Neopets, or researching projects if I was on the Internet. Truthfully, I don't think webcams were as huge a sensation as they are today, but even so... 11-year-olds are still young enough to play with a lot of safer stuff than the Internet. They should really utilize that. I feel like if we let kids on the Internet--the WHOLE Internet--at such a young age, they're all going to become ADD attention-seekers. [/euphemism] Think about it: with information to everything at your fingertips, it will probably be easy to see a link to something else that interests you and click on it instead, resulting in a lower attention span. Also, with Youtube somehow making everyone think that other people actually care about what happens in their personal lives, if you went on Youtube since kiddie days you'd probably end up with an air of entitlement worthy of a good backhand to the face.

And idk what makes me rage harder: Jessi's attention-seeking [/euphemism] ways or her favorite band, Blood on the Dance Floor. First of all, they wonder why she's so aware of her sexuality and why she curses so much. If you listen to BOTDF's lyrics, you know why. Don't think I can post an example here, but if you wanna look it up on your own, feel free. Also. Wtf. They are 25 years old. She's 11. It's REALLY pathetic in my opinion that they felt the need to call out an 11-YEAR-OLD in their song, "You Done Goofed." :/ Really? Really? Everyone knew she was BS-ing anyway, did you really feel so threatened that you had to write a song to clarify? Commentary my butt. Commentary is generally handled more eloquently than that.

Also as a note I don't think what that certain anonymous site did to her was called for. :/

Jessi Slaughter Incident
Adolescents/Tweens on the internet
Blood on the Dance Floor (and how much they suck [/opinion])

Last edited by `corcaroli; 07-29-2010 at 12:00 AM.. Reason: lulz my bad xD

Vix Viral
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Old 07-28-2010, 11:11 PM

I recently heard about this. I've never heard anything by the band but I just wanted to correct you, an adolescent is a teenager, not a 6 - 9 year old child :)

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 07-28-2010, 11:40 PM

I've heard about this incident and watched many of the videos.

Honestly, I don't blame the girl. Her parents should have more closely monitored her Internet use and the music she listened to. She didn't learn that language and those habits on her own - I can't even imagine what her home life must be like, especially after watching her father yell and curse in the background of a few of her videos.

Everyone in this situation could have handled it differently, from the band to the 4-chan members who personally attacked her for weeks afterward. I understand the "fun" that many people may find from trolling online, but that girl did not deserve to be hunted down and threatened.

Mystic is offline
Old 07-28-2010, 11:50 PM

Under the child protection act anyone under 13 is not allowed to sign up for accounts on any site. So what business did she have even having a youtube account anyway? Another thing, you do not give a child a freaking webcam period. There are too many predators out there and it is not safe for a child to be going online and exploiting themselves.

It's pathetic on the parent's part too. Her parents really need to step up and actually give a shit what their kids do. They obviously KNEW she was posting shit on youtube and chose to do nothing about it. It is illegal for any kid under 13 to be on that site. It states it in the TOS even.

I also think that people who are making fun of a child seriously need to get a life. It pissed me off the way people were ripping her apart and the fact that some people threatened her is pathetic. I am not saying she was okay with posting what she did because it wasn't but she's freaking 11.

Honestly I think that some parents really should not have kids if t hey can't even take care of them and raise them right. Kids now a days are so messed up and talk so much trash it's disturbing. Parents just don't give a damn and are too busy with everything else but raising their kids.

I think the whole thing is disgusting and sad.

Oh, oh, `corcaroli~ you know it,...
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Old 07-29-2010, 12:06 AM

Vix Viral:; daaaaaaaaanngggg I've been using 'adolescent' wrong for years. xP That's my bad. Idk how I didn't know but I really didn't. xD What DO you call a kid that's 6- to 9-years-old then? o_O?

Knerd:; I don't blame her either. I mean, I agree that her attitude deserves consequences, but NOT from random people on the Internet. Like really, who are we to decide to punish her or not? Leaving a flame on the Youtube vid is normal, but finding her address/home phone number and stalking her? That's just uncalled-for, regardless of how she acted.

Mystic:; Actually--can you believe it?--her mother claims she never knew Jessi was posting up videos. That's ever worse, I think, to not know what your child is doing. And exactly! I mean yeah if you give a general flame it's pretty average, but damn. 4chan took it to a ridiculous level. (As they do everything.)

Vix Viral
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Old 07-29-2010, 12:09 AM

A child :lol:

Oh, oh, `corcaroli~ you know it,...
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Old 07-29-2010, 12:15 AM

Mehhhh I thought there'd be another name for it. xD Don't judge me!

Mystic is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 12:25 AM

Her dad knew though. It's pretty obvious at least to me that he knew by the way he was ranting in the videos that were posted. It's just sad.

Linhir is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 12:51 AM

She was asking for it. She was clearly desperate for attention. You don't make videos like that unless you WANT hostile replies and retaliation. Her parents are utterly useless, and made things worse. The worst thing that you can possibly do when targeted by Anon is to make another video yelling at them. She is possibly the biggest lulzcow to ever exist. It seems impossible to me that she basically did every single thing that a human being is capable of doing, short of swinging a kitten around while she's swearing, to guarantee the wrath of the internet without realizing what she was doing.

Her parents are unbelievably useless and inept. Her dad only helped to stir the hornets nest that is Anon with his "YOU DUN GOOFED" video, and her mom has admitted in interviews that SHE STILL HASN'T WATCHED ANY OF HER DAUGHTER'S VIDEOS.

Basically, from a message some Anon sent to Jessie's mom's Facebook, and was then posted on Encyclopedia Dramatica:
Some Troll's Facebook message to the mother (was emailed to me by my friend Anonymous)

"Your daughter: Distributed nude photographs of herself. Went on a live cam chat and performed all sorts of sexual behaviors. Made threatening youtube videos towards people she didn't like/who disagreed with her/said mean things about her

The "brain slushy" video was of her talking about putting a gun in someones mouth and pulling the trigger.

Personally, I blame you and your obviously meth-addicted husband, and was 100% involved with the actions taken against your daughter. This wasn't cyber-bullying, this was a group of proactive individuals trying to smack a little sense into a kid who's quite obviously getting zero discipline from you and your meth addicted husband.

This is not a threat.

This is a fair warning.

If Jessi does not have her internet access revoked, by you. Then I will be forced to compile as much evidence against you and your husband as necessary and will be contacting child protective services to the effect of having your daughter removed from your household.

Responsibility should not fall on anyone's shoulders besides your own. I am not responsible for what happen to your family, nor is anyone else who was involved in the actions taken against you.

You are responsible.

I do not want to see your daughter anywhere on the internet for the next 4 years. I do not want to open my favorite image board sites or photobucket and stumble across disgusting photos of your daughter.

You are responsible for your child's well being.

You failed to maintain said well-being.

And... Now... You've suffered the consequences.

And they'll never... ever... be the same."
Biggest. Lulzcow. Ever. She, and her parents, brought all of this drama on themselves. They're not victims. This is a direct result of her and her parents' idiotic and irresponsible behavior.

Oh, oh, `corcaroli~ you know it,...
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`corcaroli is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 02:40 AM

I get that her actions and behavior is what brought this on. Even so, it's not OUR PLACE to punish her or dish out consequences. That's vigilante behavior and it's not the kind anyone could defend. So what if she 'threatened' the INTERNET in a video? She's not going to jump out of the screen and put the "Glock" in your mouth; there's no need to feel like if you don't do something about it, something really bad will happen. All that's gonna happen is she's gonna keep being an idiot on the Internet. And you know what? If she keeps doing THAT, it will come back to haunt her eventually. 4chan is way out of line. If they don't like that she "threatened" them, then why in the hell are they threatening her and her family? And yes, essentially that is what they're doing.

Definition of "threaten" offered by Merriam-Webster: to give signs or warning of

Definition offered by Google: State one's intention to take hostile action against someone in retribution for something done or not done

So yes, a "fair warning" is a threat, especially considering they are planning to take hostile action. Regardless of what she did and said, this is ridiculous. If you ever have a moment of pompous asshat-ery, do YOU want 4chan sending hookers to your door? Do you want them calling you and annoying the crap out of you? No, I don't expect even the 4channers would.

If this girl was 17, 4chan would be fapping to her nudes, not complaining about them. And in any case, if you want someone to do something for you, what the hell good is insulting them going to do? If someone approached me like that, even if they were right, I'd assume they're spouting nonsense simply because of their aggressive attitude. If you provide evidence (screencaps, links, etc) and just implore her to do something about it, that actually MIGHT JUST WORK. [/duh]

I Will Steal Your Face.
Xx_IwIshIwasafIsh_xX is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 04:17 AM

Her being eleven and making videos like that, and going on 4CHAN, for pete's sakes, she was probably asking for it. It shouldn't have gotten that bad, though.
If my child was on the internet, she better be on neopets or webkinz or something. She probably feels like she's older. I remember when I was eleven. I was like "Ha. Screw You. I know everything and I'm not gonna get in trouble on the internet."
I didn't thankfully, because my parents would check my web history. Annoying, but for my own good.
People were complaining about her nude photos because she's ELEVEN. Seventeen is older, so more 'wiser.' The internet is just a stupid, idiotic place.

Her parents should've been monitoring what she did more, though. And not buy her a webcam. This all probably could've been saved from happening.

Safiah is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 08:14 PM

I'm with the parenting issue on this one. Seriously parent licensing, anyone?!
You can put parental controls on your t.v. and on almost every internet browser out there. What happened to monitoring your children. There are certain things that children shouldn't watch or do and its your responsibility as a parent to ensure that they don't. I'm not saying shelter your children but as a parent you NEED to be in their lives, know what they are into and doing. As a parent its your responsibility to raise, protect, and teach your child. Even if they don't like it or you, being a disciplinarian is important. Monitoring is important.
It just irritates the crap out of me that her step dad(right? i don't remember, oh well he's a parental figure that's all that matters) only got involved when things got really bad, and then made a video yelling at people...seriously? great role model there. Way to encourage the same behavior that got her into this mess in the first place. And where is the mom in all of this?

Now all of that aside this little girl is less than innocent. At eleven years old she should know right from wrong, and understand the consequences of her actions. Even at 11 years old she should know that what she was doing was going to anger people and cause a backlash of all that she got. Granted these things should have been taught to her by her parents, but she had to have known.

High fives are pretty great!
Jennifer is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 10:12 AM

I had not heard of that girl and all that stuff until just now. I certainly think it's dumb to let a child that young use the computer, period (unless supervised, or there are child blocks that only allow them to go to certain cites). And what kind of parent lets their child use a webcam?! Obviously that one. :roll:

I imagine that when I become a parent, I'll be really strict, especially about the use of technological devices. That includes cellular phones, mp3 players, computers, et cetera. No eleven year old needs to be on YouTube and various other social networking sites.

ANNNNDD, I've never heard of Blood on the Dance Floor, so no comment there.

Athilea Majiri
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Old 08-04-2010, 03:09 PM

When I was 11 I don't really think I was on the internet at all. If I was I was looking at stupid stuff, like pictures of dragons and just random things that I liked. Mostly I read, and did things like that. I never really got into the internet until I was well into middle school, and even then it was only something I did when I was REALLY bored and didn't have anything else to do.

That being said, my parents only let me use the one computer we had so much, and I had to ask permission to get online. They always knew what I was doing. When I did really start getting into the internet it was because my brother had introduced me to role playing. He didn't live with me, so it was a way we could have fun together without having to travel. Of course, my parents kept a close check on that.

So, I don't think children on the internet are a bad thing. I do, however, think that parents need to be very involved in what their children are doing. Even if they let their child have their own computer, there should be parental controls on the internet usage, and NO WEBCAME. That just seems like a bad idea to me.

Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 08-04-2010, 07:21 PM

As for the people saying that signing up for an account at her age is illegal, maybe, but if all that's stopping you from making an account on a site you like is checking a box that says its okay, do you really think they won't check that box? It never stopped me at that age.


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