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Old 07-05-2010, 03:32 AM

Hype never killed it for me, I tried to read them before the hype.. and it's just horrible, I can read most any book very fast and I slugged through it, I could barely bring myself to read it and eventually gave up on it, thank god.

lulum is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 03:37 AM

im glade when people are honest about it i hate when people get all stupid

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Old 07-05-2010, 04:17 AM

Meh they're just.. not written in a way I like them, they instill a rage in me that there are so many good writers that get so little recognition out there... yet she can get so rich and famous on crap :C

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Old 07-05-2010, 08:23 AM


Shiki Nekozawa
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Old 07-05-2010, 09:28 AM

I was very anti-twilight when the books first came out. Then when the movies came out i was even more anti-twilight i just didn't get what was so great about a love story between a human & a vampire. My friends dragged me to the movie with then, then i got interested, not cuz of the ppl in the movie tho i'm not one of those ppl who get excited over celebs, i basically just wanted to know if Bella died or not, so i read the books. I still don't like the story but it was interesting, i some how got my grandma so hooked on it that she wants to go see Eclipse.

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naidusiuke is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 07:36 PM

I have read all of them in month and I were very interested in them I could not stop read them how about you,have you readed all of them and were you interested in them?????? :O

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 08:24 PM

I read them all, didn't like them very much. Not my style and I think they were poorly written but that's just me.

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Old 07-05-2010, 08:52 PM

I have read them all,(mostly because threats to my life from a friend if I didn't) and I still firmly believe vampires should not sparkle. Unless they're David Bowie then I guess its fine.

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Old 07-05-2010, 10:18 PM

I tried to read them, but they sucked so bad I just couldn't bring myself to like them, I returned them to my library and forgot about them until the hype came about, now I hate the books, they're totally idiotic, poorly written, and they have such flat characters.

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 01:10 AM

I read them, went "hmmm that's not too bad" read them again and went "blarg! that was nasty"

Kilia is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 01:12 AM

lol i read all of the books and was like "ewww Edward is a pedo!!!" but i agree vampires should not sparkle that is just wrong

Orina the bloody
Orina the bloody is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 01:12 AM

Yes, reading them again is not a good idea unless you love them to bits. Read them all and own them. All my friends are twilight fans, which I don't mind, since I like the books and movies. And yes, vampires aren't supposed to sparkle!!! T-T that's one of the things I don't like about those books... it's just not natural... lol

Lovin' It
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Old 07-06-2010, 01:15 AM

I own and read all the Twilight novels. I loved them and enjoyed them. I read Twilight the week it was published, New Moon the third day it was published, Eclipse the day it was published and I own a signed copy, and I read Breaking Dawn in 2.5hrs after I bought it at the midnight premiere day of release. I also own The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner which is the Eclipse Novella and it is fantastic. If you want to see a different perspective read that book.

The scars are nothing compared t...
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Old 07-06-2010, 04:09 AM

i have yet to read the Short Second Life of Bree...but I read all the other ones in a month too. :) At first I was interested in them, though VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE! But the romance intrigued me. -_-*

Originally Posted by Wolfblood View Post
I have read them all,(mostly because threats to my life from a friend if I didn't) and I still firmly believe vampires should not sparkle. Unless they're David Bowie then I guess its fine.
Ha haha! So true! You rock, man. You. Rock. :D David Bowie is awesome no matter what thanks to his music and The Labyrinth.

What I can say I like this game
naidusiuke is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 10:24 AM

Mhh when I read those books one time I cant read them second time becouse I hate reading books just these :)

The scars are nothing compared t...
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Old 07-07-2010, 01:20 AM

-sighs and gets ready for a long paragraph/rant-

I both hate and love Twilight. Therefor, I am merely neutral on that matter. I hate it because VAMPIRE DO NOT SPARKLE, Bella is flipping anti-emotional, Edward is creepy and controlling, Jacob is so self-obsessed, the Volturi needs to calm down for once, Rosalie needs to except the fact that Bella is who she is. So what if she has a choice to become human!? Not to mention that I don't think Stephenie Meyer ever put the books in for editing since there's so many bad grammatical mistakes. There's a reason her book has been turned down by so many publishers! I love it because it's romantic. It's all about the difference between vampires and werewolves and those are my favorite things to read about. Edward and Jacob combined together equals the ideal boyfriend for anyone. And can't forget about the love triangle. Everyone loves a good love triangle. And plus at least you read something! Breaking Dawn is the biggest book I have ever read so far. Harry Potter 7 will be my biggest once I finish it. :D

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Old 07-07-2010, 02:13 PM

I read the first one. If I get my hands on the rest, I'll read them. The first book had a lot of potential but it didn't come through for me. It was interesting enough to keep me from throwing it away, but it was boring and predictable enough that I just wanted to hurry up and finish it so I could move on. The characterization kills me, because they don't seem real. A lot of details about the characters bug me, too -- like how Bella could walk around Phoenix with a tanktop on and no sunscreen, be as pale as sour cream, and yet she doesn't wind up in the hospital with severe burns? I am extremely pale; the kind of translucent that she claims she is. I have to wear sunscreen just to leave the house and drive for a few minutes or I'll burn.

The way Bella treats people around her (especially her father) really rubs me the wrong way, too. The only way I can describe her is that she's a complete bitch. (That's how I see it.) Edward is extremely abusive, and the fact that Bella only likes him when he's being abusive is... so gross. She seems like she hates him with a burning passion if he -- God forbid -- tries to do anything nice for her.

My favorite character was Alice, even if I had trouble seeing her as something more than text in a book.

The Moped King
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Old 07-08-2010, 04:39 PM

well folks im here talking about The Twilight Saga. in my opinion it is one of the stupidest, non-sensical, boring. books ive ever tried to read. its about a random girl. random vampire. and a random tan guy that can turn into a humungous wolf. the vampire glows like a sweaty pear. and the dog guy looks like a surfer from florida. and the girl. well looks like she just stumbled of the coke train into pail town.:feesh:. so this girl decides that instead of dating cuter guys she will pick the dog guy and the sweaty guy to try and date. but, oh no. they dont like the other race. dogs and vampires hate each other! how exciting. and the dogs and the sweaty people clash in a little battle. fur and sweat was flyin, you know stuff got serious. but then the dogs and the sweaty people find out that the girl is friends with both races! oh no. well the sweaty guy takes the pail girl out to fly. (yea i guess vampires can fly?) but in the long run. she likes vampires more because obviously sweat is hotter then hair. so yea. shes a sweaty girl naow. and then they all die. stories over. yea no one should like this movie. and they should really think about better graphics. they stink.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Old 07-08-2010, 07:29 PM

Hey guys - Since there have been a lot of Twilight threads created lately, I've gone ahead and merged them all together. Now you can all easily talk about the series in the same spot. :)

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Old 07-22-2010, 08:37 PM

How Much Does Twilight Cost?

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Old 08-05-2010, 03:26 AM

I loved the books except for breaking dawn. It seemed like she was just throwing stuff into wrap it all up. I also dont like the impossible evil demon child Reneesmee. I don't like the movies because they dont really act that well. they make the movie seem so boring but when i was reading the book i was so absorbed. I think the movies were a mistake because now all the 11 year olds and such saying they are big fans but never even read the books and all the twilight haters who diss anyone who likes it even though they only saw the movies.


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