View Poll Results: Is debating a waste of time, similar to arguing, and a good way to hurt people or should people be o
Gr - debating >:l 1 6.25%
It's a discussion between 2 people :D 15 93.75%
<.< Debating? Never heard of it.. 0 0%
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Dest1218 is offline
Old 08-22-2010, 09:32 AM

So, i was in a chat room the other day when someone brought up a topic - i was quick to take up the opposite view and start a (polite and very enjoyable debate). After the debate was over.. someone came in and announced that debating was pointless. He/She said 'debating is arguing, just without the hatred towards eachother. your point gets across, while the others feelings get hurt I hate to debate, and argue. It's a waste of time.
I responded by saying, "a mature person goes into a debate eager to learn the other person's opinions yet hoping to tell everyone theirs too, so feelings and pride shouldn't be hurt." I also told them that arguing and having a debate isn't the same thing at all.

So immediately after i said that the other person brought up putting it in a poll.
Poll: Is debating a waste of time a synonymous to arguing and does it result in people's feelings getting hurt Vs My view: Debating is a discussion and no one's feelings should get hurt because everyone should be open minded.

\ (•◡•) /
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Mimiroppu is offline
Old 08-22-2010, 11:15 AM

It really irks me when people confuse the two. Debating is exactly what you said. Because of debates, I've even changed the way I view things, or even my opinion on them. It's bouncing ideas and reasoning off of one another, though it does sometimes turn into an argument, because people do take things personally (or because lines were crossed, etc.), but... :/ They're two totally different things. How does that person think decisions are made when it comes to a large group of people? They debate.

The Wondering Wanderer
Vixeona is offline
Old 08-22-2010, 01:28 PM

You are spot on, and for the record, if debating and arguing were the same we wouldn't need two different words for it =P

As it is, a debate can be enlightening when done properly. No one is supposed to be forcing a view upon someone else in a debate; they simply state their opinion or view and defend it with facts. The other person can question things that seem faulty in the explanation. At the end of a proper debate, opinions do not always change, but at least someone involved should be able to understand why someone else thinks the way they do. The general set-up of a debate is, person one states their opinion on a topic, person two states their opinion on the same topic, and then they take turns stating facts to support said opinions. Debates should never turn towards the people themselves. However on topics such as abortion, race, and religion or other sensitive topics people get offended because the topic relates to them. What they need to realize is it has nothing to do with them or else it will dissolve into an argument.

In an argument, the goal is "my way and no other". With arguments, people strike below the belt. They attack the other person when the other person doesn't agree with them. They antagonize till no one wants to hear each other and everyone might as well be talking to a wall since no one will listen. My favorite feature of the argument is that the arguers don't even really need to be talking about the same thing to get mad at each other.

I had an argument the other day actually. XD This person asked me what color his ring was, I said pink. He proceeded to rant about how it was opal and how I was wrong. Unfortunately, what he failed to realize (or choose not to acknowledge, as I feel that was more the case) was the fact he asked the color, not the type of stone. Essentially we were both correct (it was a pink opal) but he continued to tell me I was wrong.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 08-22-2010, 05:52 PM

Arguing is going in and pointing out your perspective, not caring about the other story. Debating is listening to every side given, forming opinions and possibly changing your perspective depending on information given. It's not necessary, but it's possible.

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Jesmond is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 05:16 PM

Arguing is the demon child of debating when emotions and irrationality get involved. The only reason someone would mesh the two together is probably because they only know how to argue. :roll:

Completely different things.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 08-23-2010, 09:43 PM

Arguing and debating are two very different things, but unfortunately, most people have problems distinguishing between the two. I really hate when I try to have a friendly debate with someone and soon they start arguing with me. :/ Likewise, reading a good debate between two people devolve into comments like "you're an idiot."
I understand why it happens. It can be very difficult to see things from another point of view and be tolerant about it, especially when you're really re-examining and thinking through your beliefs (as you would when debating). It's pretty human. But none the less disappointing.

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Bearzy is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 10:28 AM

I've watched a few debates at my school and they are so much more than just arguments, they can be very informative.

Dest1218 is offline
Old 08-25-2010, 03:04 AM

Hm I took it kind of personally because 'the person above' made it seem like *we* were the immature ones. He didn't seem to be able to get it through his/her head that the other person and I were just debating, despite the fact that we were so obviously friends.


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