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Old 08-30-2010, 11:29 PM

Flying Into The Sunset...With You!

First, a disclaimer: This was thought up by a friend of mine on!
The Story:In a world of Malaise there are no continents just floating islands in the sky. Each island is a large and vast city with roughly 600,000 people living one just one island. Where there is trade there are Sky Pirates!
Vampire:Vampires are not as socially accepted beings! Most humans genuinely fear them due tot he bad reputations from the past. Vampires were thought to be nocturnal creatures....well they are sunlight does NOT cause them to catch on fire! Do you see a bat catch on fire when its out in sunlight? No you don't! Vampires however do have weaknesses: Water, Heavy blood loss, Traumatic injury to the head and heart (Cut off head! Cut the heart out)

Werewolves:Werewolves are another being that most humans fear. Werewolves have been branded as berserkers mainly because of the beast within....They are not though berserkers! Werewolves are very loyal to their friends and comrades and will morn the death of a loved one longer than humans would ever. Werewolf weaknesses: Silver, traumatic severing of the spinal cord (decapitation), extreme blood loss, removal of the heart.

Humans:Humans are a simple race that fears what they don't understand. Their weaknesses are: Time, any type of wound can be basically anything....

Hybrids:Hybrids are mainly half werewolf half vampire! Though generally they just look like Vampires. They can still transform into the beast with in yet most of the time they choose not to. Hybrids are loyal like werewolves and are genuine lovers. They will not cheat on a lover even if they are being abused. Hybrid weaknesses: Silver, water, traumatic severing of the spinal cord (decapitation), extreme blood loss, removal of the heart.

Air Force:Officers in the Air Force rank from solder to Law Maker! Follow this rank guide from O - 1 to O - 6!
Law Makers are basically the secret service of the Air Force. They are also known as Admirals! Law Makers order the Captains to do what is needed for peace...though corruption sometimes shine though...

Sky Pirates: Pirates are like thieves on the open skies! They take what they want and don't give back. They rank from Cabin Boy to Captain! They have a ship's cook crew men and various other important roles on the ship!

Note that a vampire or werewolf is changed into a hybrid by drinking the blood of the other race. Human's may become hybrids by being bitten by both of the supernatural races as long as they were bitten by both before they slept, they can also become a hybrid by being bitten by a hybrid. The same rules of vampire or werewolf to hybrid applies after they've been turned by either race though.

Also note that the vampires as a race hate all hybrids, and will kill one on sight for the most part, especially if they are blue blooded (Pure bred vampire/werewolves, they can trace their dark power to a direct ancestor), Black bloods may be more accepting (Black bloods are humans turned vampires/werewolves or vampires/werewolves who can not trace their family line.) Werewolves however are very accepting, as they are a family oriented group, and while hybrids are part vampire, they are still part lycan as well, and are therefore part of the 'pack'.

Again, vampire only hate hybrids as a general statement, there are a few who are more accepting, even those with a viewpoint that is very much like that of a werewolf, these are the peace making types, or those who really just don't care, or even those who turned a werewolf into a hybrid (Often for relationship or pleasure purposes).

The Rules:

* No Cybering
* PM profiles with the title Pirates life for me
* This is a Yaoi & Yuri Accepting role play! so if your not into that then just leave. No flaming, also, it's not JUST Yaoi and Yuri, no one will (At least they better not) speak out against someone who wants to play a straight or bi character.
* if there are any problems just pm me about it instead of fighting here.
* Please follow the TOS
* this is a literate rp so no chat speak!
* 6 Pirates and 6 Air force/Military, Civilians are okay too but it's more fun to be on a side I assure you.

1.Francis Prince
2.Selena McNight
3. Nyai Hisa Alarcon

4. Kamui Gakupo
5. Esme Stamatis

1. Eyrx Yiase

3. (We'll keep it at 3 for now)

Character Sheet Code:

Menwesha Name:
Name: Age:
Your Story: Race: (vampire, human, werewolf, hybrid)
Weapon(s): Occupation: ((pirate or law)) Appearance: ((please use a picture)) Extra:
Pirate Profiles

Gaia Name:RikkuFukaimori

Name: Francis Prince

Age: Looks 24

Gender: Male

Orientation: Homosexual (Gay ^_~)

Personality: Generally quiet and aloof, he doesn't like to be bothered. However if you get onto his good side, he's a very fun person to be around, but it can be easier to upset him as he can have commitment issues at times. If you're on his BAD side, well... you don't want to know. Its best to stay out of his sights.

Your Story: Francis was born in a fairly quiet neighborhood for the very rich, he was born as a werewolf. He was pampered and treated basically like a spoiled prince, this is how he got his nickname. At the age of 20 he left his family to join up with a pirate crew, the crew of London Hemingway. He never let the rest of the crew know he was a werewolf, as the majority of them seemed to be vampires, like the captain. However not long after he moved his way up to 2nd in command, London attempted to turn him, and Francis became a hybrid. After this Francis, became almost completely devoted to London.

Nearly a century after he met London, the two were separated, partially by London's choice. Francis was heartbroken, and found a small ship with which he uses to wander from island to island aimlessly, longing to be with his dear captain again. He has a scar around his neck from a silver collar which was used by London on him when he tried to leave after 25 years of constant emotional abuse from London, who did so merely because he was afraid of letting himself love Francis.

Francis used to have a young brother, though Francis killed him because Damien, his younger brother, tried to kill London. Francis had meant it when he swore he would kill anyone that tried to harm London.

Race: Hybrid

Weapon(s): Duel Scimitars, Onyx (Black) and Crystal (white)

Occupation: Pirate 2nd Mate


Extra: Goes by his last name, Prince, a joking nickname used by his friends.

Originally Posted by DarkAngel562415
Menwesha Name: DarkAngel562415
Name: Selena McNight
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi
Personality: Some people might call her silent but deadly. She will defend the one she loves and fight anyone who gets in her way of what she wants.
Your Story: Selena was a princess to a near by kingdom. She was always interested in pirates and would read about them everytime she had the chance. On the day before she was going to be crowned Queen, she ran away. She decided that she was going to live her life as a pirate, The Pirate Queen. She is now the captian of a ship and is named the "Pirate Queen" like she has always dreamed.

Race: Human
Weapon(s): swords, guns, throwing knifes
Occupation: pirate
Originally Posted by Xx I-RAWR xX
Menwesha Name: Xx I-RAWR xX
Name: Kamui Gakupo
Age: Twenty-Four
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Personality: He is seen as a peaceful male, usually sporting smile and polite words. Not only that, but as a samurai, he holds a peaceful sense of honor in his soul, and will do anything to uphold it, no matter the circumstances. Because of his fine looks, Gakupo is also rather vain, and will back this up should he have to -- or when he feels the time just deserves it (and yet he will not be obnoxious about it.). Passed his self-loving air, however, he is a polite young man and usually willing to delve in any type of conversation. He is very approachable and welcomes almost any company.
Your Story: Born on one of the many quaint little islands he lived a peaceful....creative home with his Mother,Father,and his baby sister. Since his Mother and Father which were both werewolves it was natural so was his sister and himself. At one point Kamui's Father owned his own Pirate ship. the family usually took long journeys around the islands,having crazy adventures. One night as the family slept peacefully,they where attacked by another large pirate ship. Kamui's Father and Mother defended the two siblings from the Pirates as they both escaped onto a smaller boat they kept for emergencies. As Kamui and his sister watched his Mother and Father burn on there ship they both vowed to take revenge and stay loyal to one another.

Race: Werewolf
Weapon(s): One samurai sword and two guns.
Occupation: Pirate
Extra: Wears an eye-patch over one of his eyes due to one of the many fights he had encountered.

Menwesha Name: Xx I-RAWR xX
Name: Nyai Hisa Alarcon
Age: Twenty
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Personality: Although she is more mature then her brother Nyai stills acts shy around others. Her brother,Kamui usually has to introduce her to others as well as get her to do something more....adventurous. While fighting she is quite good Nyai stills always looks up to Kamui for advice on her skills. By herself and away from Kamui she tends to read,clean,and or basically stay to herself. Unless the person actually walks up to Nyai themselves she tends to cling to Kamui the majority of the time.
Your Story: Born on one of the many quaint little islands she lived a peaceful....creative home with her Mother,Father,and her older brother. Since her Mother and Father which were both werewolves it was natural so was Nyai and her brother. At one point Nyai's Father owned his own Pirate ship. The family usually took long journeys around the islands,having crazy adventures. One night as the family slept peacefully,they where attacked by another large pirate ship. Nyai's Father and Mother defended the two siblings from the Pirates as they both escaped onto a smaller boat they kept for emergencies. As Nyai and her brother watched her Mother and Father burn on there ship they both vowed to take revenge and stay loyal to one another.

Race: Werewolf
Weapon(s): A special gun her brother gave to her and also a double bladed katana Nyai always has strapped to her back.
Occupation: Pirate
Extra: Kamui usually calls her Ny and she has a small scar on her back.
Originally Posted by Dreizehn

Menwesha Name: Dreizehn

Name: Esme Stamatis

Age: Real age unknown. Appears to be about 25.

Gender: Female

Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Esme is usually pretty quiet and can come off to be sort of cold though she does not mean to. She is blunt and always straight to the point never mincing her words. It takes a long while for her trust another individual. She is careful and always calculating her next move in order to stay out of her father's reach.

Your Story: Esme was born into a clan of notoriously well known Vampires. Of curse this group was of the Blue Blooded type, a group that could trace back their origins as far back as to when it had started. Her family having always been in the business as Sky Pirates, Esme wanted to one day command her own ship and crew growing restless being under her father's thumb. Her father of course felt differently about this desire resulting in Esme to leave her clan and create her own crew. Her father swore that she was cut off from all ties to him and his clan and promising to slay her and her crew if they ever came across one another.

Race: Vampire

Weapon(s): Pistol, dual rapiers, and a dagger.

Occupation: Sky Pirate- Captain


Extra: She lost her right eye by her father when she decided to leave the clan and disobey his orders.

Her pet parrot and trusty feathered friend is named 'Argul' who is quite capable of having a conversation with someone.
Law Profiles
Originally Posted by Shame_
Menwesha Name: Shame_
Name: Eryx Yiase
Age: 20

Gender: Male

Orientation: Unsure

Personality: Gentle Giant type. Loves children and lights up whenever he is around them, and is very shy when near flamboyant girls and mens. Likes to be by himself and watch everyone else.

Your Story: Born to strict father and careing mother. Was raised on the law and was pre-determined to join in. His mother died when he was a teenager, leaving him with his very busy father. When he was old enough he joined the law forces. Stayed to himself during his occupation on up, trying to shine in his father's light, which he feels he succeeds. (OMG so bad at stories...)

Race: werewolf
Weapon(s): Iron Claw
Occupation: Law, O - 5 (Commander)
Extra: Can turn into a large wolf form, but again, is more like a big puppy. Despite being in Air Force, hates confrontation and fighting.

Civilian Profiles

Originally Posted by jayson526
Menwesha Name:jayson526
Your Story: Jayson is the local bar owners son he hates that every drunk in town knows his name but that goes with the job of throwing them out he guesses.
Weapon(s):none but willing to learn
Occupation:Civilian (but dreams of being with the pirates *wink wink*)
Questing: A LOT of stuff. Total: 7470 Gold.

Last edited by RikkuFukaimori; 09-07-2010 at 01:06 AM.. Reason: Opening ;D

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 08-31-2010, 11:57 PM

Selena was up early looking out into the sky as the sun started to rise. She was steering her ship to a nearby port so her and her crew could get more supplies. Pulling into the port, dropping the anchor, and telling her crew what they need more of. She walked threw the town to see if anything looked interesting to add to her colletion of things she collects from each town she visits.

One who is obsessively reading f...
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Old 09-01-2010, 12:32 AM

(( Since this is a semi-lit to literate rp, for an intro I expect at least two to three fair sized paragraphs Dark, also, since they are flying, and there is no land beneath them, they tie off or set their ships on 'hover' Also, there are thousands of islands, so name them whatever you want :P ))

The ex-pirate and hybrid turned his face into the window with a sigh, at least he was pretty sure it was ex-pirate, though he knew that if he found his dear captain he would certainly be pirating again. Lycan yellow eyes slowly opened to watch the sun rise, it was early morning in Pooku-ta-i (Pokoo tye e), as it was for most of the islands, though one or two were in their eternal night, such as the frozen wastelands that pirates often found havens in. Francis Prince, the young hybrid, personally didn't like the warm tropical weather here in Pooku-ta-i, though he didn't like the freezing cold either! Francis preferred the neutral weather of his almost mountainous home island of Soleilelune (So li elle loon), which to the residents of the island was one word to describe it's full name Le Soleil et La Lune de L'Emballage, which meant The Sun and the Moon of the Pack. Francis's first language was French, though he generally spoke in the common tongue, English, since he usually didn't have to worry about someone understanding him or not.

With a deep sigh he looked down to the deck of his small ship, which was manned by him and a young man he'd hired from an island, named Nathaniel, who had been looking for excitement. Francis hadn't promised excitement, but did promise lots of traveling, and Nathaniel had settled for that, though Francis often wondered if the other was disappointed in his choice, though he knew very well Nathaniel was having the time of his life.

Nathaniel was a vampire, black blooded, who had been turned a little after his 16th birthday, then forced into slavery for the one who'd turned him. Francis had killed the blue blood when he was attacked walking into the bar the vampire owned to get a glass of blood, since his body was starting to starve from a long bout without any. Nathaniel, after letting Francis drink from him, since his wounds were severe after the fight and there was no time to get a glass, had asked the hybrid if he could leave on his ship with him. Francis had agreed, even offered to pay the boy, as long as Nathaniel allowed Francis to drink when he needed to. Luckily, Francis could run on minimal blood, and Nathaniel could drink from humans without having to worry about turning them, since they did need to drink his blood to change, and he was far to young of a vampire to turn anyone regardless.

Francis glanced behind him as he heard Nathaniel open the door to the small cabin they shared below deck. At first Nathaniel had slept on the floor, before he discovered that the floor got rather chilled at night, and the bed (With Francis in it) was very warm. It wasn't long before Nathaniel discovered Francis's long unattended sexual tension, and that Francis's preference was male. Francis wasn't surprised as Nathaniel walked up to him and leaned against him, obviously still half asleep, he hadn't exactly been gentle with his companion the night before. Francis was surprised that Nathaniel was up at this hour at all.

Francis turned and gently kissed Nathaniel's forehead "Go back to sleep if you want" he said, "I'm going to go into town, bring you a bite, okay?" With a soft chuckle Francis adjusted his long tailed and sleeved coat and stepped off the small ship and onto the metal port that extended sturdily into the open air, checking the firm iron leash that was wrapped tightly around their spot on the port. With a nod of approval he turned and walked down the long port and into the market that was just beginning to truly wake up, though the early risers bustled about impatiently. his accent was obvious as he spoke, though Nathaniel clearly understood at least 'sleep' since the fledgling vampire turned right around and back into the cabin.

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 09-01-2010, 01:04 AM

(ok then i'll repost then but I worn you im not really good at making paragraphs in rps)

Selena was flying her ship to a nearby port and was watching the sun rise. Her crew were all on deck and making sure that the ship was in perfect shape. Pulling the ship into the port next to a other ship. "I see that we might be having some company..." She says softly to herself before checking to see if the ship was wrapped around the post before getting off. "Alright men! We need supplies so we're going to meet in in 2 hours! If you are not on this ship in 2 hours, then we are going to have some problems. Got it?!" Selena says pacing back and forward infront of her almost 30 men crew. "Yes Captian"

Selena walks threw the town looking for some things for her ship. Looking around Selena noticed that the children were just running around "Why wasnt my childhood like this....?" Trying to get the question out of her head, she pulled her hat down slightly as she walked over to a street vender. Looking to see what he was selling, a necklace caught her attention. Picking it up, she put it in the sunlight. It was a cresent moon with a pirate's hat on it. She gave the vender the money and walked away holding the necklace in the sunlight.

One who is obsessively reading f...
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Old 09-01-2010, 01:38 AM

((I'm going to let a few people coming in post their intros before I post again, also, don't worry about posting paragraphs, length comes with time, and I NEVER post as much as I do on my intro. But since it's an intro, you start like a book, like an opening story, describing the setting, the time, the character's appearance, the ship's appearance, that sort of stuff, so everyone knows where you're coming from and where you're going))

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 09-01-2010, 01:45 AM

(Gosh I didnt know I had to do all of that :O)

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Old 09-01-2010, 01:47 AM

(( Oh you don't have to now, just keep it in mind for next time ^^ ))

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 09-01-2010, 01:55 AM


"We had to learn how to bend wit...
Xx I-RAWR xX is offline
Old 09-01-2010, 02:32 AM

A quite but joyful smile spread across Kamui's lips as he inhaled the fresh morning air. It felt like today would be a better day. The change of mood might be from the colorful sunrise that surrounded there flying ship. The dark wood planks that created there small ship were as creaky as ever as Kamui made his way from the wood helm and down to the bottom deck. Since it was only Kamui and his sister,Nyai or Ny as he liked to call her controlling and keeping up with the ship it was quite and peaceful on board. No sweet aroma's other then old wood filled the small hallway like usual. turning the corner Kamui couldn't help but start to chuckle at his scatterbrained sister. It seemed she was everywhere in the kitchen. Checking under pots,pans,cupboards,and any place that could hide something. Kamui blinked in surprise to one second his sister was kneeling down on the ground,staring in small rat hole and now was shaking his shoulder furiously.
"Brother! Kamui! We have a major problem!" Nyai shouted in anger.
"What could be so terribly wrong Ny? Kamui asked with curiosity clearly in his tone.
Ny stopped shaking his shoulders as she heard his words. Stepping back from her brother she gently rubbed her temples. It seemed her brother was more dense then she originally had thought.["Well I don't know brother.....maybe that we are totally out of food except for a few rotten apples which I am definitely not going to eat. Why didn't we stop at the last town when we had the chance? I told you before we were running low and you didn't even bother stopping. Sometimes I really do believe your the younger one of the two of us." Nyai replied in an annoyed tone.
Kamui only nodded in response to her words. Taking his sisters hand Kamui led her out of the kitchen to the deck. The wind suddenly picked up as he stopped by the helm. Tightening his loose hairband around his long purple hair Kamui let go of his sisters hand and stared out towards the sky. "Alright....I see one of the many islands just up ahead. how about we stop there and get some supplies?" He said.
Nyai smiled and gave her brother a quick hug before going back down. "Thanks brother!" She replied. Making her way downstairs Nyai made her way to her bedroom...well more like a twin bed,small dresser with a vanity mirror. Quickly dressing herself in dress and slipping on her shoes Nyai only fixed her usual loose braid and ran back up to the deck with a large list that had all the necessary supplies written down. As usual Kamui was right. It was only a matter of minutes before he tied the ship around one of the many large poles.

(( Sorry it took so long. I was trying to write while having a headache so it isn't that good. X.x ))

One who is obsessively reading f...
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Old 09-03-2010, 03:03 AM

(( Well since no one else has posted their intro yet I'll post again :3 ))

The breeze was welcome as Francis walked through the market, searching for the nearest bar which served blood. The human owned bars didn't usually serve it, since most were uncomfortable at best with the blood drinking races of Malaise. Brushing a stray lock of hair out of his eyes he stopped to examine the wares of a merchant who looked like they weren't to pleased about being awake. The merchant sold mostly jewelry and accessories, and while Francis wasn't that into those things, he did like certain kinds. His hand went up to his throat as he saw a set of collars on display, fingering his own. It was made of black leather and had diamonds studded into it, as well as a pale emerald that was exquisitely cut into a cursive 'L'.

He came out of his silent reverie as the merchant sold a necklace to a young human woman, in clothing that didn't really look like a civilian's. He watched the woman walk away, thinking of his time as a pirate out on the open sky.

For a moment he longed for those days, then reminded himself that without London, it would never be the same. London... his dearest captain. With a depressed sigh he got the merchant's attention, asking them were the nearest bar that served blood was. With a destination in mind he thanked the merchant and headed in the direction they had pointed out, eager to be off this island and back in the sky, where his mind didn't have as much time to wander.

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 09-03-2010, 04:09 AM

Selena looks back at the guy she passed. "Pirate prehaps..." She shrugged the question off and decides to walk into a bar. Pulling off her hat and cape, all of the guys turned to look at her. She sat down at the bar and order her drink. All of the guys started to talk about her, she could tell. But she didnt care. One of them acutally decided to come up and pay for her drink. She smiled softly and they both knew that he wasnt her type.

Sipping her drink slowly, she stared at the necklace. "Where did they get this...."Selena put her drink down and closed her eyes thinking about her past. "No way...this couldnt be the same necklace..." She put the necklace away before drinking her drink and asking for another. The thought of the necklace kept on popping up into her mind as she drank. So she just had to ask the question again "How and where did that merchant get this necklace..."

RP Stalker
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Old 09-04-2010, 04:49 PM

Before the morning sun had time to wake, a young man stood before a mirror. He looked just like everyone in that dormitory, except for the little badge at his breast that set him apart. Pale lips parted in a tired sigh as a hand was lifted, pushing back messy red bangs. He had been standing straight, staring into them mirror as if it were another person. His heels clicked together and his arm lifted, going over his brow.

The day wasn't that special of a day, but a day is as crucial as the one before it. One could never truly know what was to happen. Only difference in that day, was his father had called to see him. Perhaps he had a job?

The young werewolf walked through the quiet halls, his heeled boots clicking with each step. Anyone in those halls nodded to him, but there were few. Life in the air force was a very busy force. The young wolf's stomach turned as he saw his father's name plate coming closer, bronzed and shining beside a large oak door. He knocked once, then heard the familiar, reserved voice of his father allowing him in, and he stepped.


"S-Sir?" Eryx stuttered, losing all composure with his mouth dropped. What had his father just said? His father cleared his throat, repeating himself. "You need to give over your badge. Now, don't have a heart attack, it's not for what you think. We want to try a new approach in handling these...pirates. I want you to go out and act as a commoner, and try to get picked up. We'll give you some goods that we can part with and--"

"Father, please..." he begged, stepping forward and bracing his hands against the desk. It was just the two in there, luckily. It wasn't a secret that he was terrified of pirates. Despite having a father in the force, he wanted to be there, to fight pirates. "A-After mother..." he trailed, blue eyes brimming with tears.

The father sighed and looked down, then away. "I can't trust anyone else, Eryx..I know pirates killed Flair when you were young, but you have to face them. Isn't that your drive here in the force? Not just to make me proud.." his father stood, reaching to his son gently. "You'll be fine. I trust you..."

It looked like he had no choice...He'd have to find a crew, join it, then take them down.....

He ran for the trashcan.

(bleh >.> I is so not good at groups Y^Y)

"We had to learn how to bend wit...
Xx I-RAWR xX is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 05:37 AM

Kamui quickly made sure the boat was secured tightly around the pole before his sister and himself started down the wooden dock. He glanced over at his sister which like every town they traveled into,Nyai had her large woven black basket that she held tightly with her right arm. As the two walked along the cobblestone pathway small shacks became large shops and street vendors surrounded there every inch of the town. Kamui couldn't help but laugh as he followed his enthusiastic sister to different vendors the large woven basket soon filled the different assortment of foods. Just looking at all of it was making the pirate quite hungry. Nudging his sister lightly he rose his hand and pointed one finger towards a near by restaurant. "How about we stop over there and get something to eat. We've been shopping for a while seems we have all the supplies we need. Come on Ny....can we?Kamui said with a small pout forming on his lips. Nyai let out a soft sigh and only nodded to his question. "Fine....your paying though..... She replied in an aggravated tone. Although truthfully she was glad her brother suggested it. Taking his hand the siblings quickly made it to the restaurant and settling in the far back. Nyai set the basket down beside her and looked back up at Kamui. "So decide as to what we shall have to eat. Personally I am very tired and would like to relax and truthfully not think. Go ahead and pick something when the waiter arrives. Nyai said. Leaning back on the wooden stool she closed her eyes as she waited patiently for her food.

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Old 09-05-2010, 02:39 PM

It just so happened that the bar that served blood which the merchant had referred him to was the same bar which Selena had gone to. As the hybrid walked into the bar, he glanced about at some of the customers. A few were vaguely familiar, pirates who he had seen in passing, air force officers who he had seen when his little brother came after him. He choose a bar stool over a table, sitting down a little ways from the pirate woman he had encountered. He examined her through the corner of his eye, watching as she examined the necklace, and listening with his acute sense of hearing as she muttered to herself. Standing, since the bar tender hadn't gotten to him yet, he moved to the seat next to her. "It very strongly resembles a necklace which I came across a few years ago, though I couldn't say," he said, then gave the bar tender, who had noticed him, his order before he returned to speaking to the pirate woman. He lowered his voice slightly, "You however are the Pirate Captain Selena, more commonly known as the Pirate Queen" he said, "I don't believe you have a first mate, unless they've mysteriously been able to keep their face and name off of wanted posters." He took a sip of the Bloody Mary, with real blood, that he'd been served, grimacing slightly at the taste, "I believe my captain once had some sort of contact with you, his name is London Hemmingway, have you by chance seen him as of late, as in within the past year or so?"

((She can know a lot about him as well if you'd like, he's on a lot of wanted posters xD ))

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 04:43 PM

Selena looks over at Francis "So you know London?" She says taking off her pirate hat. "And I see that you know alot about me Francis and yes I have seen London but it hasnt been in a year." She says putting the necklace in her coat before turning to face him. She noticed the collar around his neck and touches the "L" softly. "I see that you had a really closes relationship with him, is that right Francis?" Removing her fingers from the collar she took a sip of her drink. "Now, how do you know about the necklace?

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Old 09-05-2010, 10:03 PM

Francis nodded slightly, having been expecting her answer to London's whereabouts. He glanced at her as he saw her hand reach out and touch the charm on his collar, he closed his eyes and looked away with a nod. "Saw it in passing, on Yggdrasil" he said. Yggdrasil was a frozen wasteland, a haven for pirates since no one else, not even the law, wanted to go anywhere near islands like it. "I don't know how that merchant got their hands on it, but it wouldn't be to hard of a guess" he said, sipping his drink. "Why do you want to know about it anyways? Does it hold some importance to you?" he asked, though he didn't expect her to answer him, it wasn't like they were the best of friends, and Francis didn't work for the woman so he didn't really need to know anything about her or her past. It was simple curiosity that had prompted him to ask.

Last edited by RikkuFukaimori; 09-07-2010 at 01:38 AM..

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 10:13 PM

Selena takes another sip of her drink "Thats another story to tell, lets talk about my first mate like you asked. I don't have one because I rarely trust anyone but if you want to be mine, I'll help you look for London" She says pointing at his collar before putting her hat back on "I know thats why you're here" She says walking out the door.

One who is obsessively reading f...
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Old 09-06-2010, 08:29 PM

Now that was something which Francis would consider. He was quite content to search for London on his own, but his travel was limited with his small ship, no more than a paper boat compared to Selena's airship he was sure. He watched as the woman left, his hand almost instinctively moving to the charm on his collar, tracing the gem with a sigh. Without London it was like there was this aching void within the hybrid, and it was nearly unbearable.

Standing he asked the bar tender to fill a special canteen with blood for him. The bar tender nodded, and after Francis had paid the hybrid left and made his way through the crowd, thinking on Selena's offer. He knew that it would be beneficial for him to go with the woman, though he wasn't so sure he wanted to join a crew just to search for London. He didn't even want to imagine what it would be like, traversing the sky without his smirking captain by his side. As he reached his small ship he sighed, boarding and then walking down into the cabin, Nathaniel had conveniently just woken up, so Francis gave the fledgling vampire the canteen, waiting for the other to drink his fill before he spoke.

"I'm leaving Nate"
he said "I have an offer from an old acquaintance to join her crew, if you want I'll introduce you and maybe you'll be allowed to come with, though don't expect me to vouch for you" he said, and Nathaniel nodded, understanding what Francis was saying "If you don't wish to come along, this little boat is yours and I'll give you some money to do as you please with."

Nathaniel smiled to Francis "I'd rather not be there when you find London, so I'll remain here, and I wish you good luck." The vampire said, looking somewhat sad but not even considering asking Francis to stay. He knew all to well that the hybrid was so in love with the mysterious London that he would never move on, so it was better to sever the ties before they were to strong.

It didn't take long for Francis to gather his necessities. He packed them in an old bag and then hefted his trunk, which weighed at least as much as he did, onto his shoulder with ease. He said goodbye to Nathaniel and left.

It wasn't particularly difficult to find Selena's ship, Francis had seen it before, though the memory was vague and blurred. Of course, the searching was made that much easier by the hybrid's acute sense of smell, which allowed him to track someone even in a huge crowd, and he didn't even have to focus to hard to single out Selena's scent on the pier and trace it back to her ship.

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 12:00 AM

Selena was in her cabin sitting in her chair looking at the necklace again. One of her crew mates came into her room "Francis is here captain." She looks up from the necklace at him "Thank you, now get back to work"

Coming out of her cabin she puts her hat back on "I see that you're taking my offer Francis" Selena says walking over to him "Now dont worry about the crew, they're pretty nice sometimes. But if you have problems with them, just come and tell me" She says leading him to his new room. "I thought you had a boat, what happened to it?" She says opening the door of his room that was closes to hers.

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Old 09-07-2010, 01:37 AM

The security on the ship was less than he'd expected. However, he wasn't disappointed in it's size or it's sky-worthiness. He allowed himself to be shown aboard then waited while one of the men went down to alert Selena of his arrival. He merely nodded at the comment about the crew. He could more than handle any of the humans on the ship, and any of the werewolves or vampires were too low class for him to even spare a second thought to. It wasn't that Francis was stuck up but it was true, he had blue blood from both of the supernatural races, and he hadn't been born a weak lycan either. Francis was a born alpha, his fur was white when he was transformed, and those who had lost themselves to the rage that was a werewolf followed him instinctively at his howl. Unlike many alphas, weaker ones, Francis's snowy white fur had been untainted until he had drank London's blood and became a hybrid. Now, as with all hybrids in their transformed state, he had a crescent moon just visible behind his left ear. Of course the vampiric blood he had running through his veins only made him stronger than he already had been. Francis was a lucky hybrid, his body had changed perfectly, making him a perfect combination of the species. Though that perfection disgusted many blue blood vampires. Francis had never cared though, because London had never been bothered by his condition, and had in fact told Francis to drink his blood and become a hybrid.

"You won't have to worry about me and the crew, I've dealt with worse I'm sure, and my position on London's ship was not based on our personal relationship at all, I earned my spot." he said, brushing a lock of hair out of his eyes. When the other asked about the boat he shrugged his trunk off of his shoulder, setting it down at the foot of the bed in the room and turned to her "My companion decided he would remain on the island, and the boat was to big to be stored with your Speeders and or Shots so I let him keep it, he can put it to use" he explained. Speeders where small one or two man motorcycle like vehicles which were used for quick boarding and strikes against ships, they had small blasters and were common among pirates. Shots were slightly larger assault ships, they looked like a half metal half Plexiglas ball that had three lifters on it's metal half and a turret along the edge between the metal and the glass. The ball had free range of motion and was very useful when a ship was under attack, but not for offense, since they moved to slow and were often shot down by a speeder before they were in range of the rival ship.

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 02:27 AM

Selena nods at Francis "Well I hope you like your room....when London needed a place to stay because something happened to his ship. This was his room" She says.

Walking out of his room, closing the door behind her. She walks over to the reil and leans against it. She already told her crew the directions to they're next location and hopefully she'll get some clues on where London is for Francis sake.

Void Walker
Dreizehn is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 03:57 AM

"Well isn't this just lovely." A deeply colored crimson eye with slight flecks of black stared intently at a vendor's merchandise. The eye belonging to that of a Blue Blooded Vampire by the name of Esme. "How much would this be?" Her hands stroked the handle of an ornately carved dagger lovingly before picking it up. Her eye went to the vendor who had been watching her with cautious eyes, he feigned a smile after he recovered from his slight shock when she had spoken to him. "Oh uhmm, Oh! Yes, that would cost you 350 silver today. Only today. It is a good deal you know. I found that piece-" "I am well aware as to where you have found it." Esme's cool voice cut the man off before he could go into a tale about the beautiful piece of art. "I'll take it. Thank you." Producing the money from a small coin purse that she carried on her being, she paid the vendor and even gave him a little extra.

"Miss, this is more then I had asked for. Miss?"
Turning away and beginning to walk down the slowly busying street of Pooku-ta-i, she ignored the man's protests about having overpaid him. Esme tilted her hat a little further forward on her head wanting to shield her eyes a little more from the sun's steadily brightening rays. The day had started out to be a wonderful morning shifting into a sunny afternoon, not that Esme had cared she preferring days that were more cloudy. She was proud to be a pure bred Vampire though they had their few weaknesses, she having developed a certain sensitivity to sunlight. It mattered not to her as she saw fit to dress in clothing that she could protect her body with, having a slight sensitivity did not mean that she would suddenly conflagrate on the spot.

A light flapping of feather wings sounded in the air, a sudden change in weight on her left shoulder had announced her parrot's arrival. "Argul, have you found anything for me yet?" The bird had many purposes one of them being a messenger for possible heists that she and her crew could pull. "No Esme. I'll try again later." A slight smile tugged at Esme's lips as she listened to the bird talk. His voice never seemed to amuse her, having never been able to get by the fact that she was talking to a bird.

She walked on in silence, people watching as she went. She was always curious as to how these people seemed to be fine with living their seemingly mundane life. A few stumbled trying to quickly get out of her way knowing full well what she was. "Well Argul, I guess it is no mystery as to what I am, hm?" She quietly asked the bird. "Kind of obvious Esme." He let out a shrill squawk after responding.

It wasn't long till Esme turned off of the busy section and onto a much quieter street. This one was not lined with vendors and merchants of sorts, this area held establishments with a certain quality of mystery hanging about them. Placing a hand on a door at the end of the street off to her right, Esme pushed it open and paused in the entrance way. Her eye quickly adjusted to the dim lighting and she spotted that her preferred spot was open at the bar. The place was still quiet, not many were here yet for their morning cup of ale or whatever poison they decided to consume. She herself was a frequenter here, having had found useful bits of information and crew members from this spot.

Taking her seat at the bar she waved a hand at the bartender that was on staff this afternoon. He nodded his head in acknowledgment and set down the rag he was using to wipe down the counter top with. No words were needed to be exchanged, he knew what type of drink she was looking for. Sliding the glass of warm red liquid over to her he continued on with his cleaning, it being his mid-afternoon ritual. "Thanks Grady." Esme said with a slight smile in the large man's direction as she carefully picked up the glass with her hands. Pausing to look at the thick red liquid she admired the color and runny consistency it still seemed to be in before closing her eye and bringing the glass to her lips. She savored the sweetness of the drink, the after taste tinged with a slight metallic sensation; it wasn't long before she drained the glass and set it down in front of her.

"Today is going to be a long day... I can just feel it." She sighed softly to herself, a hand going to run the back of her neck.

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Old 09-08-2010, 12:31 AM

Francis merely nodded to the other's words, it stung a little bit honestly, that London had tricked Selena into hiding him. It just plain hurt that London was running from the raven haired hybrid steadily picking up on his trail. Though, it wasn't easy to find, since London had tossed it to the winds. With a sigh he ran his fingers through his hair. It was getting longer, and more annoying with each day. Sometimes it was hard to force the natural waves and curls out of it, and Francis was half tempted to let it grow out and wear it in a pony tail. He knew the look worked for him so he figured that he'd do so if he could stand letting it grow out to the proper length.

After a few more moments of adjusting the furniture and such to his liking the hybrid left the room. He moved to the railing of the ship where he could see the most of the open sky and sat quietly, gazing out. It was strange being on a ship like this, and knowing that his London wasn't going to randomly come over to him and carry him off to one of their rooms just because he wanted to. Francis frowned slightly at the thought, because he hated being carried. He knew he had to be truly lonely if he was missing being carried about by his ginger lover.

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 12:37 AM

Selena looks over at Francis when he leaves his room. She walks over to him and leans against the reil next to him "So how do you like your room?" Selena says looking out into the sky. She runs her finger down the necklace down her neck taking a deep sigh "If there's anything you want to ask me you can" She says looking over at him.

"We had to learn how to bend wit...
Xx I-RAWR xX is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 01:16 AM

(( Summary Please? I was grounded so I couldn't get on. X C ))


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