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LovelessLover is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 12:23 AM

So, I love Easy-A trailer that I saw on, can't wait to see it!
What do you think about that Easy-A movie?

kc5621 is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 02:01 AM

Well to me it just seems like another mindless movie that will make lots of money for no particular reason.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Marguerite Blakeney is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 03:39 AM

I wanna see it o.o

ChaosCass13 is offline
Old 08-26-2010, 05:36 AM

It looks like a good movie. I mean, both of the main characters, (The protaganist and antagonist) are played by amazing actors.
I looks like it will have a few good lines in it.

Wynna is offline
Old 08-26-2010, 02:03 PM

I do want to see it. I think it's supposed to be a retelling of the Scarlet Letter (probably very loosely based). So it should be interesting. I think Amanda Bynes is in it so I think it should be good.

Dazaii is offline
Old 08-30-2010, 05:08 AM

It seems like that kind of high school that Mean Girls had.....sort of.
Anyways, I'm interested.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Marguerite Blakeney is offline
Old 08-30-2010, 07:49 AM

Think I should read Scarlet Letter first or no? The commercial for the movie played 3 times on whatever channel I was paying attention to today.

Kaira XD
Kaira555 is offline
Old 09-03-2010, 06:44 AM

This movie sounds amazing. If a movie makes a reference to a good piece of literature, I say it's definitely worth watching. I love it when people take concepts from old and new then combine them into an awesome production.
As for Marguerite Blakeney, I would say read the book. Depending on how good you are at looking at the text, you may need to ask around for some of the deeper concepts(I read it in my junior year of High School, even now as a college student I wonder if I could've realized some of those deeper meanings without my teacher). But help or not this book will get you thinking on how society views women. Amazing book, and you realize how someone can be so strong by taking the blame.

Izzy Stizzlebonk
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Izzy Stizzlebonk is offline
Old 09-03-2010, 12:16 PM

It's supposed to be a remix of the Scarlet Letter, yes? Not exactly a complete remake, but with borrowed elements from the original?

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Codette is offline
Old 09-03-2010, 03:09 PM

@ Izzy* Basic similar elements as the Scarlet Letter.

I loved the Scarlet Letter. Absolutely amazing story, so yeah I want to see this movie. Plus I love the main actress, she's quite talented.

Soda is offline
Old 09-04-2010, 08:29 AM

I definitely am going to go see this, it just seems like a great Sept. movie to check out and be amused.. :yumeh1:

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SaetonChapelle is offline
Old 09-09-2010, 07:12 PM

Personally to me the movie seems pretty generic. I've seen two others, I forgot the titles, that referred to same exact bases. I don't think I will watch it, but if someone happens to have it and I'm bored I might.

xoxoHan is offline
Old 09-11-2010, 08:29 PM

No. :O I don't even know what that is! Can anyone tell me what it is about?

Do not fight with the ignorant. ...
SaetonChapelle is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 02:04 AM

It's about a girl who assists her homosexual friend to convince everyone he is straight by pretending to sleep with him. Others hear about this, and she starts to get "paid" (by items and such) to pretend to sleep with other guys. She is soon labeled with an "A". It's a movie about how people few females and their actions.

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ErikHawthorne is offline
Old 09-14-2010, 12:28 AM

I kind of want to see it :| Haven't decided for sure yet

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PrincessBane is offline
Old 09-15-2010, 01:56 AM

It sounds boring, uninteresting...I am not really interested in seeing it. Seems a little sleezy to me.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Marguerite Blakeney is offline
Old 09-15-2010, 04:22 AM

ROFLMAO the trailer for this just showed up on my TV where she's singing the Natasha Bedingfield song.


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