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The Role of a Lifetime
psymoski is offline
Old 08-26-2010, 05:50 AM

((sorry if this post comes really late))

Nick was flipping pages still in the book, absorbing the info like a sponge. Taking a second to rest his eyes, Nick rubbed his face with his hands. Too much information... He rolled his head around his neck to give himself a small amount of comfort before continuing on 'reading'. He looked up in time to see the note. He smiled out of excitement. I has a fwend. Writing back,
For sure, during lunch. When is that anyway?

I love Yaoi Roleplaying! If you ...
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Old 08-27-2010, 04:14 AM

Jordan looked up from taking notes, noticing the time of the day. It was almost time to switch classes. He put his notes away, along with his book. He sighed as he checked his phone and replied to a few text messages he had in his inbox. With a smiled he wrote back to Nick. His helplessness was cute. Yes he was in higher classes, but he was also still a freshmen.
Lunch is in two more classes. I'll meet you by the entrance.
With that, the bell rang and Jordan trotted out of his classroom and started to make his way to the next one.

The Role of a Lifetime
psymoski is offline
Old 08-28-2010, 05:07 AM

((TheNewCSLewis:, Empirio: making sure you guys are still alive))

imma little monster ^_~
Empirio is offline
Old 08-30-2010, 02:29 AM

(( sorry havent been posting recently :< cant really see a opening to post really, maybe after the class ends I can push my chara into a convo :/ ))

The Role of a Lifetime
psymoski is offline
Old 08-30-2010, 02:32 AM

((i threw a note at urs))

imma little monster ^_~
Empirio is offline
Old 08-30-2010, 02:47 AM

(( Oh sh*t, thought that was for Katie due to the convo seeming to continue o-o hold on ))

Alec felt for the note and read the writing inside... "Huh, do i have anouther piece?" he thought to himself. He searched his pockets and found one. He ripped it in half and put in on the sheet of paper. He then took out a marker and wrote a responce.

If you want some...
He then folded the paper into a small square that locked up by folding itself in a bit and threw it back when the teacher turned.

The Role of a Lifetime
psymoski is offline
Old 09-01-2010, 01:59 AM

((nope that was my wasnt clear enough...ill be able to post as soon as NewCSLewis does))

The Role of a Lifetime
psymoski is offline
Old 09-12-2010, 08:42 PM

((ok so i didn't want the post to die so...))


Leech made his way to the cafeteria. He got in to line and got his favorite drink from the lunch lady before making his way to the outside. He basked in the sun of the courtyard and watched the other students arrange themselves into cliques, communes, and groups. Bunch of idiots. He popped open the soda and drank while he sat back and watched everything.

Nick tried to carry all his things in one bag, which, in hindsight, was a horrible idea. As soon as he tried to stand up, his bag strap snapped, hitting him in the face and dropping eveyrthing in his bag onto the floor. He immediately started to cry from being slapped by his bag. He kneeled on the floor of the busy hallway and cried. Everyone stared at him as they passed, some even pointed and laughed.

((everyone, everyone, everyone, the thread will not die!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA))

((to any mods...sorry i didnt hit the override button...i forgot it, please don't erase))

I love Yaoi Roleplaying! If you ...
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GenericCereal is offline
Old 09-13-2010, 04:15 AM

(( So many problems in life. School and theater. I am so sorry D; ))

Jordan happened to be walking down the hall way when he saw his new friend both get hurt and humiliated. He shook his head and trotted to his side. He started to pick up the folders and book and started to put his things back into his bag. Some jock was laughing and screaming like a drunken man. He gave him a glare and keeled to Nick's side. " You okay Nick? Ignore those assholes. " Jordan smiled a bit as he heard the word Faggot and queer get shouted out from the Jocks lips. Raged, Jordan stood up and swung at the jock, hitting him in the cheek. The jock punched back, Jordan wincing back in pain. Jordan was tougher than he looked. He swung even harder landing hits on the Jock's right eye, and jaw. The Jock fell to the floor. He whined a bit but swore as he got up and ran, looking at one of the hall security guards walking their way. Jordan huffed some air out and in and looked at Nick smiling. He nodded as the guard took him to the Dean's office. He lipped a phrase.
Meet me out front after schoool
(( Not the best, but how is that for not letting it die? xD }}

The Role of a Lifetime
psymoski is offline
Old 09-13-2010, 06:00 AM

((YAY THEATRE :squee:...sorry theatre major here
it works...dont worry about it right now))

Nick was starting to wipe his eyes clean when he sees Jordan come to rescue. He then starts to back up when he sees Jordan fight with the jock and get beat up at the same time. He cries some more as he sees his friend get taken away, but is delighted to see him after school. The thought brings a smile to his face.

Raster Ingmama, or Mr. Ing as everyone calls him, is walking towards the school office, getting ready for the next classes to start. He is carrying his usual stack of papers, homework, and reports that he has to have done by the time his week is over. He looks and sees that Jordan is on his way to the office...again. Well, the boy starts to the school strong, I guess. He looks as the security guard puts him in the chair. "I got him. Thanks." The security guard leaves. "So, who was it this time? The nerds? The jocks? The cheerleaders?" Raster starts to write down answers and grades as he hears the fantastic life and time of Jordan.

Last edited by psymoski; 09-13-2010 at 06:41 AM..

I love Yaoi Roleplaying! If you ...
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Old 09-14-2010, 04:01 AM

Jordan huffed as he sat in the chair. As if he even had a choice. Jordan did get into his fair share of fights, but they were all for good reasons. Most of them beings homophobic remarks, in which he dearly hated the most in his life time. The hard side of Jordan was all that most of the school saw. Jordan did have a soft side. He wished he could just cuddle up into a man's lap and watch a movie. Then again, most of the gay teens were closet cases and wouldn't want to show their love amongst the world, which was second on his hate list.

When Mr. Ing started his usual questioning he sighed. " Mr. Ingmama, don't act like you don't know. It is the usual, Jock. You should know how much I hate homophobes. Jordan shook his head as he tapped his fingers on his knee. It was very boring in the office, in which he basically lived for his high school life. Jordan shook his head. He liked Mr. Ing, he really did. He was an awesome and great looking teacher. Jordan knew that if anything were to be wrong, he could talk to Mr. Ing, not the councilor he was forced to see every Mondays and Wednesdays during free period.

(( Muhaha, Jordan is seke! So He can take advantage of Nick ;D , and Mr. Ing can take advantage of Jordan <3 . Oh I love theatre. I live, breath, and bathe Theatre, I just can't get enough of it haha xD ))

The Role of a Lifetime
psymoski is offline
Old 10-03-2010, 06:56 AM

((everyone, everyone, everyone, I refuse to let my poor baby die, sorry about the long wait, kinda had to deal with life))

Mr. Ing scrtached the back of his head. Why is it always me? He rubbed his eyes from exhaustion and stress and decided to give the kid another break. "Get the hell outta here. I don't want to see you in here again, or I will make sure you get a full reprimand from the principal. Now, get going, and no more fights." Mr. Ing turned his back and started talking to the secretary while he allowed Jordan a chance to sneak out and leave.

((okay so I am making it so that it is after school so that way everyone can either meet up with other characters, or at least catch up on what has happened))

Nick waited outside the school. He always did what he was told, so he waited for Jordan on the front steps as the other kids left or made their way toward the buses. Nick watched as all the people were either in couples or at least someone had shown them some sign of affection. Nick thinks on that for a brief moment, then remembers that he has homework. He takes out his binder and book and starts to doing math problems.

Leech left the school slowly, making sure he didn't miss anything he might have needed. He picks up his light backpack, his water bottle, and slams his locker as he starts to walk out the school and give a few guys he doesn't care too much for the bird. He giggles and nonchalantly strolls out of the school.


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