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ValkyrieSkyes is offline
Old 12-11-2010, 02:29 AM

She's young and miserable, working a dead-end job at a night club. When he, a rich and popular producer's son, strolls into her life, things get more complicated. Can they figure out what they want?

Saving Lives Every Day
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Old 12-11-2010, 03:00 AM

Astrid Erikkson

Astrid sighed and straightened out her tank top. The pounding music of the nightclub would give any sober person an instant migraine. But Astrid had been working there for just under a year now, the sounds, smells, and constant drunken Romeo's had all become something she was used to. However she still didn't believe that this club paid her enough to deal with all of this.

Tonight her hair was up in two messy buns, and the comments wouldn't stop coming. At least she was getting tips. "Hey hot stuff another drink!"

Astrid rolled her eyes as she walked to the other side of the bar. After she took his order and gave him the drink she was rewarded when he reached across the bar and grabbed her chest. "Touch me again and I'll have you kicked out." She snapped. But the man was too drunk to care.

((sorry it's short, i am so terrible at first posts ^^' ))

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Old 12-11-2010, 03:29 AM

Ysrael Jakobs
24 Years Old
Eloquent Asshole (currently unemployed)

"Yale, let's go man!"

Ysrael sighed and turned to face the entrance of the club, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. He honestly would have preffered to stay home tonight- he was still recovering from a rather nasty hangover. But of course, the party never stopped, and where there was a party his friends were there.

"Friends" was a rather pleasant term for them; they were more like "leeches" in Yale's book. He was pretty sure that if he lost all his money somehow, they'd be gone faster then you could say "credit card debt." A funny thought, if he was honest with himself. People were so two-faced.

They entered the dark, strobing club, the bass of the music rumbling in his chest the moment he stepped foot in the room. His group made a beeline for the bar; how they drank like that, he would never know. Yale contented himself with finding a table in a quiet corner and lounging around, amusing himself with the going-ons of the animals known as the rich and famous.

[[It was fine, I liked it!]]

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Old 12-11-2010, 03:50 AM

Astrid noted the new group of kids coming to the bar. She rolled her eyes. They weren't drunk yet, but she expected the same type of comments to come from them anyway. "Do you guys know what you want?" When she didn't get an answer she attended to a few more customers.
She handed out a martini and a long island icetea before she grabbed a tray of drinks she needed to deliver to the tables set up in the slightly calmer section of the bar area. "I'll be right with you guys." She shouted to the new group over the music. Then she took the tray and walked it around to drop off the drinks. She almost screamed when she felt a hand smack her behind, but when she turned around the culprit was already gone. She shuddered it off as she walked over to one young man by himself at a table.The now empty tray tucked neatly under her arm as she approached the man with out a drink. "Can i get you anything from the bar?" She asked with a small forced smile.

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Old 12-11-2010, 04:09 AM

Yale looked up as the waitress approached, one eyebrow raised as he examined her with a careful, almost critical eye. Young, pretty, with big blue eyes, she looked like she'd rather be anywhere but where she was. "I suppose your company would be out of the question," he said in a soft, deep voice, giving her a slightly amused look. He shook his hair out of his eyes, the amused look slipping from his features. "I'm fine for now, thank you," he said, glancing at the bar as his friends started making a commotion already. He made a slightly disgusted sound in the back of his throat, his nose wrinkling slightly, before he looked back up at the waitress.

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Old 12-11-2010, 04:36 AM

Astrid blinked for a moment before what he said registered. "Trust me, i think i would much rather your company than all of theirs. But you don't pay my bill." She gave him a small smile and turned. "If you want something give a wave and i'll come back over." She walked back over to the bar, her short black skirt swishing precariously high around her thighs.
She let out a sigh as she got back behind the bar. She was being hailed from all directions. She got to the new group of kids first. After handing out drinks and receive poor excuse for tips with the degrading comments they gave her, she moved on to the other patrons at the bar. Astrid was pretty skilled, tossing the bottles around and doing a little bit of a show to try and squeeze the extra money from the drunks.
Glancing over at the strange young man who she had spoken with, she was surprised to see the rowdy group of kids she had just served hanging out with him

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Old 12-11-2010, 04:48 AM

Yale sighed and rubbed his forehead as Sadie giggled obnoxiously, leaning over and sloshing beer all over the table. "You really shouldn't make such a mess," he said, carefully and descreetly prying the blonde off of his arm.

"Oh, the waitresses can clean it up," she said, her words already slurred. Yale figured she'd probably been drinking even before they hit the club. "Come on, Yale, dance with me."

Yale gave her a smile that suggested he'd rather be eaten by wild boars then dance with her. "I'd have to decline that request," he said, indicating that he wanted out. Becky scooted out so that he could get up, looking a little confused and rather upset about the rejection. "I'm going to get a drink," he said heading for the bar. He winced slightly as the other girl, Corrine, announced that she wasn't feeling so well. If someone threw up in his car, heads would roll.
He slid into a barstool and sighed, resting his elbows on the table and rubbing his forehead. As soon as the blonde waitress from before was close enough, he looked up at her through his lashes and gave her a smirking, cynical sort of smile. "I think I'll take that drink after all," he said, his eyes dark as they watched her.

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Old 12-11-2010, 05:17 AM

Astrid caught the boys look and smirked back. "So i assume that they are starting to wear on your nerves just as much as mine?" She chuckled softly as she prepared another handful of drinks for the other patrons at the bar. Then she looked back to him and set up two shot glasses in font of him. After filling them both with Jack Daniel's, she picked up one and held it up to him. "Shot's on me. Cheers." She swigging back and set the shot glass down wit ha grin. "I think i might need more than that to handle this night. Anyways, What can i get you?" She asked as she gave him a small smile.
"Hey sexy i need a beer over here!"
Astrid cringed at the comment. She looked to the young man. "Just hold that thought I'll be right back." She rolled her eyes and delivered another beer to the drunkard. Then she returned to the handsome guy from earlier. "Well, you decide on a drink yet?"

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Old 12-11-2010, 05:26 AM

Yale took the Jack's gratefully and knocked it back, the liquid burning slightly and soothing his fraying nerves. "You have no idea," he said as he set his glass down, wiping his mouth slowly with the back of one hand. He paused with his hand over his mouth as another patron called out to her, noticing how she flinched. His eyes sought out the drunken patron, finally settling on a man in a wrinkled shirt.

"You really shouldn't talk to a lady like that," he commented flatly, removing his hand from his mouth before turning his eyes back to the waitress. He rolled his eyes as someone else called for another drink in just as rude a manner. "I'm tempted to take forever with my order," he said with a dark, earthy chuckle. "As much to irk him as to stay in good company." He tapped his fingers against his bottom lip, trying to decide what he wanted. "What would you suggest," he finally asked, making it obvious that he was going to take his sweet time. He smirked slightly as the man called out in irritation. "These are delicate matters," Yale said, his voice slightly mocking. "You can't rush a man when it comes to these kinds of things."

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Old 12-11-2010, 05:50 AM

Astrid grinned, grateful for the young mans company. She thought a moment at his request. "I can make pretty much anything you want. I don't have much of a life outside of this place." She chuckled. "And I'm glad i have at least one customer that isn't a total sleaze bag." She gave him a little wink. Then her shoulders sagged as more people beckoned. "I'll be back in a sec hun." Her southern roots tended to show when she wasn't careful. After handing out a few more drinks and getting felt up along the way she returned. her blonde bangs fell into her eyes as she looked at him once more. He was probably going to be the only real conversation she would have all night.
"Well you settle on something yet?" She asked as she wiped off a few glasses and put them away.

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Old 12-11-2010, 06:04 AM

"Oh, you never know, I could be a complete sleaze bag," Yale said with a chuckle. He waited patiently as she went to tend to her other costumers, a dark look in his eyes as she was felt up. "Well, maybe not that sleazy," he said, his voice dropping an octave into a soft, deep growl. "I'll take anything you can give me. Whatever's strongest." And maybe a way to get you out of here, too, he added silently, shooting a rather scathing look to a man who made a lewd comment. People like that just made his skin crawl. And she seemed like a decent kid, not someone who should be working in a club, no matter how expensive it was.

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Old 12-11-2010, 06:22 AM

Astrid smiled at his request and mixed him up a drink. Her own special blend of liqueurs. "Here you go, hun." She handed him the glass with a smile. Astrid would have liked to stand and talk with him but other people were calling. "Well, work calls. I'll keep checking in on you though." She glanced over at the table he had abandoned and rolled her eyes. His friends had trashed it and no one else would sit there until it was cleaned up.

She grabbed a dishcloth and a tray and made her way over to the table. She gathered up the empty glasses and began wiping down the table and seats when a tipsy young man approached. "C-can i help you?" She stuttered as he got closer and closer.
"I don't know can you?" He took another swig of beer and backed her into the table.
"Sorry, I'm working." She tried to push her way past him but he grabbed her arm. She brought her knee up and connected it with his groin. As he fell down and groaned, Astrid slipped back to the bar. She cringed as she put the glasses in the sink and was beckoned by another guy.

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Old 12-11-2010, 06:30 AM

Yale gave her a grim sort of smile and knocked the liquor back like a pro. His eyes wandered over the noisy bar; he was left by himself now, and was rather bored. He found his thoughts on the bartender; she had been intriguing, to say the least. There was just something about her....

Speaking of, his eyes fell on the young blonde as she headed toward the table his group had been sitting at. He grimaced at how absolutely trashed it was; he would have offered to help clean it if he had been closer. He noticed the staggering drunk about a second after her, and felt his face pale when he launched himself onto her. He pushed himself to his feet, his eyes blazing, but she had already made her escape back to the bar.

As soon as she was near him, he braced his hands firmly against the bar, his eyes dark. "Can you take a break right now," he asked, his voice dark, deep, and very, very angry. He was tempted to find the man who had assaulted her, and beat him to a bloody pulp. Which was why he desperately needed to get out of there, and he needed someone to keep tabs on him.

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Old 12-11-2010, 06:50 AM

Astrid was a tad bit shocked by his sudden question. As she looked at him she thought she saw a hint of anger ion his face. What had got him so worked up? And his request of her on break was a surprise. Glancing down at her watch, she let a small smile show. "Actually yeah, it is about break time." She went to the kitchen window and yelled. "Steve i'm taking my break! I'll be back in twenty!" Then she set the glass and rag in her had down and walked out from behind the bar.
She offered the guy a smile. "You okay hun?" She raised an eyebrow. But before he could answer another guy started hassling her. "I'm on my break! Go bother steve!" She told the drunk. A flurry of insults was thrown at her but she ignored it and looked at the man that was before her. "Come on lets get out of here." She grabbed his hand and drug him towards the back door of the club.

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Old 12-11-2010, 06:58 AM

Yale waited impatiently for her, then met her as she came around the bar table. He sent the drunk a threatening look, then followed her out, the cold night air like a bucket of water on his face. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He ran a hand over his face, then fished out a cigarette and lighter from his pocket.

"Please excuse me," he said, as he took one out of the pack and lit it up. "I need to calm myself down." He took a drag and let the smoke drift out, closing his eyes for a moment. He opened one after a moment and looked at her, a thoughtful look on his face.

"I suppose I should introduce myself," he said, managing a forced grin. "I'm Ysrael. You can just call me Yale." He took another drag, then flicked the cigarette away, the stick smoldering before going out. "And please forgive me for my behavior back there. I can't stand it when guys treat girls like that." He sounded sincerely apologetic, like he was aplogizing for all the assholes out there.

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Old 12-11-2010, 07:12 AM

Astrid leaned against the brick walled building as she watched him calm himself with a cancer stick. She just grinned and shook her head. "You don't need to apologize for anything. You weren't the one being an asshole." She chuckled it was sweet how he tried to apologize for everyone else.
"Anyway, It's nice to meet you Yale, I'm Astrid." She held her hand out. But in the back of her mind something about his name sounded familiar, she tried to ignore it though.
She smiled. "You seem kind of familiar, have you come to the club before? I know i definitely recognized some of your friends. That one seems to like my backside a little too much." She sighed and waved the thought away. "Well whatever the case, thanks for caring for a no body like me. Its nice to find that in a place like this."

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Old 12-11-2010, 05:06 PM

"Well, they're never going to apologize," he said, wrinkling his nose slightly. "And you honestly look like you deserve better." He took her hand in his, squeezing it gently before letting go. "A pleasure, Astrid." Yale let go of her hand and shoved his hands back into his pockets, shrugging silghtly as he leaned against the wall next to her.

"I... come here a bit," he said after a moment. What would she think of him if she told her who he really was? She didn't seem like the kind of girl who would just turn herself on like a lightbulb as soon as she found out who she was and what he had. Or, more specifically, who is father was and what he had. But there was always that nagging fear in the back of his brain. Better to keep it on the down low, then. "Well, Aaron can be an idiot," Yale snorted, deciding he'd give the other boy a nice (or not so nice) talking to when they got in the car. "He's just a kid, still in college and whatnot."

He quirked an eyebrow when she called herself a nobody- did she really feel like that? "Well, I, for one, can't waste my time caring for nobody's," he said causally, looking up at the dark sky. "Lucky for you, I don't think you're a nobody." He turned his head to look at her, flashing her a dazzling smile.

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Old 12-11-2010, 05:54 PM

Astrid raised an eyebrow when she saw his slight hesitation. She could see he was holding something back, but it didn't really bother her. They had only just met really, she didn't expect his life story. Then her face flushed at his last comment and hat gorgeous smile of his. She looked down smiling trying to hide the blush. "Is it strange to say that's the first time I've heard that one?" she let out a small chuckle. Yale seemed nice enough. Maybe if he came around more she could get to know him a little better.

"So your girl's not going to be mad that you're out here talkin to me is she?" it was a fair question. Astrid had seen the horde of girls all over him, one of them had to be his, an attractive guy like Yale wouldn't be single. She looked over at him wondering what the response would be. Astrid had no luck with guys, all the ones she dealt with were trashed most of the time and she didn't want that.

Right about then a chilly wind began to blow causing Astrid's skin to break out in goosbumps. The tank top and skirt weren't much protection so she wrapped her arms around her self and tried to rub the warmth back into her arms.

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Old 12-11-2010, 06:01 PM

Yale snorted slightly, shaking his head. "I'm sure this is the first time you've ever seen a guy who isn't smashed beyond belief," he countered, smirking slightly. He had noticed the blush- it was cute, made her seem a lot younger. She seemed like a nice girl, and he wondered what kind of situation had landed her in a place like this.

He raised an eyebrow when she asked about a girlfriend; he held up his hands, shaking his head. "I pray you wouldn't think that badly of me," he said with a wry smile, "as to actually think I'd be with one of them." He dropped his hands, tucking them back into his pockets. "The harem didn't belong to me, although I'm sure they'd like to." To be honest, he hated the clingy, flirty girls with their fake hair and fake smiles. He noticed her shiver and instinctively shrugged out of his jacket, drapping it over her and leaving him in just his button-up shirt.

"You really shouldn't be out here with a jacket," he chided gently, giving her a smile. "You can hold on to that, I was getting hot."

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Old 12-11-2010, 06:34 PM

Astrid's face flushed when he put his jacket around her, but she smiled. "thanks." she pulled the warm jacket around herself. "and I meant no offense about the girls." she added with a shrug. "it's just that most guys with your looks, well, they aren't exactly single most of the time." and normally they wouldn't give her the time of day, se thought but she wasn't going to say that out loud.

Her feet were aching, the heels weren't fun to wear all day but they helped with tips. Looking around Astrid found a crate and kicked it over before she sat down on it. Looking up at Yale she gave him a smile. "you know this is this is the first time Ive had someone to talk to on my break. Thanks." her cheeks flush a tad bit more but she tried to ignore it.

Without his jacket on Astrid was able to see that Yale was even more attractive than she thought. It was hard to tell in the dim lights of the bar. "so I don't want to sound rude or ungreatful, but what exactly are you doing out here with me?"

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Old 12-11-2010, 09:28 PM

Yale smirked, rolling his eyes slightly. "I'll let you in on a little secret," he said, leaning in a tad closer and dropping his voice as if he were really telling her a secret. "Most guys with my 'looks' are airheads." He straightened up and chuckled, running a hand through his dark hair.

"It's no problem, really," he said, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned casually against the wall. "It's way better then being stuck in there, I assure you." He quirked an eyebrow at her question, thinking it over carefully. Why was he out here, anyways? Was he just getting away from the leeches?

"I'm out here keeping a pretty girl company," he said in a decidedly wicked tone, giving her a devil may care smile. "You can't object to that now, can you?" He felt a lot more relaxed then he usually was; around the others he felt like a clam, all closed up in his shell. But Astrid was comfortable. He chuckled; those girls in the bar would be melting all around him if he gave them a smile like that. Yale may not have liked it, but he knew the effect he had on girls (although, if he was completely honest, it was beyond him why. Maybe it was the money.)

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Old 12-11-2010, 09:41 PM

Astrid felt herself grin at him. "fair enough," she agreed with him and his statement about most guys like him. She knew it was true, enough of them came to the bar. But at his last comment, Astrid smirked despite her cheeks reddening. It had been a long time since she was called pretty by someone sober.

"I can disagree all I want. But I only disagree with the pretty part." she smiled up at him, "but thank you for the compliment." looking down at her watch she frowned. Her break was almost over. She was only going to be working for a few more hours, and as Astrid looked up at Yale, she wondered what he was doing after words....

The though passed quickly. He wouldnt want to waste the rest of his night with her. Getting to her feet she stumbled a bit in the heels and almost fell into him. With a red face she smiled. "sorry." she mumbled feeling like a fool.

Straightening up and keeping his jacket wrapped tightly around her shoulder, Astrid tried to ignore her blunder. "well my break is almost up... But the night is young, are you going to be sticking around for a while?" her big eyes looked at him as she waited hopeful, for his answer.

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Old 12-12-2010, 06:06 AM

"You really shouldn't," Yale said with a wry smile, at her comment about not being pretty. He jumped when she tripped, holding his arms out to catch her. Luckily, she seemed to catch herself, and wasn't in need of his help. He chuckeld good naturedly; she was clumsy. How cute.

He ran a hand through his hair, shrugging. "I'll probably be around," he said, flashing her a smile. "I can't leave the kids to walk home. They'd never make it. And knowing them, they'll party until I have to drag them to the truck." He chuckled darkly, shaking his head. He glanced at her, an idea formulating in his head.

"You guys don't serve food here," he said, straightening up. "Seeing as I'll probably be hungry afterwards, how about you come and keep me company for dinner? I'll need someone to keep me sane after dropping those guys off," he added, rolling his eyes as he thought about the group he had to take home. Honestly, it was like babysitting.

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Old 12-12-2010, 06:35 AM

Astrid's face turned red as she heard his offer. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "A-are you really asking me to go to dinner with you?" She tucked a stray piece of blond hair behind her ear. It had been forever since she had gotten a legitimate date offer. And none of the guys were ever as good looking as Yale was. She never expected him to actually ask.

A smile bloomed on her face as she still clung to his jacket. "But if you are being serious, I'd love to join you." Her face was still red as she accepted his offer. "What time do you plan on being done baby sitting?" She asked with a grin. as she wrapped her arms around herself. The jacket helped a lot, but her bare legs were still covered in goosebumps.

After looking down at her watch she frowned. "Time to head back in." She said disappointed. "But if you hang out around the bar we can keep talking some." She gave him another smile as she opened up the door and waited for him to follow.


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