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That Mutt Thing
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KyonKyon is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 06:12 AM

[OOC Tidbit: I just realized there was another RP with this name! I'm so sorry I didn't see the thread until after I posted this!]

You think you've seen everything? I'm afraid you haven't seen anything at all m'dear.

Welcome to Castle Vinnequin. Home to a very, very strange and mysterious man. It is here where some very frightening and yet alluring products can be purchased for a... well... not so cheap fee.

The Story

A very strange doctor likes to create some very distinctive individuals. These individuals are abominations in most peoples eyes. However those with a more... darker taste have been known to come here seeking these creations. Who wouldn't want to own some unique and other wordly? Of course they don't come cheap and they aren't always tame.

General Plot
This is a Slave and Master Role Play. The gist of it all is that a rather strange doctor has been making creatures for people to buy as personal pets. They can be as simple as vampires and ghosts to frakensteins and mummies! It all depends on what the consumer wants.

I'm the ruler. ;3 Please respect that.
OOC Drama will not be mingled with IC. Thanks.
Be nice to one another. I hate seeing stupid drama over nothing!
Just PM the profile template and I'll get back to you.

User Handle:

Slave or Master:
Tame or Untamed:
Sexual Orientation:

Appearance: [Picture or description]


Short description of character: [Persona, history... ect]

The Character List
The Scientist 0/1

The Creations 1/4

Name: Meera
User Handle: KyonKyon

Age: Eighteen
Gender: male
Species: Frakenstein Neko
Slave or Master: Slave
Tame or Untamed: Tame
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Likes: Mice, Cats, Sushi, Fish, back rubs, and having his ears played with.
Dislikes: Dogs, Large bodies of water, being hit, and having his ears or tail pulled on.

Short description of character: Even with a body sewn together his beauty still shines through. With an affectionate personality and a craving to be a lap cat he can't help but be friendly to nearly everyone and every thing. He seems to have a difficult time hurting people but wouldn't think twice about doing it if he had to.

The Consumers 0/4

Last edited by KyonKyon; 11-18-2009 at 06:15 AM..

DarkHat is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 05:15 AM

Name: Aiden
User Handle: DarkHat

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Neko
Slave or Master: Slave
Tame or Untamed: Tame
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Appearance: [Picture or description] Hair Color/Style/Length: A dark black that is almost close to blue. She has a short bang, and wears the back half of her hair down, while the front resides in two ponytails.This is an easier way to picture her, except with darker hair and lighter eyes<a href=";current=Misa.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="misa"></a>

Likes: Bunnies, Bright Colors, Smiling
Dislikes: Sadness, Abuse, Meanness

Short description of character: [Persona, history... ect] Always happy go lucky and jumping from subject to subject. She can rarely pay attention to more than one thing at once and always harbors a friendly smile to all that look her way. She's rarely upset, but when she is her world seems to break apart. Because of her lack of attention to most things, she has no basic fears.


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