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Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
Saravi Boo is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 03:07 PM

Hiei's eyebrow raised at the creature's speed, and at his confidence in remaining standing so close to his attacker. This creature was either foolish...or believed itself to be very powerful. Hiei was betting on the latter. He flickered, adjusting his position to continue blocking the creature's possible escape route. He could see that he would be hard pressed to keep up if Shadow decided to run. The idea was actually a bit thrilling; so few could challenge him in sheer least in the human realm.

Yukina focused intently on her work; all her attention on the globules of poison she was trying desperately to separate from the old psychic's blood.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-03-2011, 09:44 PM

When the dark paste on his hand was ready, Kurama withered down the berry plant in an instant but didn't waste any time returning the remaining seed to its nesting place. Instead he grabbed for another seed that sat innocently on tatami before him and sent a quick but powerful flare of energy into the tiny structure. Thorned branches practically exploded forth from within the hard exterior of the seed. The tangle of green rapidly grew into a vile looking bush that took up most of the doorway.

Undaunted by the spines that protected the single fruit born by the bush, Kurama reached his hand in to pluck the large heart-shaped fruit from their midst, careful not to allow his hand to come in contact with any of the deadly branches. This he tore in half, and ignoring the juices that were running down the length of his arm, used his grass-blade tool to scrape the berry paste into the juice-filled bowl that the fruit provided. Using his fingers he broke up the clumps and stirred the mixture as best he could.

Fully aware that time was running out and that the old woman's organs could stop functioning at any second, Kurama held the fruit bowl in one hand and used his free one to lift Genkai's head. The impromptu doctor poured the liquid slowly into her gaping mouth until every drop had been spent then gently rubbed the unconscious victim's throat to make her swallow. Discarding the empty fruit shell, he hunched over the failing body and began pouring his own energy into the dying carcass as well.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 03-04-2011 at 12:23 AM..

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
Saravi Boo is offline
Old 03-04-2011, 12:17 AM

Yukina bit her lip in concentration as she felt the poison react with the antidote. It would either succeed in neutralizing the toxic substance or all their efforts would have been for naught. Finally, after an indeterminately long span of heartbeats, she felt the globules of toxin begin to break down into relatively harmless chemicals. She pulled on the energy Tay and Kurama were offering, directing it to help maintain the suspension of the un-neutralized compound as she carefully allowed the excess chemicals being created by the antidote to disperse. Crimson eyes were bright with hope as the antidote moved through the old woman's still form.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-05-2011, 12:08 AM

The initial burst of his energy went towards further activating the liquid antidote that was beginning to flow through the old woman's veins. As he did this, the ominous thorned bush in the doorway slowly retreated back into its seed; the energy that was keeping it alive having been taken back. With that task quickly finished and the poisonous menace safely returned to its harmless shell, Kurama then lent his remaining energy towards Yukina's efforts. Though the antidote had entered Genkai's system, the work the other two were performing could not be stopped until the poison was completely neutralized. Yukina seemed hopeful but they wouldn't know for sure that her organs were completely unaffected until the old woman awoke and maybe even then it wouldn't be immediately apparent. The old psychic was a fighter however and Kurama hoped that her body would prove to be as strong as her spirit.


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