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Old 05-03-2011, 12:59 AM

Jayson started dreading the trip when they stopped in front of the house. He didn't know what these people were like anymore. They never kept in touch. His worsst thought was that they'd make fun of him for being a goth, and he'd have to spend his summer in hell. Despite more or less being completely different from Lynn, they didn't have many fights.

He climbed out of the cab, walked to the back, and pulled his luggage out of the truck. He stood beside his sister and looked up at the house. It's now or never. They'd have to walk in there and greet everyone inside. They were spending the whole summer here. Might as well try to make it the best they could. "Well we better get in there," and with that he headed toward the front door.

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 05-03-2011, 04:37 AM

Lynn bit the inside of her lip and sighed. Jayson was right, they did need to get inside. Lynn wondered whether or not everyone else had arrived. Well, she'd find out when they got inside. With that in mind, she followed her brother into the house, staying behind him in her sudden shyness. She wasn't usually like that.

When they got inside, Lynn looked around, trying to see if anyone was around, but she did not see anyone. She could, however, hear people in another room of the house. She walked towards them, following the voices into the kitchen. There she saw a whole mess of people. "Hey, not sure if you all remember me, I'm Madilynn Jacobson, but please call me Lynn," she said, most likely interrupting the conversation going on. It was rude, but she didn't want to stand awkwardly in the doorway.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 05-03-2011, 07:57 PM

"Oh yes, because Demi Lavato is such a catch dear brother!" She laughed. She then smiled when Sienna opened the door. "You'll have to excuse my brother.. he's a little shy around women." She giggled, looking to her feet and nudging her brother. "Well it's good to see you Sienna." She said, knowing by the girls appearance that it was her. She looked around for anybody else she knew and bit her lip. Most of them were probably inside already. She pulled her bag over her shoulder more and looked to Des, glad that he was here with her.

She ran her hand through her dark hair and sighed when her bangs fell into her eyes. Scarlett wore a simple black tank top with light colored skinny jeans that bore many holes in the knees and on the legs. She wore them often whenever she painted or practiced a role she got in drama, or ballet. So there was many rips from her activities. But she still loved the jeans. She then wore black flats that looked like ballet styled shoes since they were very comfortable and easy to move in. He hair was down and went to her mid back. She stood, leaning on the railing and looking at Sienna and her brother.

CottonCandy Raccoon
The CottonCandy Coon will come a...
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Old 05-09-2011, 09:12 AM

Sienna smiled softly a little laugh escaped her lips as she watched Desmond's reaction to her open the door and hello. She looked the two over, mostly taking how much her friends changed and didnt change. Giggling softly she bowed her head before finally speaking yet again. “Its alright, I am that way a lot. Ive been good, hope you have too Des. Oh Scarlett, Im so sorry come on in, Im sorry.” she groaned softly as she mentally hit herself. Leaning down she picked up one of their bags and helped them inside. Staring at her brothers, mouthing to them, 'help, room, sleep, them.' giving her head a little nudge to Des and Scarlett and then finally to Alice.

Standing there helpless in a way she gasped slightly, jumping sideways when yet another new voice spoke in the room. “Ah Im horrible!” Sienna shouted out slightly as she saw Lynn and Jayson. A whine left her lips as she went to her brother, dragging Nick out of his chair, whispering into his ear, “They need rooms, how are we going to do this?” wrapping her arms around his arm, she tugged down on his arm, completely unsure of how they are to arrange all of this.

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 05-09-2011, 12:40 PM

Danny looked up in surprise as he heard another female voice that didn’t belong to either his aunt or older sister. Twisting round in his seat, he gazed at the girl introducing herself. Again the name was familiar, but obviously in the years that had passed she’d grown up and looked a lot different to how she had the last time they’d met. “Hey, nice to see you again...Lynn” He smiled brightly, setting down his empty mug. “I’m Danny, youngest of the three SilverHart’s” He chuckled faintly.

As his sister came into the room dragging other people’s bags, he smirked faintly at her frantically mouthed words. With a soft sigh, he slowly stood up, running a hand through his already messy hair. Quietly he watched his siblings as Sienna turned to Nick for help, shaking his head a little. “If you want I can start taking you all to your rooms. A sort of first come first serve basis I think, but if I show you where they are you can decide between each other who gets what rooms!” He suggested, winking lightly to Sienna as he spoke, leaning forwards to take one of the bags from where she’d left them.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 05-09-2011, 01:10 PM

Scarlett smiled when Sienna led them in and looked around at all the people she remembered, some more thank others. She then looked to Danny who said he'd take them to their rooms. "Oh, Hi Danny. I'm Scarlett if you don't remember.." She said, still keeping her only bag on her back. She figured since she was in someone elses home she might as well carry her own stuff. She looked around at the beautiful home and decided to make a comment since there wasn't really much to talk about at the moment. "You three have a very beautiful home." She said, thankful it was on the beach. She couldn't wait to get in her swim suit and enjoy the sun and the relaxing environment.

She looked towards Lynn, Jayson, Alice and Nick. She remembered all of them and started to figure out how they changed over the years, and how they hadn't. She stood close to her brother, feeling a bit akward since she hadn't seen them all in so long. But she had to admit that all the boys had grown rather handsome compared to when she last saw them. She glanced back at her brother, smirking since his eyes seemed to never leave Sienna and then glanced back to Danny.

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 05-10-2011, 10:03 PM

Lynn was relieved that people began to introduce themselves, she knew their names, but they had all grown and changed so much from the last time that she had seen them. It was a pleasurable refresher course in who everyone was. "Nice to see you again Danny, and you as well Scarlett," she replied, smiling faintly. She was glad that they could quickly put their things into a room, she felt bad that she had just left her bags in the front room of the house.

She grabbed her bag from the pile of bags, not wanting to burden anyone with moving her heavy bag. She was an over-packer and had brought much more clothes than really needed. She looked over at Jayson, who hadn't said anything since entering the house, which wasn't surprising, he was quiet a lot anyways. Any room would work for me," she said, not sure how many rooms the large house had.

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-23-2011, 05:48 PM

Alice looked at the others as they walked into the room. Some of them she recognized instantly but others had changed a lot so it was a bit harder. When she saw Lynn and Jayson walk in she smiled at them and waved. This looked like everyone was here in her opinion; she stood up from her seat when Sienna, Scarlett, and Des walked in. Hearing them talk about rooms she smiled then said “Or we could just sleep in the rooms we used to sleep in six years ago.” She thought about it for a moment then said “Never mind I don’t even remember what room was mine so I guess that doesn’t help.” She smiled again and looked around at all the people saying “It’s really nice to see you all again.” She picked up her bag and then said “I hope that you guys didn’t work to hard on the rooms either.” To her it was nice to see everyone again but it felt a little weird after the six years they had been apart.


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