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gypsymphony is offline
Old 05-29-2011, 10:00 PM

I'm new to this place; someone recommended it to me as a source of literate, active RPers, and it is good to meet everyone! I'm looking for an advanced, original one-on-one RP with someone who can offer detailed posts, developed characters and a little imagination.

I'm currently working on an unclaimed intro for a Lycan/Human pairing, something with a modern, urban setting.

I can never say "no" to anything involving assassins or the mafia, vampires or werewolves, cowboys, or any pairings with an unusual power-dynamic; bodyguard/client, for example, or assassin/mark.

Both het and yaoi float my proverbial boat. Having said that, I do prefer not to double up, and I like to play males; so you go to the top of the list if you can play uke to my seme, or indeed female human to my lycan. I'm not averse to romance or horror, even a mixture of the two, and I'm flexible about limits and genre; as long as it's original, feel free to post/PM me about anything that you're craving!

Let me know what else you need to know,


raesilver42 is offline
Old 05-29-2011, 10:14 PM

Nice to meet you! I wouldn't mind playing the female human to your werewolf. I'm better at females anyway, so this works out for me. Something with the mafia would be interesting....or we could even throw in assassins as well. Did you have any other plot ideas?

Oh, example of my writing is here.

Yovek is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 12:30 AM

Hi there, I'd be interested in trying to come up with a plot with you, or see one of your own. I joined Menewsha, too, for the Roleplay.. because so many sites like this seem to be dieing in that catagory, and how active Menewsha is kind of surprised me.

Anywho.. I'm up for anything, really. Fantasy,Sci-Fi,Horror, ect, and am good at Male and Female roles :)

If you want an example of what I can write, just message me or reply to this post.

gypsymphony is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 04:15 PM

Rae: I can think of a ton of ways to combine the two; a kind of mafia-esque outlaw pack dynamic keeping the lycans from mixing with humans, a lycan who saved a human from his own kind being hunted, that sort of area. That said, If you're less about fantasy I have a similar plot rattling around with an RL setting, I suppose I'd call the pairing mercenary/victim; girl from a good family accidentally walks in on a hit in progress while slumming it downtown, the killer has no choice but to pick her up and then can't bring himself to kill her. Hijinks ensue, haha. Any plots of your own you'd like to bring to the table?

Yovek: What sort of thing were you thinking of? I haven't done sci-fi in a while, so by all means PM me if anything takes your fancy.

raesilver42 is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 04:36 PM

Hmm....I really like the idea of a lycan saving a human from his kind being hunted, but I also really like the idea of the mercenary being stuck with the victim too, ha! It would be really amusing to play the part of good girl who stumbles upon the mercenary, especially as I've done a lot of fantasy recently. If you don't mind, I think I'd like the real life setting plot more. There could be a lot of fun in playing the victim that's afraid the entire time that she's going to die.

gypsymphony is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 05:09 PM

That sounds good to me! How about I work up a starter and PM you when it's ready? What appeals to you more as a setting for the first scene; the VIP room of a shady downtown club, into which your girl has wandered uninvited, or an underground parking facility, and she's just in the wrong place at the wrong time?


(I know it's probably ridiculous, but I feel much better about this whole business now that my avatar isn't in his skivvies. Totally worth wasting a whole afternoon playing snake...)

raesilver42 is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 09:03 PM

Lol, the second one would probably be more her. That sounds good. I think she'd be much more likely to have accidently stumbled into the wrong part of town to park, then see something she shouldn't have. ^^'

(And I'm sorry that I wasn't on earlier to help you earn gold by posting! It's totally worth it with a good 30 for a long post.)

gypsymphony is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 09:11 PM

Dodgy underground car park it is. I have the sneaking suspicion that "car park" is one of those phrases that isn't the same over there, but damned if I can remember what it is. My brain is helpfully suggesting "car garden", like in Russian. (Thank you, helpful brain, for providing me with nonsense...) Anyway. Was that you that sent me a donation... or is it indelicate to talk about it? Haha, thanks, anyhow. I would be much happier if I wasn't visually represented by someone half-naked... it seems creepy, everyone else dressed and decent and my avatar hanging out looking way too delighted to be shirtless.

I will buy a shirt. I didn't realise you made money by posting... learn something new every day. Do you mind if we use email? I do most of my posting at work ('cause I'm a great employee) and the lads will never let me hear the end of it if they see me open this site while I'm there...


Check me out... wearin' clothes.

raesilver42 is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 09:30 PM

Lol. No, my mom watches british tv, so I know what a car park is. We call them garages though. And yes, I did send you a donation to help you out...I know it was nice to receive them when I was first starting up. And sure we can use e-mail if you'd like, though that means that you won't make gold that way, lol. If you'd like, I'll pm you my e-mail so that you can send me the start.

And nice shirt. XD

gypsymphony is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 09:33 PM

I happen to like this shirt. Which is intended as obnoxious coloured surgical scrubs.
Also, it was the only thing I could find that I was certain was- if not actually for blokes- at least not specifically for girls. I find it quite hard to tell- I've given up on shoes, they're all so small I can't tell what they look like, damned if I'm spending virtual money on virtual shoes I can't even see!

Could you PM it to me? Cheers.

Last edited by gypsymphony; 05-30-2011 at 09:34 PM.. Reason: Stupidity

raesilver42 is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 09:38 PM

Lol, agreed about the shoes. XD I only bought the ones my avatar is wearing right now because they actually looked like the black boots I was looking for. The other girl shoes just didn't look right...the heels were all off.

Okay, going to pm you now.

gypsymphony is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 10:34 PM

Intro, done and done! I've sent it along, it's kind of dark, hope it suits.

raesilver42 is offline
Old 05-31-2011, 12:03 AM

Lol, it was kind of dark. I'm going to go ahead and make an ooc thread where we can tell each other when we've posted, as we're not supposed to talk on here.

And maybe I'll redo my avatar to match my character.


gypsymphony is offline
Old 05-31-2011, 04:32 PM

I'll head over now then.

However, anyone who's got to this point in the thread, there's still on plot I'm still looking for a partner for!

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 03:18 PM

Hello. I would be interested in doing a Knight x Prince yaoi rp with you.


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