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RebelFey is offline
Old 07-10-2011, 01:26 PM

Jamie felt something flip in her when Reveur smiled. Quit being such a girl, she scolded herself.

But you are a girl.

Be quiet!
Reveur matched her pace and they ran after the trio.

Aaron saw the old church site coming into view. There was a group of workers gathered around a bright light. Uh Oh.

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Akabane is offline
Old 07-10-2011, 02:46 PM

"Mm. How fast can you two run? Becasue, I need to get there quickly, and this," She pointed back at her now extended wings, "Is the fastest way I can get there." She jumped up into the air, and glanced at the two boys. "I'm going to go ahead. I don't know if I'll need help or not, but just be sure to get there in case. I apologize if any of that sounded harsh, I just need to help my Egg." Then she turned around, and took off.

Tsukiko, they have found me. Hurry up!

"I'm trying! Have they gotten ahold of you yet?" She asked quickly.

Not yet, but I can tell I've been uncovered- Now they have me! Tsukiko!

"I'm trying! I'm trying! I'm flying as fast as I can!" And suddenly, she broke through a clearing.

She examined the area and saw a total of nine workers. She ignored the fallen church, and looked for a guy holding an egg. There! She shouted in her head. When she heard several sets of footsteps behind her, she knew that Leonardo and Aaron were there. She didn't look back, but instead watched the workers while talking to the pair.

"Ok, I am going to just run right in there. Well, not really run, I'm going to fly in there. So, do any of you know how to erase minds?" She asked, feeling she already knew the answer.

~Black Petals~
~Black Petals~ is offline
Old 07-10-2011, 04:39 PM

Making his way onto the scene, Leonardo lead Aaron and Tsukiko to the fallen chapel. There, he sensed two men.
"They're already here...." Leonardo said under his breath. He glanced at Aaron and up to the sky for Tsukiko and said, "Your egg should be here..." He said to himself. He pointed in front of him, directing their gaze to where two male silhouettes could be seen digging up the old wreckage.
"Aaron, stay back!!.." Leonardo shouted from behind as he ran forward. 'I dont want you getting hurt..'
'specially with your sister... she'll strangle me if she found out I lead you to danger...heh, better worry 'bout myself first...'
he thought as he approached a figure.

'I've got a better idea.' he thought in response to Tsukiko. There were only a few things that could be done... and although he didn't have the ability of mind control or to erase memories, he was confident in his tactic skills.

'...where disaster has fallen...' Leonardo thought about the hint again.

He quickly spotted a worker grasping a shining object under a pile of rubble...
'that must be it'
As he approached the man, he spoke "My..Looks like you've found something that doesn't belong to you, but rather my friend... Now would you be so kind as return it?" Leonardo smiled a determined and assertive smile, hoping to not to anger the man....Just then, he sensed 7 other workers within the area...a total of 9.

The air was tense and Leonardo hoped the tension would not break into a battle... He hoped that the worker would not be resistant and just hand the egg over... but he shouldn't have expected so much from a mere human, such as the man in front of him, whose greed consumed him. He had a tight grasp on the glowing egg...

'Where are you Tsukiko? ...' Leonardo thought, at a time like this. 'it's not safe to come down...I've found your egg'

"Hmph, you must think you're some big shot" Grinned the worker. "I got a my boys around, they can take care of you.....Just look at this egg.... It's practically glowing and flooding with a price tag.... Who knows, maybe it'll be a lucky find for someone on the black market" He laughed.

At this point Leonardo clentched his fists and ran up to the man and threw a swift punch. The man dodged and grabbed the boys arm and flung him over. Leonardo countered with an acrobatic move, and quickly steadied himself back to charge again, his eyes fixed on the glowing egg.
The man started throwing punches, "Hahah, so thats how you wana play it you little punk! Huh?! Haha"
Leonardo kept low and made swift moves to dodge the mans punches, waiting for the right time to seize the egg....

After a moment the man looked up and saw Tsukiko hover above with her materialized wings... "What is that?! Some kind of fairy?? Hah"

"Keep your eyes on me" came Leo who threw a kick to the side of the mans head, directing a full hit. Leonardo quickly grasped the egg from his hand while finishing his move...
Staring at the egg... he thought
'This is Tsukiko's...' He smiled gently at the egg. "don't worry... we'll get you to Tsukiko..." he said softly to the egg, before turning to face the man who was rubbing his neck from being kicked.
"Heh, not bad kid.." the man remarked.
"Well then," Leonardo began, "I'd love to duke it out some more, but I must say my farewells, there is a lady up there waiting for her egg." And with that he smiled a sarcastic smile, tipped his imaginary hat and ran back to Aaron..

'Tsukiko....' he thought. 'I hope she won't be mad...'

{Ahhhhh...sorry my posts are so long and boring to read T_T....}

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 07-11-2011 at 10:21 PM..

RebelFey is offline
Old 07-10-2011, 10:38 PM

Jamie ran up to Aaron who was standing with his two new found friends. "I'm going to kill you" she growled at him, as Reveur jogged up behind her.

Who's your friend?", asked Aaron with a playful smirk.

"Shut. Up."

"Jamie this is Leonardo and Tsukiko, and Tsukiko's egg. Leonardo, Tsukiko, and unamed egg, this is my sister Jamie"

Sorry for shortness. Need to clean house.

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Akabane is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 03:45 AM

((You think your posts are boring!? Are you crazy?! I love them!! They're so exciting!))

Tsukiko watched as Leonardo walked over to the guy holding her egg. Her eyes narrowed, expecting a fight to break out. As they spoke for a few, she watched intentely. When she saw the first first thrown by Leonardo, she flew in towards them. But then she thought for a second. Guys don't like it when people interfere with their fights. Ruins their pride, or something like that. She sighed, and stayed back, but still close enough to jump in should she need to.

She watched her egg the entire time, watching as it almost fell twice, ready to pounce in and kill the bastard for taking her egg. When she heard the man ask if she was a fairy, her eyebrow twitched. "I am not a god-damned fairy! If I were a fairy, my wings would look like this!!" Tsukiko's wings faded into a human's idea of fairy wings. "I should be considered an angel, you ass hole!!" She changed her wings back into the black feather wings she was used to.

As Leonardo yelled at him to pay attention to him, she went back to watching her egg. It didn't take long for Leonardo to retrieve her egg, and to beat the man. But she wondered, why weren't the other guys jumping in, trying to help their friend? When Leonardo turned around towards Tsukiko, she smiled and flew over to him.

She grabbed her egg and examined it. No harm done to him. "Oh, thank you, Leonardo." She threw her arms around him, and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much."

((Also, please pardon the language, she's just angry, you know? After this, there wont be much at all, should that be how you all want it.))

~Black Petals~
~Black Petals~ is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 05:41 AM

Leonardo tried to smile while feeling a bit flustered, "...i-it was nothing" he said modestly. "At least your egg is safe now and with you --where it belongs."

He glanced over at Aaron who was talking with a girl who had a similar scent as him... 'that must be his sister' he thought. 'so, that's the one who thinks men are sexist? or something of that nature... huh, wonder who that guy she is with could be...a friend? although from what Aaron says, does she even like men?.' At this points, his thoughts became a ramble. 'it doesn't matter...those workers are probably gonna come after ---' Leonardo's thoughts were suddenly interrupted after a few seconds of realizing Tsukiko had/or was still embracing him while he was in his train of thought. He immediately felt flustered again and added, "I'm sure whatever creature inside is happy its found its owner..." He said while patting his hand on her shoulder.
'I-I've never had a girl come so close to me before.. geez'
Leonardo could pick up Tsukiko's scent more strongly, which he hadn't paid much attention to earlier. '...what a nice...smell...' he thought ' all girls...smell this nice?..smell as nice as ...strawberries..' he asked himself chastly.

{dont have to read this, just something extra on his thoughts about his egg} It didn't take himself too long to become distract from his male-wonderment about girls, and reminded of his relationship with his egg. The cold silence between the voice of his egg and himself was something that he was use to in his life. He brushed it aside and began to think to himself:
'...I'll find you eventually...whether you speak to me or not, I'll find you...' he thought. 'you won't be much help to me anyhow, what would a useless animal, who won't even speak up, be able to do?' he thought to himself, letting go of his frustration. 'you can probably hear me...but I sure as hell can't hear you....fine, be that way... like I said, I will find you.' Leonardo was confident in his inborn animal instincts that have always been a sharp trait of his personality.
<-- xD i type it out, so dont feel like erasing. just extra...blahhh

"We'd better get moving before the other guys come after us...I get the feeling they'll be wanting your egg..." he said, while looking down at the egg Tsukiko held firmly. The hand he placed on her shoulder grew firm.

{haha, I dont mind the occassional swearing or seems like its apart of Tsukiko's temperament xD
and wow, I just thought of something. Jamie andTsukiko reminds me of Sango and Kagome from Inuyasha...hahah o_O if anyones ever watched that before ^_____^}

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 07-11-2011 at 10:21 PM..

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Akabane is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 06:04 AM

Tsukiko smiled when he spoke back. Out of curiosity, she sniffed Leonardo's neck light enough to where he wont notice. He smelt nice, kind of like Lavender. It was unique. Especially on a male, but she always loved the scent of Lavender.

When he spoke up again, she realized she was still holding him, and let go. "Sorry about that. I was thinking about something." Noticing he probably hadn't heard her, perhaps because he was in thought, she looked down at the egg in her hand.

I found you. I finally found you.

Well, it's about time! I thought I was going to die!! Suddenly, his voice seemed more child-like.

"Eh?!" What happened to your voice?!

I am a baby, Tsukiko. My voice only sounded older because you had yet to find me. Don't ask me how that works, because even I don't know.

"Right. Well, are you ready to finally tell me your name?" She asked, as determination filled her eyes.

Yes, my name is AkiHiko. It is nice to hear your voice instead of just your thoughts.

Tsukiko's eyes softened and she stared warmly at the egg. "AkiHiko. I like it. And, I can't really say the same. I can only hear your thoughts. That is, until you hatch." She cupped the egg, keeping it warm. "Take your time, AkiHiko."

When Leonardo suddenly said something, she jumped. "Oh, yeah. You're probably right. Let's get out of here. I'm not risking my Egg." She placed the Egg gently into her front hoodie pocket, and smiled.

((You're right! They do seem like them, don't they? That's awesome!))

Last edited by Akabane; 07-11-2011 at 06:24 AM..

~Black Petals~
~Black Petals~ is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 06:16 AM

{haha kay typos fixed! ^___^ thx! I tend to make those often... and I added the scent. went with strawberries.. lol **he can smell like flowers, this time maybe lavenders...until I think of a flower he can smell like}

Leonardo glanced at Tsukiko who was seen holding her egg, before placing it in her hood pocket. It was a pleasing sight to see them reunited. Leonardo smiled.

{should those guys come after us? o__o idk who would play all those guys and how every wants to fight them... lol, if u do just say so...or we can bump into them randomly later in a town or city xD}

Last edited by ~Black Petals~; 07-11-2011 at 06:21 AM..

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Akabane is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 06:21 AM

((Yes, let's wait to bump into them later. I still want there to be at least two people with their eggs. This way they have a good reason to attack the group. Alright, and Lavender works! I'll edit my previous post. But, I'm assuming we need the others to pitch in before we can continue to post? Anyway, I need to get to bed. It's 1:30 AM. I'll wake up tomorrow and post first thing, if I find myself able to. Goodnight!))

Last edited by Akabane; 07-11-2011 at 06:25 AM.. Reason: Needed to Add Information

~Black Petals~
~Black Petals~ is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 06:31 AM

{alright then, 'Night!}

ExiledAngel21 is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 12:06 PM

The events that transpired happened so quickly that it was as if nothing had happened and the girl -Tsukiko was it?- just suddenly had an unusual egg in her hands. It was something that Reveur had never seen before, and an idea came to his head. Could it have been the egg that contains the creature that is also a part of the master's heart? The new sight excited Reveur, but he kept himself steady even in his curiosity.

Do you think that that's special? Wait till you see my egg! Even as an egg, I am quite a beauty to behold.

Reveur didn't even know anything about the location of the egg! The creature in the egg seemed to be quite egotistical and also selfish. But he supposed that he would have to come and accept it, and it may even have been a different aspect of his own personality, although Reveur heavily hoped against that idea. Looking back at Jamie's brother, it was painfully obvious that they were siblings. If the young boy were just a little bit older and taller, then they might even have been able to pass as twins.

Then he heard the proposal of Tsukiko and Leonardo -names known courtesy of Aaron's introductions- and the idea was a comforting one in an odd way. Suddenly, he walked past them, and as he passed the girl Tsukiko he whispered, "Congratulations on finding your... heart." Then he smiled and continued ahead.

I thought you liked that Jamie girl? What a little playboy you turned out to be.

It would really be hard to accept the creature... Anyway, Reveur walked ahead of the group, and stopped once he was a considerable distance from them. Reveur was in the midst of a clearing when he turned to them and smiled brightly saying, "Forgive me for the late introductions, but I am Reveur Seath. A tamer... and hopefully your comrade at arms."

RebelFey is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 01:11 PM

Jamie felt her heart twinge when Reveur whispered to Tsukiko. What's wrong with me?!

You ventured from home and met different kind of people.

And who's fault is that?

Aaron smiled at how happy Tsukiko was. Then he turned to Leonardo, "Are you hurt? You know I really think we should all travel together"

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Akabane is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 05:44 PM

"Thank you." She smiled at the boy, who's name she has yet to learn, as he walked past her. "And, Leonardo," Tsukiko turned around, facing him, "I owe you." She smiled warmly, and slowly ran her thumb along her egg unconsiously.

Tsukiko watched as Jamie and Leonardo fell into conversation. She smiled, hoping she would finally have people to travel with, instead of being alone.

Tsukiko, it's really warm in here.

Isn't that what an egg is supposed to be in, though?

To an extent, but don't keep me bottled in here. I like the cold.

Alright, I'm sorry.
She drew out her egg and allowed the cold air to envelop the egg. Let me know when you've had enough cold air.

((Also, does anyone disagree with it being early Spring, where it's still pretty cold? I forgot to add what time of year it is. And since she's wearing a hoodie, it needs to be colder. Ahha...))

~Black Petals~
~Black Petals~ is offline
Old 07-11-2011, 07:36 PM

{whatever season is fine with me... :)}Leonardo's ears perked up as Reveur walked past. Although he didn't feel any dislike towards his personal charm, he did however feel an uncontrolled discomfort when he heard him pass a whisper. {must be male instinct, lol maybe eventually it'll get on his never xD idk yet lol}
Leonardo turned away, as if it didn't concerned him 'Hmph, its really none of my business...' he thought nonchalantly to himself.

He turned his attention to Aaron, who stood by him and replied, "Heh, I'll be fine" and smiled kindly after Aaron's suggestion.
"Sure, why not..I dont mind taggin along" he replied, putting his arms behind his head and looking up toward the sky and seeing his breath form as he exhauled into the chilly air of early spring. 'it would be nice idea...' he thought.

'...I'm in no hurry to find you yet...but if I get close, you better call out...' he thought to his egg. He began to wonder if his egg was even listening... What an arrogant creature it must be.. 'hmph,... I can survive just fine without an egg... who says I need an egg right now anyway...If those guys came at me earlier, I could have easily taken them... an animal would just get in my way...' His thoughts became selfish and stubborn, and Leonardo quickly became displeased with himself.

Brushing the silence within him aside, Leonardo turned his gaze to Tsukiko and wondered whom the next fortunate person would be to find their egg... The thought of reuniting tamers with their eggs gave Leonardo a warming sense, as he recalled the smile on Tsukiko's face upon retrieving her egg.

{Lol, reading Reveur's response was amusing....xD he's such a princely type..LOL playboy? and I like how his egg is egotistical and a 'beauty' as well... if it accurately describes another part of Reveur's personality, I'll try not to be surprise xD and Aaron is being such a cute little brother figure toward Leo, asking him how he was 'n all after a fight ... boyish charm must be getting to me...loool}

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 07-11-2011 at 10:21 PM..

RebelFey is offline
Old 07-12-2011, 12:53 AM

(spring is fine with me too :))

Jamie glared at Aaron for suggesting traveling together then after a minute sighed and let go of her stubborn paranoia. "Fine Aaron. Maybe I'm getting soft of something but traveling together actually seems like a good idea. I mean Tsukiko found and acquired her egg easily with other Tamers about her. Maybe we all can find ours with each others help" It was strange, ever since her egg had started talking to her, Jamie felt like she had more common sense. Maybe that was the missing part of her heart.

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Akabane is offline
Old 07-12-2011, 02:23 AM

Tsukiko listened silently to each of the others babble about whether or not to travel together. Either which way it went, it would happen for a reason. So, it didn't bother her that much, reagardless of the outcome.

I think your heart would disagree.

About what?

Of course, you're a human,you wouldn't be able to tell so quickly. Nevermind. Forget it, Tsukiko.

What? Tell me!

He didn't respond after that, so she sighed heavily, and dropped it anyway. She ran a hand through her hair, and closed her eyes.

ExiledAngel21 is offline
Old 07-12-2011, 10:09 AM

This group of people were... How could he put it... Enjoyable? Nice? Reveur wasn't sure exactly what it was about these people that made them seem to be such a joy to be around, and he knew deep within that he didn't wish to break away from these new people.

Knowing what he wished, Reveur felt sort of disoriented by the possibility of being left behind. Instantly, his entire nature changed. It was as if he were a different person. He meekly stepped up to the others and coughed slightly to get their attention. With his head tilted slightly downwards Reveur said, "Well... Ummm... I hope that you don't mind me coming along with... you..."

You are quite an odd kid you know that? Well... this was a strange world as well.

Reveur ignored the egg and shifted his eyes up towards the other tamers and continued, "I-I just don't want to be left behind and well---" It was sort of hard to word it correctly. "I like being with you people... it's odd but... I just do." He offered a shy smile before the creature began yelling into his mind again.

This really doesn't suit you... Maybe the egg creature was right, what exactly had made him act that way? It didn't quite feel right. But then again, Reveur was always open to new experiences. Right then, he was himself again, and head held at level with theirs he flashed his bright smile again. "That is if you don't mind my company of course" he finished off.

{Well, he supposedly comes from a prestigious family, so I think the princely personality suits his story XD}

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Akabane is offline
Old 07-13-2011, 02:02 AM

Tsukiko blinked at Reveur sudden outburst and smiled. "Of course you can come. I'd like it if you did." The bigger the group, the easier it is to keep me onto my goal and keep my mind off of my father. And I like each of these people. They all seem so kind. And gentle. Though, maybe, a little stubborn some of them. She smiled a spacy type of smile.

ExiledAngel21 is offline
Old 07-13-2011, 09:22 AM

When he heard what Tsukiko said, Reveur was for a moment left dumbstruck. Finally it sunk in... He was going to go off with those people... Her simple answer had left him unimaginably happy, and it was hard for him to contain that happiness. Yet this time, he didn't feel like holding back.

Reveur losing all restraint immediately hugged Tsukiko, laughing and smiling, nothing could ruin the moment for him. He might even have given Tsukiko a quite peck, but even he knew that that would be going too far. Reveur finally stepped away, but there was still a sort of dumb smile plastered on to his face.

Looking to all the people around, Reveur wanted to be able to think of them as his family. Maybe some day... they'd come to accept him too. Finally, he was able to calm himself and smiled his usual calm one and said, "Thank you all so very much... I hope I can help you all find yourselves."

RebelFey is offline
Old 07-13-2011, 11:19 AM

Jamie smiled at Reveur's out burts. She didn't even feel jealous this time, because he just looked so happy. It just made her smile. "So I think that's everyone. Where shall we go, lil bro?

Aaron smirked at his sister's good change of mood. "Well on our map it says there's a town near here. We could go there and have a little pow wow, and figure out where we want to go"

Aaron can I have another story?


Make it about the lights again.

Okay once upon a time...

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Akabane is offline
Old 07-13-2011, 05:21 PM

Tsukiko blinked when Reveur hugged her, but she smiled and hugged back. When he pulled back, she looked at his silly smile, and planted one as well. He thanked them. "It's no problem. I want more people to come along this journey."

~Black Petals~
~Black Petals~ is offline
Old 07-17-2011, 01:23 AM

Leonardo watched as everyone became acquainted with one other. He looked away as Reveur smothered himself with joy next to Tsukiko. All the while feeling a bit choked up inside by his affectionate behavior towards her. He missed his chance of pulling the two apart, but figured it was too early to make a commotion, and decided to keep faint feelings from emerging.
He looked around and spotted Aaron with his sister.
Leo made his way to Aaron and bent forward, looking at the map over Aaron's shoulder, "So thats where you guys are headed?..." After a moments pause in thought, he continued, "I have some business to take care of first, so .. I'll catch up with you guys later. Maybe we'll cross paths again in the city." He said with a grin while ruffling Aaron's hair as he started walking off. "See ya then!" He waved with his free arm, while his other rested in his pocket.

He tried not to look at Tsukiko all the while, and walked away from the group.

{sooo.. I'll have him join u guys again in the next town/city when something happens; like a fight or something... cuz idk what to post anddd I'm studying for tests for next week xD so yeah :) I'll come back to read and post again once thats outta the way}

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Akabane is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 06:05 AM

((So, is this Roleplay dead?))


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