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Suona is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 11:00 PM

Originally Posted by Ace Strife View Post
Yea get your mum to get you better med then they can give you >.<
Haha. Its the same meds, but she's just smart about knowing which ones I need to take. :yes:

Originally Posted by M i r o View Post
@ Su; The hair ribbon makes it look like seaweed, sorry. I don't know what it's called. xD;;

It's because its supposedly "their profession" and they don't like anyone diagnosing themselves to their faces. I admit there are some whack-jobs and munchausen's patients but they shouldn't be allowed to pre-judge anyone. But that's how the world works... Makes me want to strangle them! :illgetu: xD;;

You can go above their heads, though. Go to the management of the hospitals and report the doctors if they do that. My mom gets pissed off like that too and she reports them and hounds to get something done, which works. Even if they think you're a biznitch and bipolar for doing it, it gets them reprimanded and notified by the bosses and will be slapped across the face. Not saying it works all the time but with my mother, it does. rofl

Did you ever get that fixed, though? Or go someplace else to get it looked at?

Yeah. ^^; I keep my hair cut short because of the head cyst. It gives me migraines and it throbs too much if I put my hair in a ponytail. My Dr. here in says: "It's fine, it's nothing serious. You can leave that cyst there, and there." She even told my mother that about the cyst on my brothers arm. Moron. - _ - Cysts aren't pets, no one should keep them. They can cause cancer and other things.

@ Sakura; You're welcome!
Seriously?! I want to go to a BDAY party. ; a ;

@ Ace; Awww. Would it help to wear the hospital masks?
lol I think I get what you mean.

Yeah, people are so mean about stuff sometimes, too. We've gotten really far, but its only a blip in time. There is still so much hatred and judging. It makes me sad. :(

Huh. Thats true, too. Not a bad idea! I prefer when people get put in their place. I can't stand people like him or people that act too good or something. Just makes me so mad and I want to hit them. Haha. Same with cheaters and the like. Or people that scam others and lie. Ooh man.

My wrist? No. It eventually stopped doing it and had been good for a very long time. Just the other day it started back up for a couple of days, though. Its fine now, thankfully. It hurts pretty bad when it does it.

Yeah, thats probably a good idea. :yes: And short hair works for you. ^^ Wow. Very stupid doctor. Obviously you're going to want to get rid of them, especially if they're causing pain! I hope that doctor gets them so that she realizes how not okay it is to just keep things like that. :roll:

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Old 08-11-2011, 11:20 PM

Yow! Back. <3

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Suona is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 11:29 PM

lol Sorry for the wall of text! ><;;

Welcome back. :yes:

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Old 08-11-2011, 11:43 PM

Thankies. <3
Lol I did get a bit more posts in the seitos thread. <3

Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 11:44 PM

I'll chat your face up a storm!

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 11:45 PM

That sounds potentially dangerous.

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Old 08-11-2011, 11:46 PM

It does. O.O

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 12:12 AM

Originally Posted by ToriKat View Post
xD Any time you want to post ideas for items, you can post them here:

Or if you have a grand idea for a CI, they go here:

Ehhh? Yardwork, M i r o? *pats* ^^;;; /greatly dislikes dealing with that kind of stuff!

*snickers* I see...Well, I'll be sure to stay on BBR's good side...
Yay! That's where I wanted to know to post stuff. xD Thanks, Tori!

Yessss. Been trying to only work during EARLY mornings instead of afternoon or late in the evening since its so bloody hot. The rain didn't help at all to light the heat. lol

@ Anna; The fruit is an anglerfish??? D:

@ Asca; Your arts is on the page before this or in the front, whevever you wanna go to get it. :XP

Originally Posted by Suona
lol I think I get what you mean.

Yeah, people are so mean about stuff sometimes, too. We've gotten really far, but its only a blip in time. There is still so much hatred and judging. It makes me sad.

Huh. Thats true, too. Not a bad idea! I prefer when people get put in their place. I can't stand people like him or people that act too good or something. Just makes me so mad and I want to hit them. Haha. Same with cheaters and the like. Or people that scam others and lie. Ooh man.

My wrist? No. It eventually stopped doing it and had been good for a very long time. Just the other day it started back up for a couple of days, though. Its fine now, thankfully. It hurts pretty bad when it does it.

Yeah, thats probably a good idea. And short hair works for you. ^^ Wow. Very stupid doctor. Obviously you're going to want to get rid of them, especially if they're causing pain! I hope that doctor gets them so that she realizes how not okay it is to just keep things like that.
Humans are just vicious creatures by nature. XDD *claims self as another species* LOL jkjk

Those kinds of peeps need a good butt whoopin'. Chuck Norris should put back on his fightin' gloves and have at it. One punch from CN, you're dead.

Yes, your wrist. Oh, that's good then that it didn't turn into something ugly. xD;; Is it like it's locking up on you or something?

Thank you~ <3 Short hair really is more easy to take care of but I do love having long hair too. I'm not dyeing it anymore, I reverted back to being brunette and letting it go with the flow. lol I swear to it this time ~

Exactly! I think they need to do psych referrals on Hospital staff, annually and daily. There's something not right in their heads.

THE WALL OF TEXT IS GLORY. Do not be sorry! :illgetu:

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Old 08-12-2011, 12:17 AM

Is it? o.o *goes to check it out*

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Suona is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 12:20 AM

And she's changing. :O

@ Miro - Too true. lol I wish I could do that, really! Hey, lets move to Pandora and become Na'vi. That'd be fun. :D

I know, right? Not nearly enough people get what they deserve when they're being bad people. -__-;;

Not really sure how to explain it. It feels like the carpel isn't lined up right with the radius and ulna and its pinching nerves that shouldn't be touched. ><;; Its as though its at an angle it should not be, so putting any pressure on it seriously hurts.

I am jealous of people that can pull off short hair. I think its very cute. ^^ My hair is really long right now, but I actually quite like it this long. Makes me feel a little unique. However, its a bugger to take care of. Ooomg. It takes 10 minutes alone on my hair when in the shower. I'm a brunette, too. :D I've never dyed my hair, though, and dont plan to. Its not for me.

lol That wouldn't be a bad idea. Sit them down and talk some crazy outta them. :lol:


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Old 08-12-2011, 12:22 AM

I love it! <33

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 12:34 AM

@ Asca; <3
I'm keeping all the drawings at least 396 x 200 or 350 x 200, so its siggy friendly. D:

@ Su; Ooo! I'd love to have sparkly blue skin and be over 7ft tall ~ Sounds like the perfect plan!
But those feeler thingies that come out of their tails is a turn off... kinda creeps me out.

Yes. =( Some of the bad people I said would get "karma" and what's coming to them, have. Well, in a small way. xDD
What they put around should come around to them!

...Ouch. It's worth getting another checkup to check it out at least. Maybe go to a different doctor? Because those symptons don't sound normal and could potientially affect you in the long run.

Oi! If it's long, then keep going! I always wanted to grow my hair out as long as "Cousin IT" from Adams family. 'Cept not all over my body, just hair. :lol: Do you braid your hair??? That's one of the perks of having it long enough to do that. And those princess buns and hairdews! It may take up to an hr to put together but that's the fun with long hair. :3

Yay for brunette squad!

Ammeeen! That kind of crazy is not permitted. :talk2hand:

Embrace the powah! xD

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Suona is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 06:11 AM

@ Miro - I know, right? And they have such pretty things in their world. I would love it. ^^ They're better people, too.
lol You mean in their hair? Yeah, its a bit weird.

Yeah, if you keep being such a negative and bad person, then its going to come around and bite you in the butt eventually. Which I love when that happens. I wish I got to witness it more. :lol:

Well, its doing fine now. I'm not sure what causes it. I hadn't had it for a long time.

Haha. People are constantly telling me to cut it or asking when I plan to cut it. I worry it'll get curlier if I cut it, though. I was growing it back out to cut and donate again, but I rather like having such long hair. Also, last time I cut it it kinked up pretty bad, and now even though its long, it still does it, so it'll only get worse if I cut it again. xP;;

Woo! *fist pump* Brunette Pride!

Definently not. :talk2hand:


The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 08-12-2011, 08:13 AM

i need to get a post on if i am to get enough pies for another EI D: so as i say, post mode ACTIVATE!!! :P

Ace Strife
Teh Star Of Menewsha
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Old 08-12-2011, 08:16 AM

wow lot went on here ><

*Miro* Yup she is >< I think I am gonna hit on Aimee cause Lise is scary lol

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 08-12-2011, 08:18 AM

oh and cakeanator too XD ive got about 6 hits with the cheese cake, also 3 headshots and one miss XD

Ace Strife
Teh Star Of Menewsha
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Old 08-12-2011, 08:29 AM

Lol show those NPC who is the boss Jake lol

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 08-12-2011, 08:31 AM

Ace: oh i will :insane: but the little girl (i forgot her name :cry:) managed to dodge my attack D:< i shall hit her with cake D:<


I MISSED HER AGAIN!!! :evil: shes too short for my dragony aim to work T^T

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 08:56 AM

Haha. I find it funny when you miss Lise and she's just walking away. :lol: And I hit the little girl about 50-50.

Ace Strife
Teh Star Of Menewsha
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Old 08-12-2011, 09:01 AM

Cecil is hard.. for me its jercky >.< he falls asleep :shakes fist: damn that old man

:p Lise is awesome but not as Abel with his awesome powers

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Suona is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 09:33 AM

Yummeh and Afrodonkey are pretty funny, too.

Ace Strife
Teh Star Of Menewsha
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Old 08-12-2011, 09:35 AM

Ohh hehe indeed they are, when you get Afro with 2 pies he is funny as hell

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Suona is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 09:37 AM

lol Yeah. "HAWT!" is the best part. I think that happens with one pie.

Ace Strife
Teh Star Of Menewsha
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Old 08-12-2011, 10:01 AM

yuppie, who seem to dodge you the most??

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Suona is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 10:06 AM

I haven't been keeping track. I've thrown so many times today. @__@;;


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