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Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 03:00 PM

A new student moves to town from the city and transfers to Rosewood High School.

Name: Seth Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen
Grade: Junior
Persona: He can seem a bit emotionless at times, but is actually a good guy at heart.
Background: Moved from the city to a smaller town. He seems pretty indifferent to it, but is actually pretty lost.

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Old 09-16-2011, 03:53 PM

Name: Alixe Penning
: Female
: Sixteen
: Junior
: She normally keeps to herself, she isn't emo or goth. She could seem like an outsider and amongst everyone she is usually the talk of the school because of her looks. She can be friendly as one of the friendliest people you could ever meet, but, mess with her and you will want to run. She normally just likes to take walks, adventure, and anything athletic. She loves gymnastics.
: Alixe Penning is the daughter of Patrick Penning, a teacher at the school she attends, her mother is hardly home since she is a workaholic. Alixe does whatever she wants to but not everything.
(she is the short blonde, the one with dark hair is her best friend who goes to another school nearby)

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 05:34 PM

Seth walked through the main office's door, having just finished his business there. He now walked though one of the main halls of the school. He could feel the eyes of other students upon him. He'd have to find his home room before the bell, but decided to try and find his locker first. He could hear boys snickering and girls whispering as he walked by. He really hated being the new guy. Being the center of attention always brought misfortune in the past. He hoped these people would be over it soon.

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Kia_ is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 05:41 PM

(I have an idea before we meet up in class)

Alixe realized after picking up breakfast before school to eat it in homeroom that she was going to be late. She was told my Mr. Penning that if she was late again, she would get detention right after school so she couldn't be late. Without seeing anyone around her she bumped into someone before realizing it, but, not enough to make them fall down. She stepped back a bit "Oh, I'm sorry I have to go" she quickly spoke looking worried about missing the bell as she took off for the homeroom class, her short blonde hair following her movements. Luckily she made it in time to spare with 3 minutes before the bell would sound.

(Okay idea done :D)

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 04:08 AM

Seth finally got done putting all of his books in his locker when all of a sudden someone bumped into him. "Hey!" He almost fell over, but managed to catch himself. When he stood back up straight, he could see that it was a girl. Before he could say anything though, she said sorry and ran off. "Weird." He said, wondering if the whole school was that spastic.

He looked at the clock on the wall. He only had three minutes. Sighing, he knew he had to find his homeroom class: room 102. So he walked down the hall until he found it. When stepping inside, the class's eyes were on him again: someone new and different from their every-day routine he supposed.

When he looked on, he realized that there was that girl again. The one who'd bumped into him in the hallway. "Oh, there you are!" Came a voice from the front of the room. Seth looked to see the home room teacher there. "Class, this is Seth Anderson, a transfer student from the city. Be sure to make him feel welcome." She turned back to him. "Seth, you can sit there, by miss Penning." She gestured towards an empty desk beside Alixe. Seth only shrugged and sat down where he was directed. This was going to be an interesting day, he could tell...

(Sorry its kindda long.)

Last edited by Kerzenschein; 09-17-2011 at 05:00 AM..

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Kia_ is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 04:29 AM

(Nah its cool, trust me, wait till you see me go in random creative mood) (Who is Jenny? Another student?)

Alixe was able to get in her seat just in time as she took out her mangas from her bag placing them on the table. This was barely half of what was in her bag. She loved to read when she was bored of writing. As far as the mangas she placed on her desk, they were: Dragon Ball #36, Romeo and Juliet, Dramacon, Pet Shop of Horros, and Nightschool #'s 1, 2, and 3.

She looked through her books taking the Romeo and Juliet one to place on the other side of her desk then put her books back in her bag. Taking out her food bag and large coffee, she knew she was going to have a hyper moment later, a sugar rush. Sitting in class later was going to be impossible until she had the crash and that was going to be almost when the day was over with.

Alixe's head snapped up hearing the voice, she wondered who he was talking to, she hadn't looked back earlier to see whom she had bumped into. Watching the teacher introduce him as 'Seth Anderson' she shrugged, she was not about to talk to anyone, not even if they were new. Soon they would get used to the system and be like the others around her. No one really wanted to go up and talk to her, those who did usually lost social points in the school, yea they had social points in that school.

Alixe heard that the new kid was going to sit next to her, she rolled her sleeves up so she could eat. She had white bandages on both arms up to her elbows as far as you could see, and down her to her knuckles almost. She never told anyone why she wore them, she just did, and that's one reason no one talks to her. Though, she is totally fine with being left alone, she gets good grades, A's and B's, and she is good at what she does.

She doesn't need people to tell her how to live her life and how to dress, she wasn't a princess after all, nor did she resemble anything like that thanks to her hair being short. Most of the girls in school had medium to long hair, it was in the in style at the school; she took a sip of her coffee almost burning her tongue with how hot it was. Opening her manga she began to read, she would have to make sure she wasn't still breathing too hard from running down the hall earlier before she could eat, otherwise it was pointless.

(Hope you like the length)

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 05:01 AM

(Oh god... I'm in another rp with a character named Jenny. Sorry about that. Yea, I meant Alixe, lol. Edited it.)

Seth couldn't help but look over beside him at the girl. Penning was the last name the teacher said. He knew the principal was a Penning. Was she related? She didn't seem to be talking to any other students like the rest of the class was. In fact, they were the only two not talking. As he looked over her way, he saw a Romeo and Juliet book, as well as her sipping on something hot. "I... didn't know we were allowed to bring food to class." He said, partly trying to make conversation, and partly actually disappointed that he hadn't brought something himself.

He wondered what was on her arms. Bandages, it looked like. But why? Many ideas came to mind, but nothing certain. She seemed different somehow other than that though. Maybe it was her hair. Or just the fact that she wasn't talking to anyone. He wondered if she even remembered bumping into him. It didn't look like she did. Oh well.

(Lol, now I feel like it's too short! xD)

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Kia_ is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 05:07 AM

(lol I had a green monster energy drink earlier, so I'm like tying like hell and everything. I am even doodling which I normally dont do, I usually just draw. So now all friends of mine are powerpuffs lol)

Alixe eyes went from her book to the new kid next to her and looked at him raising an eyebrow "Technically we aren't supposed to but this teacher doesn't care since its breakfast" though no one in the room hardly brought anything but soda or water with them. "Do you like breakfast sandwiches?" she asked, breakfast sandwiches held egg, cheese, sausage and was on two breakfast croissants.

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 05:30 PM

Well, that was good that this teacher at least didn't mind. He'd have to remember to bring a soda or something tomorrow. Maybe there was a vending machine somewhere around the school campus. When asked if he liked breakfast sandwiches, he only shrugged. "I guess so." He replied, not really having eaten much of them to be past indifferent in his opinion. "I can't say I'm a real picky eater, so I pretty much like everything."

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Kia_ is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 07:50 PM

"Well here" she picked up a smaller bag out of the bigger one handing it to him. She always got more food just in case for later on if someone would forget their lunch. She even had her own lunch with her, she didn't trust the school's food. Not even the water fountains but something that comes from somewhere you dont know about, well, it could be a bit suspicious. Ignoring that thought of which crossed her mind, she looked at him.

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 08:10 PM

Seth looked at the bag for a minute, almost like he couldn't believe she was offering it to him, before he accepted it, taking it. "Thanks." He said. So this was a breakfast sandwich? He did skip breakfast, sure, but he really wasn't expecting anyone to be this nice to him on his first day at a new school in a new town. He wasn't sure what to say to such a thing, and so bit into the food. It was surprisingly good. He swallowed what was in his mouth. "This is pretty good." He said, looking to her. "Did you make it yourself?"

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Kia_ is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 09:20 PM

"Nah that came from McDondalds" she laughed a little opening her book again and taking a drink of her coffee. She was really tired and was about to just go to sleep, however, she had to try to wait at least until third hour with history class.

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 11:16 PM

Seth looked at it in his hand. "Oh." He said, almost disbelieving that McDonalds could make something decent. He didn't eat fast food very often, so it was a bit odd for him. But good all the same. "Well, anyway. My name's Seth." He finally formally introduced himself, despite how the teacher had already introduced him to the class. But he'd done it for another reason too. He wanted to know this girl's name.

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Kia_ is offline
Old 09-20-2011, 12:03 AM

(Sorry for last post being so short, I was very drowsy and now I'm not so I should be able to write more now)

Alixe didn't look over "Alixe Penning" she kept to herself after that as one of the other girls spoke up "Don't mind her, she is always like that." The girl that spoke was a regular, blonde hair and green eyes, not on the popular team but probably on a team or something. "My name is Cecila, you can call me Cila"

Kerzenschein is offline
Old 09-20-2011, 01:59 AM

(It's fine. Just go with the flow. :D)

Sean nodded with Alixe's reply. What an odd name. It was cool though. Different. He was about to comment on it, but then another girl spoke up, saying something or another about how Alixe was always like that and then introducing herself. "Oh. Hey." He greeted back. "What do you mean she's always like that?" He turned his gaze back to Alixe, as if she had the answer. "Always like what?"

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Kia_ is offline
Old 09-28-2011, 04:17 AM

(so so so so so so sorry)

"She sticks to being by herself, she doesn't socialize, and there are so many rumors going around, its hard to tell whats what anymore. But, they all end up towards her arms, they always are wrapped up and no one ever knows why. She keeps them on while swimming, while in gym, and if anything is spilled on them she walks away to change them but never around people" Cecila spoke up.


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