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sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 09-29-2011, 04:50 AM

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Name:Keesa Yunter
Name meaning:Kitten
Short Bio:She was adopted at a young age by a family that live's in America how wanted a daughter. the couple had a son all ready yet wanted a sibling for him as well. by the time she was 3years old the couple was able to take her to there home.

Psycho Alice
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Old 09-29-2011, 05:24 AM

Name: Ash Hellerman
Age: 17
Height: 6ft
Bio: Ash is a bit of a bad boy always had been since his parents had adopted him a new sister Ash had always been extremely protective of her. Any boy who got close to her found out just how bad his temper could be. His parents were at their wits end with him he was constanly getting into fights and coming home with a black eye or a bloody nose. His grades were awful and his manners even more so his parents didn't know what to do with him the only person who seemed to know what to do with him or how to calm him was his adopted sister

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 09-29-2011, 05:55 AM

Keesa let's a long yawn pass by her lips as she waits for the bell to ring. right now she was in her world geography class. the teacher was form Italy so each time the teacher spoke. you could hear his accent fully this week he had been teaching them about. Japan how thing's work in that country and other ways of the country. thank goodness it was the last class of the day. the teenager wonder how Ash was doing right now?

Psycho Alice
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Old 09-29-2011, 05:01 PM

Ash yawned running his fingers through his mop of messy hair, he was outside hanging out with a few of his "friends" he was supposed to be in Math right now but honestly who had the energy to spare on such a worthless topic? "Ash smoke?" Ash looked up into the dark brown eyes of his best friend Kyle. Kyle offered him a cigarette but Ash declined, hey he might drink and fight but he wasn't one for smoking to him it just tasted nasty. "Suit yourself" Kyle took a cigarette and slipped it between his lips, lighting the end he took a long drag blowing the smoke directly into Ash's face. Ash knew he was doing it on purpose but that still didn't stop him from growing a tad irritated. "You mind? I'd like to breath cancer free air over here" he snapped making Kyle chuckle. "Oh so lung cancer is bad but liver problems are all well and good?" Kyle's eyebrow quirked as he watched his friends face. "Aye I might imbibe a little now and again, but come on I don't drink that much"

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 09-29-2011, 09:04 PM

If Keesa notice Ash skipping class again she would yell at him. are try to sleep him a cross the face he is senior this year. she is a junior even if is his adopted sister the teen still has her original last name. a lot of people would call miss little goody two shoes. since Keesa rarely got in trouble,yet had some after school stuff. since being in a few of the school club's as well on sport's team. the teen was on the school's gymnastic's team the club's she is in. are cooking,library en choir she like to help out with other clubs. if they needed a helping hand when they are super busy.

Psycho Alice
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Old 09-30-2011, 01:47 AM

Kyle chuckled shaking his head, they both knew that when they went to parties Kyle was the designated driver and for good reason, Ash got drunk at parties, and often did the stupidest things. Kyle did his best to try to tone it down, one reason Kyle was Adam’s best friend he always looked out for him. “If you say so” Kyle gave in taking another deep drag from his cigarette. Ash scratched his head, “not like you is an angel either” he muttered under his breath, Kyle still heard it clearly. “Come on the only reason you don’t do anything worse is because you’re afraid you’re sister will kick you’re butt”

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 09-30-2011, 01:57 AM

15 minutes later the school bell ring's to let the student know. class's are over for the day Keesa giggles. while walking off to her locker yet try's avoid the guy's that have crush's on her. by the time she get's to her locker it's 2:25pm she then open's up her locker. putting book's up since it was the start of the weekend which was nice. after putting her school things away she waits for Ash to show up. knowing he would get to her locker near 3pm like all ways. since he was smoking with Kyle till he would walk off to his locker.

Psycho Alice
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Old 09-30-2011, 02:47 AM

Kyle pushed away from the wall they were leaning against and ground out his cigarette, “come on time to go home yay school is over… not that we really went to classes” Ash laughed following after Kyle, they parted at the front of the school neither going to their lockers, there was really no need to. Kyle went home, Ash on the other hand went to meet his sister near her locker. “Hey Keesa” he said in a bored tone as he caught sight of his adopted sister at her locker.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 09-30-2011, 03:05 AM

"Hey Ash and I can smell cigarette smoke on you I bet you were with Kyle. I wish you would stop skipping class's and drinking it's not good for you. this is your last year of high school what would your parents think. if they knew this what if you fail the grader?" she ask her her older yet adopted brother. Keesa would admit she was worried about him like crazy. but knew trying to make him quite stuff would. only make thing's worse then it all ready is.

Psycho Alice
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Old 09-30-2011, 11:47 PM

”For the record Keesa they are both our parents so don’t refer to them as just mine” he pointed out ignoring her other words, sure he was failing but he would pull through he always did it all depended on the last few weeks of school when he really buckled down and managed to pull off a passing grade. He might not do his homework but when he took tests he always did fine. ”Common let’s just go home” he didn’t wait for her answer just turned his back on her and led the way out of the school

sailor star rainbow
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Old 10-01-2011, 12:04 AM

Keesa sighs out she dislike it how her all way's referred. to his parents as her own parents even if she was not born. in to his family trough blood line like he was sometimes. she felt like she was out of place but all ways kept quit about it. yet flows Ash out of the school so they could. go home do what they like to do on the weekends. "You know I'm only your sister by being adopted. maybe this summer I'll try go back to ware I came form to find out about. my real parents I want to know why they put me up for adaption for?" Keesa says yet kept her voice enough so people would not stare. even if the teen knew hardly anything about her birth parents.

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-01-2011, 12:29 AM

”Listen you, I don’t care if you’re adopted your family. Our parents raised you since you were little that makes them parents in my book. Anyone can fuck and have a kid but not everyone can be parents. I’m sorry if you feel differently but that’s how I see it which is why I hate when you refer to OUR parent’s as just mine, because they aren’t! They are yours as well” his irritation could be heard clearly in his voice and he didn’t bother to keep his voice down, no one was around anymore anyway.

sailor star rainbow
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Old 10-01-2011, 02:24 AM

"Ash I know they raised you and my self I'm great full for that. but you have changed to much over the years. please just go home by your self today. I'm going to the library to find some book's to read. so I can maybe study bored over the summer I hear it is a lot of fun." she says then start's to run down the hall way. not looking back at her adopted older brother at all. sometimes she felt like running away to stay with one of her friends. Keesa sometimes wonder why Ash acted up so much after she came. to live with there parents was he upset by the idea of having a sibling?

Psycho Alice
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Old 10-01-2011, 11:13 PM

Ash nodded watching her run off down the street, he shook his head he understood that she felt like an outsider because his parents weren’t her blood parents but their parents loved both their children so much. In fact it hurt them that their daughter felt like this, and it was clear to them how she felt when she distanced herself from them. Ash went home, his parents were at work still and he had the house to himself for a little while, he didn’t really do much but make a snack and watch a movie. His homework just lay in his backpack, and though he watched a movie his mind wasn’t on the storyline but his sister.

sailor star rainbow
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Old 10-02-2011, 12:40 AM

Keesa get's to the library after a good 5miles of walking she once stop. to get on a bus to stay away form the bad street with bully's on it. she walk's inside then heads off to find some book's. about Russia,maybe a few cooking book's to try a new dish out. since there parents work so much she like to cook dinner for them at times. so the family would have to eat out as much. are get pizza to often it was fating food in deed. a good two hours later she was on her way home the teen had stop. at the store to buy some ingredients to make dinner with. when in school she teach her self how to read her home land's language.


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