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dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 08:42 AM

So a friend and I were across town the other day, when her shoe broke. I text my mum to see if she would pick us up... and what was her reply?
But... I'm watching Harry Potter!
She did pick us up in the end, but when we got home, she immediately sat back down on the couch to watch the Philosopher's Stone. And commentated all the way through it, on how much better the book was. I'm often proud of my Mum, but this was a highlight for me.

So what about you, menewsha? What awesome stuff do your parents do?

Ferra is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 09:49 AM

I love my parents. <3 We may live on different continents, but I still feel close to them and we talk on the phone or message each other fairly often - at least once every two weeks, but usually more. That's mostly with my mom though since she's a worrier, but I talk to my dad sometimes on the phone too when he's home from work.

The thing I appreciate most about my parents is that I know I have their unconditional love and support, but they trust me to go off and do my own thing without interfering. I was really worried when I became a teen that my mom might clamp down since she was really overprotective of me as I was growing up. Instead, she surprised me by letting me stay out late with my friends, drive wherever I wanted, and make my own choices about my future and who I spent my time with without judging me. I'm so grateful and it's nice that we didn't end up with a rift between us, even if she can nag too much about me "staying safe". :P

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 10:14 AM

i thought that was the cutest statement about your mom.
'but.....i'm watching harry potter!'
your mum is awesome Carzeebear!

love your avi, by the way Ferra!
are the wings from the second CI that i cannot view?

Ferra is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 10:39 AM

@Hummy: Thanks! You can't view it? Yes, the wings are from one of the CIs this month. They're from the "Fleet Commander". :)

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by Ferra View Post
@Hummy: Thanks! You can't view it? Yes, the wings are from one of the CIs this month. They're from the "Fleet Commander". :)

no i can't view the fleet commander CI.
it shows me two of the other CI, the 'little hellian' one is show for both with the same title.
i can view it in Iro's announcement thread however.
and i can try them on there as well.

Ferra is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 11:07 AM

Very odd. =/ Have you tried hard refreshing or clearing your cache? That might help. But I suppose if you can view them in Iro's thread it's not a huge deal.

Keeper of Keeps
Nonsensical is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 02:19 PM

My mom is pretty awesome too. XD Since my grandma is more like a controlling, worrying-over-every-little-thing mom, my real mom is more like a friend. She tells me stuff parents usually don't discuss with their kids (which can be rather weird...), I can imagine her finding a way to "take care of someone" (which is rather scary since I'm pretty sure she's actually hinted that she could do that...), she doesn't strangle me with love (which I'll probably be eternally grateful for), she really listens to me (unlike my grandma who only gets the gist of what people say, if that), and so, so much more. I hate that I can't help her like she has for me.

lightkanna is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 08:50 PM

My mom is okay, I wouldn't say she's awesome or anything. She's nice and she will always be my mother no matter what. You cannot break a parents-child relationship. My mother isn't the best as those above but I do love her. As I have stated above she is nice, when she's not yelling or complaining. My mother does buy me things even though I'm probably a burden to her. ^^; I'm not sure if she trusts me or not but we have good conversation and laughs are always about with my other siblings, excluding my devil of a sister.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 09:03 PM

Lol that's awesome! My mom isn't into the same things as me at all. We even have a different style. The only thing we ever related to eachother on was drinking. I remember in highschool she took me to a club where we both got trashed and when she was driving home she had to close one eye lol and then asked me, "Are you ok to drive?" so I closed one eye, and said, "Nope." I know it sounds like an awful story, since I was a senior in highschool, but my mom and I never got along, so there were few times we got together and had any fun. I don't plan on ever doing anything like that with my daughter, but looking back on it makes me laugh a lot. I'm just thatnkful we both made it home safely. My mother is a lot different now though. That was five years ago, and she doesn't drink anymore, she clearly had a problem.

Guinea Pig Life, Hamster Dreams
Hamsterliciousness is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 10:10 PM

My mom gives me food money once a month, it's nice to know that she can do that (I don't live with my parents).

KelseyShroom is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 07:29 AM

My mums pretty awesome, Shes the kind of mum that will sit there talking about sex as if its nothing and most of my mates think thats really weird but to me its quite normal xD she also is the best cook in the world!! i could eat her cooking everyday! (well i alread do but still xD).

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 08:24 AM

Ohhmygod. I love your mum's cooking! I've only had it a couple of times but it was ahmayzing.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 03:10 PM

I love my mom, she's literally my best friend.
Nothing like being 16 and your mom is teaching you how to tap every fruit from watermelon, to oranges, to grapes. Man grapes are hard to tap ^.^'
My mom, older sister and I will go shopping and the 3 of us will fall in love with the same pair of shoes, the design on a shirt, body jewelry. Oh yeah my mom has 5 piercings and tons of tattoos. But she's a very classy lady. My mom is respectable while being full of personality. She owns her own business for 1 year and 4 days now.

Closet Shadow
Goblin Inkorperated ;P
Closet Shadow is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 10:05 PM

Well. My mom is just plain awesome to start with. She does my hair. Like, she bleaches, dyes, and even comes up with half of the crazy ideas that I do to my hair. In August I had my hair in neon-blue braid extensions, like braid-dreads. And she spent about 6 hours total doing them. It was epic.
She's really open and chill with what I do and who I hang out with. She even said that if I had a tattoo idea and liked it for a year straight with no doubts what so ever, she'd sign off for me to have it since I'm underage at the moment. And she's letting me get a navel piercing. I also learned how to dance from my mom XD
And my dad is awesome because whenever I go to see him (my parents are divorced) he makes sure my laptop is up to date with all the cool stuff and we play video games together and eat junk food and talk about everything.
But yeah :D

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 10-07-2011, 09:25 PM

Oh, I adore my parents. We don't listen to old sappy pop music in the car, we listen to Aerosmith! XD My dad and I will sometimes play video games together, especially Burnout Revenge. Nothing brings a father and daughter together like racing and crashing cars. 8D We talk strategy and speak the gamer-language. Also, he is the cook. Not Mom. Mom is the baker. Mom is very tolerant and understanding. The two of us would talk all day provided that the stuff we needed to do was already done or didn't require doing. XD I can tell her anything, really, and we have a blast poking fun at school. She doesn't try to be someone she's not. She's there for me, and she's also there for my friends as well, which I'm pretty sure that my friends like. We'll ferry them from school to their houses when they need a ride. XD She is probably one of the most open grown ups that I know. Neither of my parents will tolerate bullcrap, however, and they usually know just how to handle the situation. They're just awesome, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. XD


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