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TheOriginalPyro is offline
Old 10-09-2011, 02:24 PM

Fixed the Skeleton. Is it good to go or is there something you want changed?

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-10-2011, 01:31 AM

LucienSlade: yes, is good! :)
TheOriginalPyro: Thank you! this works better, just so you aren't playing a mindless zombie of anger.

Smores: and Knots: were you still interested? Just write up characters and post them here and I'll approve them.

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 10-10-2011, 02:47 PM

whats the status of the rp?

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-10-2011, 04:29 PM

Status is I'm going to post first post today and open it up, but still allow a few more people to join if they want. :D

The Gem King
Kilik is offline
Old 10-10-2011, 11:38 PM

Player: Kilik
Name: Kaladin
Sex: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good
Description: Average height, a muscular built but in an athletic, lean way. He has goggles that protect his eyes from the relentless sun and biting sand/dust/debris. He wears black plain t-shirt, and a worn out old coat for the cold nights and winter weather.
Skills: Agile and fast, he has a knack of responding quickly to situations.
Weaknesses: A wound to his left leg that healed improperly over time. Although he can manage quick bursts of sprints, he can't run long distances, and he can't walk too far without it starting to pain him.
Background: Lost his loved ones at a young age due to the pandemic. Was an orphan by age seven, and he was found by an elderly man who lived in a nearby village. As Kaladin grew up with the man, he learned that, no matter the state the world is in at the moment, all a man needs is hope. Because if one has hope, he can spread it. As the old man lay on his deathbed when Kaladin was seventeen, he gave the youth a valuable gift - a rusty sword that existed before the war. Before the man slipped into eternal slumber, Kaladin promised that the next time they meet, the world will once again flourish.
Personality: A kind and understanding guy, but more importantly, caring. Strong-willed and determined.
Extra: The sword is a typical, steel long sword once belonged to a museum that contained historical weapons.

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-10-2011, 11:56 PM

Kilik, Awesome for taking on the good side of things! It looks excellent! This will be fun.

Angelo is offline
Old 10-11-2011, 12:27 AM

I'm interested in signing up! :D But may I inquire as to the type of technology that existed before the catastrophe?

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Old 10-11-2011, 12:46 AM

Angelo: You're living it baby!! If it exists now, or even will exist in the next 5-10 years (think more reliable terraforming and water-purification systems and health/hospital equipment.) We're looking Modern RP turned post-war/ post-apocalypse landscape. The technology is enough to turn a great profit, help civilization and the world rebound, or turn it into a Dr. Doom (re:Fantastic Four) barony type thing.

LucienSlade is offline
Old 10-11-2011, 03:38 AM

Hey all, Checking on the status of the rp, is it set up yet?

The Gem King
Kilik is offline
Old 10-11-2011, 03:52 AM

Thanks! Will be posting right away. :D

WoW Addict
Nimka is offline
Old 10-11-2011, 04:47 AM

Player: Nimka
Name: Ava
Sex: Female
Alignment: Neutral

Description: Ava has white hair grown out to her knees, always either down or in a long braid over her shoulder, and dull grey eyes. She wears a black hooded cloak over a pair of dark flow-y pants and a black tank top, as well as a simple pair of handcrafted sandals. She is roughly 5'6" tall with a very slender, almost feeble, build.
Skills: Knowledgeable with most bladed weapons, namely her wakizashi; highly resourceful and intelligent in the field of survival, very agile.
Weaknesses: Has a soft spot for animals but she is not above killing them for her survival, not physically strong.
Background: After the war, Ava's parents (who'd had yet to birth her) sought refuge at a makeshift township consisting of about a hundred people, all who were desperately huddled into a standing business building where a small stockpile of untainted medicine had been discovered. It had become a well known safe haven for wanderers, and after her parents were established in the tiny community they felt comfortable enough to bear a child into the world. Her upbringing was warm and loving yet somehow it stemmed a cautious and awkward child with hardly any charisma. At the age of eighteen she decided to leave her town and search for something more interesting.
Personality: Ava is quiet and calculating, but ambitious and curious. She doesn't worry often but she hesitates with most decisions, always making sure to think things through fully and rarely lets her emotions influence her. She loves to wander and scavenge, which led her to discovering an "ancient relic" of pre-war, a two foot long wakizashi sword, buried in the ashes of a destroyed building, that she carries with her and cherishes as her only beloved possession.
Extra: She has a good heart and occasionally shows Neutral Good behavior.

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-11-2011, 10:35 PM

Looks good! and sorry about the delay.

Divine Seduction
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Divine Seduction is offline
Old 10-12-2011, 01:37 AM

Player: netherdancer
Name: Kaylyne Jakson
Sex: Female
Alignment: N
Description: Kaylyne is a short girl of over 5 ft. Her eyes betray almost nothing, her dress is handmade and she forgoes shoes. Her eyes change color, but as she cannot see them, she does not know the color of them. Her soft hair is white and falls to her shoulders, her skin is pale and her figure slim.
Skills: She is a very good runner, has a capable hand at healing and cooking. She reads and is very intelligent though often insulting. She can block out large amounts of pain, though she is easily broken,
Weaknesses: Doesn't think before she speaks sometimes, the dark tales or/imaginary monsters. Can be stubborn, very clumsy and naive though is helpful to just about everyone. Memories of her parents and harsh life.
Background: Her parents abandoned her because she was too much of a burden. Her mind cracked a little as a result, leaving her vulnerable for a time
Personality: She's very open minded and keeps her cool almost all the time but is pretty emotional. A complete book-worm with absolutely no knowledge of other people to a real extent. Very shy and motherly towards the few people she manages to save every once in a while.
Extra: Her tattoo

I saw it and really wanted to join, please look it over! *bow respectfully*

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-12-2011, 08:30 PM

netherdancer: looks good, and like she'll tend towards NG. Accepted

Angelo is offline
Old 10-13-2011, 01:19 AM

Player: Angelo
Name: Cassi Ayako Shirosaki
Sex: Female
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Description: Fairly small (3'9” and 37 pounds), Cassi is pretty pale and thin, looking more like a child than an adult. Her long, fiery-red hair is usually worn in a ponytail so that it's out of her way, blending nicely with her blue eyes and the golden starburst shape inside them. Her face is typically mistaken for a child's due to the shape and button nose she has, as well as how her eyes make her look like she's always startled. Her jacket was a gift from her best friend, who is now dead. It, along with a small amethyst heart necklace, is her most prized possession. Burn scars cover her chest, obviously healed, but still easily seen, especially on her tummy.
Skills: Cassi is extremely resourceful, able to come up with ways to use things for unconventional purposes (think McGyver). She's also quite flexible and agile, having been taught parkour and gymnastics by her now-dead best friend. Guns also seem to work well for her, though she doesn't have a gunpowder based one. Instead, she made a railgun using silver bars and other electronic equipment she found.
Weaknesses: Her size is the biggest one. It makes her frail compared to most others. A good hit to her arm can easily shatter the bone. She also possesses hemophilia, which means that if she starts bleeding, it takes forever for it to clot back up, and can be quite deadly if she doesn't take inventory of her body daily, and bandage up any cuts she finds. She also suffers from occasional bouts of pain around her chest due to severe burns she suffered a while ago. They are often incapacitating, requiring that she get bedrest before moving on.
Background: Cassi actually doesn't know much about herself at all. She woke up in what appeared to be a hospital at the legs of a boy she quickly befriended. He taught her how to survive the Hell that was now the earth, helping her train to peak physical condition and taking care of her when she was sick. When he died trying to save a little boy, Cassi flipped out, killing the man with her experimental railgun. Unfortunately, it also left massive burns up around her torso, and damaging her bladder, requiring that she wear protection. Ever since then, she's been wandering listlessly, helping whoever needs it.
Personality: Cassi is usually reserved and aloof, seeming to be indifferent to the world. And that does seem to be the case. Growing up under another teenager, she never really developed a sense of morals, especially once he died. She knows enough to help people, but other than that, she's clueless. For example, she has no idea stealing is wrong.
Extra: Cassi is a genetically altered clone. Which means that her base was essentially taken from someone, but then adjusted to fit some other purpose.

Does this check out? :) The cloning part is why I asked about the technology. :sweat:

Divine Seduction
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Divine Seduction is offline
Old 10-13-2011, 02:40 AM

Thanks I'll post later I suppose

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-13-2011, 06:51 PM

Angelo: As long as her genetic modifications don't make her extra human, it's fine. As we stand, science has been very successful in cloning and manipulating small animals, so it's with in reason to say (if we ever get over the moral situation of it) that human cloning is technology within a decade or so. Also, it may be hard to find replacement pieces for your rail gun should it malfunction or break, and assuming it is pneumatically powered, compressed gasses would also be hard to come by. But it's fine. And bravo on your weaknesses! creative and realistic. PS. she looks like a female version of a Scout.

Angelo is offline
Old 10-13-2011, 08:49 PM

Okies! :3 And it doesn't, unless you count a partially bolstered immune system. It's just been exposed to more disease through tests than anything.

And the railgun is actually powered via electromagnetic forces. See, a current passes through the projectile, usually pieces of metal, that throw it forwards with huge force. Her first model was too powerful, and the heat and speed through super-heated gas back at her, hence the burns. ;)

Thanks though! :D

todesstuhl is offline
Old 10-15-2011, 03:55 PM

oooh! i like this idea. there's a lot to branch off of and be creative with.
i'm going to post a form, if you don't mind.


Player: todesstuhl
Name: Hence Robert Klein
Sex: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Appearance: Left. Also, I drew this. Pleasedon'tsteal.

Description: Standing at 5', this little internet-corrupt bastard would seem of no use. Yet his brain over brawn has saved many asses- including his own. He had that typical nerd look-- glasses, stout, chubby, and a nose that was just a tinge awkward looking, being so round while lacking a bridge. His wardrobe consisted of the many v-necks and skinny jeans of various colors he had owned since the last year of High School. Under those subtle blue eyes were light red bags, indicating he rarely slept peacefully.
1. He could pack a punch, but his strength mainly belongs in technology. He has been known for a computer junkie and a fellow electronic lover. Have a problem with your doohickey? Hence can probably fix it, there's a strict 99% chance.
2. As an offense weapon, he carries around a stop sign by the pole.
No really, i'm serious.
Being there an endless amount of stop signs he can easily uplift from the ground, he decided to go with them and master them as a main fighting device.
1. Kittens/Cats. He'll go out of his way and even put his life in jeopardy in order to save a feline's life. And, the death of them sort of slows him down-- churns up a mild, temporary depression. Want to get him to do whatever you want? Threaten a cat. It's silly, but a weakness.
2. Food. This necessity of human life is enough to cloud his mind and all judgements. If he's starving, he'll get disagreeable and cranky. But you can't necessarily take advantage of him, simply by offering food. He's sneakier than that.
3. Sex. Well, it gets boring in a post-apocalyptic world.
Background: Born in Germany, moved to America at the age of 5. He's fluent in both languages which was always an advantage if he wanted to talk shit. He had a normal life with his mother, father, and younger brother until age 12-- when he admitted to being homosexual. Father was displeased, mother was defensive, and Hence ended up living with his mother alone in another state, breaking up the family. Generally a typical, cliche life-style until everything turned to complete mayhem. Everyone he knew was dead, and he attempts to set his mind on dying alone.
Personality: Stubborn, sarcastic, silly. Being exposed to this setting has taken a tole on him. Previously sane through video games and the internet, these were no longer available, so he made new fun through the few survivors remaining. He won't hesitate on being 1st player in mind games. Sometimes he'll even take fight scenes too seriously and act like it's a video game, calling medic-packs "recovery hearts", and money "rupees". Anyone that had played LoZ would know his terms at least faintly.
Extra: Uh, he's gay. Yeah.

Last edited by todesstuhl; 10-15-2011 at 03:58 PM..

perfect.imperfection is offline
Old 10-15-2011, 10:52 PM

Is there room for one more?

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-16-2011, 01:22 AM

todesstuhl: There are a couple of things I would have you change.
1. How did he get to America? The wars have reduced international travels back to boats... and not like cruise and naval boats. All destroyed.
2. What computers did he work on? Most modern technology, now "Old world/pre-war tech" doesn't work. Infrastructure destroyed. And working functional computers are very rare and usually in the hands of the powerful and wealthy who probably killed to get it.
3. The war was over about 50+ years before this setting; in order for your character to have any memories or schooling or gaming he would have to be about 70. So there are some major things you need to work out before I can allow you to join and start posting.

perfect.imperfection: I'm going to allow a few more to join before closing it. Just post your character here so I can read through it beforehand.

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flamethrower1391 is offline
Old 10-24-2011, 03:28 PM

Player: flamethrower1391
Name: Akira Hasegawa
Sex: Female
Alignment: CE
Description: Long black hair and dark brown eyes, the young woman stands at 4' 11" and weighs 95 lbs. She only wears black: black combat boots, black tank top, black jeans, and a black jacket. She carries a katana with her at all times (found it in the ruins of her grandparents' house) and a pocket knife.
Skills: She can easily hide in shadows without being detected. Whether it's because of her height or the fact that no matter how fast her footstep is, she's as quiet as a mouse (even when trpping over stuff). She's fast and agile (like a ninja). Her fighting skills are lacking, but she does know where a few major veins and arteries are to make a quick kill.
Weaknesses: She is quite the clutz. She can trip over air. Of course, she never falls...or hardly ever falls with her ninja like reflexes.
Background: The girl lost her family at the age of 16 to the pandemic. Only her older brother roams the earth as a "Survivor". Not knowing anything of the war but what she was told, she has vowed to do anything against those who started or were for it. At the current age of 21, she has planned to find this secret cache of materials that could change the world as they knew it. With it in her grasp, she could rule unmercifully. All those opposed to the war and it's aftermath would be spared. All those who were for the war, would perish. Until she can find the cache, everyone is fair game. Meaning if you cross her path, prepare to die.
Personality: Dark, synical, and quite angry, but not quite like that of a "Survivor". Also, revengeful and likes to keep to herself, but will use others to gain what she wants.
Extra: Doesn't know how to read or spell very well (should be under weakness, but is it really a weakness if not many born into this world know how to read or spell?).

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-24-2011, 07:14 PM

Reading and writing is something parents who thought it was important passed on. Some know how, others don't. But yup, looks good. Welcome aboard!


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