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Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-21-2011, 09:52 PM

Sasuke felt someone grab his hand and cover his mouth. He heard his brother whisper low in his ear. At first he was afriad, thinking Itachi had come to kill him, but his brother only asked if he had gotten the note. That meant it really was Itachi who left him that message. He wasn't sure he should trust the elder Uchiha, but he did anyway. He slowly turned around and wrapped both arms around the man. He nodded. "Yes...I got the note.." he whispered.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 11-22-2011, 08:51 PM

Itachi's eyes widened slowly, before he hugged the boy back, gently kissing the top of his head, whispering a soft apology. After a minute, he backed away, handing the younger Uchiha the kunai back. "Go on, kill me," he muttered, holding his arms out. He was obviously serious. If his brother wanted to kill him so badly, then he was going to let him. He wanted his brother to have the revenge he so badly needed. And Itachi was fully supportive of the idea of dying. "Kill me," he repeated, his eyes locked on Sasuke's.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-22-2011, 09:07 PM

At first Sasuke almost thought about it. He'd lived for the moment when he could kill his brother, but now he didn't want him to die. He wanted to love Itachi and be loved back. He flung the Kunui out the window and slumped to the floor, crying. "No..I won't kill you because I love you. I never want to fight again!! Ever!" he wanted to get up and run to Itachi, but he dodnt have the strength to get up.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 11-22-2011, 09:29 PM

Itachi gaped at the younger boy, bending down in front of him. He wanted to just hold him, tightly, but he was rogue. He couldn't stay. "In what way, Otōto?" Itachi whispered, lifting Sasuke's chim slowly, wiping his wet tears away. "In what way do you love me?" he asked, again in a soft whisper. He stayed there, looking Sasuke dead in the eyes, waiting for the response me wanted - No - Needed.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-22-2011, 09:44 PM

Sasuke diverted his eyes. He couldn't look at Itachi as he admitted his sin. "In a way no one should love their Ototo. He blushed scarlet. "I want to be your lover." he whispered.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 11-22-2011, 09:48 PM

Itachi looked at his brother in a way he never thought he'd be able to. He looked at him lovingly, passionately...Sadly. "I can't stay here, Sasuke...You know this," he whispered, before stroking his cheek softly. Slowly, and hesitantly, Itachi leaned down and placed his lips on his younger brother's, kissing him with a sort of passion that he had never felt before.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-22-2011, 09:57 PM

Sasuke closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Itachi's neck. He tried to return the passion, giving all he had. He felt the best he had in his life, yet was also even more sad then the first time he'd lost the only person he cared about. He wanted him to stay.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 11-22-2011, 10:41 PM

Breaking the kiss, Itachi stood up, and stepped back. For a moment, he stood still, until he finally transformed into the small girl he had been the previous day. "I can stay like this, though," he whispered, before turning back. "I can only stay like this when it is you and I...I'm sorry..." he muttered, looking away, his red eyes glowing slightly.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-22-2011, 10:47 PM

Sasuke thought for a moment. He didn't want his brother to have to transform so much. That would take a lot of chakra. "W-What if I go with you. We can go and flee somewhere that we can be together happily." he liked that idea veryucj and didn't really see any point in staying in Kohana anyway. The village didn't have much to offer him and the things it did have to offer him were things he could give up to be woth Itachi.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 11-23-2011, 12:21 AM

Itachi stopped, and looked outside. It was already getting dark. Swiftly, Itachi grabbed Sasuke's arm and tugged him outside. He walked quickly, gently pulling his younger brother with him. Making sure no one saw who he really was, he made his way to Sasuke's house, not even stopping when the blonde kid called for Sasuke. "Now..." Itachi breathed, shutting the door quickly, looking at the young boy. "Gather everything you need. I'll get Konan, and we'll all head out when you're ready...We'll go to the Akatsuki lair."

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-23-2011, 02:22 AM

Sasuke swiftly grabbed a suitcase and stuffed all of his weapons in it. He only packed one spare change of clothes because that was all that would fit. He also grabbed his money and the family's life saving box. He could buy more clothes when they got to the akasaki. He was ready. All he needed to do was wait for Konan and Itachi.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 11-23-2011, 07:34 PM

Itachi found Konan hiding out in the house they would have been staying with. He woke her up, and they ran back to Sasuke's, unnoticed. The whole time, Konan spoke about how Pain would be 'disappointed', and how he 'wouldn't approve.'
"He better..." was all Itachi said, as they walked into Sasuke's. "Otōto?" he whispered, engulfed by darkness, after the door was shut. He wasn't about to be too loud. Konan took out a shuriken, ready if anything were to happen.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-23-2011, 08:59 PM

Sasuke grabbed his things and moved to them. "I'm right here." he whispered quietly. he moved got close and touched his brother's arm and looked into his face.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 11-24-2011, 04:11 AM

Itachi smiled softly, taking his brother's things, handing them to Konan, before wrapping his Akatsuki trenchcoat around the younger boy, shielding him protectively. "Only stun the guards," Itachi warned Konan, as she walked ahead, towards the gates of Konoha. Leaning down, Itachi kissed Sasuke's head softly, walking soundlessly through the street.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-24-2011, 12:04 PM

Sasuke was just a bit nervous. What if Naruto came looking for him? He didn't want that knuckle headed ninja coming after him. He was almost postive he would though. He smiled as Itachi kissed his forehead, and was reassured that everything would be ok.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 11-24-2011, 06:02 PM

At the gates, Konan immediately trapped them in genjutsu, making it seem like the three were anbus, on a strict mission. "Good job, Konan," Itachi muttered, before pulling his brother closer. "It will take a few days to get to the lair, so if you get tired, just tell me, and I'll carry you on my back." Itachi smiled down at his younger brother - it came out crooked and awkward, but soft and trusting.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-24-2011, 09:58 PM

Sasuke wasn't sure he could go days without rest, but he was determined to try. He didn't want to look weak. He smiled back sweetly. "What exactly is it like?" he asked softly. He'd never acctully been in the akasaki lair before. "What if they don't like me?" Sasuke didn't really think any of the others would trust him.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 11-25-2011, 09:53 PM

Itachi just looked ahead, repeating his younger brother's questions over again, in his head. "They might not like you, but they will have to deal with you," he simply said, knowing it was the truth. If they didn't like Sasuke, they'd have to merely deal with the fact he wasn't leaving - Not without Itachi by his side.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-25-2011, 09:58 PM

Sasuke smiled at his brother's words. "I love you Itachi."

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 05:48 AM

"Daisuke," Itachi replied, a soft whisper, before shooting Konan a look that could kill. Someone was following them, but he didn't want to alert his younger brother. He knew it was Sasuke's orange friend. With a nod, Konan stopped as Itachi continued with his brother, leaving Konan to deal with the orange fellow.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 08:31 AM

Sasuke knew Naruto was following. Why that boy always insisted on trying to help Sasuke would never know. "Konan.." Sasuke looked at her with a tiny bit of sadness in his eyes. "Please don't kill him." was all he said. Naruto had been a good friend, he didn't want him dead, he just wanted him to be convinced to go home.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 06:42 PM

Itachi looked back at Konan, and nodded, before walking a bit faster with his younger brother. The red-eyed male stopped for a moment, when he knew Konan was out of sight, and grasped his brother's shoulders. "Sasuke...Are you ready for what's ahead? Everyone there...They aren't like the cruel ninja you fight on missions. They could kill you, with one jutsu. Whether it's a puppet, an explosion, or a fish-like sword..." Itachi said all of this in a low whisper. He thought about Sasori, Deidara, and Kisame. Those three worried him, when it came to the small boy he felt so much feeling for.
Konan waited for the small twerp to come into veiw. He tried getting around her, and hollered, but Konan took out a kunai and held it to his throat. "Let him go. He doesn't want to be in a place where he doesn't advance at anything..." Konan muttered, and shoved the kunai into the blonde's shoulder, making him release a loud screech, and fall to the ground. "If he needs you, he'll come back. Until then," the blue haired woman turn, and watched the boy.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-29-2011, 07:19 AM

Sasuke nodded. "I'm ready.." he whispered nervously. He wasn't sure how to take this. "What of they try to kill ms just because they don't like me?" he asked, being very serious as he stated his question. That was a possiblity. What it the others just straight up didn't like him an decided to get rid of him while Itachi wasn't around?

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 12:59 AM

Itachi shook his head, reminding Sasuke where his place was...By his side. "You'll never leave this spot, dear brother..." he whispered, leaning down and kissing Sasuke's head gently, before continuing to walk ahead, listening as Konan caught up quickly. He walked slow at first, in case his younger brother had anything to ask the woman.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 01:09 AM

Sasuke looked worrid and went to Kohan. "You didn't kill him right?" he asked nervously, referring to Naruto.


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