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emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 04:24 AM

Created by
: emiko_firecaster

Literacy Level
: lit to semi-lit

Based off of: Festival of Asylum by Hatsune Miku

Setting: The Not-so-distant Future; New York City, New York


It was all an accident. Scientists were trying to figure out how someone became "evil." Was it caused by a bad past? A traumatic experience? Or was it something more? Something in someone's DNA that forced them to steal, to rape, to kill? And if it was something in someone's DNA, could it be reversed? Countless test subjects were brought in, serial killers from various jails were tested, mental patients were experimented on, all in the name of the greater good.

Then it happened. A scientist created something, a gas that he believed could make people "evil." He tested it out on on a rodent first. When he introduced the infected rodent to the others, it immediately attacked, savagely killing it's companions. The scientist was ecstatic. If he could make something to turn rodents (and people) "evil," surely he could make something to turn them "good." In his excitement, he bumped the stoppered test tube filled with the gas onto the ground. The gas spread throughout the room before he had even realized what had happened, and he was infected. His eyes turned blood red as the urge to kill came over him.

A black mask grew over his face, and soon only his red eyes were visible. This was something that had not happened with the rodent, but the scientist didn't dwell on it. He was content with killing passerby at first, but then he realized that with his intelligence, he could do so much more. The evil scientist made more and more of the gas, releasing it on the world on October 5, 2031.

That day was a day of chaos. Some were immune to the gas, but many more were not. Most of those immune were wiped out. Mothers snapped their children's necks without blinking, lovers suddenly engaged in fights to the death. Even animals turned on each other. All humans who were infected immediately grew black masks that covered their faces. This did not happen to animals, making them even more dangerous. Those left after that day knew to avoid those with masks, but the animals looked harmless. At first.

Humanity was brought to its knees. "The Masked," as they became known, fought with each other, so their numbers dwindled as well. However, the non-infected were at much higher risk for attack, since they could not defend themselves. The Masked gained superhuman strength and speed along with their lust for blood. Humans barely stood a chance against the Masked, but some still tried to fight.

These people call themselves the Anti-Masked Numbers. They reside in New York, where most of the Masked that are left have gathered. They use every weapon available in attempts to kill the creatures. You probably know them, though. If you aren't one of them, you're one of the ones they've tried to kill. Or perhaps you're just a civilian? Better hurry to New York, then. That's your only chance of survival...



For your sake and mine, I'll make this short.

1. No comments about how the world is ending in 2012, so this is impossible. Please.
2. You all already know this, but apparently it's necessary to say: No godmodding, powerplaying, autohitting, spamming, and for the love of all that is holy PLEASE follow the TOS.
3. Speaking of following the TOS, let's keep the romance PG-13, okay? Timeskip if you absolutely must get some virtual action.
4. PM your profiles to me, under the title "Red Eyes" for the Masked, "Rebellion" for the Anti-Masked numbers, and "Help Me" for civilians.
5. Don't post your profile in the profile thread and don't post in this rp until I give the okay.
6. Cursing is fine, but keep it to a minimum.
7. No Mary-Sues or Gary-Stus, please. By this, of course, I mean perfect characters who crap rainbows and pee rosewater, and who manage to not get a scratch on them through an intense battle while shredding their opponents into ribbons. Just don't.
8. This is semi-lit to lit. This means at least a seven sentence paragraph, five if you're really in a bind, with correct spelling and grammar. Speak in third person, with no - - or * * for actions. I would prefer at least two paragraphs, but I understand the difficulty.
9. Don't kill off someone else's character unless you have their permission.
10. Plot twists are good! But if they involve dramatically changing another character's life (such as kidnapping or something), make sure you get the other player's permission first.
11. you must have my expressed permission to be a leader (there are two leaders, one mask, one unmask)
12. These rules may change at any time. Changed or new rules will be marked in red.


Profile Skeletons

Fill out what's in CAPS, and PM it to me (details in rules). And please don't leave the ((parenthesis)) in.


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xxxxxx((FIRST NAME))
xxxxxxxxxxxx((MIDDLE NAME))
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx((LAST NAME))

•·.·´¯`·.·• •·.·´¯`·.·•´
•·.·´¯`·.·• •·.·´¯`·.·•´
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Let's get down the basics

My birth certificate says:
But you can call me this:
I've been here awhile:
We all swing a certain way:
Don't touch me there!:

Beauty Is only skin deep:

It's all in the shampoo:
The eyes are the windows to the soul:
Lookie here!:
How's the weather up there?:
That's none of your business!:
It's who I am:

Don't judge a book by it's cover:

Some might call me this:
This is probably why:
They have my heart:
We all have a place:
There's more to it then that:
What did I miss?:
Behind the Mask:



The profiles can be found separately in a thread in the OOC. However, this is a list of characters, so we don't have more than one leader or specialist or whatever.

-Spread Around World-
The masked have superhuman speed and strength, but they can be killed with a gun or even a knife, if they are shot or stabbed in the right place. The masked are evil incarnate, with insatiable blood lust.

Amadeus Xeoro Locsin.-LEADER-April

Anti-Masked Numbers
-Currently in a Hospital in New York-
The Anti-Masked Numbers are regular humans, who fight the masked in any way they know how.

Kerlia Iaual Sumualtria-LEADER-emiko_firecaster
Mortimer Michael Donaldsson-perimeter patrol/supply runs-MintyRey
Alice Lynn Turner-recon/loner-Kry

-Spread Out Around World-
These are those who are immune to the disease, but can't or won't join the Anti-Masked Numbers.

Fitria Clayaas Kaevar-IT Specialist-emiko_firecaster
Krista Anne Caldrino-Bartender-Uzura
we are calling to your soul

Last edited by emiko_firecaster; 05-19-2011 at 04:01 AM..

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 03:20 AM



emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 01:50 AM



The roar of her morticycle echoed down the lonely highway, in the night as Fitria rode down what used to be I-75. her sword that she wears on her back is tucked to herside while her cloak spreads behind her, the mask she wears constantly covering her cold eyes and giving her the appearence of a wraith. she was on her way to maryland to get on I-80 then from there strait to New York.

Stopping only for gas and food she smiles as she digs through her stash of 5-hour energy drinks the shots of liquid keeping her awake, during the long hours of drive. while driving she had plenty of time to think, on how she should probally drive a semi instead of a bike, and on how she ended up coming this way instead of staying in colorado.

she didn't sleep much as she wanted to keep on the move, though when she did, it was often with one eye open, and one ear perked to the noice makers she tied around her sleeping places. Fitria had discovered earlier that while they were attracted by noise as well as sight, that if she created something that can create noise then she can lure them where she wants. she had also discovered that the people were somewhat stupider then uninfected people despite all thier strength and thus her "alarms" worked that much more.

she only hoped now that she wasn't too late

Uzura is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 02:28 AM

KC walked down the highway at a strolling pace, hand stuffed into her pocket with a knapsack slung over her shoulder. Feeling cooped up in the car she was driving earlier, she decided to ditch it for a walk. She would just pick up another abandoned car a couple miles down the road. For now, she enjoyed the open space and the chance to stretch her legs. She also stretched her arms high above her head, letting out a long sigh before stuffing her hand back into her pocket.

Her hand fished around her pocket and found a pack of bubble gum. She forgot that was in there. She unwrapped a large piece of gum and popped it into her mouth, crumpling up the wrapper and tossing it to the ground. Chomping on the gum, she blew a large bubble that was the same shade of pink as her hair. The bubble popped, sticking to her lips slightly. She then repeated the cycle.

For a post-apocalyptic society, things seemed awfully dull today. She hadn't even seen a bird fly over head. KC wasn't sure whether the silence was a good thing or a bad thing. What if everyone had killed each other? That was a high possibility. She pondered the thought while popping her gum again.

Last edited by Uzura; 04-05-2011 at 02:18 PM..

MintyRey is offline
Old 04-16-2011, 01:41 PM

Mickey D

Looking through his scope, the lone patrolman spots not one, but five masked monsters prowling the nearly abandoned streets below for any signs of life they could snuff out.

'Wow. Five already? Today must be lucky.'
, Mort thought unenthusiastically. Five was more than he had seen in a while, perhaps more than over a week, but the blue haired teen preferred the numbers really really low. The less risk it was for him, the better. He continued to watch from the broken roof of a building as the Masked moved along their separate paths. Eventually four of the brutes crossed paths and a fight broke out as Mort figured it would. The fifth, unaware of his neighbors, continued on until it was out of sight. As long as none of the Masked were moving in the direction west of his building, then Mort didn't need to worry.

He watched the vicious brawl cautiously, still keeping am eye out for any other Masked that might appear. Or a survivor. Soon three fell in defeat, nothing left of them but a bloody pile of mashed and torn organs and broken bones. The victor, after having its fill of violence, started making his way towards Mort's building. Startled, the patrolman prepared to take the Masked out should it cross the marker. However, instead of heading straight down the street as Mortimer feared it might, the fiend veered right and went down a different road instead.

'Ugh! Thank you!' Mort sighed in relief after the Masked disappeared around a corner two blocks down. Frankly, he was no good with a sniper rifle or any long ranged weapon. And if the Masked had continued past the border, Mort would have had to leave the safety of his roof and get close to it to actually have a chance at taking it out. After calming his rattled nerves, the purple eyed boy went back to surveying the surrounding streets. 'I swear, these things're trying to give me a heart attack!'

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 02:19 PM


"Didn't feel like killing the lone mask creature?" Kirlia asked from behind Mort. she had come up from behind him in her usually silent way, and had watched with him as the masked had fought. "the less masked there are the better our chances of survival, you know."

it had been a few years since the outbreak of the masks and she had been lucky to be home when it did. the outbreak didn't go for her like it did for most people as she was on a base full of military personal. the few that were unaffected could react quickly, saving even more lives then might have normally happened. the rest of the people there went into hiding in the country side and searching for more people while Kirlia was still in New York. It was the last communication she had heard from them, and that was a half a year ago. Finding several people she had began to organize a rag-tag group of people when one of her scouts(Mort) had found a defensible building. that was four months ago. now she watched as Mort continued to watch the street.

Kirlia sighed in pleasure as the sun coming inside began to warm her skin through the bandages she wrapped around her torso, as well as her bare shoulders. she had come down from sunning herself on the roof, something she made an almost daily ritual, leaving her skin a lightly bronze hue.

all of this took moments in her mind as she spoke again "anything else to report?" after she got his report she was going to listen to the others report, glad once again that they were in one of the taller hospitals that had its own back up generators.

MintyRey is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 06:26 AM

"HOLY SHI-!!!!"
It took every fiber of the blue haired patrolman being to keep himself from jumping and screaming like a little girl. It took even more restraint to keep himself from gunning down his leader.

"Really?!", he said before deciding it was best to lower his voice even more. "Really Sumu?! Must you continuously sneak up on people like that?! You know how nervous I get when I'm on patrol! I nearly could've almost killed you!!" , Mickey D whispers furiously at the tall tanned woman, a hand on his chest and breathing heavily as if the teen actually had a heart attack. Then, after sighing exasperatedly, Mort returned to scanning the streets through his sniper rifle scope. He was thankful that at least this time, Kirlia had her bandages on instead of popping up topless again. Sure there was barely anyone to care about a half-naked woman on a rooftop now, but the leader's habits always distracted Mickey D who was sort of a gentleman himself. Sort of.

"Nothing so far, 'cept what you just saw." After a brief pause to shift his arm to a more comfortable position, Mickey continued, "AND for your information, I would've taken it out if it actually got any closer but I don't wanna waste ammo so I don't fire unless they actually cross the markers I set."

Of course, it was just an excuse so he wouldn't have to fire from a long distance since he knew, and perhaps Kirlia knew as well, how bad he was with the sniper rifle he loved to carry around.

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 06:35 PM


Kirlia could only chuckle in amusement as she watched their patrolman. "you act like you have never seen a female before, and for your information i didn't "sneak" up on you, i walked, just like normal, its not my fault you weren't more aware."

speaking softer, she continues. "As to your firing, good thinking, as it is, I am under the impression that we are going to need to do a supply run soon, especially for gas, the generators are getting low."

Turning way she walks back into the building her steps again silent despite the hollow hallways and the echos they often elicit. making her way to the conference room she compares notes with several more people, dealing with the now everyday issues of survivors and strangers together in the same building, with one question sounding in her mind "Why are we immune?"


Fitria sighed as she looked upon the sky scrapers of new york. she wasn't sure of where to start looking for survivors, or if her coming here was such a good idea anyways. she had been on the road the past week or so, the masked numbers, as well as stops needed for rest and food lengthening it considerably.

Supposing that she could do nothing but head in further she decided to head to the hospital figuring that that may be a good place to start her search as while there may not be people there there may be some clues all the same.

Gunning her engine she started towards the hospital building that she could see in the distance, not realizing that it was occupied, nor thinking that she may be unwelcome, only thinking of her desire to start her day before she found a semi-safe place to lay her head for the night.

MintyRey is offline
Old 05-06-2011, 09:24 AM

'Never seen a female before. Hah!', the blue haired patrolman thought sarcastically after Kirlia had gone back in. 'More like you've never seen a shirt before.' Still, he couldn't help but reminisce on the first couple of times he discovered their leader's surprising sunbathing habits. The blonde was definitely a looker, he would give her that, and even after he was used to her going topless, her well endowed-ness always distracted him from whatever he was doing. It nearly got his arm broken at one point.

After a few more minutes of nothing happening, Mickey decided it was time to move to another part of the roof and scan other streets. Just then he heard a faint sound. At first he thought it was the roar of an angry Masked that was approaching, causing him to duck down and frantically look around. But as he listened, the sound became more and more familiar. 'Is that... an engine?'
It didn't surprise him when he finally saw a speck in the distance fast approaching. Without wasting another second, Mort grabbed the radio at his hip. "Hey Sumu, guess what? We got ourselves a survivor.", he reported before standing up and waving at the rider to get their attention.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-09-2011, 09:51 AM

"Morons." He muttered as he slipped in through one of the back entrances of the hospital. A young girl slung over his shoulder as if she were nothing more than a sack of potatoes. Alice didn't hesitate in handing her off to the first anti-masked group member that came to greet him. Or rather, scold him about using a door that was supposed to remain locked. Alice ignored that man and moved towards the stairs.

Nearly taking them two at a time he hurried his way up to the roof. He didn't like being in the hospital, and he didn't like being around a lot of people. The roof was nice, there just seemed to be more room and air up there. He ran a hand through his white hair just as he stepped out onto the roof. Grey eyes first found the blue haired patrolman with the sniper rifle. He was sure the young man's name started with an M or something. It didn't matter.

As Alice drew closer to the young man, he imagined he heard the roar of a vehicle. His suspicion confirmed when the blue haired boy began waving. He quickened his pace, coming to stand next to that young man in mere moments. Eyes narrowed at the fast approaching speck and he groaned lightly. Great. Just what they needed. More people. It was bad enough his conscience wouldn't let him leave innocent people out there, but now it seemed people, or a person, was doing a good job of finding them on their own. He gave the young man next to him a sideways glance, but remained silent.

Last edited by Kry; 05-10-2011 at 07:43 AM..

MintyRey is offline
Old 05-20-2011, 07:18 PM

"Sumu? Did you hear m-?", Mickey asked but stopped after noticing something out of the corner of his eye.

Once again, the blue haired patrolman nearly suffered a heart attack as yet another person had managed to approach him with the stealth of a panther. Mort had instinctively jumped back to distance himself from a potential threat before calming down after realizing who it was. "Doesn't ANYBODY around here know how to make a SOUND?!! Even a simple 'Hello' or 'Hey' would've been nice!!"
Mort didn't expect an answer from the man in blood red and black. Most of the Anti-Masked knew him to be somewhat unsociable. Difficult to get along with at times, too. But he was against the Masked and he helped the Numbers so Mort considered him an ally.
"So," Mickey D sighed as he checked on the motorist's whereabouts, "What brings you to town Mr. Lone Wolf? Short on knives?", he joked.

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 05-21-2011, 03:49 AM

"you know your not suppose to keep the button pressed down if your going to use the radio to yell at me..." Kirlia's voice quipped the dry tone sounding even drier through the radio. "get their attention as quietly as possible, and let them know where to go" it was obvious she couldn't hear the motorcycle coming yet.

pausing momentarily to listen to the person who had greeted Alice at the door she adds through the radio. "and let Alice know i would like to see him please." she wanted to get his report of the area and his travels, as she wasn't suppose to go outside... though she still liked to do so every so often.

The waving person on the hospital building in front of her was a great visual aid in letting her know that she had the right building though the masks that she passed in the ally ways noticed her as well. driving her motor cycle as fast as she could she headed for the building dodging abandoned cars that are left on the side of the road.

roaring into the drive way she quickly dismounted and pulled her weapons off as well. before running into the hospital.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 04:17 PM

Alice had almost smiled when he realized he had startled Mickey or whatever the kid was calling himself today. He was sure that boy had more than one name. Mort, Mickey..whatever..Alice didn't really care what the young man's name was. He shook his head slightly letting out a light sigh. "You should always be aware of your surroundings.." He looked towards the motorcycle, watching it for a moment before he turned.

He had heard Kirlia's voice in the radio, but he took his time in turning and heading back towards the stairs that would take him into the building from the rooftop. He took his time, but still it didn't seem to take him very long to find her. A rather bored expression on his face. Really there wasn't much to report, he ran a hand through his hair and waited for her to speak first.

MintyRey is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 06:32 PM

"I'm pretty sure I was aware of the fact that you weren't anywhere on this roof a moment ago." Mickey retorted. Whether or not his companion heard, he never found out for the white haired man had left without a word.
Mickey massaged his eyes before resuming his surveillance duty. The last he had seen of the motorist was when he, or she, had reached the building so he assumed whoever it was had already gone inside. The patrolman knew he couldn't just up and leave his post to satisfy his curiosity so he relied once more on the radio at his hi-
"Oh." Mickey had just realized he still had his radio in his hands with the push-to-talk button still pressed down.
"Hey Sumu. Just wondering if the new arrival got in." He finally let go of the button only to press it again immediately afterwards.
"And Alice should be with you soon if he ain't already there."

When he had finished, the patrolman placed the radio next to him as he hunkered down by the edge of the roof.
For a while the streets remained quiet. Nothing but junk rusting vehicles on the road and no sign of movement in the buildings nearby.
It was sunny. The weather would have been something that the people of New York would have enjoyed if most of them weren't monsters or dead. The sound of birds chirping in the overgrown trees had often been portrayed as something one would normally hear in post apocalyptic scenarios. At least the ones where only humans were wiped out, that is. But this story was different and the cataclysm affected the animals as well as humans. If any chirping bird landed anywhere near him, the purple eyed teen would ensure that it was promptly shot. He wouldn't want to take any chances.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 04:14 AM

Kimika walked into her car, happy to be on her way to her to Fairway Bank, where she worked. She closed her car door, and ducked down to grab her purse, which had fallen under the seat. She needed her keys to start the car. When she popped back up, she noticed something with a black face walking toward her car a few blocks down. Probably about 5. She felt her heartbeat quicken and her skin tighten, and reached back into her purse to grab her gun. She peeked out of the window, happy to see it turn a corner and go toward the hospital. She sighed relief and started her car, then went on her way to Fairway, which was located on the better side of New York. It was the side closest to Canada. She didn't mind the 2 and a half hour drive each day because for a total of 15 hours a day, she felt safe and not like she was about to be brutally murdered by blood-craving monsters. She drove and drove until she was safely out of the town.

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 05:28 AM

Kirlia was quietly thinking of a way to solve a water purifying problem when Alice walked in. "so?" Kirlia didn't waste time with formalities, as she wasn't fond of them anyways. "have you got an estimate of what we're facing out their, or any spots with supplies that we may commandeer for our use?"

She was now partially covered in her normal attire, bandages wrapped tightly as she stood up and grabbed her sword. she had just heard over the radio, though it was low so that she could listen to alice, that a new civilian had shown up. "probably bringing a whole crowd of masked ones as well." she thought frowning slightly.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 04:51 PM

Alice leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. "There are a few doctor's offices downtown that could possibly be raided for medical supplies." He had shrugged. "There's more of them now than just a few days ago. It's as if they're all gathering here for some reason." Alice wasn't sure why they would gather there, but it was still a little unsettling. Alice didn't sound unsettled though, he sounded bored, as if he really didn't care. "Maybe they've learned how to get organized? Good luck raiding for supplies, there were a lot of them wandering the downtown area, but I couldn't find the main group." Well that was really all he had to report, his expression seemed to say 'are we done yet?'

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 09:45 PM

Kimika walked into Fairway in her cheery mood, as she usually did, and sat at her desk, ready for work. She heard the door open and the bell attached to it rang. She peeked over her cubicle wall, seeing her co-worker Jonathan walk in. She heard the bell ring again, eager for it to be a customer this time. She shuffled in her purse for a breath mint and peeked over the wall again. Something with a black mask over it's face was walking fast toward Jonathan. She grabbed her gun shakily and went under her desk, watching their feet under it. Jonathan screamed for help, but was silenced by the hands clawing at him. Kimmy heard a loud thud and noticed his body was now on the floor, mangled, his nice blue suit burgundy with blood. She watched as the feet wandered the room, away from her cubicle, then back next to it. She held her breath and breathed as quiet as possible, trying not to make any noise at all. The footsteps became more rapid and walked past her desk, and to the door. The bell rang and she heard a woman scream. She peeked under the desk. It was one of the regular customers, Allison. She could only see the feet, but she heard the whole thing and began to cry silently. She heard the bell ring again and realized the masked thing had left. She stayed under her desk for a minute or so more to make sure it was gone, for she knew how stealthy the things could be. She looked again for feet, wondering why this had happened as she sat back in her desk. She looked out the window and almost screamed. Down the road, across the highway, were 2 more monsters. She grabbed her gun and purse and went into the back room. She put a chair up to the ceiling and climbed up into the vent, which was very easy for her because she was slender. She kicked the chair over and climbed into the vent all the way, then sat and watched through the grate beside her with her gun held next to her heart.

MintyRey is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 06:08 AM

Mickey stifled a yawn before surveying the streets again. Except for the motorcyclist who had just entered their base, nothing else occupied the road. Nothing living anyway. For a while the blue haired lookout had hoped that the newcomer was just the first of a group of survivors. That maybe she was just ahead of a caravan searching for a safe haven from the Masked. It was often the case before that they would find groups of people whenever a vehicle was involved. But that was becoming a rare thing lately.

Lazily, Mickey let his purple eyes wander, tracing the surrounding sidewalks with his gaze towards each of the closest intersections. Still nothing moving, unless you counted the lone piece of paper that had just been whisked away by a rare breeze. This was just fine by him. No monsters and no worries. Soon he decided to move on to another side of the roof. 'Nothin' on this side either...', he thought, looking at each defaced building that stood across from the hospital. Most of the windows closer to the ground were broken, but those that were higher and out of the infected's reach remained intact. They were now all grimy and dusty though. With no one to maintain them, every glass window and door was smudged with dirt and unwashed blood. Mickey was used to the sight by now and thought it best to return his attention to the roads. Yet something made him do a double-take.

The youth quickly turned back to an empty boutique that stood at the corner of one of the crossroads. Mickey paused for a moment, trying to figure out what was off, what was wrong with what he was looking at. Then he realized it. The reason he had been staring at the ravaged store's entrance was because the door was moving. Even though it was slow and already winding down to a stop, the patrolman was certain the shop's revolving door would be too heavy to shift with just a breeze.

Immediately, he reached for his two-way radio to relay his findings, not once looking away from the abandoned boutique. "Hey, uh, Sumu? We might have something here on the North side..." Once more, the teen lowered himself by the hospital roof's edge and set up his sniper rifle. Using the scope again, he peered inside the building from the broken display case. Finding nothing, he looked through the next and the one after that. 'I wish the rain actually washed any of that dust off.' Trying to peer through the ones with unbroken glass was difficult since they were now decently opaque. Unfortunately, Mickey could not find anything conclusive from where he was. Somebody might have to go in and check things out.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-02-2011, 11:41 PM

Kimika looked out of the vent again. She saw nothing. She continued to look until she heard the bell to the front door ring. She held her breath, knowing it could be a Maked one. But she knew it could only be one because 2 or more would've already gotten into a fight. She heard whatever that was in there walk around. She heard it walk very close to the door of the back room. She felt her heart pound from lack of air. She heard the door open and she moved her head away from the vent. The thing, whatever it was, came into the room. She heard it come closer, until it was directly under her. She felt her skin tighten. "Hello? Is anyone here?" She heard the thing ask. She looked through the grate. It was Lisa, her co-worker! She whispered through the grate and told her to come through the vent the way she had, but to first turn all the lights off in the back and lock all the doors. Lisa did. Then she came into the vent. Lisa already knew what was happening because she'd gone through the same thing. "I have this gun." Kimika said, just as there was a pounding against a wall. She stopped breathing once again and closed her eyes when she heard glass break. This was definitely a masked. She heard grunts all the way till it twisted the knob to the door of the back room. Both girls held their breath and moved away from the grate before the monster came into the room. It busted the lock and stumbled in, heaving and sounding frusterated. Both girls were still as statues.They heard rapid breathing. Then, they saw the top of a black head pass the vent. Tears escaped Kimika's eyes as she clutched her gun. The Masked walked past the vent again and this time, looked up. It saw Kimika's finger, which was over the tip of the corner of the grate. It screamed and lunged at the grate, right as another window broke at the front of the shop.


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