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Evicted Element
Evicted Element is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 08:42 AM

To break the chains that hold us down. To break the sky that sets our limits.
Reach out to INFINITAS.
Take hold of your infinite potential!

-INFINITAS Institute Motto

A school that sets no bar, that takes any and all students that will pass through its' doors, that works to free the people of the limitations placed on our human bodies. At INFINITAS Institute, the word "limit" has no meaning. It is merely an excuse to not live up to one's own expectations or pursue one's goals. It is a word that is immediately forgotten after the opening ceremony, a goal set to be broken over the course of the ten months that the school's education takes place.

INFINITAS Institute gives a student all the basic education, while also teaching something that is unique to them; release. The human mind sets limits on the body in order to keep from destroying itself from strain or tearing itself apart. INFINITAS' core program is to teach the students release from such limits, as well as how to strengthen their bodies and minds to the point where they are quite capable of straining their bodies that far, and perhaps further. That is the point of this school; to break those self-imposed limitations so that students can rise to any occasion without having to waver for fear of weakness. So that they know that any breaking point they reach is only themselves holding back.

This kind of education does come at risk, however. In keeping in-line with the limitless teaching's, the school also proposes several challenges to students. Sometimes these count as exams, other times they can be pop quizzes. The risk is still very real. The Institute gathers dangerous beasts for students to tackle as well as trials for students to prove themselves in. Luckily for the students, teamwork is allowed, and in many cases it is promoted. For things like these, students can be graded based on their time taken to succeed, the manner they use to pass, how well they cooperate with each other, and more. One thing is certain. By the end of the year they will have learned that there is no goal they cannot achieve on their own, or with each other.

All RP'ers interested in this roleplay can send their character profiles to me via PM, I'll be glad to check it over before approving it, please don't be offended if I ask for some corrections to it. Once it's accepted I'll post it up here in QUOTE tags after notifying you.

The setting of the RP will begin at the opening of the school, just before the ceremony. All students will be gathered in the front yard of the school, waiting for the doors to be unlocked so that they may enter and be welcomed. The time is a few minutes before noon, at which time the school will have officially opened. The front yard is, obviously, in front of the school, it is a grassy area with a walkway from the front gates to the door. The school itself has a rather cheery look to it, designed to seem like a large manor out of the Victorian era. The entire acreage beyond it is filled with other buildings ranging anywhere from dormitories (split by gender) to colosseums where students will fight the dangerous beasts held by the school.

1.) No godmodding. Pretty elementary in roleplaying, by this point.
2.) Please be literate. Many a joke can be made from misspelling words, but it only takes one mistake to turn "clock" into a dirty joke that is rather unnecessary...I'm not saying you should be as perfect as a computer at your spelling, punctuation, and other elements of grammar, just stating that it's nice for you to be understandable.
3.) Be. Considerate. Of your. Peers. I understand this is hard when one person has a rather irritable character, or perhaps when OOC problems begin to leak into the story. This is not the place to be carrying these problems over, as it can also drag other people and characters in unnecessarily.
4.) No over-powered characters, please. The point of this is for students to be learning to break the natural binds the body puts on itself. Thus, magic or super-human physical capabilities are not allowed (to start off with), the same can be said of weaponry that have more than natural abilities.

(Fun fact: Did you know that the muscles in the human body are actually strong enough to pull themselves off? That is why the human mind constricts you and holds you back from straining your body too hard, because those muscles can actually pick themselves up and walk off on ya.)

(NPC's to be added at a later date)

Template is as follows (bold coding included):
Username:(YOUR name)
Character Name: (CHARACTER name)
Age: (Please stay between 15~19)
Gender: (Male or female, please)
Physical Description: (Please describe your character's body, height is necessary, weight is not. Be very thorough, describing complexion, hair, eyes, etc. Anything you can imagine. No pictures, please.)
Apparel Description: (Describe your character's clothing and/or choice of attire. Accessories will also go here. No pictures, please.)
Personality: (While every character is obviously unique, it would be nice to see how your character acts or reacts. This will define your character in many ways, so please be creative and in-depth.)
Brief Bio: (A paragraph or more describing the past experiences of your character, no limit to how long it can be but I ask for a paragraph at least. It doesn't even have to be very in-depth, as long as it makes sense and gives your character a backstory)
Weapon of Choice: (Also a defining characteristic of your character. Their weapon of choice will determine what sort of weaponry they prefer and what kind they are proficient in, as well as the kind of weapon that a student will have on their person when they enter school. Be aware that many a weapon can be a hybrid, as long as it's not ridiculous. Ex: nunchaku that contain missiles in their handles, that's a big no. Also, guns. A gun will be given more restrictions than a melee weapon. Melee can easily be reprimanded by exchanging for a wooden weapon, while guns will instead be carrying paint rounds; this is for student vs. student combat. Monster combat will be having the actual weapons you brought with you. Students are limited to bringing ONE weapon.)

Staff (NPC List; WIP)
Character Name: Altman Miles

Age: 56

Gender: Male

Occupation: Headmaster of INFINITAS Institute

Physical Description: Standing in at 6'11", Altman is almost considered a giant among his staff and students. To say his height is the only thing about him that is eye-catching, however, is a joke. Even for his age, Altman's body is built like a titan; broad-shouldered, strong foundation, and more muscle mass than one might think possible. The man's eyes are a dark green that carry the calmness of experience and power about them, both things he can prove by his amount of hidden war medals and scars that mar his large body; one of which sits prominently along his left jaw. His hair is pearly white and cut into a military-style, high and tight. His skin is darkly tanned from old age and his constant workouts in the sun whenever he is not carrying out an act of authority over INFINITAS.

Apparel Description: The robes of the headmaster are dark blue with gray trim, but Altman decided to add his own kind of adjustments to them; spaulders cover the shoulders, along with a breastplate over the torso. Both sets of equipment are made of a very thick and heavy metal, specially made to handicap Altman's physical strength; something which he was all too happy to accept as he believed he could grow stronger by dealing with the suppression. The robes themselves reach down to Altman's ankles and fit tightly over his torso and biceps, seemingly adding emphasis to his already apparent muscular build.

Beneath the robes he dons a more casual set of apparel. A long-sleeved black shirt along with sweatpants of the same color. He also wears a set of boots that carry metal soles. Two sets of dog tags dangle from his neck, one adorned with his name and information; the other set bears the name "DOMINUS PARKER".

Personality: Upbeat and enthusiastic for his age, Altman takes in life at a glance and easily finds a way to make it fun or challenging. Similarly, his teaching method is based upon making the objectives of his class into a game requiring some sort of physical effort or cooperation. Naturally, he is willing to step in should things get out of hand, or even provide a tip to those in need; but regardless he makes people do the work necessary to strengthen their own resolve or body strength and durability so that they may be able to withstand their own limitless power. His support in anyone affiliated, or attending, his school is adamantly strong; he will go to extreme lengths for them and does not pull a punch against anyone he deems a true threat to his establishment. Students and staff are his first and foremost priority.

Even with his level of heart, however, Altman has a serious side that is rarely seen. Be warned if one ever spots the headmaster in his darker moments, he is not to be trifled with or joked about as his normal demeanor, but to be feared and wary of. His temper becomes short and anger explosive, Altman is capable of all sorts of devastation with his titanic power, though he will try to withhold himself in front of a person he knows does not understand; even tolerance can be worn away.

Bio: Altman is a man who has lived his early life in earnest paradise. Kind, dedicated, and well-liked to anybody he met, Altman was thought to be a paragon to his peers for reliability and charisma. He frowned upon under-handedness and tried to live his life the way he thought was the least troublesome while still retaining a sense of challenge and fun. With his view on life, he grew to be a humble and gentle man who worked for what he wanted and got exactly what he intended. By the time he was age 23, he'd already married a good woman and had a newborn son. Happiness was his goal in life, and he had achieved just that.

The one thing that seemed to tug him away from it all was the military. His country had been at war, and as a military reserve, he was being called in as things were getting bad on the front lines. He left his wife, son, and family to serve his country. Yet, by the time he had made it to the front, the war was already reaching its end; and his side wasn't on the winning end. His platoon had been sent too late. Their arrival was met with soldiers who had lost their morale and their commanding officer, a hopeless rabble that were low on munitions and at the end of their rope.

One of Altman's squad mates, a man by the name of Dominus Parker, rallied them. He yelled, directed, and preached his beliefs; beliefs that were about the human body holding itself back to preserve itself. He talked about how the mind gave us pain so that we know when it was time to stop pushing ourselves, that if we were to push our bodies further, they would rip themselves apart. Dominus taught them to push past this pain when the time called for it; to ignore the pain while they pushed further so that they could achieve their goals. Altman was moved by this man's power, as were the soldiers who had lost their morale.

The forces began to push back, Dominus at the head with Altman at his side. They pushed themselves beyond their breaking points every battle until the tides were turned, and the enemy's forces were beginning to cede. Men who had lost hope and meaning, rallied under Dominus' leadership, took up their weapons and roared in the face of the reaper as liberation reached them. And for those times, people felt safe and strong again. That was when Dominus had been overtaken. His death made people stagger. It made them question if their chances had been lost because of their leaders' death.

Altman took up the lead then. He tore Dominus' dog tags from his neck and wore them beside his own as he rallied the soldiers. Altman continued to preach Dominus' beliefs and teachings to his men, telling them that the only thing holding them back from their full power is their mental limitations. He pushed them forward, he paved the way to a victory in the war. And as the dust settled, he and Dominus were hailed war heroes, as were the men that followed him to hell and back.

Altman paid little attention to the glory and honor he'd earned, however. The moment he was allowed to, he took leave and headed straight home to his dear wife and son. Years passed, and he was deeply content with the life he'd led. Back to a happy home, with a family that had grown ever larger after he'd been gifted with another son as well as a daughter (his wife had been pregnant with twins when he'd left for the war), as well as his oldest bearing him a grandson, Altman had begun to feel a need to carry on what he'd learned of war and limitless possibilities to the next generation; perhaps even to prepare them earlier than what he'd been.

At the age of 47, Altman opened INFINITAS Institute, and took charge of the next generation's learning. He ensured he could provide any kind of challenge, be it mental or physical, to strengthen the students who attended and teach them what Dominus had taught his soldiers; limitless power by understanding that limitations were what the human mind naturally placed upon itself.

Weapon of Choice: Altman's brutal physical strength is his main weapon, and usually the only one he will ever need. However, with his time in the army, he has also gained high proficiency in all kinds of weapons ranging from blades to bullets to blunt strikers.
Character Name: Kyros Gate

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Occupation: Teacher at the INFINITAS Institute

Physical Description: Kyros is a skinny thing, and, standing at 5'5", he doesn't exactly bring the image of a dominating or authoritative figure to the classroom. What he seems to lack in stature, he more than makes up for in fearsome looks. His hair is a platinum blonde that is about shoulder length with an unruly style to it that he doesn't seem to mind, in fact he just lets it stay as it is when he wakes up in the morning. Kyros' eyes are another thing, brilliant blue in color and piercing in gaze, a fierce glare from them may leave more a mark than his blades ever could. His skin is pale and gives him a somewhat ghastly complexion, which almost gives him a sickly appearance.

Apparel Description: A white button-down shirt that is almost never seen fully closed, he constantly leaves the top button undone and his collar neatly folded. Black slacks that look a size or two too big for him are what he wears below the shirt, a black leather belt is usually seen holding them up as well and emphasizing his thin frame. On most days he can be seen wearing gray running shoes. A silver chain can be seen around his neck, but what it holds is almost always hidden beneath his shirt, hanging from it is a silver medallion that bears the INFINITAS Institute crest.

Personality: Though his rather unruly appearance may give the impression Kyros is a youth lacking in respect or authority, he is actually very respectful to his superiors of the institute, and is loyal to his employer and former teacher, Altman Miles; but beyond this Kyros can be seen as a deeply cynical person. He snarks at the slightest show of idealism, jokes about ethereal figures presented in religion, and claims to not give a damn about what ending his life will ultimately lead him to, as long as he can enjoy the ride through it. He is foul-mouthed, calculating, and aggressive to anyone who yanks his chain the wrong direction (both metaphorical and literal).

However, appearances do not hold up when in stressful moments. When presented with danger or the chance of loss of something important, Kyros is the first to step forward and incapacitate the source. This trait carries over into his teaching, as he does present challenges to students in a manner that leaves them hopeless, but supports them through it. Should they truly fail to push forward though, he immediately ends the challenge through whatever necessary means ranging anywhere from pulling the plug to slaughtering the threat. The student may not like him very much after this kind of incident, though.

Brief Bio: A past student of INFINITAS Institute, as well as one of its most memorable alumni, Kyros is the epitome of the word "prodigy". He excelled in every class, worked tirelessly through every challenge, studied until the day became his night. He achieved every goal he set for himself, and more, claiming that everything was too easy, and, by the end of his education, demanded to Altman himself that he may become a teacher under the reason that he believed a school that teaches people to overcome their "limitations" should be more difficult than what he experienced. Altman just grinned at the, then 19 years old, Kyros and gave him a teaching position on the spot.

Classes he taught from that point on were almost unbearably difficult, but whenever a student was against the wall, he stepped in. Kyros was a merciless teacher who tore students from their pride and arrogance, their naive beliefs that anything was possible; and then he taught them that anything was definitely possible, as long as they were willing to break themselves along with their limits. None of his students were happy to go through his classes, but all of them were the strongest INFINITAS Institute had offered to the world. As such, Kyros Gate is seen as INFINITAS' worst and best teacher, with his biggest supporter being Altman Miles, who has also subjected himself to Kyros' teaching method, and claims to have become even stronger because of it (not that he was weak to begin with).

Weapon of Choice: Dual Katara. Both blades span one foot each and are triangular in shape, settled onto a horizontal silver hilt, the handle of which is covered by thick leather for comfort. The outer, dull sides of the blade are decorated with INFINITAS Institute's insignia. When not in use, they are laid in two leather sheathes on the back of Kyros' hips. His proficiency also extends to throwing weaponry such as knives or needles (senbon), but he rarely uses either of these unless necessary, and even then he might not have them on his body.
Character Name: Prose Nova

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Occupation: Teacher at INFINITAS Institute

Physical Description: Prose is a rather tall woman, standing at 6'2", and probably holds truer to the image of a normal teacher than her colleague, Kyros. Her skin is lightly tanned, giving her a rather healthy complexion. Her hair is brunette with a wavy texture, cut up to her shoulders with her bangs pushed to the side as not to obscure her vision. Her eyes are a rather bright shade of amber, and in the sun it can seem as though they radiate a subtle glow. Prose's breasts are rather modest, but they aren't exactly flat; she's rather proud of this, as she believes that it would only be a distraction in her line of work. A distraction to whom, is another question entirely.

Apparel Description: Prose is normally seen wearing, on duty, a skin-tight, black catsuit beneath her clothes. On top of this, of course, she wears a white button-down shirt with a tie that is embroidered with INFINITAS' logo. For legwear she chooses a set of ripped and torn, faded jeans over a raggedy pair of sneakers. Off-duty she chooses clothes that are a bit more casual, yet neater, cleaner, and less easy to fight in; dark blue turtle neck, gray leggings, and peach colored snow boots.

Personality: Flamboyant, playful, and somewhat audacious(wip)

Brief Bio:

Weapon of Choice:
Shibuya Underground is a The World Ends With You roleplay forum owned by me and currently under construction. Feel free to drop in and sign up, I'll tell ya when it's ready :3

Last edited by Evicted Element; 12-11-2011 at 07:46 AM..

Evicted Element
Evicted Element is offline
Old 12-07-2011, 12:53 PM

To help keep the NPC list separate from the RP'ers profiles, as well as to make it easier to read and differentiate between the two sets, character profiles will be posted here.

Originally Posted by Aoi Kazuya
Username: Aoi Kazuya
Character Name: Evelyn "Acqua" Croisseux
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Physical Description: Standing at 5'7 1/2", Acqua has a slim body type with an hourglass figure, she also has a long torso which is accentuated with long legs. Her creamy complexion is clear and free of blemishes. She has naturally black hair but it never stays one color for long so may people are unclear as to what truly is her hair color. Her hair hangs to slightly past her butt and is cut into two layers with the upper layers ending at shoulder length while the rest falls to just past her butt. She normally parts her bangs to the left and ties the long part into two low pigtails. Her eyes are a pure hyacinth-violet color. She gives off the impression of being extremely delicate with her fragile-seeming frame. Upon her back and normally covered by her clothes is a large tattoo of feathered wings that covers her entire back, there is a second tattoo on her front of a phoenix, the head rests on her right shoulder and the end of the longest tail feather wraps around her upper left thigh.
Apparel Description: Acqua favors a punk/j-rocker style of apparel though she will oftentimes wear whatever she feels most comfortable in. She has five piercings in her left ear, two being cartilages, and three piercings in her right ear, which she also wears a cuff on. She often dons a pair of black framed glasses and wears rings on the pointer of her left hand and pointer and middle finger of her right hand.
Personality: Acqua is a sweet girl despite appearances. She tends to speak her mind in certain situations and doesn't always think before speaking, so she tends to regret her words afterward. If someone were to ask for her help, she's the type who would be willing to drop whatever she's doing to help. Sometimes she can be really childish, but she's an overall good person... though she can sometimes have a bit of a mean streak.
Brief Bio: Acqua was raised by her two older brothers. They protected her from anything that could have hurt her since she was their baby sister. The three of them had lost their parents early on and luckily the eldest, Kevyn, was old enough to legally adopt his baby sister, the second eldest, Erryck, was technically old enough to be on his own already. With their overprotective nature it made sense that Acqua would want to go to a school like INFINITAS. She hadn't really gotten the chance to test herself before.
Weapon of Choice: Chakram that are about a medium to largeish size (think Sun Shang Xiang from Dynasty Warriors or Axel from Kingdom Hearts). It's a perfect circle with a cross in the middle to hold onto. It's shape can be changed so that instead of having one continuous blade, the blade can be half a circle (this would be held by the unbladed side) or protrude from the weapon like spikes (back to the cross handle). The spike-blades can be detached. It's base is a black color with a white ribbon wrapped around the grips with loose hanging ends. The two ends are gathered and tied to a medium bell apiece with silver string.
Originally Posted by Lurika
Username: Lurika

Character Name:

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Physical Description: Her skin is fair, her black hair is short, only with the hair which is visible from front view is long. Her cyan eyes looks pretty serious, her eyes widen when she sees food. She is considered a little bit tall for her age as she is 5 feet and a half.

Apparel Description: Skyra likes casual clothes, so she usually wears a plaid pleated skirt, a white top with some tiny star patterns here and there, a sleeveless long black jacket that stretches all the way to her thigh, white knitted leg warmers which were knitted by her mother and black sneakers with white shoelaces. Occasionally wears her white cap. Sometimes, she will wear her watch.

Grumpy at times, Skyra is pretty serious when it comes to fighting. She smiles usually when there is lots of food to eat, she's a glutton. When she is around her friends, she sometimes does not show interest in some of their suggestions, but tags along with them anyway, and starts looking around like crazy for food stores when one of her friend says, "I'm getting hungry." She likes sitting with her parents to eat dinner together on the dining table.

Brief Bio: Skyra's father died when she was 3, her mother remarried to another man a few weeks after her father died. Her foster father is always travelling to other countries for work. While her mother always wanted to work as a fashion magazine writer, since she had amazingly great fashion sense, but she was worried about her daughter since no one could take care of her while she was working, so she sent her to the INFINITAS Institute to study.

Weapon of Choice: A Scythe, the scythe is pretty sharp and also has a black handle. She got it from her father, as her father told her to mother to keep it safe and give it to her when she needs it before he died. The scythe is being passed down for generations.


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