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Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 12-20-2011, 12:10 AM

Devante looked around the bathroom, his sandwich in his mouth. He remembered that he hadn't even checked his schedule yet and pulled it from his bag. He examined it closely.
Devante's Class Schedule
Social Studies
AP Writing
Home Economics
Spanish III
His schedule was way better than last year's because it only had one girly subject; home ec. Last year he had every girly class imaginable. Although, he did always have a date so that had been a plus. He leaned back against the cold wall and thought about all the cool things him and his friends had done, but quickly discarded it. He was never one to be nostalgic. He wished the bell would ring so he could stop worrying about how much time he had left to finish his food. He sighed and wondered why they didn't put a clock in the bathroom. It would be useful. People would know when they were about to be late instead of have to guess. He grabbed his cellphone from his pocket and went to his music, then let Beyonce sing his pressure away. Then realized that his phone had the time. He frantically went to check it, then frowned realizing that the time was a bunch of hours ahead. He closed his eyes and listened intently to the song again.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 12-20-2011, 10:37 PM

The day was going great. The girlfriend was happy and now her friends were happy. Well, they seemed happy to see him. That tended to be the story. Everyone loved to see him, but not everyone loved him. The look in Prisca's eyes said it all. He knew that she was going to be his step-sister, but that was about it. He wasn't quite sure how he felt about her, either. She seemed... stuck up and... annoying. But, since her father pleased his mother, he would play nice. Besides, doing any less was against his character.

Sighing, he wondered where Izzy was. Now, if only his best friend was around, then his life would be complete.

It was almost as if someone had heard his desire because, as soon as he thought it, a blonde-haired man was flinging himself at Roy. Arms wide open and a giant cheeky grin were plastered on the lad's face. "BUDDY!" he said planted a big, wet kiss on the male's cheek. "Dude, I missed you like crazy! LIKE CRAZY!!!!! Why do you never call me, hoebag? I swear, you hate me. This relationship will die if you don't put some love into it!"

"Glad to see you're as dramatic as always, Izzy." Forgetting about the girls, Roy turned and looped an arm around his friend before he rammed his fist into the blonde's golden locks. For those that didn't know it, the two were the best of friends. They had been for a while. Izzy and Roy practically grew up together. In fact, Roy was, according to Izzy's parents, their unbiological son. They were the ones that helped fund his motorcycle purchase. Long story short, his mother and Izzy's mother were best friends. It only made sense that the kids wind up loving one another, too.

Needless to say, the two were pleased to see one another. Just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, Izzy butted in. "Ashi, nice to see you! Oh, damn. Did my boy give you those flowers. What a charmer. I wish he would get me stuff. I guess he doesn't love me... le sob."

"Oh, can it. You know I love you. Love you with my whole... well, not heart since that belongs to Ashi, but I love you with my whole gut."

"It's empty... ya jerk." Shoving his elbow into Roy's stomach, he watched as his friend dry-heaved on nothing. "TWO FOR FLINCHING!" Pounding the male twice in the side, he smirked before he strolled off to his first class. "Love later."

"You mean later, love." Shaking his head, he sighed and waved good-bye to his friend. Turning back to the ladies, he let a sheepish grin slide onto his face. "He's quite the interesting character, isn't he?"

Turning to Cheri, he laughed. "How've you been? I haven't chatted with you in a while. Everything in tip-top condition?"

Last edited by Wavi; 12-20-2011 at 10:41 PM..

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 12-20-2011, 11:03 PM

"Ah, do I?" Soom tilted her head at Junsui's remark. It was true, everything in her life, no matter how bad it was, seemed to settle itself back down without Soom really doing anything. "If I can find a way to make things work out, then you can too."

Soom watched as students attacked each other with hugs after seeing them the first time in a while. Screams of joy and laughter filled the air, scaring away quite a few birds.

"SOOOOOOOOOOOOMIEEE!" A glossy-haired, makeup clad brunette jumped onto Soom and practically knocked her headfirst into Junsui.

"Hey! Watch it, Eva!" Soom scowled and rearranged her rumpled clothing. She hated it when her friends jumped in on her conversations with Junsui.

Eva jumped on the balls of her feet, clearly excited. "Oh my god ohmygodohmygodohmygod-- Oh. My. God." She had to take a deep breath before squealing out her next sentence, which was all jumbled together. "Oh my god, Soomie! So, like, oh my god, I had the best summer ever! Oh my god, so, like, these totally hot guys, like, oh my god..."

Soom blocked out the rest of Eva's incoherent ranting out from her mind and gave Junsui a "Yikes" look. "Uhm, Eva, darling?"

"Wait! I'm not finished! Let me talk! And so, like I said before somebody oh-so-rudely interrupted..." She continued to talk, not noticing that Soom gave an loud exasperated sigh. Sometimes she didn't even know why she bothered with people like Eva.

Roka is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 07:31 PM

Ashli's head snapped up when she heard Cheri's voice calling out her name. Immediately, she braced herself for the sure-to-come glomp, which, surprisingly, ended sooner than expected before Cheri found a new topic.

"Oh, these flowers? Roy got them for me," Ashli replied, nudging Roy's arm. Just as she opened her mouth to tease her boyfriend, his best friend, Izzy, decided to make his appearance. Ashli stifled a grin as Izzy went on in his own dramatic ways.

Forgetting about the boys, she turned back to Cheri and Priscilla. "What have you two been up to? Have you found Mr. Right yet, Cher?" she teased, poking at Cheri's stomach. "Am I going to be an aunt soon, or what?"

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 12-30-2011, 04:01 PM

A laugh escaped her when Izzy kissed Roy, but Cheri was soon distracted by Ashli. Turning to talk with her, she scrunched her nose when Ashli poked her. "What do you mean by that!?" she turned up her nose, "I'm a virgin." That was a complete and utter lie. She looked back to Ashli before sighing, "Mr. Right must live in a different state," she mumbled with a pout.

When Roy spoke to her, her attitude changed instantly as she smiled sweetly. "I'm great Roy," she started with a sheepish grin before turning to Ashli again. "Not everyone can be as lucky as you," she whispered before turning back to Roy. "I dated a guy over the summer," she waved it off, "but we had to break it off because of school arrangements." She left out the part about it being because he was a teacher here. She sighed again, "But I'm not worried, he wasn't really my type anyway."

Cheri wondered for a moment, what exactly was her type anyway? She really didn't have one. There was the type of guy Cheri dated, and then the type of guy she needed, and those were probably two complete opposites. "How have you been Roy? You and Ash get to spend endless summer nights together? Hmmmmm?" She drew out her 'hm', smiling, as she nudged at them both.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 01-05-2012 at 12:14 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-04-2012, 11:28 PM

The young woman rolled eyes warily after Izzy made such an abrupt, and rude, appearance. If Roy was a little annoying, this other male was intolerable! A shudder ran trough Priscilla's frame at a very frightening thought. As long as her step brother wasn't Izzy, the brunette thought she would be fine.

"Interesting might be an understatement," said Priscilla as she flipped her hair away from her face. Lapsing into silence again as the couple turned their attention to Cheri, the golden eyed girl sighed. This wasn't entirely unexpected, but it made her feel just a little bit lonely. She pondered interjecting herself into Ash and Cheri's conversation but decided against it.

Her mind was too full with horrific ideas of who her step-brother might be, and how the new woman in her father's life would be. She was expecting the worst. How could she not, when neither of them had made an effort to meet her or contact her? Of course her convincing father might have had something to do with that ... "My father is getting married to some woman I don't know. I'll be getting a brother, but I have no idea who he is."In the end, she had to say something! Though, her sentence might have been a little out of place, which mortified Priscilla. Cheri had told her about her exploits before, so she hadn't really been paying much attention to the conversation causing this rude slip up.

"I'm sorry, that was quite rude of me. Please go on and answer Cheri." A hint of pink tinged Priscilla's cheeks. She knew her friend didn't mind at all, but the other two were a different matter entirely.


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