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Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-17-2012, 06:21 PM

You didn't know it, but, back then, you pulled me from the darkness and helped me to see the light again....

There is not a day that goes by that I don't think you for your intervention, for your heroism, for your strength and stubbornness. Without you, I would have vanished, forever becoming one with the dust. Although, my mind never stops thinking about how I wish I hadn't happened into your life....

There is so much space between us despite how close we stand. Yours hands, though around mine, are still out of reach. Your heart, though it longs for mine, is locked within the pits of despair. Love. Will it ever mend the damage I caused? Will I ever draw forth the courage to explain it all? And, if I do, will you…

Leave me?

Closing the book, the white haired vampire rested his head against the headrest of his bed. Sprawled out on his stomach were wispy pieces of her rusty-colored hair. The sounds of a happily sleeping woman who was lost in thoughts of romance and the future filled half the room. The air that wasn't filled by her joy was plagued with his fear and selfishness. Losing her, after finally getting her, was going to be the hardest thing this vampire would ever have to face.

Gently, he set the pen on the end table, placing the book beside it. Tomorrow. He would lock it up in his personal file, forever feeling its heavy message on his heart.

One day. One day he would have to risk it all to confess it all. Confess that it was he that ruined her life and that it was he who destroyed her humble human life.

As his eyes began heavy, he slid into the bed beside the ginger, pulling her head to his chest. His chin was rested against hers as he wrapped one of his arms around her slender frame.

Tonight, as he sleeps, he would go back to the past that taunts him now. Serkan Sari, one of the most feared vampires of his time, would have his first tearful night, knowing that, in the morning, he would tell her everything - about the night that she lost her lover, the night she lost her friends, and the night she lost her family.

Eyes closed, the vampire drifted into a heavy sleep. The flashbacks of the past toyed with him, but they made the pains of reality all the more clear. If he truly wanted to be with her - Pepper Anderson - he would need to stop lying to her and hiding the past....

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-17-2012, 06:42 PM

No matter what life tries to take away,
there will always be someone there to wipe your tears,
even if they are the very one who caused all your pain

Today's story is about the past that defines the present that sets the future. Destinies intertwined, Pepper and Serk's first encounter would not be their last. But, little does Pepper know that Serk is the boy from her past - the boy that caused her best friend and crush to perish to the fangs of vampires.

The year is of no importance. The era in that we live in is scary and, quite literally, a fight for life. Beings known as vampires taunt the earth that humans live upon, threatening to convert all those that dare venture into their path. Although vampires are said to only come out at night, due to cloud coverage and low lighting during the day, vampires are able to roam the streets. Most, however, do keep a low profile since they are still at their weakest during the day.

Police and protection crews are throughout the city. Right now, today, vampires are at an all time low. The government has been doing a fantastic job wiping them out, or so they believe. Little do they know that the vampires have become faster, stronger, and wiser.

An ordinary week would soon turn out to be the worst day ever for one little girl by the name of Pepper Anderson. The bubbly young ginger of Lawrence and Cassidy Anderson would lose her childhood crush to the hands of greedy vampires, which caused her smile to fade and her eyes to go dull with sorrow.

But, before I reveal all that happens, let us jump back to the beginning of the week and start our story there. You will discover that Pepper is quite an amazing woman, despite all she's been through… this might be why Serk keeps her so close.

Nonetheless, enjoy our roleplay.

Original story origin and characters can be found here.

Last edited by Wavi; 05-17-2012 at 06:56 PM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-17-2012, 06:43 PM

Before our story begins, let us meet the characters. The characters in this post belong to the writer by the name of Wavi.
Characters When Pepper is Ten

Young Serk
Thirteen years of age
Vampire without any special powers or talents

Still fears all vampires and knows that his death is immanent.
Everyone seems to be after him, but why?

Zieke Parker
Thirteen years young
Human and Pepper's current love interest

Sweet and kind, everyone loves this boy.

Characters When Pepper is Sixteen

Young Adult Serk
Nineteen years of age

Still searching for his place in the world, but it now a millionaire, despite being a vampire. People are coming to respect him, but no one knows that he's a vampire... yet. After some time, though, he is confronted by a hoard of hunters and vampires who seek his blood. In a last ditch effort, his uncle shoves him from a tower, saving his life and helping Serk to discover his element - Ice.

Kyle Negshin
Seventeen years young
Human and Pepper's current love interest

A bit of a badass, Kyle is Pepper's new love interest and he knows it. He's strong, handsome, and loved by all. Too bad he's not interested in Pepper - he's too busy schmoozing on up with everyone else..

Characters When Pepper is Eighteen

Young Adult Serk
Twenty-one years of age

It takes a long time to earn his reputation back, but Serk finally has gained respect in the vampire world. Vampires fear him as do humans. He went from being a sweet and innocent boy to this cocky, perverted, SOB. Very few people can stand him. What changed him? No one knows.... All we know is that Calister and Naerro are at his side, always.

Youngish Calister
Vampire Butler

Cold. Calculating. Evil.

Vampire Assassin that works for Serk

He's actually worse than Calister. Because, unlike Calister, he doesn't feel anything at all.

Characters of the Present

Serkan Yavuz Sari

I am a bloodthirty vampire.

People call me Serk or Yaz.
I am twenty-seven years old.
I am male.
I'm a blood-craving, rustles vampire who has an affinity to ice. What other powers or specialties could I need?

‡ My story;

Insert an overused sob story here.

Bwah ha ha. Made you get all sad for nothing, didn't I? Tch, how pathetic. You humans are all the same. So weak. So soft. So... delicious.

Anyway, my life isn't really a sob story. I just felt like messing with your little head. So what is my history? It's simple. I was a human turned vampire. Wait. What. Yeah. My mother was a whore and she was dumb enough to get with a vampire. I popped out all human-like. The father (who we're assuming is the vampire that I look nothing like) got pissed and offed my mother (so there you have it, I wasn't his kid). Instead of killing me, I converted me as the rip old age of - JUST F***ING BORN. Couldn't even make it into the doctor's hands and he was slaughtering the world and turning me all vampire-like.

So my father (I like to call him that) decided to raise me since he offed everyone else. Only, he made one lousy father. So despite living with him, I was raised by his brother - cooler vampire ever. The two of us were pals. Did everything together.

We were out stalking the delicious little humans (that's you) one day and all was going according to plan. That was until the hunters corned us. Pinned against the wall, my uncle did his best to ward off the hunters, but he just wasn't strong enough (that and he was outnumbered). So in a last ditch effort to save my life, he shoved me out of the tower and tumbling into the snow-covered world below.

When the hunters came looking for me, they never saw me. Not sure how as they were standing RIGHT OVER ME. But, whatevs. When they eventually gave up as they figured I'd died, they went home and I decided it was time to escape my frozen tomb.

Ice shattered and I was free. Free like a bird, baby! Save for the fact that I was forever stuck with this pale-ass white hair. Stupid white hair.... According to father I was, quote unquote, "Given the gift of ice and thus given the curse of white [freaking] hair."

So there you have it. Did ya learn anything?

No. UGH. Why must you all be so idiotic.

Long story short. I have the power of ice on my side. I have BLINDING white hair and sexy red eyes that turn blue when I'm using my ice abilities. I'm a haughty, cocky, loud-mouthed vampire that loves getting into trouble. I steal, lie, and cheat. I am the greatest thing ever created. I have no weakness, save for the fac that I am vampire and thus allergic to both the sun and garlic.

Good? Good.


Last edited by Wavi; 05-21-2012 at 03:43 PM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-18-2012, 09:24 PM

The characters in this post belong to Esmme . . . throughout this particular roleplay, that is. ;)

When Pepper is Ten

Young Pepper
Ten years of age
A girl with the dream of living her life with her family.

Pepper is a spunky little girl who is known for making as many friends as she does mistakes. With her easy smile and bright red hair, she is quite the sparky individual.

When Pepper is Sixteen

Young Adult Pepper
Sixteen years of age

Still a smiling youth, Pepper carries an innocence with her that seems to never fade. She's still a spunky girl, but a bit more tempered by a firm and loving rule of her parents.

When Pepper is Eighteen

Young Adult Pepper
Eighteen years of age

Still in love with the world and her family, Pepper has found her place in life: with her friends, family, and recent crush.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 07:45 PM

His giddy boyish laughter could be heard for miles as he found himself engulfing the ginger with his arms. 'Tickle fights,' as they were so appropriately named, happened sharply every Tuesday at three o'clock. You would have though the freckle-faced girl would have learned the trick by now, but, like clockwork, she always wandered into the same alleyway where a chubby cheeked boy anticipated with glee as his 'victim' walked into his 'trap.'

Embracing her with his slender arms, the blue eyed child by the name of Zieke Parker planted an innocent kiss on the girl's cheek. Despite them both being too young to comprehend the hardships of love and the struggle of eternal happiness, they agreed to secretly get married one day. The boy of only thirteen years had even found a ring for future wife to wear. Although it was just a large o-ring from some ancient piece of machinery, it still had its sentimental value and worth. Why, poor Zieke had to best the beast the guarded the sacred jewel - a bloody fat squirrel.

"Pepper," he said while pushing his nose into her cheek, "you're a silly!"

He simply adored this girl and all that she stood for. She was cute, funny, charming, and, most importantly, his. Friends since their beginning Zieke couldn't imagine life without the girl. It also helped that they were neighbors and that his father worked in her parent's bakery. But, still, perhaps the two kiddies were meant for each other. Although, in this cruel world, most were lucky if they could make it out of the womb in one piece. Why? Vampires, of course. The planet had fallen to the ravenous fangs of the nighttime hunters.

It had been a while since the vampires had ventured into their part of town, but the two kids knew to stay in the sunny sections of town on the off chance a bloodsucker did wander his way onto their turf.

His eyes flicked to the sun for a moment, which brought a smile to his face. Each year it seemed as if the sun got farther away and that the clouds of darkness were just getting thicker. But, alas, the sun could still break through the darkness, allowing humanity to live on a bit longer - for now. But, who knows what would lie in the far future? The scientists of the time warned that if a solution wasn't found within the next twenty-five years, the earth would be coated in a layer of darkness. That, of course, would be bad for the vampires would roam day and night as there wouldn't be a day!

Last edited by Wavi; 05-25-2012 at 09:08 PM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 08:33 PM

Pepper squealed when she was "attacked." Of course she went through this alley every Tuesday. She would never miss the tackling, fun-loving little boy whom she met there at three. The girl laughed, her smile one of true happiness. Pepper twisted in Zieke's grip in order to tickle him in return. There was no way she was going down without a fight!

After a few moments of tickling one another furiously, Pepper finally found a kiss on her cheek. The ginger giggled, recalling the promise that this boy had made her. "One day, I'm gonna marry you." She'd said yes. How could she say no after watching him go for that ring? Its guardian, a rather large squirrel, had leaped at him. Zieke had barely escaped with his life, let alone the ring!

"A silly?" Pepper bumped her forehead against her friend's, smiling as she gave him a gentle push. "Well you're a stinky." Silly and stinky. Yup. That was them. "Momma got ice cream last night. Want some?" She was always so generous . . . it made her parents a bit annoyed, but they enjoyed knowing that their daughter was having a good time. Pepper didn't have many friends, but the ones she had were very special to her. Like Zieke.

Pepper grabbed the boy's sleeve, patting his dark hair back into place before grinning and pulling him in the direction of her home. "We can eat it on the porch!" With her t-shirt and jeans, she looked the typical little girl: add freckles and a long red braid, and you had Pepper Anderson. Her bright green eyes were always curious, and always full of a spirited fire that nothing could quench.

"Did you sneak out today, or are you allowed?"


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