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Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 04:19 AM

Ah, I see. ^^; I hope all goes well with whatever's making you nervous.

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Cardinal Biggles is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 04:33 AM

Thanks. I like things to go well too ;)

I think I've got all that I set out to update, updated.

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 05:58 AM

Username: Linnea
Haiku for You:
Rabbits everywhere
And there will always be more
When spring approaches

Username: Linnea
Haiku for You:
The crack of the bat
Cleats digging into the dirt
Yellow ball sailing

Username: Linnea
Haiku for You:
Melted snow dripping
Plippity plop on my head
Why'd I pack up hats?

Username: Linnea
Haiku for You:
Glittery snow fades
Into luscious green grasses
Winter is so soon betrayed

Username: Linnea
Haiku for You:
The first rays of sun
Summer is just about here
But first lots of mud

---------- Post added 05-26-2012 at 02:03 AM ----------

Username: Linnea
Haiku for You:
Small purple lilacs
You can smell before you see
A sure sign of spring

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 06:34 AM

I wrote a haiku in the car on my way to work! I'll have to nab it in the morning. Totally wrote it on a napkin while I was driving.

Kids. Don't do this at home.

And I love that snow one Linny. :D Ain't it the truth.

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 06:35 AM

thanks, woodster

wish is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 09:07 AM

Username: wish
Haiku for You:

trees no longer bare
breath escapes and eyes widen
yikes a butterfly!

Lost in a cloud

Jeannesha is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 06:32 PM

Username: Jeannesha
Haiku for You:

Bleak blustry blizzards.
Snow fades to reveal green grass!
Ah...springtime is here!

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Cardinal Biggles is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 12:20 AM

A wild Linny appears!

All updated, including Goddess.

Lost in a cloud

Jeannesha is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 02:04 AM

I wish we had lilacs here...

---------- Post added 05-26-2012 at 09:16 PM ----------

Username: Jeannesha
Haiku for You:

Feel the gentle rain.
Smell the freshness of new growth.
Spring is in the air.

Haiku for You:

Stop. What do I hear?
Birds trill their bright melodies;
The sweet songs of love

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 03:28 AM

Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles View Post
A wild Linny appears!

All updated, including Goddess.
i do appears! BAM!

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 04:34 AM

I didn't see that there was a limit, so I went ahead and made a few. XD

Username: Sizzla
Haiku for You:
The scent of springtime
Curtains softly billowing
A breeze on my face

Username: Sizzla
Haiku for You:
A life renewal
The cycle begins again
Time for a fresh start

Username: Sizzla
Haiku for You:
Six in the morning
Birds begin to sing their songs
Awake too early!

Username: Sizzla
Haiku for You:
The disc hits the chains
High-fives signal the round's end
Disc golf in springtime

Username: Sizzla
Haiku for You:
Zoom! like an airplane
Hands steady, controlling
A stunt kite does loop-de-loops

Username: Sizzla
Haiku for You:
The wind in my face
Music loud, I feel carefree
Take a springtime drive

Username: Sizzla
Haiku for You:
Skimpy jogging shorts
Ah, the freedom of airflow!
Sadly, far too short.

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Cardinal Biggles is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 04:43 AM

No limit, go ahead and post to your heart's content.

Last edited by Cardinal Biggles; 05-27-2012 at 08:15 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 10:49 AM

is there a deadline before the end of the event?

*will write a couple at least today if not*

"They call me.. MISTER Pig."
April is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 01:01 PM

I don't think so, Cora.

And, just an afterthought, some of the entries didn't follow the rules. XD

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Cardinal Biggles is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by Cora Lorington View Post
is there a deadline before the end of the event?

*will write a couple at least today if not*
Nope, the contest ends when the event ends.

Originally Posted by April View Post

And, just an afterthought, some of the entries didn't follow the rules. XD
At least someone was paying attention :lol: Thank you.

Edit: Updated.

Last edited by Cardinal Biggles; 05-27-2012 at 08:15 PM..

"They call me.. MISTER Pig."
April is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 08:38 PM

*Fake dramatic pose.* My soul could not rest until I said it!

Just kidding. <_< Um.. I.. I was just testing to see if you were paying attention! Yeah.

I'll be posting my entries in a bit. Also, does the rule "All haikus must be about Spring" also translate to "All haikus must mention Spring"?

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Cardinal Biggles is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 09:10 PM

They must contain references to things associated primarily with spring, I think is the best rule of thumb. If you were thinking about putting something in that would strike the reader as having more or as much to with summer than spring, best to hedge your bets, and leave it out.

Last edited by Cardinal Biggles; 05-27-2012 at 09:30 PM..

"They call me.. MISTER Pig."
April is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 09:14 PM

I see, that makes things much clearer, definitely. Thank you~

Is it okay if I post my entries and then have a separated section for "just for fun" haikus?

---------- Post added 05-27-2012 at 05:29 PM ----------

And if any of those "just for fun" haikus can count as an entry, please let me know. XD

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Cardinal Biggles is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 09:29 PM

It would help me out if you delineated which are entries and which aren't, yeah.

"They call me.. MISTER Pig."
April is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 09:31 PM

I'll separate them, no worries. And I'll take the liberty of putting the "[HIDE]" tags already so you don't have to. XD

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Cardinal Biggles is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 09:34 PM

You can do that if you want, but it's really not a hassle. I have to quote them as well as hide them, so I'm not racking up unearned gold while I submit entries. So, I'd have to edit it a bit anyway.

"They call me.. MISTER Pig."
April is offline
Old 05-27-2012, 09:40 PM

Whatever floats your boat, CB. ;D I've got sort of a lot though so you better be ready. XD

---------- Post added 05-27-2012 at 08:28 PM ----------


Username: April
Haiku for You:
Spring makes all rabbits
Set out to make more rabbits
To conquer the world.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
If I could only
Say one thing about Springtime..
I'd say two instead.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
If everyone here
Loved Spring as much as I do
They'd all be lying.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
Sometimes I hate Spring.
All of those darn mosquitoes
"Vant to zzuk yorr vlud!"

Username: April
Haiku for You:
If you want me to,
I will talk about flowers.
They're pretty. 'Nuff said.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
Of all the Seasons,
Spring, for me, is third in line.
Winter's first, then Fall.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
Love, pain, youth and age..
Animals, plants, color, rain..
All are gifts from Spring.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
The rolling thunder
During a Spring night's rainstorm
Calms my restless soul.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
If not for Springtime,
The Earth's flora and fauna
Would cease to exist.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
The young leaves of Spring,
Like small hands, stretch out to catch
Morning's priceless dew.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
Spring is sometimes late
And ne'er keeps important dates
But always comes 'round.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
The dragonflies rest,
Unaware of the danger
Of the fish below.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
Crowed the rooster loud and proud.
"Spring's first morn is here."

Username: April
Haiku for You:
The Red-Winged Blackbirds,
With their cries of "conk-la-ree",
Are first to greet Spring.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
An April Fool's joke
Can still sometimes be hurtful
Though meant in good fun.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
Vernal Equinox:
Day and night become equals.
Spring has now begun.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
Spring happens to be
Nalin's favorite season.
It's obvious why.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
Is there such a way,
Without being redundant,
To rave about Spring?

Username: April
Haiku for You:
When rabbits binky
Across a white-clover field
You know Spring has come.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
Oftentimes I wish
That Spring's end would never come
'Cause I hate Summer.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
In truth, "Spring Cleaning"
Is accurately defined:
"Moving stuff around."

Username: April
Haiku for You:
Say good-bye to Spring
Before it leaves us behind
In sweltering heat.

Username: April
Haiku for You:
Enjoy while you can
What's left of your Spring fever.
June Twenty's coming.

Haiku Just For Fun [Please count these as entries if you deem them fit, Cardinal Biggles.]:

Username: April
Haiku for You:
"Christmas in July?"
"Alas," Spring replied, "it's just..
Dear Summer's dandruff."

Username: April
Haiku for You:
What ho? Spring is here!
Let's break out the good china
And.. something.. something..

Username: April
Haiku for You:
China just for Spring?
Madness! 'Tis madness, I say!
Madness..?! THIS.. IS.. *TROLL.*
[Troll is used as a word. It's not as funny as I remember. XD]

Username: April
Haiku for You:
"Hey, Dad!" "HAH?" "Can you..
.. make a Haiku about Spring?"
"A Haiku? What's that?"

Username: April
Haiku for You:
"Mom!" "Yes, April, what?"
"Can you make a Spring Haiku?"
"Let me think.. Umm, no. >=D"

Okay, all done. <3

Cardinal Biggles:
Sorry about pinging you. I don't know if you'll see this in time. XD

Last edited by April; 05-28-2012 at 12:42 AM..


EirianHikari is offline
Old 05-28-2012, 12:49 AM

Haiku for You:
Spring moon's light shines down
River sparkles peacefully
Breezes blow the leaves

Username: EirianHikari
Haiku for You:
Roses blossom free
Scent whispers among the winds
Buds forever Spring


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